IHSAN Institute for Arabic & Islamic Studies is an institution focussed on spreading traditional Islamic knowledge in genuine ways. It observes both text and context and believes that Sacred Knowledge should lead to character refinement. It is based in the UK & Singapore but works internationally. Follow us on Facebook & Twitter
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Ode of Healing is an original poem written by Shaykh Ahmed Saad in Arabic combining all the Names of the Prophet ﷺ as mentioned in Dalail Al-Khayrat. The Name of the poem is شفا السقام بأسماء سيد الأنامThis new recording is just a tester for the new version recorded with Manaqib munshids as a chorus. Please promote the poem and let us know your tho…
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Salawat of Rabī' Lyrics and Singing by: Shaykh Ahmed Saad صلاة الله على أحمد
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5:35صلاة الله على أحمدكلمات وإنشاد الشيخ أحمد سعد الأزهريSalatul Allah Upon AhmadLyrics and Singing by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhariصلاةُ الله على أحمد * صلاة الله على أحمدألا يـــا أمة الهادي * كُفيتم صولة العاديفقولوا بعد إمــداد * صلاة الله على أحمدْألا يـــا أمة المختار * دخلتم لُجــةَ الأنواربها ستعاينوا الأسرار * صلاة الله على أحمدستزدادون من قرب *…
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Mawlid Of Shaykh Ahmed Saad- Al - Manhal Al - Athb المنهل العذب الروي- مولد الشيخ أحمد سعد الأزهري
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10:42This is part of Shaykh Ahmed Saad's Mawlid which was written in 2011. The Mawlid composed in original Arabic poetry of more than 100 lines of verse will be available soon in both Arabic and English alongside other Prophetic praise poetry by Shaykh Ahmed.저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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البوطليحية ٧٢ - ١١٦ by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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متن في المعتمد من الكتب والأقوال في الفتوى علي المذهب المالكي من تأليف الشيخ النابغة الغلاوي - بصوت الشيخ أحمد سعد الأزهري المالكي저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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البوطليحية ٢٩ - ٤٤ by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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البوطليحية فيما يعتمد من الكتب والأقوال على مذهب السادة المالكية ١ - ٢٨
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4:11المقدمة الأولى الأبيات ١- ٢٨ بصوت الشيخ أحمد سعد الأزهري저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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These are some tarawih recordings of Shaykh Ahmed around 2008-2009저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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These are some tarawih recordings of Shaykh Ahmed around 2008-2009저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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These are some tarawih recordings of Shaykh Ahmed around 2008-2009저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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These are some tarawih recordings of Shaykh Ahmed around 2008-2009저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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These are some tarawih recordings of Shaykh Ahmed around 2008-2009저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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These are some tarawih recordings of Shaykh Ahmed around 2008-2009저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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Lyrics by Shaykh Saleh Al-Ja'fari (May Allah be pleased with him)Our Lord, o our LordBless the Best of Creation저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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تلاف أمرك وبادر بصوت أحمد سعد الأزهري by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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A Series of Talks on Selected parables from the Quran delivered by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari in Ramadan 2016저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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A Series of Talks on Selected parables from the Quran delivered by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari in Ramadan 2016저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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A Series of Talks on Selected parables from the Quran delivered by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari in Ramadan 2016저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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A Series of Talks on Selected parables from the Quran delivered by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari in Ramadan 2016저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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A Series of Talks on Selected parables from the Quran delivered by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari in Ramadan 2016저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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A Series of Talks on Selected parables from the Quran delivered by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari in Ramadan 2016저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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A Series of Talks on Selected parables from the Quran delivered by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari in Ramadan 2016저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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A Series of Talks on Selected parables from the Quran delivered by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari in Ramadan 2016저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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A Series of Talks on Selected parables from the Quran delivered by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari in Ramadan 2016저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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A Series of Talks on Selected parables from the Quran delivered by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari in Ramadan 2016저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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A Series of Talks on Selected parables from the Quran delivered by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari in Ramadan 2016저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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A Series of Talks on Selected parables from the Quran delivered by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari in Ramadan 2016저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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This is a 5 lecture series on the theme Ramadan with the Wisdoms of Ibn 'Atāillah. The series explore a variety of themes that link together spiritual journeying, its foundations, aims, obstacles and maintaining balance. The series were offered as online as webinars on zoom.Disclaimer: Content and stories are particular to the series and should not…
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This is a 5 lecture series on the theme Ramadan with the Wisdoms of Ibn 'Atāillah. The series explore a variety of themes that link together spiritual journeying, its foundations, aims, obstacles and maintaining balance. The series were offered as online as webinars on zoom.Disclaimer: Content and stories are particular to the series and should not…
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This is a 5 lecture series on the theme Ramadan with the Wisdoms of Ibn 'Atāillah. The series explore a variety of themes that link together spiritual journeying, its foundations, aims, obstacles and maintaining balance. The series were offered as online as webinars on zoom.Disclaimer: Content and stories are particular to the series and should not…
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This is a 5 lecture series on the theme Ramadan with the Wisdoms of Ibn 'Atāillah. The series explore a variety of themes that link together spiritual journeying, its foundations, aims, obstacles and maintaining balance. The series were offered as online as webinars on zoom.Disclaimer: Content and stories are particular to the series and should not…
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This is a 5 lecture series on the theme Ramadan with the Wisdoms of Ibn 'Atāillah. The series explore a variety of themes that link together spiritual journeying, its foundations, aims, obstacles and maintaining balance. The series were offered as online as webinars on zoom.Disclaimer: Content and stories are particular to the series and should not…
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علمتني الحياة مصطفى حمام بصوت أحمد سعد الأزهري by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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متن الجزرية Matn Al-Jazariyyah recited by Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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16:34Al-Jazariyyah is an essential text in Tajwid by Imam Ibn Al-Jazari (751-833 AH. Here it is recited by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari in this moroccan style to facilitate its memorisation for the students of knowledge.Please keep us in your dua. Feel free to download and share저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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متن المقنع في علم الفلك Matn Al - Muqni In Time - Keeping - Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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12:00متنٌ مشهور في علم الفلك والتوقيت للعلامة الشيخ محمد بن سعيد المرْغْتي السوسي رحمه الله ورضي عنه وهو من المتون المناسبة لطلاب العلم ولابد من قرائته على شيخ متخصص في الفن إذ له أمور لآبد من طلبها كي يُفهم والمتن يعتمد الطرق التقريبية في الحساب وهو مقدمة لمنظومات أخرى. وقد سجله الشيخ أحمد سعد الأزهري بعد أن قرأ المتن ودرسه على الفلكي الشيخ سعيد ايت خا…
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القصيدة من ديوان الإمام عبد الله بن علوي الحداد الحسيني الحضرمي من ديوانه المشهور المسمى الدر المنظوم저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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شفا السقام بذكر أسماء خير الأنام نظم وإنشاد الشيخ أحمد سعد الأزهري Shifa Al-Siqam
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10:16This is an original poem gathering all the blessed 201 Names of the Prophet ﷺ mentioned by Imam Al-Jazuli in Dala'il Al-Khayrāt. The poem is written and sung by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari Al-Maliki. It follows the style of a poem on the miracles by the Mauritanian saint and scholar Muhammad Al-Yadali (D. 1161)It can be recited individually and col…
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Salatu Rabbi by Shaykh Yadali- Ahmed Saad صلاة ربي لليدالي بصوت الشيخ أحمد سعد الأزهري
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8:40A blessed praise for the Prophet ﷺ by the Mauritanian Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaddali 1096-1166 AH sung in an eastern tone by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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قصيدة في مدح أمير المؤمنين سيدنا علي بن أبي طالب كرم الله وجهه للشاعر بدر الدريع يلقيها الشيخ أحمد سعد الأزهري저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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طغيان العقل على القلب الشيخ أحمد سعد- كلمات محمد إقبال by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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مولاي- أتيناك بالفقر الشيخ أحمد سعد الأزهري by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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الكلمات في التوشيح لمحمد إقبالالمقطوعة الأخيرة في الأنشودة من كلمات الشيخ أحمد سعد저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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Aqidatul 'Awām Complete Shaykh Ahmed Saad by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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Ibn Ashir Recital_Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari_Fasting Chapter by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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Ibn Ashir Recital_Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari_Zakah by Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari저자 Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
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One day course on how to connect to the Quran. Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari relates the story of his book 'Contemplating the Quran' before giving a lengthy and detailed map of how to connect with the Quran and have an active relationship of contemplation with the Book of Allah. Shaykh Saad shows what barriers are stopping us from engaging with the B…
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One day course on how to connect to the Quran. Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari relates the story of his book 'Contemplating the Quran' before giving a lengthy and detailed map of how to connect with the Quran and have an active relationship of contemplation with the Book of Allah. Shaykh Saad shows what barriers are stopping us from engaging with the B…
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One day course on how to connect to the Quran. Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari relates the story of his book 'Contemplating the Quran' before giving a lengthy and detailed map of how to connect with the Quran and have an active relationship of contemplation with the Book of Allah. Shaykh Saad shows what barriers are stopping us from engaging with the B…
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One day course on how to connect to the Quran. Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari relates the story of his book 'Contemplating the Quran' before giving a lengthy and detailed map of how to connect with the Quran and have an active relationship of contemplation with the Book of Allah. Shaykh Saad shows what barriers are stopping us from engaging with the B…
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يا منتهى الآمال بصوت الشيخ أحمد سعد الأزهري كلمات الإمام الحداد
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1:36?? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ???? ?? ??????? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ?? ????? ??????? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ??? ??? ???? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??????? ?? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ?? ?? ?? …
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