Life optimization through the perspective of Dr. Ian Bulow, an expert in the chiropractic field.
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Are you asleep to life & need a wake-up call? There are opportunities and abilities you might be missing out on hitting the literal and figurative snooze button. Remember to Stay Connected with Dr. Ian Bulow on all social platforms -Facebook: -Instagram: -YouTube:…
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Should you believe everything said to you and/or about you? How should we discern what we are hearing? This episode of staying connected goes off the deep end, where we embark on a thought-provoking journey through the complex web of mistruths wrapped in truth. In this captivating podcast, we peel back the layers of deception that lurk beneath seem…
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Ep 64 The Power of Perspective: Shifting the Thought "Have to Do" to "Get to Do"
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6:33In this episode, we explore the concept of "Have to Do Something" versus "Get to Do Something" and how a simple shift in perspective can drastically change how we approach our daily tasks and ultimately impact our overall well-being. Remember to Stay Connected with Dr. Ian Bulow on all social platforms -Facebook:…
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Have you ever tried to learn a new skill or develop a new habit, only to find yourself struggling to stick with it or not seeing the progress you hoped for? In this podcast episode, we explore the 4 levels of development for mastering a new skill or habit, and how to navigate each stage to achieve success.Remember to Stay Connected with Dr. Ian Bul…
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Are you tired of feeling stuck in the same old routine? Do you want to grow and challenge yourself, but find it hard to step outside your comfort zone? In this episode, we explore the power of taking risks and facing your fears, using a strategy as simple as parking in all the "wrong places". Remember to Stay Connected with Dr. Ian Bulow on all soc…
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Ep 61: Top 3 Ingredients to Delivering An Upper Cervical Adjustment
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20:05What are the top 3 things to delivering an excellent upper cervical adjustment? Stay Connected with Dr. Ian Bulow to continue the discussion on all things upper cervical. -Facebook -Instagram -TikTok -Youtube…
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Here is another UC Vlog coming at you! On this episode, Dr. Bulow goes into one of the most important details when it comes to running a clinic... choosing a location. Join Dr. Bulow on Tuesday mornings for more tips on all things upper cervical! If you have any topics that you would like Dr. Bulow to cover or any questions, stay connected with him…
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Buckle Up!! This episode is a throwback interview from the Expect Miracles Podcast where Dr. Kevin Pecca interviewed Dr. Bulow. Stay connected to hear from one Upper Cervical Chiropractor to another. As always Stay Connected w/ @DrIanBulow on all the socials and with the clinic @ReviveUCC - Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok…
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Ep 58 What is Vasovagal Syncope & What Does It Have to Do With Your Spine?
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5:20What is Vasovagal Syncope & what does it have to do with your spine? This medical term is related to insufficient blood flow to the brain. This may cause someone to feel dizzy, faint, or blackout. How does it all connect? Stay connected to learn more. As always Stay Connected w/ @DrIanBulow on all the socials and with the clinic @ReviveUCC - Youtub…
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At Revive Upper Cervical, we believe that the family's health starts with the parents, especially the mothers. Studies show that chiropractic care helps many expecting mothers have shorter and less painful labor during the birth process. In addition, chiropractic care is very much safe for expecting moms and even newborn babies. Listen to learn mor…
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Track the numbers. Because the numbers tell the whole story of the business. If you want to grow in your goal, finding a way to track your progress is by finding the number and learning to how to grow that number. As always Stay Connected w/ @DrIanBulow on all the socials and with the clinic @ReviveUCC - Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok…
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In this episode, we will explain Whiplash, Concussion, and Post Concussion Syndrome! Symptoms that may come with post-concussion syndrome - are mental fatigue, brain fog, migraine, headaches, dizziness, vertigo, blurred vision, and the list goes on and on and on. When the head gets banged around, the soft tissue that connects the head to the rest o…
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Sciatica, neck, shoulder, and back pain are conditions Upper Cervical Care can help. If you have tried other traditional chiropractic care and didn’t get the results you were aiming for, you might want to try Upper Cervical Care at Revive Upper Cervical. Most neck and back pain comes from tight muscles and worn-out joints. The upper neck area of th…
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"Take control of your life by taking control of your time in bite-sized pieces." Here are some simple and practical tips on how to take control of how to manage time. As always Stay Connected w/ @DrIanBulow on all the socials and with the clinic @ReviveUCC - Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok
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Are you looking to unlock your potential or operate with less stress in your life? This episode is for you. How people view you is not always about you... it's about them. At the end of the day, what matters most is what you think about yourself & what the Creator thinks about you. As always Stay Connected w/ @DrIanBulow on all the socials and with…
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Today's episode is about a discussion about sciatica. Sciatica is named after the Sciatic Nerve. It is the nerve that helps your brain communicate with the lower leg. It starts in the nerve roots in your lower back's lumbar spine. Those nerves come together and form the sciatic nerve, one of the thickest nerves in the human body. It extends down th…
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One of the fancy end-of-summer 2022 trends was the "five things I would never do as a (insert profession here)..." So here are five things that I would never do as a Chiropractor As always Stay Connected w/ @DrIanBulow on all the socials and with the clinic @ReviveUCC - Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok…
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Dr. Emily Savage of Revive Upper Cervical Talks About Scoliosis. Scoliosis is an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. You can also notice this when there is an unequal level of the shoulders and the pelvis, which then translates down to the legs and feet. Several factors can cause Scoliosis: Congenital, Structural, Neurological According to a 2…
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This episode of Staying Connected w/ Dr. Ian Bulow started as a driving thought. We are given talents & personality traits, and there are benefits to both extraverts and introverts. Coming to appreciate both types of people, let's discuss and give a message of encouragement to the other. Being a fellow extravert, we thrive on the constant socializa…
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Ep. 46 Autonomic Nervous System And How Upper Cervical Care Helps Ease Stress In The Nervous System
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7:11Dr. Emily Savage of Revive Upper Cervical discusses Autonomic Nervous System. This is a division of the nervous system that is heavily regulated by the brain stem but is in control of a lot of background functions such as breathing, heart rate, and digestion. The Autonomic Nervous System is further divided into two divisions: Parasympathetic - Rest…
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Ep. 44 Colic In Infants And How Upper Cervical Care Can Help
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6:50Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Cranberry Twp, Dr. Ian Bulow, talks about Colic and how Chiropractic Care can help your children. Colic is a condition when an infant can't sleep, cries all the time, is hard to feed, and has acid reflux/gas. Listen to this week's episode to learn more about Colic. Follow #ReviveChiroKids to find out how Upper Cervica…
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Ep. 42 How Upper Cervical Care Is Essential For Heart Health w/ Dr. Emily Savage
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6:10Dr. Emily Savage of Revive Upper Cervical Chiropractic explains on this podcast episode how misalignments could effecting the heart such as causing high blood pressure and how effective Upper Cervical Care can help with this condition. Find the Video on Facebook Or Youtube Stay Connected with us on the so…
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What is the, "mental projection of your digital self?!" If you know that quote, then you will get a kick out of this episode. Either way, the topic of identity and self worth needs to be discussed!
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Ok.....this IS the place to tell you "what I really think" about things, so here it is!
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One of the best, and hardest, questions I have recieved! Happy to take a stab at this one. Would love to hear your thoughts!
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Ep. 38 - Adapting to the Coronavirus and to life in general.
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8:28So often we resist the changes in life that come our way, when there are some strategies that would help us can brace them. In this episode I review just a couple that I've picked up along the way that have helped me to deal with life during stressful times.
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Imagine what could be accomplished if people ga e up their need for recognition? If we just focused on living out our talents and gifts...pretty incredible concept.
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I wanted to give you two key phrases that have helped me to continue to grow and develop. Hope they help!
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Episode 35 - It is not about you!....but, it IS up to you!?
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8:51So glad to be back doing Podcast again. To kick off season 2, I want to have a discussion about one of my world views that has led me to live a life free of judgment, and with more happiness!
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Today we dive into the world of contact sports - specifically when it comes to Baseline Testing and concussion protocol. Generally speaking, baseline testing is a great way to monitor brain function before/after a concussion. However, when it comes to monitoring the integrity of the Upper Cervical Spine, which houses all communications going from t…
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It has been a bit since I have touched base with my Podcast peeps on a direct basis. Here is an update in to what I have been up to. Hopefully it inspires you to push the boundaries of your comfort zones and enjoy life in a new way.
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In this episode Dr. Bulow discusses Post Concussion Syndrome and pinched nerves in the neck and spine. If you know somebody, or you yourself have had a bad concussion, or bad whiplash injury... and the symptoms are not clearing up, the problem might be your neck.
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Your brain and heart talk to one another, and what they say is important!
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Ever black out? Know someone who has? Here is some insider information on how the spine can contribute to fainting spells and blacking out.
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While our initial impulse is to avoid those with differing insights and opinions, I am starting to more fully realize the importance of leaning in to those people in our lives that are the most unlike ourselves.
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Most things that are worthwhile require time to be completed. This is a really important concept if you are trying to achieve anything above average in your life. Would love to know what you have been working on lately and what you are working towards! Keep TICing.
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I am humbled and inspired by what can happen when people and organizations give of themselves without any expectations of personal gain in return!
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Easy to do = easy not to do. What have you been doing lately?
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5:43Sometimes it is the most basic and simple things in our lives that make all of the difference. This is one of my favorite concepts, and I have found it to be so true! Take a listen, and all as always please let me know what you think?
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It's pretty simple, look straight ahead or down with a slight chin tuck. Do NOT let your ear migrate in front of your shoulders, or for goodness sake in to your lap! The best way to do this, when using your phone, is to support your elbows on to your stomach when using your personal cellular devices. The head is HEAVY, don't let it just flop around…
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In an effort to lead and to give back to others, I think it is important to recognize that you need to 1st give back and take care of yourself so that you can better give back and take care of others. There's so many different layers to this topic but I just had an inspirational moment in my day and thought I would give you my 2 cents on the issue.…
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Getting to the Next Level, Part 2 - The source of your force.
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17:29So last time we talked about "The Triune of Life", which is Intelligence, Force, and Matter. In this episode I wanted to talk about the force, or energy, that is required to scale to your highest aspirations.
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Getting to the Next Level, Part 1 - The Triune of Life
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13:15In this episode, I discuss what is known as the Triune of Life. It's a but of a deep concept, but it will help give you the context for what it takes to takeany area of your life to the next level.
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One of the keys to my happiness is managing the expectations I have on myself, others, and the different situations I find myself in. I hope this insight helps you find a bit more peace and happiness in the situations you find yourself in!
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This episode requires such gems as "the process of change requires change!" Super deep right!? Haha In this episode go in to why change is a necessary part of growth and development in most all aspects of life. Hope you enjoy!
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Fear. The secret ingredient that governs the lives of so many. I see it in health care, but I also see it in every day life. So many people living in defense, for fear of some always-present eminent danger. I am no psychologist. I am just one person with my perspective on the issue. So you wan to hear my perspective on this one? Let's do it!…
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As a doctor I see a lot of people with arthritis and other spinal conditions. In this episode I want to give you some practical insights into these conditions, but then discuss how these insights can relate to increasing the quality of your life!
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After creating a post on social media about belief systems, I wanted to take a second to clarify and expand on this very important topic. As always thank you for listening, and please do share this information if you find it valuable. Thank you for staying connected with me!
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Whether you have done goal setting in the past or not, I would love to have you hear me out on why I believe goal setting is a critical step to a life well lived. Message me on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook and let me know what you thought!
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This past week has been really crazy for me. I have come to really appreciate the value of knowing your numbers. Hopefully this episode catches you at a time of reflection, and brings you value as we head in to a New Year.
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What is "solutogenesis" and why what you focus on can have a significant impact on the quality of your life and your health. Thanks for staying connected!- Dr. B
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