The weekly sermon from Hyde Park Baptist Church in Austin, TX.
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Sermons and talks from Hyde Park United Methodist. Making God's Love Real. Find out more at
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People First: People First is the Hyde Park Angels podcast dedicated to deconstructing entrepreneurial success into actionable takeaways you can use today. Hyde Park Angels is the most active early-stage investor in Chicago with a commitment to taking a "people-first approach" to investing. By matching our members’ expertise with entrepreneurs’ needs, we help develop top-performing companies that are delivering extraordinary results. Host: Pete Wilkins
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Interaktivní pořad – prostor pro vaše otázky a komentáře. Celý týden se můžete ptát a komentovat – hosté vám odpoví vždy v sobotu od 20:00 na ČT24. Na téma se podíváme z různých úhlů pohledu a hlavního hosta doplní i odborníci z praxe. Pořad svými otázkami a komentáři tvoříte i vy. Můžete psát přes web, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, posílat SMS zprávy. Hyde Park Civilizace moderuje Daniel Stach. Novinářská cena za rok 2016 Za rozhovor na téma rwandské genocidy si Novinářskou cenu 2016 odnesl m ...
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Join filmmaker Roger Michell (Notting Hill) as he discusses his film "Hyde Park on Hudson." In June 1939, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Bill Murray) and his wife Eleanor (Olivia Williams) host the King and Queen of England (Samuel West and Olivia Colman) for a weekend at the Roosevelt home in upstate New York—the first-ever visit of a reigning English monarch to America. With Britain facing imminent war with Germany, the royals are desperately looking to FDR for support.
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When we read the Bible, we’re encountering something ancient—written by people trying to make sense of their world and their experiences with God. So why do we sometimes expect it to be immediately clear to us today? This week, Mat and Decker explore how interpreting scripture is more like unpacking a halftime show performance—full of layers, conte…
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Resurrection faith is unwavering, even when it is under fire.저자 Dr. John Turner
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How can reading the Bible transform your life and deepen your relationship with God? Scripture has the power to illuminate our hearts and guide us in loving God and others. But to experience its full impact, we must make it a regular part of our lives—and even better, read it in community. Discover how reading Scripture together can bring its truth…
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Beyond the Sermon: Understanding Difficult Passages of Scripture
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13:28This week, Mat and Magrey discuss how reading deeply—whether it’s scripture, poetry, music, or film—helps us see the bigger picture of God’s plan in our lives. By engaging with different perspectives and holding multiple interpretations in tension, we grow in understanding, not just of the Bible, but of the world around us. Join us as we explore ho…
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The Good Book: Part 4 // Pastor Magrey deVega // February 23, 2025
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17:10How can we ensure the Bible is a source of liberation rather than harm? Throughout history, Scripture has been misused to justify misogyny, racism, homophobia, and other systemic sins. In this episode, we explore how to read the Bible faithfully, uncovering its message of good news and freedom for all. Reflection Questions: 1. What childhood story …
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The only saving faith is not result-oriented, but resurrection faith.저자 Dr. John Turner
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This week, Matt and Magrey discuss the evolving ways God is depicted in the Bible. They reflect on how personal experiences and challenges reshape our faith, inviting us to expand our perspective rather than leave it behind. Whether through theology, life events, or moments of transformation, growth means embracing new ways of seeing God while hold…
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The Good Book: Part 3 // Pastor Magrey deVega // February 16, 2025
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16:13What do we do with troubling images of God in the Bible that seem inconsistent with his love and faithfulness? Stories of God’s unpredictable actions can feel more like ancient mythology than the God we know. Explore how to read Scripture faithfully, uncovering its timeless truths beyond antiquated imagery. Reflection Questions 1. What images for G…
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God’s Word has resurrection power!저자 Dr. John Turner
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Violence in the Bible is one of the most challenging topics to wrestle with, yet it's a necessary conversation for understanding scripture in context. This week, Mat and Magrey explore the tension between taking violent passages too literally or dismissing them entirely. They discuss how ancient texts reflect the worldview of their time, the danger…
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The Good Book: Part 2 // Pastor Magrey deVega // February 9, 2025
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17:56How can we reconcile a loving God with the violence depicted in the Bible? Many struggle with this challenge, especially when reading the Old Testament. Join us as we delve into how to navigate scripture faithfully while grappling with the tough questions about God, violence, and our understanding of his character. Reflection Questions: 1. What bib…
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Worship God always, no matter the circumstances.저자 Dr. John Turner
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This week, Pastor Magrey deVega and Bishop Patrick Streiff explore the power of spiritual practices, from the Moravian texts that shaped John Wesley to the wisdom passed down through centuries of faith. They discuss how scripture, tradition, and relationships shape our journey, just as Jesus walked with His disciples toward transformation. Join the…
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The Good Book: Part 1 // Pastor Magrey deVega (w/ Bishop Streiff) // February 2, 2025
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24:12How does the way we interpret the Bible shape our faith? A Wesleyan approach focuses on inspiration rather than rigid concepts of inerrancy or infallibility. This perspective invites us to read Scripture dynamically and contextually, unlocking deeper truth and broader applicability. Join us to explore why this distinction matters so much. Reflectio…
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True worshipers worship the Father in spirit and in truth.저자 Dr. John Turner
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This week Mat and Magrey explore the role of worship in the Psalms, reflecting on how faith and artistry can emerge even in life’s bleakest moments. They discuss Psalm 100, a celebration of joy placed near lament, showing us the power of resilient worship in the face of unresolved struggles. Find out more at…
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Inspire, Part 4: Inspired to Worship // Pastor Magrey deVega // January 26, 2025
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14:36What does it mean to give back to God through worship? Worship is our response to God’s incredible gift of grace. Having received the breath of God, we use it to proclaim His power and might. Discover how worship reflects a beautiful cycle of grace and praise. Reflection Questions: 1. How has Sunday worship prepared you to be worshipful throughout …
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The only worship God accepts is with clean hands and a pure heart.저자 Dr. John Turner
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This week Mat and Magrey explore how we are called to actively participate in addressing the world’s challenges, rather than passively waiting for God to act. Reflecting on Psalm 37, they discuss how to focus on what we can control, release what we cannot, and find purpose in service. They also dive into the feeling of disenchantment that surrounds…
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Inspire, Part 4: Inspired to Serve // Pastor Magrey deVega // January 19, 2025
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18:21What does it mean to serve with love as your foundation? God has uniquely designed each of us to serve in specific ways for his purpose. Join us as we explore how to embrace your calling and live it out with love at the center. Reflection Questions: 1. When have you experienced disenchantment in your life, or in the world? 2. What Fruit of the Spir…
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When we worship, God works on our hearts and in our lives.저자 Dr. John Turner
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This week Savanna and Justin tackle the challenges of loving those who are difficult to love, especially when they are the ones causing us pain. They share insights on how to turn toxic experiences into opportunities to show others Christ’s love and explore what it means to reflect grace in the hardest relationships. Find out more at HydeParkUMC.or…
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Inspire: Part 2, Inspired to Love // Rev. Justin LaRosa // January 12, 2025
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19:38Our capacity to love others comes from God’s lavish love for us and in us. God’s love within us then compels us to love others lavishly and unconditionally. Both components are essential. Remembrance of baptism. Justin preaching, Sally doing reaffirmation liturgy. Reflection Questions: 1. How do stay near to Jesus Christ? What practices do you regu…
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We either worship God or we war against Him; there is no middle ground.저자 Dr. John Turner
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This week Mat and Magrey explore how God inspires us daily, even in the midst of life's challenges. Together, they discuss how aligning our lives with Christ’s values opens us to divine inspiration, often found through hardship and conflict. Discover how the lessons we need most can shape us in unexpected ways, and learn to embrace the hard moments…
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Inspire: Part 1, Everyday Inspiration// Pastor Magrey deVega // January 5, 2025
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16:33There is inspiration every day, with evidence of God’s power and presence, if we will only be open to seeing it. Reflection Questions: 1. How would you define inspiration, in terms of your own personal experience? 2. When have you felt inspired by something that is not necessarily “religious” in nature? 3. How might conflict and struggle be a sourc…
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Early in life, late in life, or somewhere in between, be found faithful to the Lord.저자 Dr. John Turner
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The Christmas Letters: Part 6 // Pastor Magrey deVega // December 29, 2024
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14:17Explore how letters connect us across time, offering encouragement, preserving memories, and deepening faith. Join Pastor Magrey deVega as we discover how the spirit of Christmas letters can inspire us to live with grace, love, and prayer all year long. Reflection Questions: 1. What is the most cherished letter you have ever received? 2. What are y…
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저자 Dr. Tyler Manning
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Jesus, the humble King of the Universe, came as God’s gift to save you.저자 Dr. John Turner
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This week, Mat and Magrey recap The Christmas Letters-- touching on being both loving and truthful, Jesus' divinity, and what it means for our everyday lives. -- Find out more at --저자 Hyde Park United Methodist
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The Christmas Letters: Part 4 // Pastor Magrey deVega // December 22, 2024
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17:37In Jesus the full divinity of God “was pleased to dwell.” Therefore, through Christ, we can be at peace with God and we can live in peace with one another. Reflection Questions: 1, How do you think Jesus experienced full divinity when he was on earth? 2. How does thinking about the life of Jesus draw you closer to God? 3. How will you live out Jesu…
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Jesus was born to die, to save us from our sins and to obedience to Him.저자 Dr. John Turner
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Join us this week as Mat and Rev. Bernie Lieving explore the difference between fleeting happiness and true, lasting joy. Hear Bernie’s inspiring story of being called to a life of service and how it has transformed his journey. -- Find out more at --저자 Hyde Park United Methodist
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The Christmas Letters: Part 3 // Bernie Lieving // December 15, 2024
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13:45Jesus emptied himself of his equality with God to become fully human. In doing so, he shows us a model for empathy, curiosity, and humility, which are keys to living a joyful life in Christ. Reflection Questions: 1. How do you express your appreciation to those who have done or said something that has helped make your joy complete? 2. Is there some…
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Jesus (born of a virgin Isa 7:14) came in purity to serve as the perfect sacrifice for our sins.저자 Dr. John Turner
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This week, Mat and Magrey dive deeper into the letter of 1 John, exploring how our beliefs are shaped by the trust we place in God's promise of love. -- Find out more at --저자 Hyde Park United Methodist
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The Christmas Letters, Part 2 // Pastor Magrey Devega // December 8, 2024
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17:18Jesus is love incarnate, the “word of life” revealed to us as a human of both “water and blood.” He shows us the way of love, which shapes our relationships with God and others. Reflection Questions: 1. What do you imagine the “magical circle” was like when you were born? 2. When have you most vividly experienced God with your senses? 3. How will y…
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God appointed you to prepare the way for the One who brings eternal life.저자 Dr. John Turner
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Beyond the Sermon: God's Promises for Past and Present
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10:25This week Mat and Magrey dive into the deeper meaning behind Magery's prayer and how we can stay faithful to every moment, even when we're called to something bigger then ourselves. -- Find out more at --저자 Hyde Park United Methodist
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The Christmas Letters, Part 1 // Pastor Magrey Devega // December 1, 2024
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17:18The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus brings us good news, offering us the hope of salvation. In Romans, we see God’s great plan to save all people from sin. Reflection Questions: 1. What do you enjoy about receiving Christmas letters this time of year? 2. How has God been faithful to you in the past? How is God active in your life now? 3. If …
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Jesus came as royalty, but to many He was, and still is, the unrecognized King.저자 Dr. John Turner
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This week, Mat and Magrey explore the Christian Liturgical Calendar more deeply, reflecting on what uncertain times mean to them and how they can find comfort in them. -- Find out more at --저자 Hyde Park United Methodist
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Not the End of the World, Part 4 // Pastor Magrey Devega // November 24, 2024
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15:36Challenged to prove ourselves, we find our identity in Christ, our King. Reflection Questions: 1. What do you think it means to call Jesus king? 2. Do you think empathy is in short supply today? Who models it best for you? 3. How will you emulate Jesus in your everyday life? -- Find out more at --…
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A complete, heavenly joy is found in your dependence in Jesus Christ. You never grow up into independence in your spiritual life.저자 Mike McDonough
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This week, Mat and Magrey reflect on what the crumbling temple might look like in your life, and how to find hope and guidance in those times of uncertainty. -- Find out more at --저자 Hyde Park United Methodist
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Not the End of the World, Part 3 // Pastor Magrey Devega // November 17, 2024
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15:07Christ never promises an easy walk, but one of sacrifice. Reflection Questions: 1.) When in your life did all you thought was true and reliable seem “thrown down”? 2.) When have you seen evidence of God not giving up during your hard times? 3.) How will you release your energy as an act of defiant hope in the world? -- Find out more at HydeParkUMC.…
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The Gospel Saturated Life (Romans 12:9-21), Jeff Blackburn
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49:33Join us every Sunday at 10:45 am EST @ HydePark.Online.Church Connect with Hyde Park! Facebook Instagram Website (Music provided by저자 HydePark.Church
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Following Jesus means living as if your earthly choices have eternal consequences.저자 Dr. John Turner
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Join Mat and Justin as they dive deeper into the message of Thessalonians, exploring how to find hope when it feels like the end is near. Justin shares a personal story of facing hopelessness, and together they reflect on what it means to persevere with faith. -- Find out more at --…
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