Our Sunday Morning Messages
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A talk show that discusses all sorts of ideas and topics, with a randomized assortment.
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Award-winning French photographer Brigitte Lacombe has been making portraits of notable people for over 30 years, as well as working as a special photographer for numerous iconic directors, including Martin Scorsese, David Mamet, Steven Spielberg, and Quentin Tarantino. In this discussion, moderated by Adam Gopnik, renowned staff writer for "The New Yorker," she’ll talk about her love of portraiture and her amazing career, and she’ll take a few questions from the audience.
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Rencontrez les deux réalisateurs du film "Derrière les Murs", Pascal Sid et Julien Lacombe. Le film se déroule en Auvergne en 1922. Suzanne, jeune romancière, interprétée par Laetitia Casta, décide de s’isoler à la campagne pour écrire son nouveau livre. Mais peu à peu des visions et des cauchemars font leur apparition tandis que de mystérieuses disparitions de petites filles sèment le trouble dans le village. La rencontre est animée par Christophe Knox depuis l'Apple Store Carrousel du Louvre.
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March 9, 2025 God's Faithfulness| Celebration of the sacrament of Baptism | 1 Samuel 1:27-28; 1 Samuel 2:1-10
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19:53Today we are celebrating the baptism of Pax, the newest member of our church family. We will reflect on 1 Samuel 1:27-28 and 1 Samuel 2:1-10, God’s Faithfulness. The birth of Samuel to Hannah and Elkanah came about after a long season of prayer to God. In Samuel’s birth, we see God’s faithfulness and presence, and how God can transform our grief in…
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Today we are celebrating GEMS Sunday. Our Bethel GEMS will be participating and leading us in our worship service on their theme for the year; Romans 12:1-2, Transformed. Paul calls us to not conform to the patterns of our world but to be transformed. We’re transformed by the renewing of our mind so that we become new people, focused on Jesus and a…
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February 23, 2025 A Hunger for the Gospel | John 6:35-51
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24:33Today we will wrap up our series on what we hunger for, by reflecting on John 6:35-51, A Hunger for the Gospel. Jesus gives us a picture of the gospel message in this short passage. Jesus gives life as the bread of life, he comes from heaven to claim his people and they will have eternal life. Jesus is both fully human and fully God and so he’s the…
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February 2, 2025 Lead the Way | Cadet Sunday | 1 Timothy 4:1-16
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27:39Today we will be celebrating Cadet Sunday. This year the theme of the Calvinist Cadet Corps is Lead the Way based on 1 Timothy 4:12. We will be reading 1 Timothy 4:1-16 to give ourselves the reason Paul is writing to Timothy and encouraging him to be an example to the church and not be discouraged if some look down on him because of his young age. …
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February 9, 2025 What Do We Hunger For: A Hunger for Truth | John 14:1-14
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27:08Today we will reflect on John 14:1-14, A Hunger for the Truth. Jesus tells his followers that he is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the way to God and the only way, the personification of truth, the center of life. But today many people ask the question that Pilate asks before condemning Jesus, “What is truth?” Many today believe we each cr…
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January 26, 2025 What Are You Hungry For? A Hunger for Belonging | Luke 7:36-50
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20:04Today we will reflect on Luke 7:36-50, A Hunger for Belonging. God created us in his image and God is a community within himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We’re not meant to be alone; this is why many people who find themselves on the outside of society or a group hunger for a place to belong, a place where they are accepted. But because of …
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January 12, 2025 What do we Hunger for? A Hunger to be Seen | Psalm 25
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23:35Today we will reflect on Psalm 25, A Hunger to be Seen. We live in an often harsh and critical world, and this can sometimes shape our relationship with God as harsh and critical. We all desire to be seen and valued or appreciated by others, especially those who are important to us. Loneliness has been determined to be the health crisis in our time…
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January 5, 2025 What Do We Hunger For: A Hunger for God's Blessings | Genesis 12:1-3
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28:59Today we will reflect on Genesis 12:1-3, A Hunger for God’s Blessings. When we read this important story of God’s call to Abram to trust in him and leave his country, people, and family behind to follow him to a place that the Lord was going to show him. The Lord promises to bless Abram and make him a blessing to all nations. Life is not always eas…
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December 29, 2024 Pay Attention to the Dreams: Dreams to Protect and Guide | Matthew 2
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29:19We are in the time of Christmas this week. We will be continuing our Advent theme Pay Attention to the Dreams. Today we will be reflecting on Matthew 2, Dreams to Protect and Guide. This is a hard story of evil. Herod sees the infant Jesus as a threat and seeks to murder him. God works through dreams to Joseph and the Magi to protect Jesus; leading…
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December 25, 2024 Pay Attention to the Dreams: Like Those Who Dreamed | Psalm 126; Luke 2:1-20
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22:19Today we will reflect on Psalm 126 and Luke 2:1-20, Like Those Who Dreamed. Psalm 126 is a Psalm of Ascent and reminds us to the return home from the exile during the time of Nehemiah. But the restoration is not complete. This points us to the coming of Jesus and his second coming when our dreams of the restoration of all things will be made comple…
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December 22, 2024 Pay Attention to the Dreams: The Rock that Really Rolls | Daniel 2:42-47; Ephesians 1:1-9; 3:2-6
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33:31Today is the fourth Sunday of Advent, we will reflect on Daniel 2:24-47, The Rock That Really Rolls. Daniel is an advisor to the king of Babylon; God has placed him in the center of power of the most powerful empire at the time. Daniel hears of dreams that have troubled King Nebuchadnezzar, and because his wisemen were unable to interpret them, all…
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December 15, 2024 The Way of Wisdom: Annual Children's Christmas Program | 1 Kings 3:4-15; 4:29-34; Luke 1:11-17
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1:02:44Today for the third Sunday of Lent, our children are leading us through their Christmas play. We will reflect on 1 Kings 3:4-15; Matthew 2:9-12; and Philippians 2:6-11, The Way of Wisdom. Solomon is king and God comes to him in a dream and tells him to ask him for anything he wants God to give him. Solomon chooses wisdom! Wisdom is found in recogni…
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December 8, 2024 Every Knee Shall Bow | Genesis 37:1-11; Matthew 2:9-12; Philippians 2:6-11
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29:36Today we will reflect on Genesis 37:1-11; Matthew 2:9-12; and Philippians 2:6-11, Every Knew Shall Bow. Joseph has 2 dreams where his brothers will bow down to him. This is not received well by his brothers or his father. Joseph ends up in a pit, then a prison, but is exalted to a throne in Egypt where he is able to save his family. Joseph foreshad…
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December 1, 2024 Stairway to Heaven | Genesis 28:10-22
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24:23Today we will reflect on Genesis 28:10-22, Stairway to Heaven. Jacob has left home after tricking his brother Esau out of the family blessing. Jacob knows that it is not safe for him to remain at home, so he heads out to family in Haran; the reason given is to find a proper wife who is not Canaanite. While on his way, Jacob rests for a night and ha…
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November 24, 2024 Food and Wine From the King's Table | Daniel 1
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37:37Today we welcome Pastor Gary Bomhof to lead us in worship. We will focus our reflection on Daniel 1, Food and Wine From the King’s Table. Daniel and his friends, as an act of defiance and as a commitment to the God of their fathers, refused the "food and wine from the table of the King". Today we partake of "the food and wine from the King's table"…
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November 17, 2024 Servant Leadership: Central Alberta Cadet Sunday | Mark 19:35-45
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23:58Today we welcome the Cadets from Central Alberta churches for our regional Cadet Sunday. The focus of our reflection will be on Mark 10:35-45, Servant Leadership. The cadet theme this year is focused on leadership and how even cadets can be leaders, no matter their young ages. We will be reflecting on how Jesus reminds the disciples that leaders se…
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Today we will reflect on Psalm 146, A God of Justice. Psalm 146 is one of the Psalms of Ascent, which the people of Israel would sing as they come up the road to Jerusalem. As they came close to the city they would see the temple, and near the temple, they would see the palace of the king. Psalm 146 reminds the people to place their trust in the et…
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November 3, 2024 Words of Life | Deuteronomy 4:1-8, Psalm 119:1-16, 25-32, 89-96
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31:07Today we will reflect on Words of Life, Psalm 119. Psalm 119 is unique among all of the Psalms. It is not only the longest of the psalms but also the longest chapter in the entire Bible! In addition, this longest of all Psalms has one central focus: the Scriptures. What insight did the psalmist have that compelled him to lovingly compose 176 verses…
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October 27, 2024 Teach Me , Reformation Sunday | Psalm 143
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25:31Today we will reflect on Psalm 143, Teach Me. In Psalm 143, the psalmist asks God for his mercy as his spirit is faint and his heart is dismayed. He meditates on all God’s works, he hides himself in the Lord, putting his trust in God. He asks the Lord to show him the way and to teach him how to do the Lord’s will. This Reformation Sunday, we will r…
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October 20, 2024 God: the Best, the Greatest, the Perfect Gardener! | Genesis 2:7-9, 15-17
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24:29Today we will reflect on Genesis 2:7-9, 15-17, God: the Best, the Greatest, the Perfect Gardener! God gave us the mandate to rule over everything he had made on Earth. This morning we will reflect on what it looks like to rule over what God has made. What does it look like to be a steward of God’s creation and what part of God’s creation may He be …
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Today we will give thanks to God for all his blessing through the year, and for the blessing of his presence during the difficult times. We will be reflecting on Psalm 66, Praise the Lord! In Psalm 66 we join the psalmist and all the earth in shouting for joy to the Lord for all the Lord has done for us, his people. As part of our service, we will …
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Today we will reflect on Psalm 91, Our Rescuer. This is another of those powerful psalms in which the psalmist is in awe of God and how God is always there for him as his rescuer and refuge. Psalm 8 gave us a “Wow!” look at God through creation. Psalm 91 gives us a “Wow!” look at God through how he is always there for us as our protector and saviou…
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Today we will reflect on Psalm 73, Losing Our Foothold. The psalmist is looking at the world around him and he’s puzzled. Why do the bad people succeed more than the good people, why do God’s people suffer while the evil people do really well? These are still important questions that followers of God still wrestle with today. The psalmist decides t…
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Today we will reflect on Psalm 46, Fortress and Refuge. Most of us, when we think of Psalm 46, think of the words, “Be still, and know that I am God.” It’s the context that makes these words so important. The psalmist amid uproar and chaos, and in spite, or even because of the chaos, he hears the Lord invite him to “Be still, and know that I am God…
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Today we will reflect on Psalm 27, Seeking the Lord’s Face. Psalm 27 is a psalm in 2 parts. The first part of the psalm is a hymn of confidence in the Lord, while the second part is a moving prayer for help. In this psalm, we see how the need for confidence and trust in the Lord helps us come to the Lord in times of need. Our prayers are important …
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Today we will reflect on Psalm 8, The Work of Your Fingers. In the middle of a group of psalms that focus on those experiencing oppression and powerlessness, comes this psalm of wonder and awe celebrating the majesty of God. We will also commission those involved in our children’s, youth, and teaching ministries in the upcoming church year.…
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Today we will be looking at Psalm 81, God’s Lavish Tough Love. This psalm begins with praise to God for who He is. It then moves into God talking about how He brought Israel out of Egypt and freed them from bondage and the burden of slavery. Sadly, Israel didn't obey God, but God still longs to fill their mouths and feed them with the finest wheat …
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Today we are beginning a new series: A Journey Through the Psalms. Over the next few months, we will reflect on various psalms and their themes. The psalms are written for worship and to give us words and ways to talk to God in almost any situation. We will begin our journey by reflecting on one of the most well-known psalms, Psalm 23, also known a…
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August 25, 2024 Signs and More Signs | Matthew 24:1-35
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13:14Today we will reflect on Matthew 24:1-35, Signs and More Signs. The Church has been fascinated with figuring out exactly when Jesus is coming back. We will take a look at a passage that many people turn to try to figure out Jesus’ timing. The problem is that even Jesus himself told his disciples that he didn’t know the time of his return.…
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August 18, 2024 The King is Coming! | 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11
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23:05Today we will begin a 2-week series on Eschatology. We will begin our series by reflecting on 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11, The King is Coming! This is the passage where the Bible talks about the rapture, in Greek the word is “Parousia”. But rather than coming to take us away, Paul tells his readers that when Jesus comes as King, we will go out to mee…
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August 11, 2024 Extending Grace to the Lost | Luke 15: 1-3, 11-32
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32:34Today we have the pleasure of Pastor Henry Steenbergen leading us in worship. The focus of our reflection will be on Luke 15:1-3;11-32, Extending Grace to the Lost. Often in this world, we can assume like the older brother in this parable, to be our own saviour. When in reality we need to recognize our need for God’s gift of forgiveness and how we …
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Today we will reflect on Isaiah 30:1-22, Judgement and Joy. Without judgement there will never be the joy. These are the two irreplaceable core elements of the Gospel. Jesus echo's these words from Isaiah in the Gospel of Mark, as he starts His ministry on earth, "Repent and believe the good news!" Just like King Hezekiah in the Old Testament, we n…
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Today Eddie Maguire from Central Alberta Youth Unlimited will lead us in a reflection on Hebrews 11:1-3,13, Commitment. When you make a commitment it is usually accompanied by the words “I will”. The words of Jesus in John 14:3, “I will return.” Many have committed to serving Jesus because of those words. In Hebrews, we see a host of people of fait…
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Today we will reflect on Hebrews 12:1-13, Run the Race Well. This past week we held our Athletes in Action Summer Camp. We will reflect on the authors use of a sports metaphor to encourage our faith life. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus as we are called to live our lives according to Jesus’ way.저자 Bethel CRC
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July 7, 2024 Covenant of Redemption Fulfilled! | Revelation 5
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29:59Today we finish our series on The Covenants by reflecting on Revelation 5, Covenant of Redemption Fulfilled! We enter into a vision given to John of heaven’s throne room, where we find the Lion of Judah who is also a Lamb, a sacrificial lamb. Before the Lamb is a scroll that no one can open, containing the history of the battle against God by Satan…
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Today we will reflect on Jeremiah 31:23-37, The New Covenant. Israel’s in captivity, slaves to a foreign power, far from home. The Lord comes to his people through Jeremiah and now offers hope and a promise of a new covenant. This is a new commitment that builds on all the previous covenants by placing it right in the hearts of the people. You don’…
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Today we will reflect on 2 Samuel 7:1-17 The Davidic Covenant. David is at peace; he’s brought the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem. But now, as he sits in his palace, he realizes that the ark is still in a tent. He wants to build a house for God, but instead, God’s covenant is to build a house for David, a house of descendants who will sit on…
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June 16, 2024 The Mosaic Covenant | Exodus 20:1-21; 24:3-8
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34:54Today we will reflect on Exodus 20:1-21 and Exodus 24:3-8, The Mosaic Covenant. Here God gives Israel the 10 Commandments and various other laws to shape Israel into his people. A people who will reflect him to the nations. God reminds them of who he is and what he’s done for them, leading them out of slavery and into freedom, using his power and a…
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June 9, 2024 The Covenant of Circumcision | Genesis 17
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30:29Today we reflect on Genesis 17, The Covenant of Circumcision. This covenant is made with Abraham where God promises to make Abraham the father of many nations. The Lord makes it clear that the child He has promised Abraham will come through Sarah, who will be the mother of the promised child, not Ishmael, who has just been born to the slave girl Ha…
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June 2, 2024 The Abrahamic Covenant | Genesis 12:1-9; 15:1-21
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32:09Today we reflect on Genesis 12:1-9 and Genesis 15:1-21, The Abrahamic Covenant. This is a two-part covenant of land and heirs; a promise to give Abraham an heir from his own body, who will live in the land the Lord is giving him. The Lord tells Abraham that his descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the night sky. A promise that God will p…
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Today we will reflect on Genesis 9:1-17, The Noahic Covenant. The Lord punishes the world for its evilness by sending a flood. God sees that Noah is righteous, so he calls Noah & his sons to build an ark to save themselves and the animals of creation. This flood story takes us back to creation and the Lord’s commands to Adam and his family: to be f…
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Today we will reflect on Pentecost; the great harvest feast of the Jewish people. We will focus our reflection on Acts 2:1-13, The Gift. On Pentecost, 50 days after Jesus’ resurrection and 10 days after his ascension to heaven, Jesus sends his Spirit to empower the church and to carry forward his last instruction to go make disciples. The Spirit gi…
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May 12, 2024 Last Instructions Before Going Home | Matthew 28: 16-20
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25:36Today we will reflect on Jesus’ ascension to heaven by focusing on Matthew 28:16-20, Last Instructions Before Returning Home. Jesus returns home to heaven 40 days after his resurrection from the dead. Jesus is going home to claim his crown as King of kings; to take up the authority he has been given and take his place on the throne beside God his F…
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April 28, 2024 For the Welfare of the City Celebration of Profession of Faith | Jeremiah 29:1-14
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20:13Today we are celebrating the Profession of Faith of 8 young adults as they commit themselves to Jesus and the church. Aiden, Rachel, Connor, Kayla, Torey, Conner, Brooklyn, and Kyler will profess their faith in Jesus and their desire to make him Lord of their life. We will reflect on Jeremiah 29:1-14, For the Welfare of the City; a verse that shape…
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April 21, 2024 A House of Prayer for All Nations | Isaiah 56:1-8
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23:30Today we will reflect on Isaiah 56:1-8, A House of Prayer for All Nations. This will be our annual prayer service and will incorporate prayers for various topics. In this passage from Isaiah, the Lord ties together justice and righteousness with keeping the Sabbath. Worship and right living go hand in hand in the Christian life. God is calling not …
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April 14, 2024 Rise Up: Lessons from Esther | Isaiah 40:28-31
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25:11Today we are celebrating GEMS Sunday, where our girls’ ministry will be leading many of the parts of our worship. We will reflect on Isaiah 40:28-31, Rise Up! Lessons from Queen Esther. Esther is a fascinating woman in Israel’s history, she goes from being an orphan to becoming the most powerful woman in the empire. Esther is called to put her life…
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April 7, 2024 I Will Sustain You: Celebration of Baptism | Isaiah 46
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26:17Today we are celebrating the sacrament of baptism . The family has chosen Isaiah 46 where God promises “I Will Sustain You.” God is speaking through Isaiah, reminding the people that he has upheld his people and carried them since they have been born, unlike the idols which have to be borne by beasts of burden or people. Rather than sustain idols, …
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March 29, 2024 Picture Jesus: The Lamb | Good Friday | John 1:29, John 10: 14-18
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51:33This year our Good Friday Service will be held at 7:30 p.m. on March 29, 2024. We will hold a Tenebrae service reflecting on John 1:29 and John 10:14-18, Picture Jesus: The Lamb. This is a service of shadows as we journey to the cross with Jesus. During this service, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper.…
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March 31, 2024 Picture Jesus: The Resurrection and the Life | Easter Sunday | John 11:25-26, John 20: 1-9
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22:47Today is Easter the high point of the church year! We will join with the universal church by rejoicing in Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. We will reflect on John 11:25-26 and John 20:1-9, Picture Jesus: The Resurrection and the Life. These are wonderful words of comfort & hope; knowing that whether we live or die we belong to Jesus. Through his …
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March 24, 2024 Picture Jesus: The King | John 12: 12-19
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21:00Today is Palm Sunday celebration we will reflect on John 12:12-19, Picture Jesus: The King. Historically Palm Sunday has been associated with Jesus’ kingship; however he was not the king the people wanted but the king that the people need. The Jewish leaders and the Romans felt threatened by Jesus as king. They mocked the idea of his kingship in hi…
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