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Here you're going to find amazing insights about being a Fulbrighter
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About the experience of being a Fulbright Senior scholar in Germany from September 2007 through February 2008.
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Question relating to Memo experience in the USA
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This podcast features alums of the Fulbright Program who talk about their work and research, about regional and local ramifications of global rights-related issues, and the impact their Fulbright experience has had on their personal and professional growth. Episodes will also feature advocates and professionals from different communities working in higher education/educational exchange. Please note: The views expressed in this interview series are entirely those of participants, and do not r ...
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K 30. výročí působení české Fulbrightovy komise a k 75. výročí existence celosvětového Fulbrightova programu startuje v roce 2021 roční cyklus FULBRIGHT PODCAST CZ. Uslyšíte v něm 12 skutečných příběhů 12 skutečných lidí, kteří to riskli. Přihlásili se, dostali „Fulbrighta“ a odjeli do Spojených států. Jsou inspirativní tím, že význam stipendia vnímají šířeji než jen odborně; pobyt v zahraničí jim zásadně ovlivnil kariéru i život. Budou vám o tom vyprávět. This year-long cycle of podcast cel ...
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Fulbright Chat là series Podcast do Tada Le (Fulbrighter 2016 - Creative Producing) khởi tạo để chia sẻ về những giá trị và tinh thần của các chương trình học bổng Fulbright, đồng thời cũng giới thiệu những gương mặt Fulbright thú vị để chia sẻ cùng các bạn trẻ có ý định apply học bổng này một cái nhìn toàn diện và chi tiết của quá trình apply học bổng. Và mỗi gương mặt sẽ là một cuốn sách cuộc đời đa sắc nên mong các bạn thính giả sẽ ủng hộ và góp ý để Podcast này thú vị và hấp dẫn hơn. Các ...
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Episode 3: Chat cùng bạn thân Trung Nguyễn - 40 tuổi là con số đẹp để bắt đầu
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1:00:01Chào mừng các bạn đến với Fulbright Chat! Mình là Tada Lê, rất vui được gặp lại các bạn trong một mùa thu thật đẹp. Và hôm nay, mình cực kỳ hào hứng khi được giới thiệu với các bạn một người bạn rất thân, một người bạn mà mình rất ngưỡng mộ. Đó chính là Nguyễn Trần Minh Trung - hiện đang theo học ngành Communication, chuyên ngành Media Arts & Studi…
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Episode 2: Chat với Âu Bảo Ngân - Fulbrighter 2024 ngành Nhạc kịch - Trước giờ lên đường
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48:23Âu Bảo Ngân - một nghệ sĩ đa tài của showbiz Việt, không chỉ ghi dấu ấn với giọng hát soprano ngọt ngào mà còn là một người đam mê nghệ thuật chân chính. Bên cạnh sự nghiệp ca hát, cô còn khám phá bản thân qua nhiều lĩnh vực như sáng tác, diễn xuất, hội họa và giảng dạy thanh nhạc. Năm 2013, Âu Bảo Ngân tỏa sáng tại "Giọng hát Việt" và nhanh chóng …
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Episode 1: Gặp gỡ Châu Trần - Fulbrighter ngành kiến trúc - Phải thật sự tin bản thân rồi hãy apply
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57:12Fulbright Chat Podcast tập đầu tiên sẽ là cuộc hội ngộ của Tada Le và Châu Trần - một kiến trúc sư có tiếng cũng đã từng nhận học bổng Fulbright ngành kiến trúc y tế. Là một người ham tìm hiểu và học hỏi, Châu có cách đúc kết lại hành trình săn học bổng, hành trình khai phá tri thức và trả nghiệm cuộc sống theo nhiều kiểu thú vị riêng, anh sẵn sàng…
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Exploring the Facets of LGBTQ+ Legal History in Chile and the U.S. with Sam Apostolopoulos
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41:23“Every place has a queer history.” Those are some of the impactful words shared by our guest today, Fulbright 2022-2023 U.S. Student Researcher to Chile, Sam Apostolopoulos. Sam’s Fulbright project focuses on understanding the legal history of LGBTQ+ rights in Chile and comparing that with the history of LGBTQ+ legal frameworks in the United States…
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Organizing for DEI advocacy in Taiwan with Fulbright ETAs
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45:34In this episode of Fulbright Forward, Kelli Swazey, D&I Liaison for Fulbright Programs in East Asia and the Pacific, talks story with grantees who are shaping the future of Fulbright by pushing the program to expand its engagement with issues of representation, inclusion, equity and justice as a core part of the Fulbright experience. The guests on …
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Project Multatuli's Public Journalism for the Underreported with Evi Mariani
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40:04This episode features Fulbright Alumna Evi Mariani. Evi was a 2011 Hubert Humphrey Fellow from Indonesia at Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland. Her critical work has been widely recognized, and she is the recipient of several prestigious journalism awards including a Society of Publishers in Asia award for excellence…
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Exploring Jewish Life in Uruguay and the Importance of Stories with Dr. Teresa Porzecanski
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42:37On today’s podcast we feature esteemed Jewish Uruguayan Anthropologist, teacher, fiction author, and Fulbright alumna, Dr. Teresa Porzecanski. During today’s episode, Dr. Porzecanski and Fulbright WHA D&I Liaison, Jeremy Gombin-Sperling talk about her history of anthropological work in Uruguay on the Uruguayan Jewish population. In tracing this gen…
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Letošní sérii Fulbright Podcast CZ symbolicky uzavírá dlouholetá ředitelka české Fulbrightovy komise HANKA RIPKOVÁ, naše největší odbornice na vysokoškolské studium ve Spojených státech a nositelka prestižní Ceny svobody Woodrowa Wilsona. V posledním podcastu, připraveném v angličtině, vypráví o tisícovce výjimečných Čechů, kteří za dobu jejího půs…
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The Future of Storytelling: New Media Artist, Filmmaker, and Technologist Tamara Shogaolu of Ado Ato Pictures
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42:07In this episode of Fulbright Forward, we talk to Tamara Shogaolu, a Fulbright alumna whose work in filmmaking and immersive media disrupts the norm of uni-directional single narrative storytelling. Tamara’s many award-winning media projects integrate animation, VR, AR, and other immersive technologies in telling stories that are rarely given the sp…
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Decolonizing Educational Practices through Culturally Conscious Pedagogy with Professor Candace Moore
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43:27On this episode of Fulbright Forward, we are shifting geographic location to Ghana in West Africa, and focusing on the work of current U.S. Fulbright Scholar to Ghana, Professor Candace Moore. Professor Moore is the Associate Clinical Professor in the Higher Education, Student Affairs, International Education Policy (HESI) program within the Depart…
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"Nejsem úplně dobrý student, spíš praktik. Vždycky jsem si zkoušel ty věci osahat, " říká v jedenáctém díle českého Fulbright Podcastu JAROSLAV VALŮCH, vedoucí projektů mediálního vzdělávání v organizaci Transitions. Dlouhodobě se věnuje využívání moderních komunikačních prostředků v krizových oblastech, mediální gramotnosti nejen u seniorů a preve…
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Architekt OSAMU OKAMURA, děkan Fakulty umění architektury Technické univerzity v Liberci, věděl, že chce jet na Fulbrighta už od nepaměti. Tříměsíční Fulbright-Masarykovo stipendium pro neziskový sektor získal nakonec v roce 2018 při Nadaci chicagské architektury (nyní Chicago Architecture Center) ; ve své práci se totiž zabývá psychologií města a …
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“I Refuse to Choose:” Exploring Identity, Language Teaching, and the Impact of Whiteness with Meilin Chong
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40:20In this episode of Fulbright Forward, Jeremy Gombin-Sperling, the Fulbright Diversity and Inclusion Liaison for Western Hemisphere Programs continues the conversation on English and language teaching in the Western Hemisphere with Bilingual Educator and alumna of the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Program in Ecuador, Meilin Chong. During the …
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V devátém díle Fulbright Podcastu CZ vám o své zahraniční zkušenosti bude vyprávět ředitel gymnázia Jiřího z Poděbrad v Poděbradech, doktor přírodních věd KAMIL BŘÍZA. Šestitýdenní Fulbrightovo stipendium strávil v roce 2006 na soukromé katolické Alpha School v Pittsburghu v Pensylvánii, navštívil ale i několik dalších tamních škol. Fulbright byl p…
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Z ročního akademického pobytu Kamily Rosolové na Michiganské státní univerzitě se následně vyvinula dlouhodobá spolupráce s centrem psaní, specializovaného pracoviště, které poskytuje konzultace s akademickými texty. Kamila své zkušenosti z MSU uplatňuje od roku 2011 jako vedoucí Centra akademického psaní ČAV, kde se aktivně podílí na tvorbě kurzů …
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Feminism and Women's Rights in the (Post-)Soviet Space - Dalia Leinarte
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28:59In this episode, Lithuanian author, historian and activist Dalia Leinarte and Susanne Hamscha, EUR Diversity Coordinator, talk about feminism and women's rights in the Soviet Union and the Post-Soviet space. Dalia experienced the former Soviet Union as an insider and and met the restoration of the Independence of Lithuania as a young woman. Dalia i…
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EVA KESSLOVÁ, ředitelka orchestru BERG, absolvovala hudební management na pražské AMU, semestr uměleckého managementu v britském Dartingtonu a v roce 2005 prožila roční Fulbrightovo stipendium na Manhattanu na Newyorské univerzitě (NYU) v programu Performing Arts Administration. Ve Fulbright podcastu se ale dozvíte především to, proč to všechno děl…
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Disrupting the Master Narrative of U.S. English Teaching Abroad with Jonathan Peraza
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34:54In this episode of Fulbright Forward, Fulbright Americas Diversity and Inclusion Liaison speaks with U.S. ETA alum to Guatemala, Jonathan Peraza Campos about the critical need to redefine and reimagine how folks from the United States conduct English teaching abroad, in particular within Latin America and the Caribbean. As Jonathan shares in the ep…
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JAN KRATOCHVÍL se stal profesorem v oboru informatika – teoretická informatika v roce 2003, do roku 2011 vedl katedru aplikované matematiky na Matematicko-fyzikální fakultě UK, od roku 2012 byl osm let děkanem. Jeho Fulbrightovo stipendium, které ve školním roce 1994-1995 absolvoval na University of Oregon, nastartovalo dlouhodobou, plodnou spolupr…
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Gender Equality in Higher Education, Science and Research - Sandra Eder, Daniela Jauk, Simone Poetscher
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48:29In this episode, Sandra Eder (Berkeley University), Daniela Jauk (University of Akron), Simone Poetscher (OSTA), and Susanne Hamscha (Regional Diversity Coordinator EUR) talk about gender equality and higher education in the US and Austria. Sandra and Daniela share how gender, class, and age factored into their career decisions, while Simone speaks…
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Bydlela v nádherné tamní vile pro nositele Nobelovy ceny, osobně se setkala s velkými hvězdami americké krajinářské architektury. Úspěšná architektka ZUZANA AMBROŽOVÁ, docentka Ústavu zahradní a krajinářské architektury Mendelovy univerzity v Brně a stipendistka Fulbrightova programu pro vědce a přednášející, strávila podle svých slov na UC Berkele…
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CW // This podcast contains discussion of violence, gun violence The Black Lives Matter movement, while initiated in response to the state of racial relations in the United States, has reverberated in societies around the world. With the growing awareness of the global relevance of the movement, the call to address the historical roots and realitie…
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Hera Jay Brown, a Fulbright-Schuman alum, and Susanne Hamscha, EUR Regional Diversity Coordinator, discuss the European Union's position on migration in this episode. What is the human cost of "fortress Europe," as the EU's response to migration is sometimes referred to? Why does it matter how we talk about migration and people who migrate? And whi…
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Theater, Social Justice, and the Power of Storytelling with Abigail Ramsay
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47:21In this episode of Fulbright Forward, Fulbright alumna of the U.S. Student Program to Jamaica, Abigail Ramsay, helps us explore the power of theater and storytelling in ways that go beyond entertainment. Through a rich sharing of her experiences in Jamaica and beyond, Abigail shares how theater and storytelling can be and perhaps should be seen mor…
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Pracoval jako streetworker a sociální pracovník, od roku 2009 vede Beztíži, preventivní oddělení Domu dětí a mládeže Praha 3 pro celkově zhruba 600 ohrožených dětí ročně. Před několika lety absolvoval stipendium pro neziskové organizace Fulbright-Masaryk, díky kterému strávil několik měsíců v klubech pro dospívající v newyorském Bronxu; běžně v nic…
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Roma Communities, Housing, and Education - Chris Curran
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29:00Fulbright Bulgaria alum Chris Curran and Susanne Hamscha, EUR Regional Diversity Coordinator, talk about the discrimination of Roma communities in Europe and in Bulgaria, in particular. Chris shares about his work with the Trust for Social Achievement, which seeks to improve access to housing and education for Roma people in Bulgaria. Chris also ta…
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Naším březnovým hostem je kutil, bastlíř i maker v jedné osobě, JIŘÍ ZEMÁNEK. Říká o sobě, že je hračička, ale ve skutečnosti pracuje jako vědec a pedagog na Katedře řídicí techniky pražské ČVUT. Zkoumá futuristické digitální materiály, za své projekty získal několik mezinárodních cen, akademický rok 2019/2020 pak díky stipendiu Fulbright-Masaryk s…
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Traveling social worker Sojourner White and Susanne Hamscha, EUR Regional Diversity Coordinator, talk about unpacking and navigating one's social identities abroad, reflecting on discrimination and privilege, and translating experience into action. Sojourner is the founder and creator of Sojournies, a travel education platform. She was a Fulbright …
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Feminism in Brazil and the Intersections of Race and Gender - Sandra Azeredo
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34:59Similarly to many countries in the Western Hemisphere, the history of feminism in Brazil has been about moving towards a politic that centers and acknowledges how systems of oppression such as racism and classism impact and intersect with the violent sexism that encompasses the struggle of feminist action and thought, and towards a politic that cap…
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Druhým hostem nového Fulbright Podcastu CZ je kurátorka, kulturní manažerka a výtvarná umělkyně s vášní pro umění ve veřejném prostoru. Tvoří v Pardubicích, od roku 2018 mimo jiné jako programová ředitelka Galerie města Pardubic GAMPA. Při svém pobytu v New Yorku pracovala v nezávislé galerii v Brooklynu, setkávala se s umělci z celého světa a všud…
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Racial and Gender Inequality, Tech and Higher Ed - Ronda Železný-Green
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26:18Ronda Železný-Green, a digital learning and technology policy expert, and EUR Diversity Coordinator Susanne Hamscha talk about the intersection of race and gender in (higher) education, technology as a tool for achieving equality, and the underrepresentation of women of color in higher education in the UK. Ronda acts as a consultant to the US-UK Fu…
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Feminist Movements in Latin America and the Role of Literature - Dr. Guadalupe Maradei
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25:16“Ni una menos, ni una muerte más.” Not one woman less, not one more death. This phrase has functioned as one of the slogans both through social media and political discourse in the movement to fight gender-based violence, and to protect the lives of trans and cisgender women across Latin America. From its start in Argentina in 2015, ni una menos ca…
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Premiérovým, lednovým hostem Fulbright Podcastu CZ je muž, který snil o dráze profesionálního fotbalisty a poté vystudoval geologii. Dnes je expertem na Spojené státy, uznávaným novinářem, redaktorem webu Aktualne.cz, spisovatelem a neúnavným komentátorem amerického politického dění. Daniel Anýž.저자 Daniel Anýž
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Access to Education in Indonesia - Anggiasari Puji Aryati & Ajeng Herliyanti
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51:30Barriers to education still remain across the Asia-Pacific region for individuals from underrepresented backgrounds, and those from minority and marginalized communities. In this episode, we speak with Anggiasari Puji Aryati, a politician and activist working for gender equality and disability rights, and Ajeng Herliyanti, a mental health provider,…
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In this episode, Czeslaw Walek, alumnus of the Czech Fulbright Commission, and EUR Diversity Coordinator Susanne Hamscha talk about LGBTQ equality, same-sex marriage in the Czech Republic, and the LGBTQ rights movements in the US and in Europe. Czeslaw is the Chairman of Prague Pride and manager of Jsme Fér ("we are fair").…
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This is Fulbright Forward - Jeremy, Kelli, and Susanne in conversation
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38:46In this special episode, the Regional Diversity Coordinators Jeremy Gombin-Sperling (WHA), Kelli Swazey (EAP), and Susanne Hamscha (EUR) talk about their passion for diversity and inclusion work, the personal and professional experiences that led them to pursue a career in this field in the first place, and how they hope to contribute to moving Ful…
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In this episode, Fulbright Germany alumnus Kenny Fries and EUR Diversity Coordinator Susanne Hamscha talk about disability and eugenic discourses during the Third Reich, when disabled people were systematically murdered in the campaign "Aktion T4." But eugenic discourses are alive and well, as Kenny explains with reference to the COVID-19 pandemic.…
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In this episode, Fulbright Poland alumna Margaret Ohia-Nowak and EUR Diversity Coordinator Susanne Hamscha talk about the representation of Black Polish people in texts and images, discursive discrimination and microaggressions, as well as Black activism in Poland. Margaret Ohia-Nowak is a linguist, human rights activist, and cross-cultural trainin…
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In this episode, Fulbright Austria alumna Astrid M. Fellner and EUR Diversity Coordinator Susanne Hamscha talk about European and US borderlands, the symbolic power of borders, and borders in times of Covid-19. Astrid M. Fellner is professor for North American Literary and Cultural Studies at Saarland University, Germany. She received a Fulbright g…
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Interviewing my fellow teachers in Fulbright DAI 2019. Episode 1 Omar Bentabet from Morocco
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11:17Interview with Omar Bentabet. Fulbright DAI teacher from Morocoo
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Questions relating to Memo experience in the USA
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The optimistic title above, if truth be told, gives little sense of the reality that I remain largely ignorant of the German language today. That does not mean that I have not acquired a great deal of vocabulary. I learned much German during my five months, but little grammar. Still I have acquired a foundation of knowledge, however thin, and upon …
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How does the Fulbright program work? What was (and is) its purpose? Founded in 1946, the program has provided 200,000 scholars over more than 60 years the opportunity to serve as cultural ambassadors building bridges of understanding around the world. In this video podcast I speak for a couple of minutes on the reasons for the program and the vital…
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In this first video podcast I share my musings regarding German students and the university system in Germany, based on my experiences at the Martin-Luther-Universitat in Halle (Saale). Click here for the podcast (iPod video format)저자 Richard Reiman
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