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Gospel in Real Life seeks to transform the global human culture with the Truth of the Gospel via blog and podcast. The Word of God transforms the Man of God to perform the good Work of God for the Glory of God. For more information: gospelinreallife.org.
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Discover the secrets to thriving in both business and life with "Gospel of Growth: How to Thrive in Business and Life" podcast. Hosted by Angel Birikel, the podcast combines practical advice, inspiring stories, and the guidance of the Gospel to help you unlock your full potential and make a positive impact on the world around you. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a student, or anyone who wants to live a more fulfilling life, this podcast is the perfect guide to take you to the next level. Joi ...
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"ຖ້ອຍ ຄຳ ແຫ່ງຊີວິດ"; "ຂ່າວດີ"; "ຂ່າວປະເສີດ" - ໃນປະເທດລາວພາສາຫຼັກທີ່ໃຊ້ / "Words of Life"; "Good News"; "Gospel Songs" in Lao
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「生命の言葉」; 「良いニュース」; 「ゴスペルソング」- 日本で話されている主な言語 / "Words of Life"; "Good News"; "Gospel Songs" - Major Languages Spoken in Japan
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===="ពាក្យនៃជីវិត", "ដំណឹង​ល្អ", "ចម្រៀងដំណឹងល្"អ / នៅក្នុង ភាសាកម្ពុជាសំខាន់ៗ==== (ខ្មែរ អង់គ្លេស បារាំង ឡាវ ឡាវ (ហ្លួងព្រះបាង) ថៃ ថៃ (កណ្តាល) កុកងឺ តេជោ មីនណាន កាតាំង ហាកា ហៃណាន ចាម ចាមខាងលិច ចារ៉ាយ រ៉ាដេយ វៀតណាម ទឹង វៀត។ ឆុង, កាកូ, គុយ (កុយ), ក្រវិត, គ្រឹង, ឡាំ, សោម៉ារ៉ា, ទំពួន ឆុង, កាកូ, កុយ(កុយ), ក្រវិត, គ្រឹង, ឡាំ, សោម៉ារ៉ា, ទំពួន, ប៉ោ, ស្ទៀង, សៀង, ឡាវេ) // ===="Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs"/ In Major Cambodia Languages==== (Khmer, English, French, Lao, Lao(Luang Prabang) ...
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====== "जीवनका शब्दहरू", " राम्रो समाचार", "सुसमाचार गीत" - नेपालीमा बोलिने प्रमुख भाषाहरू / "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Song" - Major Languages Spoken in Nepali ======
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====== "Hayatın Sözleri", "İyi Haberler", "Müjde Şarkıları" - Türkiye'de Konuşulan Bazı Diller / "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - Some Languages Spoken in Turkey ======
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===== "जीवनका शब्दहरू", "राम्रो समाचार", "सुसमाचार गीतहरू" - नेपालमा बोलिने केही साना भाषाहरू / "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songds" - Some Minor Languages Spoken in Nepal =====
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==== "מילות חיים", "חדשות טובות", "שירי הבשורה" - עם שפות עיקריות המדוברות בישראל==== (עברית, יידיש, קווארה, ארמית, בוכרית, יהודית-טאט (ג'הורי), לאדינו, ערבית, ערבית מרוקאית, ערבית יהודית-עיראקית, ערבית פלסטינית, אנגלית, רוסית, פרסית (פרסית), פולנית, אמהרית, טיגרינה, רומניה, דויטש, ספרדית, גאורגית, יהודית-גאורגית, צרפתית, אפריקאית צרפתית, טורקית, הונגרית (מגירית), אוקראינית, מראתית, דומארית, איטלקית, טאגלוגית, תאילנדית , סינית, יוונית, אדיגה) ===="Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Hymns" ...
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====== "کلمات زندگی" ؛ "خبر خوب" ؛ "انجیل آهنگ ها" - زبانهای اصلی در ایران صحبت می شود ====== (فارسی، فارسی، آذربایجانی، کردی، کرمانجی، گیلکی، مازندرانی، لری (لر، لری)، عربی، بلوچی، تالشی، ترکمنستان) ====== Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - Major Languages Spoken in Iran" ====== ,Farsi, Persian, Azerbaijani, Kurdish, Kurmanji, Gilaki, Mazandarani, Lori(Lur, Luri), Arabic, Baluchi ) (Talysh, Turkmence
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====="Hayatın Sözleri", "İyi Haber", "Müjde Şarkıları" - Türkiye'de Konuşulan Başlıca Diller =====- (Türkçe, Kürtçe, İngilizce, Arapça: Modern Standard(Sharif), Arapça Kuzey Levanten Kuzey Lübnan, Zaza Dersim, Zazakî, Farsça, Gagauzca, Lazca, Kabardeyce, Adıgece, Ermenice, Azerice, Abhazca, Kırım Tatarcası) ===== "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - Major Languages Spoken in Turkey =====- (Turkish, Kurdish, English, Arabic: Modern Standard(Sharif), Arabic North Levantine North Leba ...
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===="کلمات زندگی" ، "خبر خوب" ، "آوازهای انجیلی" - زبانهای کوچک صحبت شده در ایران ==== ====Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - Minor Languages Spoken in Iran====
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===== "Durmuş sözleri", "Hoş Habar", "Hoş Habar aýdymlary" - Türkmenistanda gürleýän esasy diller(12 den 19) / "Слова жизни", "Благая весть", "Евангельские песни" - Основные языки, на которых говорят в Туркмении(№12 до №19) / "Words of Life", ""Good News", "Gospel Songs" - The Major Languages Spoken in Turkemenistan(No.12 to No.19) =====
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===="اللغات الرئيسية المستخدمة في سوريا - "كلمات الحياة" ، "الأخبار السارة" ، "ترانيم الإنجيل"===== (عربي ، عربي سوريا ، عربي دمشق ، كلامون سوري ، حلب سورية ، عربي لبناني شمالي ، عربي بيروت ، عربي بغداد ، عربي فلسطيني ، لو عربي مصري ، كردي (شمالي: عفرين) ، كرمانجي (قياسي) ، آرامي ، آرامي سوريا ، سريانية كلدانية ، أذربيجانية ، عربية بدوية ، إنكليزية ، فرنسية ، أرمينية سورية ، قبارديان ، أديغة ، شيشانية ، أبخازية) =="Gotinên Jiyanê", "Nûçeyên Baş", "Stranên Mizgîn"- Bi Zimanên Sereke ku li Sûr ...
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====== "كلمات الحياة" ، "الأخبار السارة" ، "ترانيم الإنجيل" - اللغات الرئيسية المستخدمة في العراق ====== (عربي قياسي ، عربي العراق ، آشوري العراق ، عربي بلاد ما بين النهرين البغدادي ، عربي بلاد ما بين النهرين خوزستان ، عربي مارديني ، عربي شرق أوسطي ، سرياني ، عربي شمال المشرق السوري حلب ، عربي شمال بلاد الشام دمشق ، العربية شمال المشرق العربي كالامون السوري ، العربية شمال بلاد الشام البيروتية ، عربي لبناني ، عربي فلسطيني ، عربي الخليج شرق المملكة العربية السعودية ، الخليج العربي الكويتي الحض ...
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===="Bishaaro Wanaagsan", "Heesaha Injiilka", "Ereyada Nolosha" - Luqadaha Ugu Muhiimsan ee Lagu Adeegsaday Soomaaliya==== (Somali, Carabi Standard, Carabi, Ta'Izzi Yemeni, Yemeni Carabi, Carabi Ta'izzi-Adeni, Carabi Taa'izzi-Adeni Taa'izzi, Carabi Ta'izzi-Adeni Adeni, English, Af Maay, Afar(Afaraf) , Swahili, Talyaani, Baluchi Makrani, Baluchi(Bari), Baluchi(Galbeed):Pakistan,Turkiga, Aweer) ===== أخبار سارة" ، "ترانيم الإنجيل" ، "كلمات الحياة" - اللغات الرئيسية المستخدمة في الصومال ===== ( ...
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==== "Firman Kehidupan", "Kabar Baik" dan "Lagu Injil" -Bahasa Indonesia Utama,Dialek dan Bahasa Etnis ==== (Jawa, Jawa: Suriname, Jawa: Yogya, Jawa: Banyumas, Betawi: Bermazmuz, Betawai: Jakarta, Betawi, Lampung, Lampung:Api, Rejang, Indonesia, Aceh, Minangkabau, Banjar, Sundanese, Bali, Madura, Sasak, Teochew, Mandarin, Hakka, Dayak, Ma'anyan, Batak, Batak:Simalungun, Nias, Wempy, Makassar, Bugis, Toraja, Mandar(Manjar), Manado(Minahasa), Gorontalo, Mongondow, Sangilhe, Timor Barat, Maluku ...
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===="كلمات الحياة" ، "الأخبار السارة" ، "الأغاني الإنجيلية" - الأسرة العربية والخليجية واللغات العربية الأخرى المستخدمة في قطر==== (الخليج العربي ، الخليج العربي ، شرق المملكة العربية السعودية ، الخليج العربي ، الحضاري الكويتي ، اللغة العربية الفصحى ، الإنجليزية ، العربية السودانية ، العربية السودانية الخرطوم ، العربية شمال المشرق العربي دمشق ، العربية شمال المشرق العربي كالامون السوري ، العربية شمال المشرق السوري حلب ، العربية شمال المشرق اللبناني ، العربية الشمال الشرقي البيروتي ،العربية ا ...
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show series
Most of us know how to restrain a life. We start to get in trouble, so we change. But when the consequences go away, we snap back the way we were. Human nature without supernatural intervention is like a rubber ball that’s squished, but when the pressure is off, it snaps right back. The rubber ball was constrained. It wasn’t actually changed or res…
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There is nothing that beggars your own sense of wisdom than to study what the Bible says about divine wisdom. Ephesians 5 tells us a lot about wisdom. And it shows us that biblical wisdom puts God in the center in a way that develops three aspects of wisdom. We see in these verses 1) why we need to walk in wisdom, and 2) what it means to walk in wi…
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Ephesians 5 talks about light and wisdom. Paul says that because you once were darkness and now are light, you should now expose works of darkness and experience the fruit of light. Then in verse 15, Paul says that we are to walk as wise and not as fools, for the days are evil. What Paul is saying is that walking in wisdom is the way in which you e…
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The essence of Christianity is arguing with yourself. What makes you an effective Christian is that you’re continually arguing with yourself, and you’re winning the argument. Because of what Christ did, God can restore the world and restore everything if we come to him through Christ. And in Ephesians 5, Paul uses the imagery of darkness and light …
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Christianity is never a mechanical thing. And the church is not a morality agency—it’s a regenerating agency. The real goal of the do’s and the don’ts in the Christian life is always character—growing into God’s holy people. The church does bring about moral behavior but, in a sense, as a byproduct. Because what the church is after is to turn peopl…
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Whenever God turns to you, if you believe in him, all he sees when he looks at you is complete beauty and sweetness. Jesus Christ offered himself up and fulfilled all of the obligations we owe God, so he has completely satisfied God. God sees nothing and senses nothing but sweetness when he regards you. But you still live in a world twisted and bro…
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If you look at the particulars Christian teachings, the particulars don’t look that different from many other ethical systems. The difference is that Christianity is never interested in moral behavior simply as moral behavior. In every instance, putting on the new self means to remember your identity. Being a Christian is ultimately about being mel…
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Christianity has an amazing approach to lying and to anger that almost nobody else has. For truth-telling, it says truth must always be told with love. And for anger, it says, “Be ye angry, and sin not.” Paul doesn’t say, “Well if you get angry, it might be okay.” He says, “Be angry. Do it.” Very often it is wrong not to be angry. But then he turns…
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A good test shows you what you really are, what’s really in you. If you’re in denial, the tests are devastating. If you’re dropping the ball, the tests are traps. Jesus says the only way you’re going to come through the tests of life is if you seek God. How are you doing right now? Are you going through and failing the little tests, and are you set…
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In this passage, we finally get to a particular kind of prayer in which people are very interested: to the place where Jesus says prayer is a way to change our circumstances. Prayer makes a difference. You can come to God and say, “Give us this day our daily bread.” But notice this happens in the very middle of the Lord’s Prayer. It’s surrounded by…
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I’ll say it consciously: this is our worst nightmare. More than anyone else in history, modern people believe we ought to have a good life and we ought to have some control over our lives. But Jesus says when you connect with God, you must pray, “Thy will be done.” This means the purpose of prayer is not that we would bend God’s will to meet ours, …
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What does it mean to hallow? It’s a word virtually never used anymore in everyday English, but we don’t quite have an equivalent. To hallow something means to treat it as sacred and ultimate. It means to make something your ultimate concern, to make it the most important thing, to make it the most crucial thing, to make it the supreme beauty, the s…
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Jesus doesn’t just point the way to God—rather, he is the way to God because he’s risen. And that means that for Christians, prayer is a unique, radically different process than it is for other religions and philosophies. Prayer is a rather universal thing, and there are many ways to pray. But Jesus says there are really two different bases on whic…
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The Psalms is the divinely inspired prayer book, but when you open this prayer book, the first page is not a prayer. It’s a meditation on meditation. Meditation is not the same as studying the Bible. In studying the Bible you’re just learning information. Meditation takes what you’ve learned and does something with it. And according to the Psalms, …
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The Lord’s Prayer is quite a workout. You’re asking for a lot of things: daily bread, deliver us from evil. But at the end, you rest in God. The last phrase in the Lord’s Prayer is, “For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever, amen.” Is that just a rhetorical flourish? After all, it doesn’t seem to be a prayer. But ancien…
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We don’t see that envy is as terrible as it really is. Envy is wanting somebody else’s life. Do you know what that does? It sucks the joy out of the life you actually have. In Psalm 73, the psalmist is living as good a life as he can, and everything is going wrong. And on top of that, he sees a lot of other people who are corrupt and they’re having…
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What if I told you there was a process and no matter how much you blew up your life, if you used this process, there would be a way to come out the other side whole? Well, here it is. It’s what the Bible calls repentance. You say, “You mean just saying I’m sorry?” But that reveals you don’t understand the power of this kind of prayer. This kind of …
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We need every bit of help we can get to learn to pray, “Thy will be done,” because we’re going right into the teeth of our culture. The essence of American culture is the belief that the more free we are to decide for ourselves, the happier we’ll be. But Jesus Christ says every time you pray to God, you need to say to him, “Thy will be done.” That …
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What does it mean to pray, “Thy kingdom come”? Jesus gave us his instruction on how to pray in the Lord’s Prayer, and it’s filled with concepts you need to know from the rest of the Bible. There are two places—Matthew 5 and Luke 6—where Jesus tells us a lot about the kingdom of God and the blessedness of the kingdom. I want to show you 1) what the …
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Hallowed is an old English word that means to treat something as sacred. It means to be captivated, astonished, melted with grateful joy for who God is and what he has done. For many years, I felt I didn’t know how to praise God, because nobody ever gave me specifics. As we look now at one phrase in the Lord’s Prayer, “Hallowed be thy name,” we’ll …
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What does it mean to pray, “Our Father”? It’s much more complicated than you think. Everything Jesus Christ came to do—the reason he came, the purpose of his salvation—was that we might receive adoption. We can pray “Our Father” because we’ve been adopted into the family of God. Let’s look briefly at 1) the gift of adoption, 2) what it means to be …
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If you’re going to deal with the brutal realities of life, the writer of Hebrews says you have to have shepherds in your life. Hebrews is written to people whose lives are filled with problems. And here, in the last passage of Hebrews, the writer tells us if we’re gonna make it, we have to have shepherding in our lives. The text tells us 1) our ins…
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When you embrace God by faith two things come into your life: a transforming power and a deep tension. It’s a duality. If you try to resolve the deep tension, you lose the transforming power. The writer of Hebrews says the great believers in history were resident aliens on earth. In Greco-Roman society, a resident alien was a permanent resident but…
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This passage in Hebrews seems like an anti-climax. Throughout the book, the writer gives us something to help us face the brutal realities of life. But then, Hebrews 13 seems different. At first it looks like a to-do list, like miscellaneous ethical prescriptions, but that’s wrong. This is not an anti-climax. What we’re being told is that we’ll nev…
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Hebrews was written to people who have been shaken by life. Difficulties and sufferings have shaken them to the core. The writer is trying to help them find ways to face the brutal realities of life, to stand solid when everything around them is falling apart. In Hebrews 12, we have the climax. The writer pulls together all of the threads and says,…
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