Hope Fellowship Church
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Sermons by City Hope Fellowship
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The Sermon Archive for Living Hope Fellowship in Lexington, KY
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Messages from Living Hope Fellowship in Baton Rouge, LA
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Welcome to Hope Fellowship - Sunday Messages, where amazing things happen. hopefellowshipycc.com https://mikezenker.blog http://www.youtube.com/c/MichaelZenker JOIN US “LIVE” SUNDAY MORNINGS on FACEBOOK 10:45 – 11am EST: https://www.facebook.com/michael.zenker FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/stillgrowingingrace INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/mikezenker7954/ TWITTER https://twitter.com/mikezenkergw
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Sermons by One Hope Fellowship
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Podcast by Hope Fellowship
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HOPE Fellowship Church is in Denton, TX.
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Touching Heaven, Changing Earth!
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Free Grace and Rapture-Ready! These are messages from our fellowship gatherings. We believe that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent and strive to equip believers to walk in the will of God during these trying last days. Please visit our website at http://www.arkofhopejasper.com for more resources and teachings.
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Podcast by Palm City New Hope Audio Sermons
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Messages of hope in Jesus Christ, in English and Spanish from Hope Fellowship church in Costa Rica (Playas del Coco in the province of Guanacaste). Visit us online at http://hope.cr or on Facebook at http://facebook.com/hopefellowshipcostarica ///// Mensajes de esperanza en Jesucristo, en inglés y español de la iglesia Hope Fellowship en Costa Rica (Playas del Coco en la provincia de Guanacaste). Visítenos en línea en http://hope.cr o en Facebook en http://facebook.com/hopefellowshipcostarica
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Weekly Sermons
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Regular devotional thoughts from Pastor Luke, and members of Hudson's Hope Bible Fellowship. We offer bite-size (approx. 15 minute) biblical devotions to encourage you in you spiritual walk, and supplement your faith journey. Recordings can never replace being part of a body of faith, but they can provide an additional source of encouragement and inspiration, especially at times when meeting together may not be as easy as we would like
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How You Read The Bible Matters – Jesus Is The Word Of God, Not The Bible
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34:24How You Read The Bible Matters – Jesus Is The Word Of God, Not The Bible Has anyone ever said to you, ‘The Bible plainly says’? I have good news for you, it does not. The Bible is never to be read as a flat text, and it seems to be filled with many contradictions. This is likely because we were never meant to read it as a book where every single wo…
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저자 Curtis Cook
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Join us this week as Pastor Mark teaches part 19 of our Hebrews Series. If you enjoyed the teaching, want to dive in deeper, or are interested in more information please check out our website at www.hopeinanderson.com.저자 Mark Gasque
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Join us this morning as Pastor Josh dives into the justice and mercy of the book of Habakkuk.저자 City Hope Fellowship
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In this episode, Pastor Derek continues his exploration of Luke 7 with "Just Say The Word, Part 2." He delves deeper into the powerful encounters where Jesus' words brought hope and forgiveness. We'll examine Christ's reassuring message to John the Baptist, amidst his doubts, and His compassionate words of forgiveness to the woman who washed His fe…
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Palm Sunday - Lent 25 Week 1 -- Mark 11:1-11 (3.9.25)저자 Josh Causey
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How You Read The Bible Matters Has anyone ever said to you, ‘The Bible plainly says’? I have good news for you, it does not. The Bible is never to be read as a flat text, and it seems to be filled with many contradictions. This is likely because we were never meant to read it as a book where every single word is equally true! The writers of each bo…
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저자 Curtis Cook
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Join us this Sunday as Pastor Josh guides us through 3 John and how we can best serve and care for those who we consider strangers to us.저자 City Hope Fellowship
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Dive into Luke 7 with Pastor Derek as we explore the profound power of Jesus' words in "Just Say The Word." This week, we examine how Christ's authority and life-giving power are revealed through two remarkable encounters: the healing of a centurion's servant and the raising of a widow's son.Pastor Derek unpacks the significance of Christ's words, …
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Pruning and Lent -- John 15:1-5 (3.2.25)저자 Josh Causey
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What does it mean to be ‘In Christ’ and what does it mean to actually ‘live out’ the life we seem to believe in? Work it out! Work out your salvation does not mean ‘work for it’. This mini series is about reminding you about the key foundation of what it means to ‘live loved’! Enjoy!! Watch today’s ‘edited’ message on YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/SjkX…
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저자 Guest User
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Hebrews p. 17 | The Promised Eternal Inheritance - Audio
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47:30Join us this week as Pastor Mark teaches part 17 of our Hebrews Series. If you enjoyed the teaching, want to dive in deeper, or are interested in more information please check out our website at www.hopeinanderson.com.저자 Mark Gasque
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Hunger, pain, war, suffering, greed, and oppression. What should we do when we feel so disillusioned to the world around us? Especially when it seems like God's promises are so far off and incomplete. Join us as we learn from the Old Testament prophet Haggai, on how to remain hopeful and faithful in the midst of despair.…
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In this impactful sermon, Pastor Chris Rieber unpacks Jesus’ parable of the wise and foolish builders, revealing the critical importance of building our lives on a deep, unshakable foundation—the Word of God. With Jesus’ piercing question, “Why do you call me Lord and do not do the words I say?”, we are challenged to examine our obedience to His tr…
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The Cost of Discipleship -- Luke 14:25-33 (2.23.25)저자 Josh Causey
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WORK IT OUT – Love Your Neighbour (And Enemy) Pt 9 What does it mean to be ‘In Christ’ and whatdoes it mean to actually ‘live out’ the life we seem to believe in? Work it out! Work out your salvation does not mean ‘work for it’. This mini series is about reminding you aboutthe key foundation of what it means to ‘live loved’! Enjoy!! Watch today’s ‘…
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저자 Curtis Cook
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Unturned Pages: Finding Jesus in the Book of Philemon, Part 2
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46:41The good news of Jesus brings us into right relationship with God and with each other, creating a new family. The creation of this new family is the most justice promoting, equality creating, and system upending reality in the world. The status quo simply will not do. And yet, that hasn't always been the way of the church. Join us as we look to the…
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Join us this week as Pastor Mark teaches part 16 of our Hebrews Series. If you enjoyed the teaching, want to dive in deeper, or are interested in more information please check out our website at www.hopeinanderson.com.저자 Mark Gasque
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In this powerful continuation of New Wineskins, Pastor Chris Rieber takes a deep dive into Christ’s analogy of Old and New Wineskins. In Part 3, we explore how Jesus didn’t come to patch up the old but to make everything new. Are we holding onto outdated mindsets, traditions, or ways of thinking that hinder God’s transformative work in our lives? D…
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Better Together Part 2 | We Are Better Together When... - Audio
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48:48Join us this week as Pastor Matthew teaches part 2 of our annual Better Together Series. If you enjoyed the teaching, want to dive in deeper, or are interested in more information please check out our website at www.hopeinanderson.com.저자 Matthew Cogswell
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The Great Banquet -- Luke 14:12-24 (2.16.25)저자 Josh Causey
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What does it mean to be ‘In Christ’ and what does it mean to actually ‘live out’ the life we seem to believe in? Work it out! Work out your salvation does not mean ‘work for it’. This mini series is about reminding you about the key foundation of what it means to ‘live loved’! Enjoy!! Watch today’s ‘edited’ message on YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/ZTIH…
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저자 Curtis Cook
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The good news of Jesus brings us into right relationship with God and with each other, creating a new family. The creation of this new family is the most justice promoting, equality creating, and system upending reality in the world. The status quo simply will not do. And yet, that hasn't always been the way of the church. Join us as we look to the…
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Episode Title: New Wineskins, Part 2In this episode, Pastor Chris continues exploring Jesus’ powerful metaphor of New and Old Wineskins. Through this teaching, we see how Jesus declares Himself as the true Messiah—one who holds all authority and power to redeem us. When we come to Him, He doesn’t just patch up our old ways; He makes us completely n…
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The Tuning Note of the Kingdom -- Luke 14:1-14저자 Josh Causey
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In this sermon, Pastor Chris Rieber unpacks Luke 5:36-39, where Jesus shares two parables to illustrate the authority He desires to have over a disciple’s life. When we come to know Him as Savior and Lord, everything changes. Yet, just as the Pharisees wrestled with Jesus’ fulfillment of the Old Testament Law, we too can struggle with fully surrend…
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WORK IT OUT – Love YourNeighbour (And Enemy) Pt 7 What does it mean to be ‘In Christ’ and what does it mean to actually ‘live out’ the life we seem to believe in? Work it out! Work out your salvation does not mean ‘work for it’. This mini series is about reminding you about the key foundation of what it means to ‘live loved’! Enjoy!! Watch today’s …
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저자 Curtis Cook
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Better Together Part 1 | We Are Better Together in... - Audio
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48:30Join us this week as Pastor Mark teaches part 1 of our annual Better Together Series. If you enjoyed the teaching, want to dive in deeper, or are interested in more information please check out our website at www.hopeinanderson.com.저자 Mark Gasque
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Obadiah? Where's that book? As we start a new sermon series today, we begin with the shortest book in the Old Testament, the minor prophet Obadiah. This short book packs a lot in and is surprisingly relevant amidst the chaos of the current moment. We will look at what God has to say about how nations treat the most vulnerable people and what that m…
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The Transformative Holiness of Christ (Part 2) - Audio
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44:45In this episode, Pastor Derek Holmes continues his powerful sermon series on The Transformative Holiness of Christ, diving deeper into Luke 5:17-36. Building on last week's message, we explore two more remarkable scenes from Christ’s earthly ministry—His healing of the paralyzed man brought by four faithful friends and His calling of Matthew, the t…
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Embodying the Courage of God (2.2.25)저자 Norman Elrod
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Join us this week as Pastor Mark teaches part 15 of our Hebrews Series. If you enjoyed the teaching, want to dive in deeper, or are interested in more information please check out our website at www.hopeinanderson.com.저자 Mark Gasque
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WORK IT OUT – What Maturing Looks Like Pt 6 What does it mean to be ‘In Christ’ and what doesit mean to actually ‘live out’ the life we seem to believe in? Work it out! Work out your salvation does not mean ‘work for it’. This mini series is about reminding you about the key foundation of what it means to ‘live loved’! Enjoy!! Watch today’s ‘edited…
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저자 Curtis Cook
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This morning our very own Patrick Alyea will be giving us a word from passages in Luke 8 & 9 and what it means to count the cost of being a disciple of Christ. Patrick Alyea is a ministry leader for Athletes In Action on Ball State's campus. AIA connects athletes and coaches to their global community where they can develop holistically and discover…
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The Finger of God -- The Spirit of God Works (1.26.25)
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50:39The Finger of God -- The Spirit of God Works (1.26.25)저자 Dr. Samuel Thomas
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What does it mean to be ‘In Christ’ and what does it mean to actually ‘live out’ the life we seem to believe in? Work it out! Work out your salvation does not mean ‘work for it’. This mini series is about reminding you about the key foundation of what it means to ‘live loved’! Enjoy!! Watch today’s ‘edited’ message on YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/k2Op…
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저자 Curtis Cook
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Join us this week as Pastor Nathan teaches part 14 of our Hebrews Series. If you enjoyed the teaching, want to dive in deeper, or are interested in more information please check out our website at www.hopeinanderson.com.저자 Nathan Bier
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Join us this morning as our very own Benjy Poore gives his morning message on worry & trust. There are many seasons in our lives when it feels difficult to leave important tasks to God, but how good is it for us to be willing to trust him with the things that we often don't have control over. Let's find out!…
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The Transformative Holiness of Christ (Part 1) - Audio
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43:01Podcast Episode: "The Transformative Holiness of Christ"In this sermon, Pastor Derek Holmes unpacks Luke 5:1-16, exploring two key moments in Jesus’ ministry: the calling of Peter, James, and John, and the healing of the leper. Through these vivid scenes, Pastor Derek reveals how the holiness of Christ transforms lives.We learn that Jesus’ holiness…
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The Lord's Supper -- The Unity of the Table -- John 17:20-26 (1.19.25)
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45:54The Lord's Supper -- The Unity of the Table -- John 17:20-26 (1.19.25)저자 Josh Causey
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WORK IT OUT – Time To Grow Up Pt 4 What does it mean to be ‘In Christ’ and what doesit mean to actually ‘live out’ the life we seem to believe in? Work it out! Work out your salvation does not mean ‘work for it’. This mini series is about reminding you about the key foundation of what it means to ‘live loved’! Enjoy!! Watch today’s ‘edited’ message…
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저자 Mike Brooks
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We often feel like we aren't enough for God and that he is frustrated or disappointed with us as his children. However, scripture paints a different picture. In this message, City Hope's very own Brandon Clemens will help us discover how God the father really feels about his children.저자 City Hope Fellowship
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