If you like smashing the patriarchy, intuitive topics and working on yourself....all with a current events twist, you'll love our podcast. We combine research and real talk to explore, call out and help transform the world of spirituality. Join our conversation.
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In this episode we discuss how to deal with challenges. We talk about how a one size fits all approach will never work and instead shift the focus in to understanding yourself. We look at the role desire and fear play and also give you some tips and tricks for managing. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com…
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In this episode we do a deep dive on the ancient Pagan Sabbat of Ostara or Spring Equinox. It's the Sabbat that modern day Easter is stolen from. We look at how our ancient Pagan relatives celebrated it, look at how you can work in to your modern life and also clear up the confusion of the strange Easter Bunny that lays eggs. To get in touch with u…
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In this episode we discuss grief. We talk about what society gets right and wrong about grief. The steps and stages of grief and even discuss the ways you can experience grief without losing someone. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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In this episode we look at intuitive color theory. We look at the meaning of certain colors, the psychology behind it and how these color could be effecting you in ways you don't even realize. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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In this episode we discuss the energy of receiving. We discuss why so many of us have so many blocks and vows blocking us from being able to receive. We look at how you can open that up and the stories behind why we do it. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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In this episode we are talking about grounding your energy. We discuss how to do it, what it means, how it's very different for everybody, the influence of your human desires and fears and even the very popular term that people use that means the exact same thing. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.…
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In this episode we're talking about the demonizing of empathy. We talk about where this originates, the very scary playbooks that this originates from, what to do when you notice it and how to deal with it. To get in touch with us visitintuitivegirlsguide.com
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Let's look at the ancient pagan sabbat of Imbolc. We explore how different cultures celebrated it and how it is the origin for many of the modern day holidays we celebrate today like Groundhog Day and Valentine's Day. We even look at the root of how the colors red and white became associated with Valentine's Day..I bet it's not what you think! To g…
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In this episode we are answering listener questions. We address the generational gap in the “spiritual” world, clarify human desire questions and even discuss how an off hand comment led to a cool discovery by our listeners. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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In this episode we take a look at the astrological events that will happen in 2025 and what they mean for your life and for the world. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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In this episode we talk about how to introduce yourself to intuition as a beginner. We go over how energy reading works, everyday intuition, how to understand your own style of intuition and the absolute tools you must work on to strengthen your intuitive muscles. To get in touch with us please visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.…
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In this episode we discuss the old toxic "new year new you" energy and look at what to do instead. How does shame play a part in setting goals/resolutions and how can use intention and desire instead. What do you do when shame creeps in and how did our ancient ancestors look at the new year? All this and more! To get in touch with us visit intuiti…
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This is part 2 of our look in to Neurolinguistic Programming, aka NLP. In this episode we look in to more proponents, give you some techniques you can try and even play audio of an amazing example of NLP in action! To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com
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We're looking at the technique known as Neurolinguistic Programing or NLP. Besides being one of Heather's favorite tools, it's an incredible way to understand you're own programing. This week in part 1 we look at it's creation and background, talk about what it is and how it works and start looking in to it's proponents. Be sure to tune in next wee…
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In this episode we take a look at the origins of modern day Christmas, the ancient pagan sabbat of Yule. We look at how different cultures celebrated and talk about how specific things, like the Christmas tree and wreaths were incorporated and the real meanings behind them. To get in touch with us please visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.…
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In this episode we discuss navigating holiday stress. We have a realistic approach, intuitive tips, human behavior hacks and more! To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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In this episode we discuss Clairgustance (psychic taste) and Clairallience (psychic smell). We talk about how these intuitive senses are far more than just getting messages from the dead, how you are probably using them and not realizing it plus a trick to use them in reverse! To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.…
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In this episode we look at Mabon, the ancient Pagan Sabbath that many of our modern day Thanksgiving traditions are taken from. We talk about the sabbat, the untrue story of Thanksgiving and also address how to celebrate Mabon while still acknowledging the tragedy that is connected to modern day Thanksgiving. To get in touch with us visit intuitive…
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Do we have gratitude wrong? We discuss what gratitude really is, what your gratitude challenge is most likely missing, how to really harness the power of gratitude plus its connection to our ancient pagan ancestors. To get in touch with us please visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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In this episode we look at Mabon, the ancient Pagan Sabbat that many of our modern day Thanksgiving traditions are taken from. We talk about the sabbat, the untrue story of Thanksgiving and also address how to celebrate Mabon while still acknowledging the tragedy that is connected to modern day Thanksgiving. To get in touch with us visit intuitiveg…
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In this episode we have an election debrief for you. We invite you to join us in feeling angry and frustrated and discussing how we move forward. To get in touch with us please visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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In this episode we discuss Invisible Labor. We talk about what it is, how it effects different areas of your life and why it can be difficult to let go of. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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Ever wondered where our modern day Halloween traditions come from? Almost all of them can be drawn back to Pagan culture. Jack-o-lanterns, trick or treat, witches over a cauldron, costumes, broomsticks, and so much more! We go over all of this plus discuss simple ways you can bring the energy of these activities in to your modern life. To get in to…
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In this episode we explore the psychology tool Internal Family Systems (IFS). We look at how this “parts work” tool operates, how you can use it your life and how intuitive of a system it really is. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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In this episode we discuss victim shaming. We explain what it is, discuss obvious and more subtle ways we do this as a society, why humans are prone to do this and what we can do instead. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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In this episode we are discussing Medusa. We look at channeling her energy, her story and how having such a complex character that plays many different roles and has many different faces is so significant. To get in touch with us please visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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This is part 2 of our series on Inner Child Work. Join us as we continue our discussion. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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In this episode we take a look at Inner Child Work. We discuss what it actually is, how to get started with it, why it's so important and so much more. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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This the second episode in our 2 part series on getting unstuck. This is all about the action steps of going from stuck to unstuck. We look at creating goals, the role shame plays, steps to creating goals, timelines and more! To get in touch with us please visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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This is part 1 of our 2 part series on getting unstuck. In this episode we talk about unpacking the toxic beliefs and negative conditioning that making it so much harder to move towards change. Fear isn't your enemy, it's all just data and desire isn't a dirty word. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.…
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In this episode we take a look at Karma and how the meme worthy modern day version is not actually what Karma is. Visit intuititivegirlsguide.com to get in touch with us. We love hearing your feedback!
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In this episode we discuss Face readings. We look at it's roots in Chinese Medicine and discuss some of the most popular face reading charts and methods. What does that mole say about you? Your lip shape? Where you get breakouts? We look at all that and more! To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.…
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This is part two of our 2 part series on Intuitive and Empathic kids. We include explanations of intuition and empathy and how that shows up in kids. We tell a little of our own experiences and give some tips and tricks for parents. You don't have to be a parent to listen though! This is for anyone who works with or knows kids! You might even reali…
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This is part one of our 2 part series on Intuitive and Empathic kids. We include explanations of intuition and empathy and how that shows up in kids. We tell a little of our own experiences and give some tips and tricks for parents. You don't have to be a parent to listen though! This is for anyone who works with or knows kids! You might even reali…
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In this episode we take a look at spell work. We share some of our favorite spells, talk about some modern day spells you probably are doing and don't realize it, plus explain why we think it should be simple. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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Have you found your twin flame yet? In this episode we explore the concept of Twin Flames. We look at the origin of the idea plus discuss what we like about it and what we don't. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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In this episode we look in to the 7M TikTok Cult. We look at what it is, the big organization it's connected to, who started it, why it's dangerous and even connect it to Donald Trump! To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com
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In this episode we discuss the psychotherapy EMDR. We look at how it works, it's origin, the benefits, what will happen in a session and even discuss something we really like about it's creator. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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Do you know what your Life Path number? How about your destiny number? We are talking numerology this week! We go over it's origins, how similar it is to Astrology, plus we show you how to calculate your own numbers! If you love Astrology and/or personality tests you'll love Numerology! For show notes and a place to send feedback visit embodylove.…
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In this episode we look at the origins of attachment style theory, how to determine yours and how you can just put yourself in one box for every relationship. We also discuss being kind to yourself as a parent and the generational differences in raising children. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.…
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In this episode we look at the concept of self worth. We explain why it's toxic and made up, who it benefits and where it comes from plus we show you how intuition and ego are the real concepts to explore. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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In this episode we explore the ancient pagan sabbat of the Summer Solstice. We look at it's historic origins in many different cultures, discuss some of the traditions and rituals as well talk about how you can bring that energy in to your modern day life. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.…
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In this episode we discuss the "psychic" sense known as clairtangency. We explain what it is, look at every day ways you use it and may not realize it, discuss traits of people with this sense highly developed and also give you tips for strengthening it. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.…
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In part 2 of this series we discuss empathy and what it means to be an empath. We discuss traits, problematic definitions, tips and tricks for managing empathy and even do some myth busting. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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In part 1 of this 2 part series we discuss empathy and what it means to be an empath. We discuss traits, problematic definitions, tips and tricks for managing empathy and even do some myth busting. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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In this episode we take a look at Rising signs. We look at how this chart ruling sign represents how people see you and how really understanding your rising sign can be a total game changer when it comes to connecting with others. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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In this episode we discuss how to communicate with spirit. We share our unique approach, thoughts on some common misleading ideas, give a step by step process plus some important tips and tricks. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com
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In this episode we break down a common limiting belief we refer to as the happiness conflict. Do you have it written somewhere in your subconscious that being happy is unsafe? We bet you do. We look at what that means and how to start adjusting it. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.…
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In this episode we take a look at the ancient pagan sabbat of Bealtaine. We look at the importance of fire, traditions from around the world, discuss how misunderstood and misrepresented the symbolism in this sabbat is as well as talk about the may pole and it's meaning. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.…
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In this episode we discuss Clairsentience. We describe what it is, how it often pairs with other intuitive senses, traits of people with very developed clairsentience and ways to strengthen the skill. To get in touch with us visit intuitivegirlsguide.com.
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