Här kan du lyssna på härliga trosfyllda gudstjänster från församlingen Guds Kraft i Sävsjö.
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Sjónvarpið sendir møti og gudstænastur frá ymsum samkomum í Føroyum hvønn sunnudag klokkan 16:00.
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Direkte transmission af dagens højmesse fra en af landets kirker.
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Hør taler fra Guds Menighet på Vegårshei
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Podcast by Bykirken i Vejle
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A church that loves God and loves Gothenburg!
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Åsteder - Fortællinger fra Gudenåen er en kulturhistorisk podcast, der tager dig med fra Gudenåens udspring ved Tinnet Krat og hele vejen op gennem Jylland, indtil Gudenåen løber ud i Randers Fjord. Undervejs fortæller eksperter fra otte Østjyske museer historier om alt fra jernalderfolk, moselig og middelaldermunke til ingeniører med store idéer og nutidens kanosejlere. Gudenåen har altid været kilde til liv.
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Gudinski is a five-part podcast series that tells a new side to the story of the late music mogul, Michael Gudinski. Hosted by Michael's daughter Kate Gudinski, the series unpacks her father’s legacy from signing Aussie icons like Kylie Minogue and Jimmy Barnes to touring superstars like Madonna and The Rolling Stones around Australia. Kate explores what drove Michael's passion for music, how he built the Mushroom Group empire and his lasting impact on the music industry.
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Útvarpið sendir beinleiðis gudstænastu hvønn sunnudag í árinum úr føroysku fólkakirkjuni. Harumframt verða gudstænastur eisini útvarpaðar um kirkjuligu høgtíðirnar. Sagt verður, hvør er prestur, deknur, urguleikari og klokkari, og hvørjir sálmar verða sungnir.
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Prædiken fra Online Gudstjeneste, som produceres af Norea Mediemission og Luthersk Mission
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NOREA: Guds ord er levende
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Ob direkt auf allgemeine-zeitung.de, Amazon Alexa oder dem Podcast-Player Ihrer Wahl: Zwischen Montag und Freitag liefert Ihnen unser Podcast "Gude, Rheinhessen!" jeden Morgen in der Früh die wichtigsten Informationen und Nachrichten. Was sind die relevantesten Nachrichten aus Mainz und Rheinhessen? Mit "Gude, Rheinhessen!" sind Sie immer bestens informiert. Und für den unwahrscheinlichen Fall der Fälle, dass Sie sich fragen, was "Gude" bedeutet, sei an dieser Stelle ausnahmsweise Wikipedia ...
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Jeg er Mette, 22 år, originalt fra Ullerslev, en lille by nær Nyborg, på Fyn. Nu bor jeg i Odense. I 2018 mister jeg min far, jeg starter i sorggruppe og til terapi, noget af det mest berigende siden da, i mit liv, som har lært mig, hvor vigtig den åbne sårbare samtale er for os. i 2020 under pandemien, fik jeg den idé at starte podcasten her, eller dvs, jeg startede faktisk min engelske først. Dare To. Så den her. Jeg savnede det sociale, samtidig havde brug for at tænke nyt, og jeg savnede ...
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Based on their Mad Decent released single “Gud Vibrations”, best friends NGHTMRE and SLANDER decided to build their Gud Vibrations brand together. After two sold-out Palladium shows and a sold-out 34 city bus tour across North America, Gud Vibrations has been growing exponentially and internationally. The guys are teaming up once again to spread the Gud Vibes on this weekly show. Tune in for this hour-long mix, full of everything from fan favorites to unreleased bangers. Gud Vibrations Radio ...
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Bedehuskirken er en kirke i Bryne og hører til i Indremisjonsforbundet. Annenhver uke samles stor-familien til gudstjeneste. Forkynnelsen fra disse gudstjenesten skal sette oss i stand til å følge Jesus.
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Ob direkt auf wiesbadener-kurier.de, Amazon Alexa oder dem Podcast-Player Ihrer Wahl: Zwischen Montag und Freitag liefert Ihnen unser Podcast "Gude, Wiesbaden!" jeden Morgen in der Früh die wichtigsten Informationen und Nachrichten. Was sind die relevantesten Nachrichten aus Wiesbaden und Rheingau-Taunus? Mit "Gude, Wiesbaden!" sind Sie immer bestens informiert. Und für den unwahrscheinlichen Fall der Fälle, dass Sie sich fragen, was "Gude" bedeutet, sei an dieser Stelle ausnahmsweise Wikipe ...
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Igennem generationer har andagter af C.O. Rosenius været en del af det daglige åndelige brød for mange kristne. Den skarpe forkyndelse, der afslører åndelig vildfarelse, og peger mod Jesus Kristus alene. Opstart 1. Januar 2025
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På denne podcast kan du lytte til de seneste prædikener i Aalborg Valgmenighed. Må du blive inspireret, opmuntret og udfordret ved at følge med i vores åndelige rejsedagbog. Og husk: Film skal ses i biografen, og prædikener er bedst i kirken...
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We are 4 friends who met and forged a bond in the A/V department at a high school in Texas and now we are picking up where we left off 20 years ago. Doing what we love consuming as much popculture as we possibly can and talking about it!! Let us be you're water cooler!! As we chat about Tv, Movies, Music, Sport, Entertainment and much much more so be sure to join Chris, Dean, Jorge and Troy on The Güd Vibes Podcast (pronounced GOOD)
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Podcast by Ålgård menighet
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Everything this bigger in Texas especially when it comes to flavors. Join Randy, Jr and Ed from Big Salinas Barbecue as they share stories, recipes, Barbecue tips and techniques that will keep you entertained and take your bbq game to the next level!!
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Dari 4 remaja yg berbeda-beda, otak beda, tetap beda... ikuti terus keseruan kita jangan sampai lewatkan AHOI
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Podcast de Durango lleno de humor y buena vibra. Hecho por gudaris para gudaris😁
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Welcome to the Jonas Gudni podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Guddommelig sex - En podcast der rykker Velkommen til Guddommelig Sex, hvor sexolog Robert Lubarski har sat sig foran mikrofonerne sammen med Trance Medium Dennis Søndergaard, der kanaliserer viden og indsigt fra højere bevidstheder. Robert Lubarski har fået lov til, at spørge om alt, og denne mulighed bruger han til, at få mere viden om noget meget essentielt for mennesker, nemlig kærlighed og sex. Trance Medium Dennis Søndergaard har siden 2002 beskæftiget sig med at Inspirere og oplyse ud ...
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Hlaðvarp um stjórnmál.
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Sófinn er rauður
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Selamat datang di rumah kalian sendiri.
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Við erfum hæfileika, útlit og húmor en getum við erft sorgir og áföll? Útvarpsleikhúsið kynnir, Guðmundarkviða: Saga þjóðar þar sem Guðmundur Ingi Þorvaldsson leikari, leikstjóri og tónlistarmaður lítur sér nær og rannsakar ættarsögu sína sjö kynslóðir aftur, til að reyna að komast að því hvort, og þá hvað, af sorgum og áföllum forfeðra hans og formæðra gætu setið í honum.
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Comedian Mateo Gudenrath nimmt wöchentlich seine Selbstgespräche auf.
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Gudstj�nst fran Livets Ord Uppsala
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Podcast by Petur Gudjonsson
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My podcast is about changing. It is growing and it is going to be in the personality of a good or bad girl...I believe they both have amazing insights
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This isn’t a podcast for total beginners. We’re going to assume that you know what plot structure is, what a protagonist is, where ideas come from, and how to use a semicolon. This is a podcast for people who can already write okay, but want to do better.
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Kalau kamu bilang, cerita dari orang lain adalah sebuah kesalahan. Di sini, bisa menjadi sebuah pembelajaran dan awal dari kebersamaan. Aku ingetin pake gayaku lah buatmu ya. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dea-amanda/support
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Välkommen till Spirit of Gudrun, en inspirerande podcast där två färgstarka entreprenörer, Gudrun Sjödén och Monica Ekervik Hedman, bjuder in dig till en värld fylld av färg, form och kreativitet - här möts passionen för textilt hantverk, hållbarhet och den ständiga upptäckten av livet. Det är också en berättelse om entreprenörskapets utmaningar och glädjeämnen. Gudrun, som skapade sitt första företag på 70-talet, delar sina tankar om vad som krävs för att förverkliga en idé och driva den ti ...
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Om något som inte syns men som kan göra skillnad i livet.
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In 2014, I was ready to end my life. A life of partying quickly became a life of addiction and despair. Thankfully, God had another plan. This is my story, and new pages are being written every day. Life is beautiful - every broken part of it.👊 Instagram: @zackgudzan
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Podcast by Gudgubbar
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Toda semana vamos trazer conteúdos sobre relacionamentos, com objetivo de mostrar para você que é possível ter um relacionamento sólido e saudável. Apesar das diferenças de cultura.
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Lyt til Gudstjenester fra Roskilde Baptistkirke som Podcast
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DLTLLY präsentiert: GUDE & BÖS - Der neue Battlerap Podcast mit David WBG und Mars B.
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Podcast om allt. Det är tråkigt att vara nischad ju.
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Från 2009. Ett program om moraliska dilemman med prästen och kyrkoherden Olle Carlsson Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Ansvarig utgivare: Louise Welander
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GudiOn Cast: o podcast da Matera sobre negócios, tecnologia e transformação social. Vamos mostrar pra você como as transformações tecnológicas, sociais e de negócios têm um grande impacto na vida de toda a população, muitas vezes sem que a gente perceba.A cada episódio, vamos trazer convidados especiais para falar sobre essas transformações de um jeito bem ilustrativo, pra quem ainda está se familiarizando com os assuntos e também pra quem já conhece!
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Over the season of Advent we will be exploring how God describes Himself in Exodus 34, as 'a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness'. (Exodus 34:6). Matthew continues the series by helping us to consider the abounding, faithful, steadfast, 'hesed' love of God for His people. There is a loss of audi…
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Episode 26: The Emo Music Special-Thanks for nothing: insert (Parents/First Love)
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Show Topics Include Emo music and a mice problem Our favorite Directors of movies Will Smith and the first aunt Viv Monoliths Outgoing messages to our off planet listeners Troy Time covers the boxing event of the year and Snoop Dogg love Support the show Our Youtube link https://youtu.be/tTZ2Tv2jick저자 Chris, Dean, Tj and Friends
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Episode 407 / Gud Vibrations Radio – Follow us @slanderofficial @nghtmre저자 NGHTMRE & SLANDER
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Gud blev menneske - Matthæusevangeliet kapitel 11, vers 2-10
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저자 Anders Zoll Landkildehus
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Send us a text This episode we discuss what we have cooked up for thanksgiving. We list our favorite side and dessert for thanksgiving. We answer a question as well talk about brine vs no brine. If you would like to be part of the podcast or sponsor us let us know. The Good Charcoal Company https://www.instagram.com/thegoodcharcoal/ Gourmet wood pr…
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저자 Carl Olof Rosenius
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24.11.24 - Levd Liv: når Gud smiler til oss (4. Mos 6, 24-26)
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24.11.24 - Levd Liv: når Gud smiler til oss (4. Mos 6, 24-26) by Ålgård menighet저자 Ålgård menighet
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Wiesbadener Haushalt nach hitziger Debatte beschlossen, große Veränderungen im Wiesbadener Busverkehr und erneut Revision im Fall Sven B. Das und mehr hören Sie heute im Podcast. Alle Hintergründe zu den Nachrichten finden Sie hier: https://www.wiesbadener-kurier.de/lokales/wiesbaden/stadt-wiesbaden/wiesbadener-haushalt-nach-hitzigen-debatten-besch…
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Ärger mit Schulbuchausleihe in Mainz, „Aus“ für Niko Springer bei der Darts-WM und Staus zum Start der Weihnachtsferien erwartet. Alle Hintergründe zu den Themen finden Sie hier: https://www.allgemeine-zeitung.de/lokales/mainz/stadt-mainz/schulbuchausleihe-in-mainz-800-exemplare-fehlen-noch-4240683 https://www.allgemeine-zeitung.de/sport/weitere-sp…
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Lukasevangeliet 3 21-22
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Urteil nach Messerangriff in Bad Kreuznach, Allgemeinmedizinische Praxis am Mainzer Campus schließt und Stellantis bekräftigt Zukunft des Rüsselsheimer Werks. Das und mehr heute im Podcast. Alle Hintergründe zu den Nachrichten finden Sie hier: https://www.allgemeine-zeitung.de/lokales/bad-kreuznach/ehefrau-umgebracht-zehn-jahre-haft-wegen-totschlag…
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Urteile im bislang größten Wiesbadener Drogenprozess gefallen
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Urteile im bislang größten Wiesbadener Drogenprozess gefallen, Busfahren in Wiesbaden wird teurer und Unruhe beim Caritasverband Wiesbaden-Rheingau-Taunus. Das und mehr heute im Podcast. Alle Hintergründe zu den Themen findet ihr hier: https://www.wiesbadener-kurier.de/lokales/wiesbaden/stadt-wiesbaden/hohe-haftstrafen-fuer-drogenhaendler-und-helfe…
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Lukasevangeliet 3 1-20
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Marode Heizung: Schiersteiner Hafenschüler frieren wieder
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Betrieb der Schiersteiner Hafenschule wegen maroder Heizung in Gefahr, neue Online-Plattform für Kulturangebote und Finanzbehörden warnen vor gefälschten Steuerbescheiden. Das und mehr heute im Podcast. Alle Hintergründe zu den Themen findet ihr hier: https://www.wiesbadener-kurier.de/lokales/wiesbaden/wiesbaden-schierstein/schiersteiner-hafenschue…
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Antisemitismus-Vorwurf an der Uni Mainz, neue Sperrzone in Mainz-Bingen wegen der Schweinepest und Verteidigung legt Revision im Frankfurter Raserprozess ein. Das und mehr heute im Podcast. Alle Hintergründe zu den Nachrichten finden Sie hier: https://www.allgemeine-zeitung.de/politik/politik-rheinland-pfalz/erneuter-antisemitismus-vorwurf-massive-…
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Lukasevangeliet 2 41-52
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Vikingerne ved floden: Danmarkshistorien mejslet ind i sten (#6)
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Langs Gudenåen finder vi en virkelig stor koncentration af runesten, og i det her afsnit ser vi nærmere på to af dem. Vi skal blandt andet med Benita Clemmensen fra Museum Østjylland til Langå, hvor flere sten uden tvivl har stået ved vandvejen langs Gudenåen. Herudover tager Ejvind Hertz fra Museum Skanderborg os med til byen Hørning, hvor vi både…
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Neuer Standort für Lidl-Filiale in Geisenheim in Sicht, Wertstoffhöfe in Wiesbaden öffnen wieder und Bundestag entzieht Kanzler Scholz das Vertrauen. Das und mehr heute im Podcast. Alle Hintergründe zu den Nachrichten finden Sie hier: https://www.wiesbadener-kurier.de/lokales/kreis-rheingau-taunus/geisenheim-kreis-rheingau-taunus/neuer-standort-fue…
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Verkehrssituation an der Gonsbachtalbrücke fordert Geduld, Hoffnung auf Rückkehr des Palatin-Kinos in Mainz und Bundestag entzieht Kanzler Scholz das Vertrauen. Das und mehr heute im Podcast. Alle Hintergründe zu den Nachrichten finden Sie hier: https://www.wiesbadener-kurier.de/lokales/kreis-mainz-bingen/landkreis-mainz-bingen/so-ist-die-verkehrss…
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Packed show this week as we catch up with actor Johnny Baca. But first we recap 4th of july festivities, share a sneak peak at the highly anticipated Snyder cut, get into some sports and Chris fulfills a life long dream. Which brings us back to Johnny, he was heavily featured in most to all of our short films and music video work. Since then, he ha…
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Join us this week we chit chat with Robert Miller an old buddy who has transplanted to Nashville from Dfw to play music professionally. Not only do we talk life as working musician in one of the great music cities in the country but Rob tells us about life on the road and his upcoming podcast about Gear and Beer. Also on the show we get into tattoo…
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Episode 19: The Scary Spooky Horrific Episode with Anthony and Wally
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This week's episode is scary and informative and fun. Anthony and Wally are back to talk about Horror Movies and discuss their favorites. What soundtracks should you play around the house for maximum scary feels this October. Yellowstone is a good show. Is Shudder (horror movie streaming service) worth it? We all love ______ on Amazon Prime? Mash F…
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Episode 11: Eating A Denver Omelet In Denver Is So Meta...
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This week we are joined by corporate chef Rode Roberts from Denver Colorado. He clues us in on all the mile high city has to offer. We have Foodie talk, sports, the great outdoors with kids. Tj talks kitchen demo and takes his jack hammer to Chris' top 10 rappers of all time list. Dean previews Dc Fan-dom and as always we end on our inspirations of…
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Episode 16: Let's Get Back On Track Till The Wheels Fall Off...
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After a few weeks of and twists and turns and takeovers and burns we try to get back on track that is till the wheels fall off. We start with quarantine hair and fashion tips. Chris shares his sorted past of failed attempts at body modifications. UFC picks with Troy Warren of the Split Decision Show and you know when GüD bros start talking fights t…
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Episode 23: 2 Drink minimum, tip your server, and don't make us take your phone...
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ON THIS WEEK'S EPISODE: "I'll take Funny Person for $300, Alex" SNL with Dave Chappelle and Foo Fighters Recap The Comedy Story docuseries on Showtime part 2 because Chris finally watched it. Top Five Stand-up round table discussion and draft Honorable Mentions for Bob Sagat, Dave Chappelle, Bill Burr, Pete Holmes & Sara Silverman Support the show …
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Episode 10: The Rise of Seltzers: Hydration In Disguise
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Join us for our 10th episode as the GüD bros keep you up to date on all the things you love!! Topics we kick around this week include: UFC 252 Dc vs Miocic III, Boxings latest with El Presidente, What's happening in Sports during pandemic, Update on the Jake Paul situation from our special social media corespondent, TJ's Jersey wearing do's and don…
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Episode 22: Adventures with Staten Island Ferry Buskers
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ON THIS EPISODE: Suprise! Dean wins the Moustache Contest on a technicality We have been watching some things and we talk about that Atari is coming out with a new console Favorite games on consoles of the past Jorge explains D.J.'s can be bad anywhere We probably should take a page out of Lebron's Offseason self care routine Sean Connery died Dair…
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We have a packed show this week as we continue our interview with wonderful guest Anthony Sant' Enselmo along with his mystery surprise bonus guest! But first Dean comes to grips with with his oldest son getting geared up for 7th grade football, we talk legos, Mavs and Stars updates, and Wrestling talk? Vma breakdown we tuck Tj in after the longest…
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Episode 20: Venti Pumpkin Spice Latte Please? Chris With A K Thanks!! ;)
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Horror Movie watching continues A.C. That Drummer checks in with a DFW Haunted House experience Garth Ennis comics and Movies A brief comment on a Movie Chris & Dean think is a comedy Chuck Palahniuk books into film thoughts Jay-Z + Smashing Pumpkins – Marcy Projects and the Infinite Sadness Support the show Our Youtube link https://youtu.be/tTZ2Tv…
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Hang with the GüD bros as we ditch the guest this week and get some bro time in! Topics we kick around this week include: out first cd purchases, baseball cards, garage/estate sales and is it worth it to invest in rare records? What's your Top 5 Apocalyptic Movie!? We also wrap up the finals to this years GüD Voice competition who will win it all? …
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Episode 17: Being a fan can suck when your team loses and other observations
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In this episode we lick each others wounds after a crazy Cowboy's game. Troy jumps in for a quick realistic take on the Washington Football Team. US Men's Soccer Team looks to have a very bright future. Dean is struggling to love Lovecraft Country but not saying it isn't good. John Hugh's influence on Chris's life. T.J. doesn't really dress up for …
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Episode 25: At The Dinner Table With Bustos, Dean and Troy
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Scaled down Thanksgiving feasts during a Pandemic Hunting turkeys in an urban enviroment with special pro 2nd Amendment guests WE ARE WATCHING A LOT OF THINGS and we talk about what we like and don’t Ted Lasso on Apple TV+ Jason Sudeikis and Bill Lawrence - Renewed for a 2nd season 5 days after season 1 premiere and a 3rd season renewal last month …
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Episode 21: Is 40 Middle age?... And Is It A Crisis?
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A short tribute to the David Caruso cold opens on CSI: Miami The new "The Witches" debut on HBO Max Troy shares a haunted house experience Cowboys Fan seasonal depression is a real thing T.J. actually sat down and watched some films Dean nerd's out on the interstellar Voyager 1 & 2 random facts What is your favorite Mel Brook's film? Chris boycotts…
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Episode 24: Strawberry Wine Has Jorge Seeing Red
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ON THIS WEEK'S EPISODE: Gif and Jifs Men's health month Dean gives his cheap prostate exam advise Cultural differences and pesos for pee rights Weird stuff you discover during sleepovers Lot's of favorites this episode starting with dessert snacks, breakfast, more video games and even more cereal.... We are then joined by special guest Chris Wisema…
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Episode 14: I Cut The Cord And Fell Into The Abyss...
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In this episode we get into a little bit of sports talk, NBA playoffs, Nfl's fast approaching debut and Chris's refusal to watch the Stars run in the midst of other options. We round out the sports talk with a little futbol and signature shoes, who's did you rock if ever? Then we fill you in on all the stuff to watch on all the streaming services a…
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Join us this week as we catch up with good friend Cameron Woolf bassist with the band Erstwhile. He takes us on a journey that spans most of three decades in the Dallas music scene. From his start with Edgewater, at end of the 90's all the way to the winter of 2014 where he and his bandmates formed in Commerce Texas. Plenty of our favorites to roun…
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Episode 18: Some GüD Bros Do Pumpkin Spice some DO NOT! (Dean)
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This Episode contains the following: Jorge is back and we discuss American Football and the fantasy version of it and wearing your damn masks. Little bit of NBA Finals The Hockey season is over. Chris watched a game on accident Baseball is still boring. UFC Fight Night picks with Troy A classic remake is on the way 30 years later Binge watching Fat…
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Lukasevangeliet 2 39-40
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Guddommelig Sex - EP 101 - Ønsker du at blive elsket eller blot at have det bekvemt?
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Ønsker du at blive elsket eller blot at have det bekvemt? Velkommen til årets sidste program hvor vi igen har Camille, min partner og kvinde, med i studiet. I dagens afsnit taler vi bla. om den sorg man kan føle som kvinde, når man indser, at man ikke har lyttet til sin indre powerfulde feminine visdom. Vi taler også om det med at vænne sig til ikk…
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Nordsee-Filiale in Wiesbadener Innenstadt muss schließen, Urteil in Prozess um tödlichen Verkehrsunfall in Taunusstein gefallen und die Deutsche Bahn feiert Sanierung der Riedbahn. Das und mehr heute im Podcast. Alle Hintergründe zu den Nachrichten finden Sie hier: https://www.wiesbadener-kurier.de/lokales/wiesbaden/stadt-wiesbaden/geschaeftswelt-n…
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Glühweintassen auf Mainzer Weihnachtsmarkt häufig gestohlen
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Glühweintassen auf Mainzer Weihnachtsmarkt häufig geklaut, Mainz 05 gewinnt Heimspiel gegen Bayern München und die Deutsche Bahn feiert Sanierung der Riedbahn. Das und mehr heute im Podcast. Alle Hintergründe zu den Nachrichten finden Sie hier: https://www.allgemeine-zeitung.de/lokales/mainz/stadt-mainz/geklaute-gluehweintassen-das-sagen-standbesit…
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Lukasevangeliet 2 36-38
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저자 Bykirken i Vejle
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Prædiken af Pelle Kviesgaard (Matt 11,1-10)저자 Aalborg Valgmenighed
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Sálmarnr. 649: Allar mínar keldur tær eru í tærnr.86: Ger beinar Harrans leiðirnr.378: Eg komi, Harri, tí títt orðnr.609: Mær er kensla í barminr.83: Sum ein føgur rósunlundnr.600: Stór er tín trúfestinr.385: Eg hjartans tøkk nú beri tærnr.608: Dimmast nú dagur, og leyvið dettur.KirkjutænararOrganistur/pianistur: Jórun PólsdóttirDeknur: Pauli Højga…
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Maribo Domkirke, Lolland-Falsters stift. 3. søndag i adventPrædikant: Biskop Marianne GaardenOrganist: Domorganist, Vibeke Vanggaard Solist: Marianne G. Nielsen, zink: Lene LangballeSalmer: DDS 78: Blomstre som en rosengårdDDS 77: O kom, o kom, Emmanuel100 Salmer 821, Se min engel DDS 635: Vær stærk, min sjæl Præludium:Blomstre som en rosengårdKomp…
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Weitere Wildschweinkadaver mit Schweinpest bei Eltville gefunden
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Weitere Wildschweinkadaver mit Schweinpest bei Eltville gefunden, Bus zur neuen HSK ist gesichert und Eintracht Frankfurt verliert in Lyon Das und mehr heute im Podcast. Alle Hintergründe zu den Themen findet ihr hier: https://www.wiesbadener-kurier.de/lokales/kreis-rheingau-taunus/eltville-kreis-rheingau-taunus/asp-im-rheingau-taunus-sperrzone-ii-…
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Sparkasse schließt Service-Filialen in etlichen Gemeinden in Rheinhessen
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Sparkasse schließt viele Service-Filialen Rheinhessen, Waschbär besucht Mainzer Weihnachtsmarkt und Mainz startet Kampagne gegen Böllern am Tierheim. Das und mehr heute im Podcast. Alle Hintergründe zu den Nachrichten finden Sie hier: https://www.allgemeine-zeitung.de/lokales/rheinhessen/sparkasse-schliesst-service-filialen-in-etlichen-gemeinden-42…
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