High Performance - the podcast for real estate agents looking to dramatically increase their performance and productivity and take their business to the next level. Featuring the top real estate coach in Australia, Josh Phegan (voted by REB online) and number 1 real estate agent in the country, Alexander Phillips (voted by REB online). Each weekly episode Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips will share their tips and secrets into every step of the real estate business. Learn from the best in t ...
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This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on generating listings from every sale, which referrals are key, how to target marketing to specific customers for each property, and what to do next as soon as the sale is done.
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In today's podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss price reductions and what you can accomplish with them, getting new enquiries, what the vendor needs to see you do, and the marketing psychology behind what you call it and how you price it.
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This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on adapting to the conditions of the day, evaluating key points in the market cycle, and finding buyers who aren't yet in the market but might have the capacity to do something soon.
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In this weeks High Performance Podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk through what to do when you’re not getting what you want. Alexander discusses what he does to reset, how to get back to the core of what great agents do, and focus on your customers.
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In this podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss navigating conditions that impact the way people spend money, cheap money vs. expensive money, communicating value with buyers and sellers, and they show how to read and respond to market conditions.
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Alexander’s performance is like nothing else in the real estate industry. This week, Alexander and Josh talk about his Spring launch, with 41 new campaigns to market and six already sold in their first week on the market. It’s an incredible insight into how Alexander makes his market and chooses his timing.…
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This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on driving your competitive spirit, the role model approach, maintaining motivation, developing the competitive spirit and learning how to turn it on at will.
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In today's podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about age, profile, demographic and understanding the customer's situation, working with another agent to build rapport with the customer, and developing situational awareness for what you're walking into.
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This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on predicting markets, the influence of interest rates and why they rarely go low, why the current rate shouldn't delay purchasing property now, buying for the long term and working with seasonal markets.
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In today's podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about buyer work that works, getting good at buyer work, how the best agents do it, where agency training tends to fail, transferring buyers and turning past market appraisals into new buyers.
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This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on competitive drive and the desire to be the best, recalibrating when you're off your game, keeping a positive outlook, and using your numbers and customer feedback to improve your listing presentation.
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In today's podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about the three drivers for growth, which driver has the greatest impact, lead source generation and lead attribution, and building great customer relationships.
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This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on career turning points, how adversity drives success, having the right team and mentality, investing in infrastructure ahead of the curve, and knowing the metrics that track growth and momentum.
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In this podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss campaign success and why you need to know your metrics, the importance of the set up to sell meeting, and what the numbers for a second inspection are telling you about getting to sold.
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This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on fast and effective dialogue to motivate the customer, optimise every phone call and get specific information, they advise building long-term relationships, and share tips for improving your dialogue and delivery.
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In today's podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about rituals and routines for keeping your data clean, building data vs. working it, keeping up with past clients, checking the right data at the right time and becoming the agent you want to be.
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This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on auction skills for motivating bidders, doing the buyer work, campaign involvement and auction preparation, establishing intent in the buyer relationship, and the skill of knowing what to do to get to sold.
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In today's podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about culture in a team, how it should look in the marketplace, maintaining a high pace with low stress, opportunity as reward, and picking the right people for your team culture.
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This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on calendar management to keep you ahead, why it's a critical skill, blocking and stacking events, giving calendar access to everyone, staying productive and having ample time for each client.
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In today's podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about what to do when the market's slow by bringing buyers and vendors together, managing vendors, finding and motivating buyers, and creating flow through the campaign.
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This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on the open for inspections flywheel, what makes it work, how it rapidly grows your database and your business, knowing the numbers you need, and how setting goals switches you on to do more.
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In this podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss the power of routine for stress reduction and making your days easier, getting more done in less time, how to schedule your routines, and using the CAR method for planning.
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This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on becoming number one in your chosen market by choosing the right market for you, keeping yourself visible, using the data you've got, and staying consistent with the actions that win listings.
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In today's podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about using the virtual boardroom concept to surround yourself with great role models, use comparison as inspiration, set high expectations, and become a phenomenal agent.
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This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on maintaining consistency through planning, scheduling and tracking, focusing on results first, setting a goal and breaking it down into daily tasks, and competing with yourself to gain momentum.
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In this podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss skill growth through experience, creating a foundation for learning, coaching on the job through feedback and advice, using a job scorecard, and knowing the skills you need your people to grow.
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This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on working with co-agents, setting parameters and commission structure, presenting a united front, matching skillsets and demographics to vendors, and teaming up with the right person to win the listing.
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In today's podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about navigating April by making changes around buyer dynamics, timing and price points, narratives that boost buyer urgency, and planning campaigns around holidays a full year ahead.
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This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on differentiators that win listings by making people want to use you and pay more for the privilege, and creating a lifestyle that supports performance, consistency, and the drive to always get better.
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In today's podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about big growth, what you need to get it, focusing on total volume, having a great team so you can take on more listings, clearing away distractions and always evolving.
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In this week’s episode of the High-Performance Podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss the importance of area knowledge, from local planning to local schools, price drivers, and development potential. They discuss how to get great area knowledge and the difference it makes when prospecting and listing.…
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In this podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss the art of pricing, variations in markets and pricing restrictions, bringing buyers to auctions, working with guide pricing, and clearly explaining how market conditions impact pricing to owners.
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This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on setting the vision for a team, training and energy, advantages and opportunities for team members, and tips for team leaders on knowing when to step back so your people can grow.
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In today's podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about stimulating your hunger for growth by understanding what drives you, seeking out responsibilities and commitments to motivate you, and being consistent whether you're successful in the moment or not.
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In this week's episode of the High-Performance Podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk about the power of momentum. Fitness is your speed of recovery. After the holiday season, just how quickly can you get back to your best in business? Listen to the episode now.저자 Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips
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In this podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss how to finish a year by avoiding distractions, maintaining momentum, hitting goals, landing opportunities, knowing what to do when you think there's nothing left to do, and planning ahead for next year.
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This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on closing when you can't by staying active with the customer, following up, setting touchpoints, using buyer transfer and cross-selling, doing great buyer work and making it easier for the customer.
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In today's podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about dialogue mastery with tips to get good at it, understand the customer and build rapport, coach newer agents on their phone skills, and leave voicemails that get results.
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In this week's High-Performance Podcast with Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips, they discuss how to overcome adversity quickly. The importance of mindset, bouncing back with passion and doing everything you can to create an environment for success.저자 Josh Phegan
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In this podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss skill set acquisition and essentials you need from the start, why agents should start out in property management, the ability to share energy and momentum, and to get the client where you want them to be.
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This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on how to wake up productive, use your calendar, make those moments of dead time during the day productive, keep up with ever-growing demand, and get through challenges by planning ahead.
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Today's podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on closing, how the process of progression has changed, asking the right questions, contents of the closing email, proptech, pushing to decision, and the ability to close on the spot.
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In this podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss raising to new heights to increase your numbers by breaking barriers, limiting what you do and outsourcing the rest, learning new ways to do more things, and using 10X thinking to reimagine your business.
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This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on calendar management. They look at categories for scheduling, sharing the calendar with the team so everyone's on track, relaxed and prepared, meetings are short and productive, and energy/effort are maximised.
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In today's podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss confidence in your listing skill, approaching the listing with intention, getting focused and being prepared to go forward, and showing the customer you know what you're doing and they can relax.
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In this podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss maintaining pace in fast and slow markets by understanding buyer behaviours, timing your pricing right, learning to move quickly, and they discuss advantages of using the Section 66W form.
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In this High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips explain what you need to know about the foundations for business growth. Alex talks about maintaining growth once you have it, being consistent and accountable, and tells how his organisation keeps getting better each year by growing the team and the busines…
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This High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on market distractions that waste time and opportunites. Alex tells how he cuts through objections and excuses to keep listing and selling. Josh outlines why this is a great time to go to market and gain momentum, and tells how to get past some of the o…
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Today's High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on staying consistent with prospecting. Alex tells how he prospects every day, maintains his energy and continues to create opportunity, and he advises to prospect for the future and not just for now. Josh notes that you actually have to call your pa…
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