Discussing genre literature.
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Darker Hue Studios presents ”Genreless,” where RPG designers Chris Spivey and Eddy Webb talk about genre television shows, movies, comics, and more.
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A movie review and movie analysis show looking at your favorite cult and genre films.
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L'actualité des genres littéraires dits "mineurs" Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Join culture writers Drew Dietsch and Travis Newton as they review and recommend horror films, action movies, fantasy flicks and more! New episodes every Sunday! (Formerly The Drew Reviews.)
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A podcast about Japanese RPGs (it's a sequel to our old podcast about Japanese RPGs, which was called Dead Genre Chronicles. They got better)
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Genre Geschehen ist der Film-Podcast für alle Sucher, Spürnasen und Trüffelschweine. Abseits der gängigen Sehgewohnheiten wühlen sich Daniel Schröckert, André Hecker und Tino Hahn durch den etwas anderen Filmstoff, um die Perlen aus den Trögen heraus zu picken und euch wöchentlich in diesem Format zu präsentieren. https://www.podriders.de
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A bi-weekly podcast plumbing the depths of genre films from the old, new, cult, and transgressive. Join us as we explore the wide world of cinema broadening our horizons one movie at a time.
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The GenreVerse Podcast Network is THE place for geek and pop-culture podcasts, reactions, and reviews. Whether you're into Anime, Star Wars, Marvel, or other geeky things, we've got you covered: The Daily COG and Breaking Geek Radio (BGR) bring you news and opinions on EVERYTHING in entertainment. However, we've got shows dedicated to the aforementioned topics with Anime-Versal Reviews, The Cantina, and Marvel Multiverse Mayhem. Basically... YOU'RE HOME!!! The GenreVerse is brought to you by ...
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Auf Hoerspielprojekt.de stehen sämtliche Hörspiele zum kostenlosen Download zur Verfügung, alle Produktionen entstehen in der angeschlossenen Community unter www.hoer-talk.de – und jeder kann mitmachen!
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Welcome to the Lost Genre podcast. Here you'll be able to enjoy all my stories in the audio version. Thanks for listening!! Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/lost-genre-reddit-stories--5779056/support.
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Authors Harry Colfer and Jack Roney interview fellow authors, writing experts, and publishing industry professionals to chat about all things fiction writing. Uploads every second Monday.
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Welcome to Top Notch Nonsense. A Genre Film Review Podcast. This is a film review and comedy pod done by a husband and wife to introduce each other to cinema cinema that’s obscure and beautiful, obscene and adorable. Hosts: Michael James Benson @mjbcomedy Maranda Mobley Music By @rickwood Edited By Michael Benson Art By Ed Greer
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Podcastnya Remaja Indonesia menuju Generasi Emas 2045
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Den er god Cover art photo provided by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@sharonmccutcheon
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Genre Cover art photo provided by Josh Rose on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joshsrose
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Cinema Scope with Andy Nelson takes you on a captivating journey through the ever-evolving landscape of film. Moreover, it offers a unique and engaging perspective on the art of cinema.
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Ich, emefka bin leidenschaftlicher Filmemacher und ahne das bestreben - in Deutschland Gute Genre-Filme zu drehen. Wie ich das fanze Ansetze - und wie mein Nerzwerk das tut - darüber rede ich und meine Gäste sowie über die strahlenden Schattenseite des deutschen Filmmarkts. Wie kommt man rein - wie bleibt man drin?
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Berisi narasi ringan seputar GenRe dan bercita-cita membumikan GenRe, kini dan nanti.
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Arthur Genre vous raconte depuis New York les histoires américaines les plus passionnantes, de l'histoire de Wall Street à l'épopée McDonald's, de la pop de MTV au rap du Bronx, pour mieux comprendre ce pays complexe et ses multiples facettes. Découvrez aussi des des longs entretiens dans lesquels des passionnés de culture nord-américaine discutent comme s’ils étaient tranquillement installés sur les escaliers de secours d’un immeuble de New York, de San Francisco, ou bien autour d'un feu de ...
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A Non-Profit Organization that focuses on Youth Empowerment in order to develop Indonesian Youth towards the future • #YouthActionForTheNation
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Welcome to the Genre Equality channel - home to a network of podcasts discussing all things in pop culture.
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Every episode we read a book from a speculative fiction genre - sci-fi, horror, and fantasy - and discuss.
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We cover a new genre of music every episode. Sit back, relax, listen, and learn about all your favorite genres!
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Just my opinion on music 🎶 Mainly criticizing new songs, albums, and artists.
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Weirdo book worms unite! We want to share our love of Genre Fiction with you. Fans of Horror, Sci Fi, Fantasy & more can stop on by as we chat about what we’ve been reading! New reviews every other week.
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Kingdom Writers: A Podcast for Christian Writers of All Genres
CJ and Shelley Hitz: Writing Mentor, Author Coach, Christian Writers
Welcome to Kingdom Writers where CJ and Shelley Hitz help you take a step of faith to finally finish your book. This podcast is filled with spiritual encouragement as well as prayers to help you overcome the resistance you face as a writer. Your story matters! We believe that you have a specific role to play in the kingdom of heaven to impact lives for eternity. And because of this, we will pour out our lives encouraging writers like you to not only tell your stories but to take the courageo ...
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A conversation amongst friends about films and their genres.
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Podcast by Genre Radio
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The podcast for the generation #WeAreMadGenre
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Atticus Finch discusses burning issues of Maycomb
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https://www.poet99.com/ https://www.youtube.com/passionbytravel
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Join Cort and Brad, who have been podcasting together for 10 years now, as they discuss a variety of shows that distract them.
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Lit Genre Cover art photo provided by Matt Power on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@thisispower
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Félix Koch (Regisseur & Autor) und Krystof Zlatnik (Regisseur, Autor & Programmleiter der GENRENALE), sprechen über Filme, das Filmemachen, beleuchten die deutsche Genrefilmszene und laden Gäste aus der Branche ein. Der Podcast ist ein Projekt der GENRENALE, dem ersten und einzigen Filmfestival, das sich exklusiv deutschen Genrefilmen widmet.
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Une fois par mois, la journaliste Laurène Daycard convie un·e chercheur·euse parmi les plus pointu·e·s sur les questions de genre : philosophes, sociologues, anthropologues, littéraires et politistes… pour apprendre, douter aussi parfois, et surtout mieux penser en profondeur la société. Crédits Un podcast de Binge audio et de L’Institut du genre. Préparé et animé par Laurène Daycard et réalisé par Thomas Plé. Production : Soraya Kerchaoui-Matignon, Albane Fily et Camille Khodor. Composition ...
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In this subject, students study current theories of literature, with a focus on genres relating to children's literature as a form of social practice. Topics covered include critical analysis, traditional story forms, modernist and postmodern picture books, emerging formats, fantasy and realistic fiction, non-fiction and poetry.
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Podcast made for Ms.Stiles English 10 Class. Made by Sam Porter and Features Isaiah Rowinski Cover art photo provided by Paul Schafer on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@paul__schafer
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Genre Breaker is a weekly discussion podcast where author and editor Hayden Pickens invites other writers and editors to help explore different kinds of storytelling. Each episode encompasses a different genre and the stories and features that set it apart, as well as the kinds of stories that break the mold of that genre and help show off what all kinds of writers can learn from it.
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The Genre Hustle
Lucy Caird, Anton Howard, Karter Mycroft, Jane Pinckard, A.P. Thayer, Chelsea Thompson, and Christopher Zerby
Welcome to Genre Hustle, your virtual Sci-fi and Fantasy Writing Group. We talk about craft, tropes, publishing, making money by writing, and more. If you’re a writer or reader of speculative fiction, join the conversation and learn with us!
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bringing you club classic tracks from the late 70's to 2023 covering all aspects of dance music
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Tor Publishing Group, in partnership with Literary Hub, presents Voyage Into Genre! Every other Wednesday, join host Drew Broussard for conversations with Tor authors discussing their new books, the future, and the future of genre. Oh, and maybe there'll be some surprises along the way... Tor Presents: Voyage Into Genre is a Lit Hub Radio podcast.
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Genre Flip is a podcast by Ben Rutz and Erik Fitzpatrick. What if "Star Wars: A New Hope" was a mystery thriller, "The Godfather" was a romantic comedy or "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" was a horror film? Genre Flip attempts to answer those questions every week with a new movie so that you'll never have to wonder again!
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Film Genres and Hollywood is a seven part web series exploring some of the film industry's most exciting genres.
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En une heure, Geraldine Sarratia, journaliste et productrice, part à la rencontre d’une personnalité qu'elle interroge sur le rapport qu'il ou elle entretient avec son genre et son identité. Comment compose-t-il ou elle avec son genre ? Se trouve-t-elle féminine, virile ? Se sent-il à l'aise avec les codes de la masculinité ?
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Fiancé's Family Creeped Me Out With Their Love Bombing And I Was Right
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21:47Reddit Relationship Stories - OP, met her fiancé’s family, feeling creeped out by their love-bombing and interrogation. Her fiancé’s defensiveness and silence unsettled her, and his mom’s incessant texts hinted at a dark secret, leaving OP uneasy. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/lost-genre-reddit-stories--577905…
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Mike shows Erica the 80’s comedy classic Airplane! Erica has never even heard of this movie, much less any of the famous quotes. She does her best to remember them, on a day when her memory of how the English language works is questionable. Meanwhile, Mike picked a horrible day to quit smoking.저자 Dueling Genre Productions
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Star Jelly Meteor Jelly: The Blob Triple Feature (1958), (1972), (1988)
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2:41:3086. Star Jelly Meteor Jelly: The Blob Trilogy Top Notch Nonsense Genre Film Podcast Episode 86. The Blob Trilogy. Never touch a meteorite. The Blob (1958), Beware the Blob (1972), The Blob (1988). Hello, this is Top Notch Nonsense. A genre film podcast hosted by a husband wife team who like the obscure and beautiful, the obscene and adorable. Every…
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In this episode, we step away from our focus on the past to look at a recent new release on Shudder. So join us as we check out Elric Kane's The Dead Thing from 2024. Dustin sings praise for the film and its execution in tackling its central theme. Jason grounds the discussion with some pointed questions regarding the progression of the film's narr…
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Folge 164 - Genre Geschehen 2.0 oder: wie ich lernte, das Hahn-Quiz zu lieben
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50:53Wir haben Genre Geschehen ein klein wenig neu konzipiert. Künftig kommen unsere Folge immer dienstags, nach wie vor wöchentlich. Im Wechsel wird es immer zwei Folgenformate geben: zum einen die klassischen Filmbesprechungen, mit Überthemen, Trüffeln und Tipps. Und zum anderen das Entertainment-Format, mit Quizzes, Spaß und Mitmachfaktor. Von letzte…
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After an appropriately maternal 9-month hiatus (none of us actually had kids, don't worry), we get back together to discuss Mother 3, its cult status, troubled relationship with the twee americana of its predecessor and convoluted development history. Fair warning: we talk at length about racism in this game, and in particular about slurs for Roman…
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In conversation with author Alicia Thompson (episode 1 of 2)
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48:20This week's special guest is author Alica Thompson whose debut novel 'Something Else' was published in 2021 and her follow up crime novel 'Ex' was released in 2024. Alicia has a masters in creative writing and delivers workshops for emerging authors. In this episode, we explore the topics Alicia teaches including how to kick start your novel, exerc…
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We read the first sixteen chapters of Count Zero. CWs for: For the next show, we are finishing Count Zero. CWs for: medical horror, misogyny, racism. You can go to patreon.com/rangedtouch to support the show and access the bonus episode feed. The show is hosted by Cameron Kunzelman, Michael Lutz, and Austin Walker. You can get the mentioned shirt f…
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Mount Rushmore of Pop Culture Creators (special 2025)
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1:10:30Description Returning guests Wayne Wise and Chris “Mav” Maverick from The VoxPopcast join Producer Andrew and Joe for a game of building Mount Rushmores. This time we’re choosing groups of four pop culture creators. We each draft creators that we think are among the most important or influential (we left what that means open to interpretation). In …
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Drew and Travis smell something rotten in the suburbs of Cop Land: the 1997 neo-western written and directed by James Mangold! This episode is the second of five episodes in another month of Weird Westerns! TIMESTAMPS 00:00:00 - Cop Land 00:50:01 - The Shelf 00:53:58 - Calls to Action 00:55:07 - Currently Consuming 01:10:52 - End SHOW LINKS RoboCop…
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Ex And His Affair Partner Want My Son To Be Their Ring Bearer But I Said F*ck No!
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20:53Reddit Relationship Stories - OP’s ex-husband, announced his engagement to his affair partner, at a brunch. When Ray suggested OP’s son Jayce be the ring bearer, OP exploded, refusing. Now, Art’s family and friends shame OP for her outburst and decision. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/lost-genre-reddit-stories-…
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The Time Lords send the Doctor and Jo on a mission to deliver a sealed message pod to an unknown party aboard a Skybase orbiting the planet Solos in the 30th century. They are caught quickly in a power struggle between the cruel Marshal of Solos and the young Solonian Ky over the future of Solos — a future that hinges on the contents of the message…
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Eddy and Chris talk about Tomb of Dracula #11, and a weird digression in Dracula's quest for vengeance. Darker Hue Discord: https://discord.gg/cSbcdwQaKD저자 Darker Hue Studios
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Séguier ou l'empire de la curiosité : Jean Le Gall, Bertrand Burgalat
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58:37durée : 00:58:37 - Mauvais genres - par : François Angelier - D'Helmut à Robert Penn Warren, de Werner Herzog à Patrick Eudeline, les éditions Séguier se vouent, depuis 10 ans bien sonnés, sous l'impulsion de Jean Le Gall, au culte périscopique et sans concession de la curiosité. Rapport d'étape, ce soir, dans Mauvais Genres. - réalisation : Lauren…
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Friend Sold Her Dog To Me And Is Outraged I Refuse To Give Her Back
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22:03Reddit Relationship Stories - OP, who supported her friend Lena, bought Lena’s dog for 1,000 EUR. Now, Lena regrets selling him and accuses OP of manipulation, but OP refuses to return him, citing Lena’s irresponsibility and emotional pressure. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/lost-genre-reddit-stories--5779056/s…
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The Wheel Of Time Season 3 Trailer Reaction & Season Preview | TDR
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24:46The Wheel Of Time Season 3 Trailer Reaction And Season Preview #TheWheelOfTime #TheDragonReviewed (00:00)- Intro (01:50)- What Is The Dragon Reviewed? (04:16)- WoT Season 3 Trailer Reaction (09:11)- What Stood Out The Most In S3 Trailer? (12:06)- What Group/Location Interests Us Most? (15:57)- Kyle And Christine S3 Theories (21:17)- WoT Is Better T…
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Mom's Husband Is Angry I Shut Him Down When He Acted Like My House Was His
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20:56OP’s mom and stepdad moved in, but he tried parenting her, thinking her house was his. Frustrated, OP shut him down, charging rent to stop his controlling behavior. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/lost-genre-reddit-stories--5779056/support.저자 Lost Genre Stories
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SMALL TALK & BIG KITCHENS, our mini-series on the romcoms of Nora Ephron and Nancy Meyers, continues with the story of a divorcée looking for love in the wrong place. With the financial success of The Holiday, Nancy Meyers basically had a blank check to get anything greenlit she wanted, so for her next film she looked at her own life and her relati…
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Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
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1:20:27Hello adventurers! Our road to Episode 600 is before us. But, an arduous journey awaits. We band together to discuss Peter Jackson's first entry into the epic Lord of the Rings series with The Fellowship of the Ring. We're going big for the journey to 600, and it doesn't get much bigger than this trilogy. We did keep to the theatrical cuts though! …
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Boyfriend Gaslit Me When I Saw A Spicy Picture Of Him And His Work-Wife! I'm Not Buying
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21:00Reddit Relationship Stories - OP, in a 3-year relationship, grew uneasy as her partner befriended coworker J, sharing late-night chats and a half-naked sauna selfie from a secluded cabin. Despite confrontation, her partner gaslit her, claiming cultural differences, leaving OP skeptical and distressed. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www…
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The Man Who Sent Jason Voorhees to Space – A Chat With Screenwriter Todd Farmer
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1:00:46At Sounds Scary, our love for the Friday the 13th franchise runs deep. Seriously—hosts Ryan Cultrera and James “JimmyO” Oster aren’t just fans; they’re full-blown, machete-wielding F13 fanatics. In this episode, we’re slicing into one of our all-time favorite conversations with the wickedly talented and endlessly entertaining Todd Farmer. Horror fa…
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Boyfriend Said His Mom Will Always Come First to Him So I Dumped Him
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20:50Reddit Relationship Stories - OP's boyfriend is controlling and when OP calls him out he deflects but the last straw was when he said that he would always priorize his mom over OP, so OP dumped him Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/lost-genre-reddit-stories--5779056/support.…
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Overcoming Impossible “I slipped out during the night, taking only a few others with me. I had not told anyone about the plans God had put in my heart for Jerusalem. We took no pack animals with us except the donkey I was riding. After dark I went out through the Valley Gate, past the Jackal’s Well, and over to the Dung Gate to inspect the broken w…
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A discussion of the Little Mermaid script book. Disney Animation Minute Essentials (DAME) is part of Dueling Genre Productions. Season 2 of DAME discusses the Disney animated film “The Little Mermaid.” The creators of DAME can be reached via email at [email protected] or on Twitter and Instagram @disminute.…
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Lazy Girlfriend Blames Me For Getting Fired Because I Ditched Her At Lunch
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20:45Reddit Relationship Stories - OP’s girlfriend lost her job and joined his company, but her laziness—tardiness and long lunches—got her fired. She blames OP for ditching her at lunch, escalating tensions as she struggles with rent and their relationship falters. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/lost-genre-reddit-s…
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Fiancé’s Parents Decided To Crash Our Honeymoon And He Won’t Stop Them
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21:03Reddit Relationship Stories - OP planned a unique honeymoon with their fiance, but his parents booked the same hotel, overlapping their dates. OP demanded he stop them, he hesitated, and despite apologies, OP fears the clingy in-laws will ruin their private getaway. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/lost-genre-red…
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Mike introduces Erica to Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs. Innocence will be lost, and so will Mike’s tooth. Join for squirmy thoughts about blood… and tipping.저자 Dueling Genre Productions
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Description Returning guest John Darowski joins Joe to discuss one of the most iconic films ever made, Citizen Kane. We discuss Orson Welles’ career, the quality of the film itself, and the impact its had on the movie industry. Support Patreon Show Notes Citizen Kane – Wikipedia Orson Welles – Wikipedia…
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Drew and Travis are caught in the orbit of Lone Star: the 1996 neo-western written, directed and edited by John Sayles! This episode is the first of five episodes in another month of Weird Westerns! Today’s episode has no Currently Consuming, due to our review of Lone Star running longer than usual. TIMESTAMPS 00:00:00 - Lone Star 01:20:19 - The Sh…
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Zukunfts-Chroniken - Das kosmische Erbe (Teil 2 von 2)
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55:30Vom Interstellar Kreuzfahrtgleiter Aurea fehlt seit Jahren jede Spur. Zuletzt wurde er in der Nähe von Gelandor gesichtet, wo seit dem Verschwinden ein Bürgerkrieg tobt. Als Luisa durch Zufall einen Datenträger abhört, auf dem sie eine Warnung mitsamt Koordinaten der Aurea hinterlassen findet, entschließt sie sich, eine Rettungsaktion zu organisier…
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Boyfriend Ran Out On Me And Our Child So I'm Exposing His Cancer Scam
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20:29Reddit Relationship Stories - OP found out her boyfriend lied about having cancer and his treatment in order to sleep with multiple women. When OP found out, she exposed him to everyone! Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/lost-genre-reddit-stories--5779056/support.저자 Lost Genre Stories
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The TARDIS crew find themselves on a refinery base in 1970s England where a parasitic form of seaweed has begun taking control of the workers, turning them into zombies under its control. As the seaweed spreads across the refinery, the Doctor will need to cut through needless bureaucracy to save the workers from themselves. Meanwhile, Victoria deci…
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Eddy and Chris go back to talking about comics! They start off their run of Tomb of Dracula with issue 10, featuring the first appearance of a particular vampire hunter.... Darker Hue Discord: https://discord.gg/cSbcdwQaKD저자 Darker Hue Studios
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Les Nuits et les morts : Bernard Quiriny, Vincent Wackenheim
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57:51durée : 00:57:51 - Mauvais genres - par : François Angelier - Un recueil de contes fantastiques signés par le maître Bernard Quiriny, une évocation révolutionnaire des danses macabres européennes du XVIIIe au XXe siècle par Vincent Wackenheim : plus que jamais Mauvais Genres est le pays de la nuit qui danse et de la mort qui rit. - réalisation : La…
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Pregnant Sister Demanded VIP Treatment But Was Furious When I Ignored Her
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20:02Reddit Relationship Stories - OP’s pregnant sister demanded special treatment at their grandma’s birthday party. After she pestered OPrelentlessly, they ignored her, locked themselves in their room, and left her fuming. She accused OP of insensitivity, but they’re still annoyed days later. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.co…
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Wife’s Furious I Stopped Cooking Just For Her Since She Always Insults My Food
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20:19Reddit Relationship Stories - OP, a skilled cook, stopped preparing meals for his wife, Jennifer, after she relentlessly insulted his dishes and opted for frozen dinners. She’s furious, but OP refuses to cook for her while still making food for their children. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/lost-genre-reddit-st…
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SMALL TALK & BIG KITCHENS, our mini-series on the romcoms of Nora Ephron and Nancy Meyers, continues with the story of two women ready to be the protagonists of their own Christmas romance. The reaction to Something’s Gotta Give was largely positive, but Nancy felt every compliment came with an asterisk: if this chick flick hadn’t been about people…
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Protect your cornbread at all costs friends because we're back with an all new episode. On this week's show, we go back to 1999 to celebrate Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence with the buddy comedy Life. We take a look at time, prison movies, race, and much more as we dissect this comedy. So, join us at the analysis table to discuss Life! (And always…
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Ex And Her New Wife Plan To Adopt My Son And Erase Me From His Life
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26:57Reddit Relationship Stories - OP’s ex-wife came out as lesbian, divorced him, and married her affair partner. They plan to adopt OP’s son, pushing to erase OP from his life. OP resists, facing accusations of denying their family, while protecting his son’s stability. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/lost-genre-re…
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Husband Broke Our Savings Pact And Spent It All Now I'm Rethinking Our Marriage
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20:53Reddit Relationship Stories - OP discovers her husband has saved nothing despite their financial agreement, spending recklessly instead. Feeling betrayed and distrustful, she considers time apart after his broken promises derail their future plans. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/lost-genre-reddit-stories--57790…
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Expert Edition - Writing a Faith-Based Memoir Having just completed my writer's memoir, I have been amazed at how the process strengthened my faith and thankfulness to God for what He has done in my writing life. I would love to engage with writers who would like to write this kind of memoir, and/or those who have a similar story to share. As a sma…
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I Tried To Spoil My Girlfriend With A Concert But Dumped Her The Next Morning
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20:46Reddit Relationship Stories - OP had a whole evening planned for his girlfriend to enjoy one of her favorite bands, but she ruined the evening, and now OP wants to dump her. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/lost-genre-reddit-stories--5779056/support.저자 Lost Genre Stories
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Rosemary’s Baby Triple Feature (1968) (1976) (2024)
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2:31:21Rosemary’s Baby Triple Feature (1968) (1976) (2024) Top Notch Nonsense Genre Film Podcast Episode 85. Rosemarys Baby triple feature. We’re discussing the original (1968), The Sequel: Whatever Happened To Rosemarys Baby (1976) and the prequel, Apartment 7A (2024). This is one baby that should have been forgotten. Deep Purple "Why Didn't Rosemary": h…
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I’m Done With My Husband After He Lied And Risked My Life
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20:12Reddit Relationship Stories - OP had a medical emergency and asked her husband to come home to help her, he said he was on his way but he lied and didn't leave work, so OP had to get help from someone else, now she's rethinking her marriage. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/lost-genre-reddit-stories--5779056/supp…
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Drew and Travis get their asses to Mars for Total Recall, the 1990 sci-fi action flick starring Arnold Schwarzenegger! This episode is the last of four episodes in a month of movies featuring robots, cyborgs, and artificial intelligence! TIMESTAMPS 00:00:00 - Total Recall 01:04:21 - The Shelf 01:13:20 - Calls to Action 01:15:16 - Currently Consumin…
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