Tony Hammon: Pastor - Island Community Church Islamorada Florida Keys
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Welcome to the podcast of Hilton Head Island Community Church. This is a podcast of our weekly messages from Lead Pastor Todd Cullen.
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God Doesn't Need Anything - God Doesn't NEED my Abilities
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37:26God doesn't need anything, but He desires for us to co-labor with Him for His kingdom and His church. This Sunday, we'll discover how we're all created with unique and individual abilities designed to fulfill an eternal purpose.저자 Todd Cullen
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God is the provider and creator of all things, therefore He does not NEED anything. The truth is God desires for us to co-labor with Him for His kingdom and in His church.저자 Todd Cullen
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This Sunday, Todd leads us through a time of reflection and communion.저자 Todd Cullen
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We're celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus, this Christmas Eve with carols, candle lighting, and an encouraging message from Pastor Todd.저자 Todd Cullen
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How can we get to the place where we simply say to God, "Let it be", when He interrupts our lives with the impossible? This Sunday, we'll learn what to do when God does what can't be explained.저자 Todd Cullen
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Interruptions breed uncertainty. This Sunday, we will discover how to know if an unplanned circumstance is really God at work in our lives.저자 Todd Cullen
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What do we do when divine interruptions causes us to be afraid? This Sunday, we'll discover how to replace FEAR with TRUST when our circumstances don't make sense.저자 Todd Cullen
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God typically doesn't work in the ways we would anticipate or on our timetable. In part one of our new series, we'll discover how to loosen the grip on our plans and learn what to do with life's unmet expectations.
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We are appointed by God to love people like God loves people. This Sunday, we'll wrap up our series by discovering together what it looks like to "bear much fruit" after we have learned to abide in Jesus.저자 Todd Cullen
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What does a typical going to work, doing laundry, going to the grocery store, everyday kind of life look like when abiding in Jesus? Do you have to read your Bible 24/7? Spend 10 hours in your prayer closet? Nope, but it does mean intentionally spending time with God and choosing to trust Him throughout your day. This Sunday, Pastor Todd will break…
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Pastor Todd kicks off our new series called "Abide." We must make a daily choice to either abide or live apart from Jesus. This Sunday, we'll begin to discover how to abide in Christ wherever we are and let Him take care of the rest.저자 Todd Cullen
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We conclude our series Counterfeit where we've learned how knowing the truth about who God is and His love for us transforms how we live and treat others.저자 Todd Cullen
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Culture says you're perfect just the way you are, but what is the basis for that belief? God alone gives us the foundation of who we are and the purpose we were created for. This Sunday, Justin will challenge us to examine what we believe about ourselves, about God, and how we think God views us.저자 Justin Boyter
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Jesus didn't die on the cross so that we could behave better. He died on the cross so that we could be made brand new! As Christ-followers, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of us. This Sunday, we'll discover how we can live ALIVE with the grace and power that Jesus died for us to have!…
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In week 1 of our brand new series, Pastor Todd will unpack why knowing the truth about who God is and His love for us is vital to how we live our lives and treat others.저자 Todd Cullen
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We live in a world that promotes selfish ambition and produces people who are self-centered, greedy, and egotistical. Jesus lived a life opposite of that. This morning, we will consider that different way of living, the Jesus way, and how living a SELF-LESS life leads to a life of SERVING the world around us.…
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Jesus gives us a clear command to make disciples and share His message with others. We believe it's particularly important to share the Gospel with our kids and students, but that doesn't just happen naturally. In fact, we live in a culture that is actively leading the next generation away from Jesus. Join us this Sunday as we talk about how we can…
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Todd and Cynthia will share together a very personal message of encouragement, reflection, and vision as we celebrate together our 15th anniversary as a church on Hilton Head Island.저자 Todd Cullen
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This Sunday, we recognize communion as a regular celebration of the church. Todd teaches on how communion can challenge us to live with excellence and gratitude for all that God has done.저자 Todd Cullen
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This Sunday we conclude our series, "Short Stories: the Parables of Jesus," and we are also excited for you to hear from our treasurer, Bill Callahan, as he gives some exciting news about our financial past and future here at HHICC.저자 Justin Boyter
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We're excited to hear from our newest global partners, Paul and Angela Richardson, as they share about Take Hold Scotland. Todd will also be sharing updates from other Global Partners.저자 Todd Cullen
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This Sunday, we'll take a look at how the role of the father in the parable of the prodigal son, represents God's extraordinary love and mercy for us.저자 Todd Cullen
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Jesus used parables to communicate spiritual truths in a clear, concise, and creative way. These short stories were designed to prompt us to seek deeper understanding of the Kingdom of God. This Sunday, Todd continues in our series with a message on the parable of "the wedding banquet."저자 Todd Cullen
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Jesus used parables to communicate spiritual truths in a clear, concise, and creative way. These short stories were designed to prompt us to seek deeper understanding of the Kingdom of God. This Sunday, Todd continues in our series with a message on the parable of "the wedding banquet."저자 Todd Cullen
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Jesus used parables to communicate spiritual truths in a clear, concise, and creative way. These short stories were designed to prompt us to seek deeper understanding of the Kingdom of God. This Sunday, Todd continues in our series with a message on the parable of "the unmerciful servant."저자 Todd Cullen
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Jesus used parables to communicate spiritual truths in a clear, concise, and creative way. These short stories were designed to prompt us to seek deeper understanding of the Kingdom of God. This Sunday, Todd continues in our series with a message on the parable of "the sower and the seeds."저자 Todd Cullen
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New wine needs a new wineskin because as the new wine expands during the fermentation process, it stretches the wineskin. An old wineskin will burst under the pressure of the new wineskin. This Sunday, Todd will look at two parables that illustrate the fact that you can't mix old religious rituals with new faith in Jesus.…
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If we're still breathing, we still have a purpose. Jesus is not done with us yet! This Sunday, Todd will unpack the meaning behind Jesus' parable of the fruitless fig tree and help us apply its wisdom to our everyday lives.저자 Todd Cullen
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Jesus used parables to communicate spiritual truths in a clear, concise, and creative way. These short stories were designed to prompt us to seek deeper understanding of the Kingdom of God. In this series, we will unpack the parables of Jesus to give us greater insight into God's Word and how to apply it to our everyday lives.…
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We'll wrap up our series, "Landing Lights," by reviewing the five scriptural checkpoints that help us find and affirm God's direction in our lives. When the Landing Lights of God's will are all on, we have a choice: to flee or follow.저자 Todd Cullen
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We find inner peace only when we have been led by the Spirit of God. This Sunday, we'll look at how the Holy Spirit uses peace to guide us when making difficult decisions and critical choices in our lives.저자 Todd Cullen
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We each have a divine purpose. God will not assign you to a purpose for which He didn't design you to accomplish. This Sunday, we'll unpack how to understand our God-given design, so that we can live out our full God-given potential.저자 Todd D. Cullen
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Spiritual confirmation can help us determine God's will especially when making big decisions. This Sunday, Justin will show us 7 questions to ask from Scripture when we're facing big (or small) decisions in our lives.저자 Justin Boyter
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Have you ever found yourself wondering, "Was that God? Or just a coincidence?" This Sunday, we'll look at how to recognize when God is working out His purpose through our outward circumstances, guiding us in a certain direction.저자 Todd D. Cullen
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The phrase "God's will" is often used by religious and irreligious people alike, but many of us are confused by what God's will really means and how to discover it. In our new series, Landing Lights, we will highlight five scriptural checkpoints, and learn how to apply these principles to help us find and affirm God's direction in our lives.…
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We want to be a Transformational Church - sharing the message of Jesus Christ and leading people to follow Him. In this message, we'll review both the values and the DNA of who God has called us to be as a Community church on Hilton Head Island, and how you make up the transformational church that can change the world.…
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The God of Restoration makes things new. The God of Creation makes new things. The Holy Spirit has been making new things from the beginning. This Sunday, Todd wraps up our Restoration series with a message on the "agent of restoration" - the Holy Spirit.저자 Todd Cullen
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This Easter weekend, Todd will be talking about what it means to truly be "born again". After all, Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead to give us a NEW life!저자 Todd Cullen
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When Jesus restores, He takes an old thing and transforms it into something brand new. In this series, we've been discovering how we can be fully restored by Jesus. This Sunday, Todd continues in our series with a message on how Jesus restores broken relationships.저자 Todd Cullen
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In this series, we've been talking about how Jesus makes all things new. This Sunday, we'll look at the battlefield of the mind and discover how to have a peaceful, healthy mind through the transforming power of Jesus.저자 Todd Cullen
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We more easily discover God's plan for a peaceful, abundant, and intentional life when we come to Jesus to find rest. This Sunday, Todd dives into how to find real rest independent of your circumstances - the kind of rest that can only be found in Jesus.저자 Todd Cullen
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This Sunday, Todd kicks off our brand new series, "Restoration," and we'll share in communion together. For us, restoration is making something old look new. When Jesus restores, He takes an old thing and transforms it into something brand new. Let's discover how we can be fully restored by Jesus...because He is making all things new!…
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What really makes us (un)fit to be used by God? When we put ourselves in a position of compromise. In the conclusion of our series, we'll discover four things that compromise our ability to be used by God.저자 Todd Cullen
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What does it take to be a good leader? Even if our natural leadership quotient is small, if we are humble, teachable, and a team player, God will use us to make a difference in our world.저자 Todd Cullen
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Moses was frustrated with the Israelites' grumbling and complaining as he led them through the desert. This Sunday, we'll learn from Moses' life that following God's plan may not always make sense to us, but He sees the big picture and we can trust Him!저자 Todd Cullen
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We'll unpack the story of Moses and the Exodus and discover how God's promise of deliverance applies to our lives today.저자 Todd Cullen
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Unfit - The Stench of Sheep, Smoke from the Ground, & a Mouthful of Marbles
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37:49Todd continues in our series Un(fit) where we're learning from the story of Moses on how God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.저자 Todd Cullen
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God is fully aware of all the circumstances surrounding our birth into this world, the way we were raised as children, and all the mistakes we've made along the way. In Week 1 of our series, we'll discover how to believe and trust that God will use the circumstances of our past to accomplish His plan and purpose for our lives.…
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This Sunday, we're excited to welcome guest speaker, Clint Trebesh, who will be sharing five life hacks from Proverbs 27 that will help you have more meaningful relationships in 2022.저자 Clint Trebesh
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This Sunday, Justin teaches on Proverbs chapter 16. We'll discover together how through wisdom, righteousness, and humility we can stay on God's best path for our lives.저자 Justin Boyter
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