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show episodes
You are listening to the Savoir Faire Audio Experience. With your Host, Editor-In-Chief of Savoir Faire Magazine, Robert White. Tune in to learn about new topics with expert guests, unedited and behind-the-scenes interviews, and all that jazz!
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An ad-free video podcast delivering a paradigm-shifting perspective with River Faire—award–winning author, body-centered therapist, and "radical integrity" and holistic wellness coach. Tune-in for an engaging journey into self-awareness, personal evolution, and getting free of what limits you.
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Fairexch9.co.in is a cutting-edge online betting exchange that revolutionizes the way individuals engage in sports and event wagering. Our platform provides a secure and transparent marketplace where users can bet against each other, eliminating the need for a traditional bookmaker. With a commitment to fairness, integrity, and user-centricity, Fairexch9.co.in offers an unparalleled betting experience.
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⚡ Wolnościowy play-tank: publicystyka wolnego serca. 🌊 Opublikowane serie: - 🟡 Yellow Pill - 🔵 Klasa Atlasa - 🤝 WK21 - 🌍 Komentarz Atlasa - nagrania z e-wydarzeń - i inne (dołącz!) ------------------------------------------ 💡 Afirmujemy życie i rozum człowieka 💡 Poszukujemy prawdy, dobra, piękna 💡 Uznajemy dobrowolność jako podstawę interakcji międzyludzkich .Stay cool! ------------------------------------------ kontakt@laissezfaire.pl
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Shaping A Fairer World

Shaping A Fairer World

‘Shaping A Fairer World with SDGs’ is the platform to join the dots of the SDGs around the Education world. No education is ever achieved unless we connect Educators, Students, and Parents together. It’s an attempt to share the voices and unheard stories across the globe. I believe that “Nothing can stand in the way of the power of voices calling for CHANGE” Host - Ayush Chopra + Ananya Chopra Founders - https://www.SDGsForChildren.org Music credit: Royalty-Free Music from HookSounds http:// ...
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Que mangerions nous s’il n’y avait plus d’éleveurs ou d'agriculteurs ? Rien, ou pas grand-chose ! Or, leur nombre ne cesse de diminuer chaque année… Certains acteurs se mobilisent déjà pour Faire Bien, préparer la relève et faire face aux enjeux de demain. C’est pourquoi à travers ce podcast, nous proposons de partager tous les 15 jours, notre vision de l'agriculture biologique, mais aussi de vous faire découvrir le beau métier d’éleveur, la génération future et tous ceux qui pensent l'agric ...
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Faire vivre la campagne est une série réalisée par la promotion 2022/2023 des étudiant.es du Master 2 Médias & Création numérique de l’université de Bourgogne dans le cadre d’un atelier autour de la narration sonore et du documentaire radiophonique. Ils ont été accompagnés par Antoine Tricot pour le volet sonore et par les sociologues Jérôme Berthaut et Benoît Coquard pour la partie scientifique.
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Cet été, Le Vestibule s'associe à l'atelier d'écriture Eros, animé par Emmanuelle Jay, et au musicien Paul Lyonnaz dit POL pour un podcast 100% littérature érotique en 8 épisodes pour faire durer le plaisir tout l'été. Pendant un an, les auteurices ont écrit, versifié, raconté l’amour, les corps, la jouissance et le sexe. La comédienne Cécile Martin a prêté sa voix pour cet arc-en-ciel du désir, de la chair et autres jeux littéraires érotiques...
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Podcast series will be continued in 2025 <3 Cooperation & Booking Inquiries: alex@laissez-faire.org Laissez-Faire is a Franconian based nonprofit network of creative individuals which are committed to alternative and non-commercial celebration of music culture. The name says it all: Every human being has a different creative potential and needs its own form of development. Laissez-Faire is running a platform for these potentials and thus promote all forms of "planned", but also spontaneous e ...
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Faire genre

Binge Audio / L'Institut du genre

Une fois par mois, la journaliste Laurène Daycard convie un·e chercheur·euse parmi les plus pointu·e·s sur les questions de genre : philosophes, sociologues, anthropologues, littéraires et politistes… pour apprendre, douter aussi parfois, et surtout mieux penser en profondeur la société. Crédits Un podcast de Binge audio et de L’Institut du genre. Préparé et animé par Laurène Daycard et réalisé par Thomas Plé. Production : Soraya Kerchaoui-Matignon, Albane Fily et Camille Khodor. Composition ...
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Le premier podcast qui aborde sans filtre et sans tabous les schémas et les dérapages de la relation amoureuse. Tous les lundis matins, le coach conjugal Alex Wagner et la psychothérapeute Monika Mitic, deux amis que tout oppose, parlent d'amour, de disputes, de réconciliations, et de comment véritablement "se faire voir" à l'autre, sans masque.
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“The best podcast for women” — The Balance | “A must listen podcast for anyone who is ready to change the status quo” — Forbes | The Fairer Cents is an educational finance and career podcast all about the different economic realities facing women, people of color and other marginalized groups. Hosted by Tanja Hester, author of Work Optional, Spend Like You Give a Sh*t, and the Our Next Life early retirement blog, and Kara Perez, founder of women's financial literacy startup Bravely, The Fair ...
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Vous êtes-vous déjà posé la question : lorsque on est impliqué dans un accident automobile, pourquoi certaines compagnies d'assurance empressent le client de faire affaire avec un carrossier affilié? Cela, sous prétexte de ne pas perdre la garantie sur le travail effectué? Stephane Lachance est expert en sinistre et réclamation automobile; et Tanya et Robert eux, ont malheureusement été victime de travaux bâclés sur leurs véhicules respectifs, suite à un accident de la route. Ces derniers on ...
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Je suis photographe professionnel depuis 25 ans et Web entrepreneur Si vous êtes photographe amateur, que ce soit tout débutant ou plus expert, ou que vous souhaitiez vous améliorer en photo pour l'utiliser dans vos missions professionnelles, ce Podcast est fait pour vous. Vous avez également le blog www.faire-de-la-photo.fr à votre disposition
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Orano, acteur majeur de l’industrie nucléaire, présente « Parole d’experts ». Un podcast pour se faire sa propre opinion sur le nucléaire et les grands enjeux de l’énergie. Informer, éclairer, débattre, c’est l’objectif de ces entretiens, animés par le journaliste Yves Decaens. Vous aimez ce podcast, alors : 1. Abonnez-vous 🔔 2. Laissez un avis et 5 étoiles sur Apple Podcasts ou Spotify (⭐) 👉Retrouvez toute l’actualité d’Orano sur www.orano.group (http://www.orano.group/) -- Production : Med ...
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Les 8 et 9 novembre à Marseille à la Friche Belle de Mai, l'association Sud Tiers lieux organisait des rencontres avec pour objectif d’interroger, en étant au plus proches des territoires, la manière avec laquelle les collectifs, les citoyens et citoyennes, les élu∙e∙s et plus généralement l’ensemble des acteurices de ces territoires, s’engagent dans la dynamique des tiers-lieux, et participent à la construction d’un engagement et d’une culture commune.
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show series
River launches 2025 talking about death as an archetypal, metaphorical process of endings and beginnings. Many Westerners have a fear of death, one of multiple fears in general, which often holds people back from their personal evolution. He asks, what needs to die so that something else can be born—such as a new form, role, identity, or passage of…
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Claes och Viggo är äntligen tillbaka på Stureplan efter jul- och nyårs helgerna. Vi pratar om ravinen mellan oss och när musiken som religion ebbade ut. Pretto ja visst, men sådan är denna podcast. Claes har varit i Thailand och skickat ett fint julkort till sin idol. Viggo har harvat på hemma och är nu klar med ett första utkast på sin nästa roman…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️: is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we are…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️: is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we are…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️: is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we are…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️: is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we are…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️: is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we are…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️:is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we are …
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️:is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we are …
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️:is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we are …
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️:is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we are …
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️ : is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we ar…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️ : is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we ar…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️ : is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we ar…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️ : is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we ar…
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The majority of people are not here to evolve, River states boldly. Partly, because evolution never occurs in the status quo, it happens at the fringe; also evolution involves uncertainty, which most people actively try to avoid. River explores what it means to evolve personally, and why mainstream “success” usually aborts that process.…
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Viggo har åkt till Malmö och vi testar en telefonpodcast. Det ska vi aldrig göra om lovar vi, eftersom ljudet är det sämsta i podcastens historia. Claes har varit på teater. Viggo avfärdar Hugos krönika om nattklubbar och välkomna det nya. Claes håller förstås inte med. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️ : is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we ar…
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La CSN est allée rencontrer des employé-es d’entretien de la STM pour mieux comprendre leur réalité. Ils nous parlent de leurs efforts pour que ça roule à la STM dans un contexte où les gestes violents augmentent et où le sous-financement fait mal. Nathalie Arguin, secrétaire générale de la CSN, rencontre Bruno Jeannotte, président du syndicat du t…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️ : is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we ar…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️ : is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we ar…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️ : is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we ar…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️ : is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we ar…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️ : is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we ar…
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Vi minns journalistlegenden Göran Skytte. Med värme och några skandaler. Sen sågar vi Augustpriset och Stora journalistpriset. Claes har varit på pensionärklubben PA&Co och förutser Uppdrag gransknings nästa stora scoop. Denna gång från Hotel Kung Carl som Viggo älskar men Claes avfärdar. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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A key difference exists between gratitude as a mental, feel-good exercise useful for “reframing,” versus an embodied one (somatic and cellular) that resets one's inner environment in a powerful way, as it relates to epigenetics. Further, River shares how he turns gratitude around and sends it to others as a transforming mini-meditation.…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️ : is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we ar…
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Viggo har varit på Alex och Sigges livepodd och vill berätta. Claes vill inte höra utan undrar om tv-serien om Pirate Bay är rätt väg att berätta en historia. Viggo finner ödets ironi i att Monique Wadsted har försvarat upphovsmännens rätt själv blir beskriver av upphovsmännen på ett icke fördelaktig sätt. Sen kommer ett stort avslöjande om champag…
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Most people are not skilled at letting things go, even when those things cause angst. For all sorts of reasons, including roles and identity, beliefs and expectations, we hang on to "our chosen encumbrances," as River puts it. What if you decided to finally relinquish angst in order to make room and energy for something else to emerge?…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️ : is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we ar…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️ : is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we ar…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️ : is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we ar…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️ : is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we ar…
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Viggo försöker vara tyst och få Claes att tala mer. Det går sådär. Vi pratar förstås även om Donald Trump och Jonna Bergh som fyller år. Är hon Sveriges Anna Wintour? Eller är det Martina Bonniers roll i systemet? Claes har varit i London och är oroad att rika ska flytta hem nu när Labour höjer skatterna. Oj, vilket problem… Viggo har lyssnat på Ri…
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♂️ Savoir Faire Audio Experience ♂️ : is back and we are taking you behind the scenes as we interview people from all walks of life! The Articles you read on the Savoir Faire Website do not always give the good banter, the rabbit holes the conversation goes down, and don't always get to show off the personalities of the people we interview so we ar…
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Creativity is a form of nourishment, River says, yet we can find a hundred reasons (excuses) not to actively create, and often fear holds us back—subconsciously or otherwise. If we're willing to risk, we open to the possibility that through our creativity something greater can emerge through us, propelling one's personal evolution.…
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Andy Warhol och Kent slipper vi aldrig. Vad ska hända med Ann Heberlein efter skilsmässan med Moderaterna och Erik van der Heeg? Vi håller tummarna för en av Sveriges modigaste skribenter. Viggo berättar om sin skrivarkurs och sin kommande roman. Claes berättar om en skrivarkurs i tonåren. Vi hinner även med Jan Guillous senaste roman som blivit tv…
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« Le plus souvent dans l'histoire, “anonyme” était une femme ». Ces mots de Virginia Woolf résument bien ce dont il est question dans cet épisode. Que ce soit via des mécanismes de ségrégation, de hiérarchie sexiste ou d’invisibilisation a posteriori, le travail et la vie artistique des femmes a longtemps été masqué voire dévalorisé, alors même que…
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Vem är mest besatt av vem? Viggo av Peter Wolodarski eller Peter av Elon Musk eller Claes av DN. Vi försöker reda ut detta, dessutom hur många miljoner måste man ha för att bli cancland av vänstern. Livs kritiker vet. Och var verkligen Stig Bergling permobil på Kattgränd? Många frågor och få svar i veckan podcast direkt från Stureplan precis som al…
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