Un viaggio tra arte, tecnologia, imprenditoria e filosofia per comprendere il presente e anticipare il futuro. Conversazioni e riflessioni inedite per chi vuole decifrare il mondo di oggi e immaginare quello di domani. 🎙️🚀
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My lifestyle is bio mineral vegan. I believe in the power of food healing your body.
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Two girls discussing what your thinking.
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Making covers without beats
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Just an ordinary girl. Struggling with her life. Walking on my path all alone. And sharing my experiences with everybody. ☺️ Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@efekurnaz
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Siaran suka-suka dari seorang dokter gigi untuk membahas apa aja, bebas pokoknya!
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Podcast berisi curhatan dan edukasi dokter gigi Indonesia kepada teman-teman sejawat dan masyarakat umum.
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This podcast will be fun and Entertaining, chill, some drama and ya! New episode's every Thursdays.
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Welcome to the Gigi Report Amor fe y concencia. Donde todos hacemos un Mundo mejor compartiendo conocimiento, aventuras, experencias, sueños y magia con Amor y agradeciendo cada momento al Universo y Creador. Ven y conoce parte de mi magia y Mundo para el Mundo.
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My name is Gigi Green and this is my new travel podcast about Russia, my travels through it, its history, some traditions and important holidays, sports, nature, education, everyday life, culture, Russian films, tv, internet and basically whatever the heck strikes my fancy about Russia. At least for the moment :)
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Menjaga kesehatan gigi adalah penting untuk kesehatan diri kita. Gigi yang rusak bisa diakibatkan karena kita malas menggosok gigi. Untuk menjaga kesehatan gigi kita salah satunya dengan menyikat gigi. Namun, Sebelum Sikat Gigi mari kita membahas tentang mengapa sakit hati itu lebih baik daripada sakit gigi. For discussion and feedback, send me an email to: podcast.sebelumsikatgigi@gmail.com.
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Gigi Litmanovich is an inspiring entrepreneur and businesswoman who has achieved remarkable success in the business world. Her accomplishments are truly admirable, and she serves as a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere.
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Welcome to the Destiny, Gigi, Raymond,& Erik podcast, where amazing things happen. Chapter 2 of The Great Gatsby.
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Explore practical shadow work with GiGi every week as they take a deep, unadulterated dive into humanity's shadow. Occasionally joined by guests, KiKi with GiGi’s magnetic host seeks to illuminate life’s hidden depths, exposing, interrogating, & healing that which hold us back, both as individuals & as a collective.
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G Black discusses social issues Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thegigineroshow/support
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Dedicated to sharing little nuggets of knowledge on self-care and self-love! Self-care and self-love are absolutely essential to manifesting the life you desire.
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We LOVE movies and shows. We love to talk about them too. Listen in as we'll give you some funny reviews. Spoilers too!!
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Fact Checking 101 w/ GiGi is a millennial podcast engineered by Gi’Anna Rhames also known as “GiGi”. GiGi will utilize this podcast to discuss: Fashion, Health, Current Events, Sports and Much More. Cover art photo by https://www.rawpixel.com Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/factchecking101/support
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Queerified is a new podcast hosted by Gigi Gorgeous and her longest friend ever and BFF, Mimi! Come listen every week as they talk to special guests in the LGBTQIA+ community, and share EVERYTHING! Like what it was like growing up queer, the successes and lessons of life and how to celebrate queer joy every day! And most importantly: Gigi and Mimi want to hear from YOU! Be a friend of the pod and call us at 1 (844) QUEERYS. This is totally a space that’s safe for you. Welcome!
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"Creative Innovators with Gigi Johnson" is a podcast about the people who are changing their worlds. In each episode, host and change agent Gigi Johnson interviews a different changemaker from a wide range of industries, including creative industries, software, education, sciences, and social innovation. The conversation moves from the guest’s personal history in creative work and innovation -- sometimes back into childhood and first creative directions -- and explores different routes and r ...
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🔥 Matteo Hallissey: il SEGRETARIO DI PARTITO più GIOVANE d'Italia (Radicali +Europa), storia di una rivoluzione - Futura Podcast#2
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1:25:23Matteo Hallissey è il più giovane segretario di partito in Italia. A soli 21 anni guida i Radicali Italiani e porta avanti battaglie su eutanasia, libertà personale e giustizia sociale. Nel febbraio 2025, è stato eletto presidente di +Europa, succedendo a Emma Bonino. In questa conversazione esploriamo il suo percorso, dalla passione per il giornal…
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L’AI Distruggerà la Creatività? Filosofia, Arte e Futuro – Con Francesco D’Isa | Futura Podcast #3
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1:18:00Qual è il confine tra creatività umana e intelligenza artificiale? Esiste davvero l’autorialità? L’arte è ancora un’esclusiva dell’uomo? Ne parlo con Francesco D’Isa, artista, filosofo, scrittore e direttore editoriale de L’Indiscreto. Nel corso di questo episodio esploriamo a tutto tondo il rapporto tra creatività umana e Intelligenza Artificiale,…
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Alguna vez te has preguntado que es la Salud Mental? porque esta tan de moda actualmente que es en realidad y como se compone? porque es tan importante en nuestra vida cotidiana.? Te invito a que escuches este episodio que creeme que te encantara y aprenderas un poco de ella. gracias por ser parte mi sueño y seguir sumando los quiero ❤️❤️❤️…
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Alguna vez te has sentido solo sin saber que rumbo tomar oh decidir? te a tocado sentirte solo y no saber que hacer en tiempo a Solas con la necesidad de estar con alguien mas.? acompañame a escuchar mi siguiente episodio de como aprender Amar tu soledad y sacar lo maximo de ella. empezamos!
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Aveces sin saber escogemos personajes que nos lastimansin saber porque viene el origen del dolor y carencia. te ah pasado que siempre quieres lo mejor para tu pareja y no recives lo mismo de regreso? te invito a escuchar mi nuevo episodio que te ayudara a sentir identificado y ayudara a tener herramientas para que seas libre y puedas ser tu mismo o…
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#1 Efrem Lamesta: Su Jakidale, Viaggi, Musica, Youtube e Creatività
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1:43:26n questa prima puntata del nostro nuovo podcast, Gianluigi Ballarani si confronta con Efrem Lamesta, content creator e youtuber. Si parla di Jakidale, viaggi in solitaria, vita a New York e Londra, e della passione per la musica e il videomaking. Efrem racconta come la sua creatività l'abbia portato a esplorare il mondo e affrontare le sfide di un …
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The Anima/Animus Complex & the Harmonization of Opposites
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16:06In this episode, we explore the interplay of masculine and feminine energies within the individual psyche. Drawing from Jungian psychology, we discuss the concepts of the Anima and Animus, navigating this fundamental duality, & touch on the importance of integrating these opposing forces to achieve greater self-awareness and wholeness…
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Quien no ah tenido un tipo de trauma alguna vez? te ah pasado a ti ? no esta solo creeme que los traumas un acomulamiento de experencias no confrotadas y tratadas con personas expertos en la materia. Asi que no estad solo nada es impossible y todo es posible con mucho amor fuerza y valentiaaa si se puede creeme 🙏❤️😍💪😁🙌🙊 empezamos disfruta un poquit…
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Intro to the concept of the persona, also known as the social mask.
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Intro to the concept of the shadow & how it secretly influences our behaviors & decision making process.
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Un curso que llego a mi vida para transformala y ver la maravilla que tiene la vida y el universo convirtiendo en milagros mi corazon y mente simplemente puedo decir gracias por llegar a mi vida ahora mi viaje es mas lijero y confrontanto cualquier prueba con amor y fe! Gracias Erica Cedeño por ser mi angel y guia espiritual te amo ♥️ Curso de mila…
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From Rhythm & Hues to Dancing Atoms: Saraswathi “Vani” Balgam
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45:07We have the pleasure of sharing the adventures of Saraswathi “Vani” Balgam -- from pioneering visual effects in India to founding her studio, Dancing Atoms, and mentoring future talents. From her early beginnings in the visual effects industry in India, Vani's drive and curiosity propelled her into careers at Rhythm & Hues and DreamWorks. Vani foun…
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A Creative Maestro: Mark Brymer Talks Show Production and Choral Arranging
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37:05I'm joined by the multitalented Mark Brymer, a creative entrepreneur with hands-on expertise in turning musical concepts into spectacular shows. Mark brings a wealth of experience — from arranging a vast collection (400,000) of choral pieces with Hal Leonard to producing dazzling shows in theme parks. We’ll get a deeper look at his journey from hig…
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From Immersive Theater to VR Innovation: Deirdre V. Lyons' Journey
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47:50Today's guest is a true pioneer in the burgeoning field of virtual reality theater: Deirdre V. Lyons. She'll share her groundbreaking work in VR at the Ferryman Collective, such as her innovative productions like "Welcome to Respite" and "Gumball Dreams," and discuss the intricacies of producing entertainment ranging from films to webisodes. Deirdr…
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Risk, Reward, and Representation in Hollywood with Harry Abrams
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34:38In this conversation, we are joined by a long-time innovator and entrepreneur in talent management — Harry Abrams. At the venerable age of 88, Harry reflects on a career where passion eclipsed paychecks, taking a step into adventure from lawnmower manufacturing in Indiana and instead taking a gutsy $40/week step into the glitz and competitiveness o…
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Creating New Musical Instruments . . . with Mike Butera
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50:46Mike Butera has gone on some intriguing journeys, connecting music performance passions, philosophy and sound studies, and tech in creating new musical instruments for regular people to get into music. He shares his path to launching Artiphon after years in academic circles, ways he learned how to market new devices and thrive with Kickstarter, and…
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Discovering New Artists and Building Your Own Path . . . with Jason Kramer
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56:58Jason Kramer shares his journey to being an EMT during the AIDS Epidemic, LA Riots, and Northridge Earthquake to Fox Sports to KLOS and KCRW. He talks about the magic of Sunday nights, how he created and drove his own luck through persistent work, asking for opportunities, and taking on new challenges. He shares a bit of his experience being presen…
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Building VR Community through Learning . . . with Dominique Wu
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48:11Dominique Wu is a real leader in bringing together education and VR for regular people. She's created the XReality Pro program. She'll talk about what it's like to be an immigrant in the United States as a creative, a different story than we've had a lot of guests share. And she'll also talk about how an early out-of-body experience in some ways se…
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If I’m Going to Keep Evolving . . . with Peter Kiesewalter, The Moth Project
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55:30Peter Kiesewalter creates at the divergent edge -- at the intersection of art and science. In this case, he's working at the edge of ecology and biology along with music and location-based entertainment with The Moth Project. It's a live experience in beautiful places with the stories of moths and their lives to music. Over his varied career in mus…
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Episode 2: Gigi Litmanovich Shares 7 Tips for an Effective Business Strategy
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4:46Gigi Litmanovich is an incredible example of what can be achieved when you put your mind and heart into something. She has worked hard to become a successful entrepreneur, and her achievements are truly inspirational. Gigi Litmanovich’s success story should serve as motivation for anyone who dreams of starting their own business or achieving greatn…
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Gigi Litmanovich Shares 7 Tips for an Effective Business Strategy
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4:46Gigi Litmanovich is an incredible example of what can be achieved when you put your mind and heart into something. She has worked hard to become a successful entrepreneur, and her achievements are truly inspirational.저자 Gigi Litmanovich
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Ask the Right Questions . . . with Isaac Saldana, CEO, Memo
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40:36Isaac Saldana leans on two core values: asking the right questions and humility. Along with a good friend, he launched several companies. And several failed -- until he launched SendGrid in 2009. After learning to hire up with strong CEOs, the company went public in 2018. Since then, he has gotten an Executive MBA, launched Joy Labs, and now is a f…
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New Markets, Bold Choices . . . with Miki Agrawal, Serial Founder & Musician
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43:54Some guests have a LOT of gumption and energy to create new. Miki is releasing her first album now. But over time, she has launched new companies and created new spaces. Some of the road has been bumpy and some has developed whole new categories that help people's lives. Guest: Miki Agrawal, Co-founder and former CEO of THINX and founder of TUSHY a…
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Episode 1: Gigi Litmanovich Shares How to Grow a Successful Business
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4:22Gigi Litmanovich is one of the most inspiring entrepreneurs and businesswomen today. Her achievements are truly remarkable, and she serves as a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere. With her hard work and dedication to success, Gigi shows that it is entirely possible to make your dreams come true. She stands as an example of what can be…
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Gigi Litmanovich Shares How to Grow a Successful Business
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4:22Gigi Litmanovich is one of the most inspiring entrepreneurs and businesswomen today. Her achievements are truly remarkable, and she serves as a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere. With her hard work and dedication to success, Gigi shows that it is entirely possible to make your dreams come true.…
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Que hacer despues que terminaste tu relacion sentimental? No sabes que hacer no sabes a donde ir? Te sientes Perdido sin respuestas de tantas preguntas sin contestar? El dolor es mas fuerte que ya no sabes que hacer te sientes sin ulisiones sueńos ? Te envito a escuchar mi podcast te voy a dar claves y herramientas que te ayudar a que sea mas lijer…
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"I had no idea what I was doing." Mark Harper shares his story of going from ROTC to Combat Camera (leading teams of combat photographers) to Technicolor to high-end headphones to joining a startup military channel. He talked about each time where he sought out creative opportunities, the advice given to him by Sargeant Logan from his hometown (who…
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Creativity, Branding, Muppets, Yo Gabba Gabba, and other Career Adventures . . . with Mike Polis
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1:02:21Mike Polis started and ended with animation and graphic novels and cool creative content. In between, he has run marketing for Yo Gabba Gabba, Jim Henson, and other adventures. Mike shares his stories of how he moved from desktop publishing after college to food marketing, to DVDs for Universal Studios, and into adventures with Kermit and other cre…
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Que es El desapego emociaonal hacia esa persona? Porque me siento atada a Ella a El? Porque no puedo ser yo misma porque necesicito esa Droga para sobrevivir? Te invito a a que esuches este episidio que te va ayudar a descubrir y responder todas tus preguntas empezamos!
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I didn’t just have one thing . . . with Lafiya Watson Ramirez
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37:52From photography to musician websites to Flash to now AR, Lafiya Watson Ramirez combines visual and experience creation with storytelling. She tells her own story about how she moved from photography to web and interactive design into being inspired by Pokemon Go to pursue Augmented Reality (AR) through Snap Studios and a residency there. She share…
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We are in post-production on new episodes, so our host, Gigi Johnson, shared a story about "Postcards" and Postcard Moments that has come up in prior episodes and in many recent conversations. She shares how a single postcard created a pivot that changed her direction when a TA offered the suggestion that she apply for USC Film School after a singl…
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Simplifying Complexity for Indie Labels . . .with Bruno Guez
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35:29Bruno shares his saga from playing the drums and enjoying international music, mixing songs and culture from Tunisia, France, and LA. Those facets led to studying at UCLA Ethnomusicology, becoming a DJ at KCRW, and building a record label in his living room. He shared work in place-based music and compilation records, in building the sonic architec…
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Educated Luck and Building Digital Bridges . . . with Dick Huey
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1:01:29[Enjoy our podcast this week that we share with our sister Maremel Network podcast, Innovating Music, that has just launched its fifth year.]Dick Huey claims that his career jumps have been "educated luck." "Because they they are luck. And I'm, I'm I don't ever pretend that I have more information than everybody else does. But I think I'm good at i…
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Que es una familia no funcional aveces te has preguntado de donde viene todo cual es la raiz de no estar bien emocionalmente y llevar esta dolor en todo momentos sin cerrar circulos traumas y heridas del alma???
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Questions: How do we design for extreme conditions and resource challenges? Is that for Mars or Earth? Guest: Alfredo Muñoz, Architect; Founder; Onteco; Founder, ABIBOO Studio; Chair for Memberships of the Technical Committee of Space Architecture at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Digital twins? Space architecture? Alfredo M…
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Question: How can you build a rich creative life based on referrals and going out on a limb? Guest: Darryl Hurs, Owner/CEO, Indie Week; Managing Director, Downtown Canada; Director, Market Development, Canada, CD Baby; Educator, Harris Institute In this episode, Darryl Hurs shares his journey from studying music, working in retail at HMV, and being…
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Question: How do you connect independent artists and music business in India as a young woman? Guest: Ritnika Nayan, Managing Director, Downtown India; Owner: Music Gets Me High Ritnika Nayan shares stories about her passion: helping indie artists succeed and make money through various avenues that they might have been neglecting. She does that in …
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Question: How can you build campfires, mixing music and social activism? Guest: Arturo O'Farrill, Founder, Artistic Director, Afro Latin Jazz Alliance; Professor, Global Jazz Studies, The UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music, Associate Dean for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Arturo O'Farrill builds campfires and connects music, activism, and communit…
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Asking for What You Want . . . with Shirin Laor-Raz Salemnia
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40:35Question: What can you do with focus on drive in both toys and STEM? And what can a persistent Shirin Salemnia do? Guest: Shirin Laor-Raz Salemnia, Founder and CEO, WhizGirls Academy and PlayWerks Shirin shares a passionate tale of drive, success with extreme persistence, and then designing new businesses to give back. She talks about her journey t…
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Making Sense Backwards . . . with Jeremy Yuille, Meld Studios
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48:01Question: How can life make better sense backwards? How can we weave together arts, spatial sound, architecture, and organizational change? Jeremy Yuille, with Meld Studios in Melbourne, Australia, works with organizations to transform how they work in the face of changing futures. His own past weaves through architecture, art, music, and spatial i…
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In a special, fan-centered Queerified finale, Gigi and Mimi bid farewell to their listeners and reminisce on their Queerified journey. After forty incredible episodes and countless iconic guests, Queerified is coming to an end. This episode is for you, dear listeners. We love you, always. Even though the show is ending, we’d really appreciate it if…
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Question: How can we use Augmented Reality to enhance the practice of collaborative biology? Guest: Ippolito Caradonna, Co-Founder/CEO, Aug Lab; Director, HoloPractice Ippolito Caradonna mixes his love for biology with his background in film and passion for assisted research. He is co-founding Aug Lab, an AR software interface for laboratory produc…
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This week on Queerified we have the crazy talented, Jamie Clayton (Sense8, Hellraiser). She talks about her path to becoming a hotshot actress and offers advice on how to break into the industry as an LGBTQ+ person. Plus, Jamie demonstrates that she can cry on cue, talks about her time working at MAC Cosmetics and discusses how she learned to overc…
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Drag’s Baddest Bitch, Rhea Litré, joins us on Queerified this week! Miss Rhea speaks on creating safe spaces for queer performers and navigating friendships in the drag community, as well as learning to overcome the throws of domestic abuse and cultivating self-love. Rhea is strong, unyielding and beautiful. You will not want to miss this powerhous…
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Leaning Out Over His Skis . . . .with Jeremy Sirota, CEO, Merlin
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43:58Jeremy Sirota, Merlin Our first guest of Season 2 shares his tales of two loves: music and technology. His journey to Merlin includes early fandom in the Orange County punk rock scene, learning brand design in New York City while launching a mini fashion brand, and a road through technology law, Warner Music, and Facebook. He shares his adventures …
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Welcome to Season 2 of Creative Innovators. We're going to have intriguing guests this season. Our question to you: Who inspires you? Who would you like to see on the show? We have great folks recording now as guests, and we'd like to include creative innovators who inspire our community. Please reach out to us and let us know at https://bit.ly/CI-…
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This week on Queerified we have the rage-filled, soundbite queen whose voice you’ve definitely heard on Tik Tok, “It’s not the vibe...STOP!” Proudly controversial social media star and entrepreneur, Alex Peirce (HRH Collection) brings her signature rants and iconic candor to this week’s episode. Alex dishes her true feelings on several topics, incl…
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A veces sin saber estamos amando desde la carencia sin saber que estamos un circulo de dolor y carencia que no es sano emocionalmente. Sal de esos tipo de relaciones identifica el problema para que puedas sanar esas heridas del Alma.
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Transitioning, De-Transitioning & Re-Transitioning w/ Eureka O’ Hara
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1:01:36This week on Queerified we have the iconic Eureka O’ Hara (We’re Here, HBO) They tackle many topics, including: overcoming grief, transcending self-doubt and understanding gender identity. Eureka brings unflinching realness to this episode. Do NOT miss it! Be a friend of the pod! Call us on our hotline 1 (844) QUEERYS and ask us anything! We’d real…
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Como sanar mi autoestima? Que tengo que hacer? Donde tengo que ir? La respuesta es facil y sencilla solo dejate guiar y escucha a los expertos que te enseñaran las diferente herramientad y metodos que te ayudaran a sanar tu autoestima para volver hacer ser tu otravez! Desde el amor y magia para conquistar nuevos mundos y emprender todos tus sueños!…
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