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Savoir Manger avec Jean-Michel Cohen

Dr Jean-Michel Cohen

Deux fois par semaine, Jean-Michel Cohen aborde en direct l'actualité de la nutrition, les bases de l'équilibre alimentaire et les nouvelles tendances de consommation. Il échange en direct avec les personnes qui suivent son coaching minceur dans le cadre du programme Savoir Maigrir.
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HerMoney with Jean Chatzky

Jean Chatzky Her Money

Anyone who tells you women don’t need financial advice specifically for them is wrong. Women, whether they’re the caretakers, the breadwinners, or both, face a unique set of financial challenges. That’s where HerMoney comes in. In her frank, often funny, but always compassionate way, Jean Chatzky takes every audience of women through the steps they need to take today to live comfortably (and worry-free) tomorrow, offering the latest research, expert tips and personal advice. Want more money ...
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Lillee Jean TALKS Live

Lillee Jean Productions

Lillee Jean Talks! Live is a show by actress Lillee Jean, that is recognized for featuring interviews with Hollywood's most prominent actors, singers, and award-winning directors. LJ Talks focuses on a deeper perspective, rather than surface-level talk.
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Hosted by Jeanine Amapola, a Texas-born YouTuber, speaker, author, and influencer whose authentic and positive content has captivated over 2.7 million followers across all her platforms. Whether you’re searching for advice, Christian content, a friend, or just a genuine conversation, this podcast will be sure to help you on your journey of becoming happier and healthier! Join Jeanine to hear a candid conversation on topics from her personal experiences, dating, faith, health, trending topics ...
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Découvrez la télévision comme vous ne l'avez jamais vue ! Tous les jours dans Culture Médias le truculent Jean-Luc Lemoine livre sa session de rattrapage ! Le principe ? Tandis que vous vaquez à vos occupations quotidiennes, l'humoriste et chroniqueur de Thomas Isle ne lâche pas sa zapette et scrute la télé pour livrer sa critique humoristique ! TF1, France 2, France 3, Canal+, France 5, M6, Arte, C8, W9, TMC, TFX, NRJ12, RMC, sans oublier les chaînes d'informations comme BFMTV, LCI, France ...
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Hi there. My name is Jean Symons. I have the privilege of leading the Doxa Deo team. We have endeavors in churches. We have endeavors in private schools, in nonprofit and for profit, and also in training institutions. And we also are part of the City Changers movement that equips and teaches and trains leaders all across the world. Leadership is such a desperate need in society today. Quality leadership is what this world really needs. So come on this journey with us as we share with you our ...
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French with Jeanne

French with Jeanne

Bonjour ! Vous étudiez le français 🇫🇷 et vous souhaitez améliorer votre compréhension orale ? Alors ce podcast est fait pour vous ! Venez m’écouter parler de sujets familiers et personnels, avec une prononciation claire et un débit adapté. 🎧 Une série correspond à un thème, et chaque série est composée de 6 épisodes. Accédez aux textes de chaque série pour seulement 6€ (l'équivalent de deux ☕), sur Bonne écoute ! ❤️ ps : pour des nouvelles plus régulière, abonnez-vou ...
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Liftoff Journeys with Jeanniey Walden is the companion podcast to the nationally broadcast TV show Liftoff with Jeanniey Walden, which reaches over 85 million households monthly. Hosted by award-winning business executive Jeanniey Walden, this podcast offers in-depth conversations with inspiring guests—CEOs, entrepreneurs, innovators, and creatives—who share their stories of success, resilience, and transformation. Each episode dives into actionable insights and authentic discussions that em ...
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From the latest breaking news to hard-hitting debates in the sports world. I got you covered. Listen to The Welch Report hosted by Jean-Luke Welch where I give my takes and opinions on everything from the NBA, Boxing, and much more! You’ll laugh, you’ll think, and you’ll definitely enjoy every second of the show. Listen, Share and LET’S BUILD A COMMUNITY TOGETHER!!
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Making Sense of Work with Jean Balfour

Jean Balfour - Master Certified Coach, Speaker

How’s Work at the Moment? We all work - and yet we often struggle with work. Even very ambitious people find parts of work difficult. This podcast is for you if you'd like to build a new and better relationship with your working life. We explore everything to do with our working lives, starting with how do we find our purpose, how do make sense of our organisations and what can we do to work in our zone of genius? Do you have topic you'd like me to cover? Send me a note on Linkedin https://w ...
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療癒英語的故事 英語是一個心靈的課題。早期與學英文的感覺,會影響一生跟英文的關係。Jean老師分享學員們,有的是青少年,或已步入中年,或是已退休,如何面對英文的創傷, 破除恐懼,在英文中做回自己,勇於開口說英文的感人故事。 (內容稍有改編,以保護學員隱私) Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Jeankarl Records Radio

Jeankarl Lattán

Conoce al artista de reggaeton Jeankarl. Entrevistas, noticias y novedades. Todo lo que tiene que ver con el mundo de la música, diseño gráfico, marketing y audiovisual. Support this podcast:
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Welcome to *The It’s Kimberly Jean Show*, where we share stories of radical faith, transformative moments, and divine encounters that reveal the handiwork of a masterful Creator. In each episode, we’ll dive into powerful narratives of individuals who’ve navigated the darkest valleys and faced overwhelming disappointments—only to discover that these very moments pointed to a greater purpose. Whether your world feels like it’s falling apart or your dreams seem to have been reduced to ashes, th ...
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JeanBookNerd Podcast

Jean Vallesteros

JeanBookNerd Podcast is an episodic series promoting multi-media contents from television, movies, and books. The JBN Team talks to creators, authors, writers, storytellers, and actors from the entertainment world.
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De Thomas Dutronc à Chantal Ladesou, en passant par Harry Connick Jr ou encore Diana Krall, ils passent tous par le micro de Crooner and Friends, le rendez-vous, Talk Show, de Jean-Baptiste TUZET, à 8h15h et 18h15. L’esprit de « Crooner and Friend’s » quand nos invités prestigieux se déclarent comme amis véritable de notre station. Chanteurs, acteurs, humoristes, hommes et femmes aimant nos artistes programmés, la passion pour cet art de vivre musical nous vaut des amitiés. Ces merveilleux t ...
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Biblical help and advice for hard-working Christians. We prove God’s Word is powerful, practical, and sufficient to issues in your job, home, and hobbies. Learning from Jesus, we put blue jeans on Scripture and go to work, for God's Glory. And we have a lot of fun too! Hosted by Kevin Brownlee, a hard-working oil field welder, builder, structural steel fabrication company owner, RV technician & inspector, author, and teacher. Kevin is also a marriage counselor and a consultant to Christian b ...
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show series
This was a fun Sunday crossword by John Kugelman, even if 9 out of 10 cardiologists would recommend you eschew most of the foods in the grid. We've seen John's name in the marquee before, had a notion that good things were about to happen, and were not disappointed. Every themed answer made us smile if not lol, and the rest of the grid was filled w…
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Manger avec plaisir - toujours ! Manger, c'est bien plus que se nourrir ! C'est un plaisir, un moment de partage. On vous explique pourquoi c'est si important de garder ce plaisir et on vous donne des astuces pour y parvenir, tout en mangeant sainement et équilibré. N'oubliez pas de relayer notre opération #stopobesite et merci de votre soutien et …
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If you've ever wondered how to navigate love, money, and relationships in today’s dating world, you’re not alone! 💕 In this HerMoney Mailbag, we’re bringing back Matchmaker Maria Avgitidis, CEO of Agape Match and author of Ask a Matchmaker, to answer your biggest dating and financial questions. From dating with an income gap to tackling prenups, ma…
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Founded in 1990 by Red Jerry and Phil Howells. It released numerous #1 records to the world. Its changing styles throughout the years did much to guide the tastes of DJs and dance floors around the world. Probably best known for re-releasing the mid-90's dance floor hit "Café Del Mar" by Energy 52, which remains a dance floor classic. Playlist 1. T…
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As we step into 2025, this episode challenges us to see ourselves as heroes of faith—not just distant observers of the greats in Hebrews 11, but active participants in God's story today. 📖✨ We explore how faith isn't limited to church activities but fuels justice, creativity, leadership, and cultural transformation. Faith-filled people have built s…
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In this episode of Making Sense of Work, Jean Balfour explores the role of accountability in helping us achieve our goals—both in our personal and professional lives. Initially uncertain about the topic, Jean embarked on a journey of discovery, engaging with her LinkedIn and Instagram communities to understand how others view accountability. The re…
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Welcome to the It's Kimberly Jean show, where in each episode, Kimberly and her network of friends and family share extraordinary testimonies that reveal the powerful handiwork of God in their lives. These stories showcase moments of profound faith, where divine intervention turns hardships into triumphs and opens doors of new opportunities. Join u…
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This Sunday, judge Jeanine Pirro focused on the Trump administration and how they are keeping their campaign promises when it comes to sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants. She talked with acting Chief Executive Officer of LexisNexis Special Services, and LexisNexis Risk Solutions Government, Haywood Talcove. Learn more about your ad choices. Vi…
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Salmos 37:8 “Deja la ira, y desecha el enojo; No te excites en manera alguna a hacer lo malo”. Al principio el hombre tripartito era una sola unidad, el espíritu gobernaba el alma y el cuerpo, con la caída de hombre se rompe la unidad y el hombre comienza a desarrollar su carácter con base en las vivencias y experiencias adquiridas en todas las áre…
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This was a challenging puzzle -- as Saturday crosswords are engineered to be the toughest of the week -- but it also presented some DIVINE clues, including 24D, Places for subs, BENCH (delightful!); 21D, They cover top stories, INSULATIONS (ok, that was unexpected!); 28A, Things put into decks, TAPES (what are those again? 😀); and many, many more. …
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While Friday crosswords are traditionally themeless, today's grid was rife with subtle, almost ninja-like Valentine's Day references. That's not to detract from the rest of the grid. We were fans of 51D, One-eyed "Futurama" character, LEELA (oh, please reboot that series!); 53D, One sporting a sporran, maybe, SCOT (okay, maybe we do subscribe to Po…
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Live spécial Saint-Valentin : alimentation, fake news et sandwichs équilibrés ! Faites le plein d'énergie positive et de conseils pour une Saint-Valentin épanouie lors de cette séance de motivation spéciale. Au menu : le sandwich, des fake news et des bonnes ondes pour bien célébrer cette journée d'amour. N'oubliez pas de relayer notre opération #s…
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This is Jim Burch's seventh NYTimes crossword. He seems to have taken up residence on the tougher side of the week, with all of his crosswords appearing on Thursday (2), Friday (4) or Saturday (1). This was on the easier side of the spectrum, but still a challenge: as always, YMMV depending on what's in your wheelhouse. Deets inside, as well as the…
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One of our favorite comedians -- Sir Michael PALIN -- is in today's grid, and if you have not heard of him, don't walk, but run to your nearest video source and check out Monty Python, for some absolutely transcendent humor. Then, come back and check out today's podcast for some wry remarks, none of which involve breadstuffs of any kind 🙄 Show. not…
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Happy Valentine’s Day, HerMoney fam! If you’ve ever ventured into online dating, you know how tricky (and sometimes exhausting) it can be. But before you consider hiring a matchmaker with a hefty price tag, we’ve got you covered. This week, we sit down with Maria Avgitidis, aka Matchmaker Maria to talk about what really goes into finding “the one.”…
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Like all good Tuesday crosswords, today's had some clues that might make you pause, like 34A, Assignments, POSTS (ah, those sorts of assignments); 17A, Emoji that means "I'm crazy about you!", HEARTEYES (😍); and the fun to say 50A, Betting setting, RENO. Speaking of which, we'll bet that you'll enjoy today's Triplet Tuesday segment, so without furt…
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Pourquoi votre poids stagne-t-il pendant un régime ? Et comment y remédier ! Votre perte de poids est au point mort ? Vous avez l'impression de stagner malgré vos efforts ? Restez calme, c'est un défi courant ! On décortique les raisons de ce blocage et surtout, on vous donne des solutions puissantes pour relancer votre perte de poids et atteindre …
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Dans ce deuxième épisode de l'année, je te partage mon état d'esprit après deux semaines et grippe, mais aussi mon inspiration liée au travail. Bonne écoute ! ---- Pour recevoir mon infolettre joyeuse et motivante,⁠inscris-toi ici ⁠😉 ---- Pour apprendre du vocabulaire sur la grippe,regarde ma vidéo Youtube ▶️…
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In today’s episode Kaleb and I open up about past stories, Kaleb’s dream to go to law school, potentially moving, and MORE! I hope you guys enjoy this episode and the NEW podcast rebrand! We have some exciting guests coming up this season! ORDER JEANINE’S BOOK HAPPY & HEALTHY or get it free through our partner at Cru. Sponsors: Glorify App - Start …
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This was an admirable Monday crossword by Emily Rourke, thanks in no small part to an ingenious theme about ... which we will say no more here, as we loathe spoilers as much as you undoubtedly do, dear listeners. However, we do have much to say about the theme in the actual podcast, aka spoiler-central. Show note imagery: TOA Skylark, by Percy Byss…
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Some sort of major sporting event was taking place today, but both cohosts (working independently, as is their wont) still found time to tackle this excellent crossword, and while each fumbled a few times along the way, they both eventually got to the "happy-music" zone, and performed the traditional "we finished the crossword" dance of celebration…
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This Sunday, judge Jeanine Pirro focused on USAID and the tremendous amount of money that was wasted through the program. She talked with acting director of national intelligence (DNI) under President Donald Trump in 2020, Richard Grenell and cable news TV commentator for fifteen years, Steve Cortes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphon…
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1 Pedro 4:14 “Si sois vituperados por el nombre de Cristo, sois bienaventurados, porque el glorioso Espíritu de Dios reposa sobre vosotros. Ciertamente, de parte de ellos, él es blasfemado, pero por vosotros es glorificado”. Para poder enfrentar estos tiempos difíciles debemos tener un corazón sano delante de Dios, Dios ama nuestro corazón y nuestr…
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Alertes nutritionnelles: comment réagir ? Vous vous sentez perdu face aux alertes négatives en vogue ? Pas de panique ! Voici des conseils d'experts pour une alimentation saine et une perte de poids durable. Découvrez les bases d'une bonne alimentation et apprenez à décrypter l'actualité pour faire les bons choix. N'oubliez pas de relayer notre opé…
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Playlist Guestmix 1. Klement Bonelli - Nuits pluvieuses (Tinnit Beatless mix) [Tinnit Music] 2. Yousef - Life Is Too Short [Knee Deep In Sound] 3. Phunk Investigation & Hitchcock - Vroom (David Penn Remix) [Phunk Traxx] 4. Anton Pieete - Siberian [Intacto] 5. Sébastien léger - Majestic [Mistakes Music] 6. Nicky Romero - Switched (original mix) [Rev…
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Alina Abidi has crafted a delightful Saturday crossword - tough but fair, with more terrific clues than you can shake a stick at (your mileage may vary depending on your physical prowess and the dimensions of said stick 😀🙄). Among the clues that we were particularly enthralled with were 1A, What may precede a blessing?, ACHOO (nice!); 6A, School wh…
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FORMULAIC might've been in the grid, but this Friday crossword was anything but, with 6 debut answers and a lot of decidedly non-conventional cluing throughout the puzzle. Besides those mentioned in the podcast, we enjoyed 16A, Material that goes on a foundation, POWDER, and the delicious 17A, What's holding up dessert?, CONE. In honor of Fun Fact …
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Today we’re diving deep into all of your questions about the financial challenges that come with perimenopause and menopause with the incredible Jill Herzig, Co-Founder and Chief Brand Officer of Midi Health. We’re tackling everything from career confidence in midlife to the real cost of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). If you caught our last epi…
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