Herzlich willkommen zum DnDienstag, an dem wir online Dungeons and Dragons spielen. Jede Staffel hat eine geschlossene Handlung. Bisher gespielt: „Die verlorene Mine von Phandelver”, „Fluch des Strahd“, „Grabmal der Vernichtung“ und Homebrew Kampagnen. Im DnDienstag spielen wechselnde Gruppen und Gäste aus unserer Community, geleitet von Alexander “Älex” Kaiser.
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Welcome to High Rollers, a live-play Dungeons & Dragons podcast! Join Dungeon Master Mark Hulmes and his players as they explore Altheya: The Dragon Empire on Europe's biggest independent TTRPG stream. Episodes go live Tuesdays and Thursdays, or watch live every Sunday at 5pm UK Time on twitch.tv/highrollersdnd or youtube.com/highrollersdnd!
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A D&D show to discuss all aspects of tabletop role playing for both DM's and players.
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The Forgotten Realms through the eyes and voices of a crew of nerdy dads! We occasionally burst into song! We laugh at our own jokes! We make obscure pop culture references! Sometimes we even roleplay!
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Four friends struggle to get through their weekly roleplaying campaigns together.
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Greetings, tabletop nerds and dice collectors. In this treasure chest we find three first time adventurers questing their way through a D&D campaign. One patient Dungeon Master guides our heroes through the player handbook, d20 rolling, and ttrpg roleplay. Gather around the table and Follow Tony (DM), Jared (Armos Vanon), Dan (Minnis Pebblewalker), and Alec (Drell of the Ashe Born) as they battle dragons, hellish demons, and giant monstrosities. Join us, as we search through dark dungeons in ...
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‘Not DnD’ is a weekly podcast discussing tabletop roleplaying games. Each week EN Publishing’s Jessica Hancock interviews the creators behind different tabletop roleplaying games that aren’t D&D!
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A fortnightly Dungeons & Dragons comedy podcast where the DnD is fast n loose and full of roleplay and stupid decisions. Come for the trolls but stay for the lols! 170+ eps of homebrew, published modules & one shot live shows. Visit us at www.DicePaperRole.com
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Welcome to The Worst Outcome! Four intrepid adventurers see if they survive this occasionally bleak, sometimes silly Dungeons and Dragons homebrew adventure You can find all of our social media in various places @TWODNDPodcast
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A 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons Real-Play Podcast.
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‘Girls who don‘t D&D‘ is monthly* real play D&D adventure from three girls (who‘ve never played D&D before), a Dungeon Master (who owns all the books but hasn‘t read them) and a handful of dice (they‘re fine)... Our heroes awake without a memory and it‘s all down hill from there. If you‘ve ever wanted to get started in D&D but didn‘t know how to do it - these are exactly the right people to join. Join us for our adventures in Kalee, a real play podcast of monsters, magic and memories! *It‘s ...
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Red Dirt DnD mashes together fantasy with the Wild West. The third campaign of Red Dirt Dnd takes us to the steampunk metropolis of Ironspire. The characters August E. Greymoor, a Human Fighter; Sable, a Half-elf Rogue; Dr. Elias Stone, a Human Cleric and Moxie, a Tiefling Bard as they work to uncover the Curse of the Clockwork City.
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We are an ever-expanding group of like-minded nerds who gather around a virtual table to tell stories, build worlds, and generally enjoy each other's company. We invite you along to listen and participate as we play to see what kind of trouble our various sects of adventurers get into across many rulesets!
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Wanderful is a comedy-storytelling podcast hosted by four life-long bestfriends. If you’re a fan of gripping drama, heart wrenching character deaths, and more than your fair share of butt jokes, then Wanderful: A Somewhat DnD Podcast is the show for you. Oh, and they play Dungeons And Dragons... Usually.
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We are PBOP - a TTRPG actual-play podcast where we pretend to be other People! Join us for, hilarious improv, immersive storytelling, and an original score to set the mood. Subscribe now and adventure along with us - for excitement, for love, and for giggles!
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Welcome to Dropped Dice and please do enjoy the ensuing chaos that we call friendship. Join us in our totally not harmless escapades through the Old World of Warhammer Fantasy, and more, in our Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition campaigns! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DroppedDice Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DroppedDice Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpIcaUwsmV0GEaxqViepWrA
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Help (Action) Needed tells the story of three adventures navigating the changing world around them. Join us for a story focused, rules lite, campaign about humainty, struggle, and change set 60 years after the Withering War, a civil war that divided the country of Aeyolith. In modern day an enduring peace is upheld by Church and Crown, but not everyone is happy under the new system. Episodes Bi-weekly on Mondays!
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Questen & Quatschen ist ein Actual Play Dungeons and Dragons 2024 Podcast - und genau das tun wir hier auch: Questen und Quatschen auf Basis des neusten D&D Regelwerks. Das heißt ihr könnt uns ab jetzt regelmäßig beim Spielen zuhören. Steigt ein in unsere lockere Fantasy-Atmosphäre mit einer großen Prise Humor...Charisma Saving Throw!!! Alle weiteren Infos findet ihr auf unseren verschiedenen Kanälen: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen
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Eure drei Lieblingscomedians Ivan Thieme, Falk Pyrczek und Jonas Imam spielen endlich Dungeons & Dragons! Taucht ein in die Welt von Drachen, Elfen und Schneckenmenschen! Wenn es euch gefällt unterstützt uns gerne auf Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/verpruegeltmitpunchlines Oder hört „Verprügelt mit Punchlines“ den Podcast mit dem alles begann! Jetzt auch auf Youtube: www.youtube.com/verprügeltmitpunchlines Folgt uns auf Spotify! Abonniert uns auf iTunes! Liked uns auf Facebook: https://www ...
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Narcissist monks! Insane Paladins! Positive masculinity barbarians! Authors and Dragons is a weekly Dungeons & Dragons actual play podcast where a group of comedic fantasy writers take on a world of might and magic... Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/authors-dragons-comedy-dnd-podcast--5624719/support.
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Join content creators ItsTheDannyCShow and Dnicest84 monthly as we talk gaming & streaming news, new game releases, Plus there’s a reliable dose of wrestling news, bad gaming stories, and interviews with the best content creators on the world wide web Follow Danny at @DannyCShow and D at @Dnicest84 also follow the podcast at @TheDnDShow5 on Instagram & Twitter
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What would happen if you put every DND cliche into a bag of holding and then beat it with a humor stick? There’s only one way to find out! A Fool’s Quest is a Dungeons and Dragons Role Playing Comedy Podcast, filled with music, sound FX and terrible puns! New episodes every Friday and every episode is under one hour! No marathons! Explicit content included. (we say bad words) “A Fool's Quest is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. P ...
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Join us for an adventure that's part dinner party and all improvised role-play! Each episode five friends combine forces to weave a tale of fantasy, food, and fun in a home-brewed D&D campaign. There's powerful spells, magic horses, other realms, and enough excitement and laughs for everyone to get seconds. New episodes currently on Hiatus. Returning in 2025!
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Dungeons and Dracon Beams is an Animorphs Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition adventure with an entirely different team of Animorphs in a homebrewed world. What would happen if the events of the Yeerk invasion played out differently? The players will shape their own story, in their own city, fighting their own war. Will they make the change? Join Savannah, Zac, Dylan, Kamren and Aximili as they gain the power to turn into any animal they can touch and go claw to tail blade with Visser Three and ...
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DnD-BHS is a podcast of a few friends playing Dungeon and Dragons in a small town called Bronkhortspruit (South Africa). The Podcast will be multilingual (Afrikaans/ English).
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Multiple groups of players go on great DnD adventures, and a mysterious connection links them all.
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Beginner D&D players trying to help others have a great experience as they goof around.
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On Wednesday nights, we sit down together and play through our campaign, and we thought we'd share our story with you! So come join us, there's plenty of room around the table.
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Watch us stumble aimlessly across the dnd world
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DND met een zachte G is een Nederlandse podcast waar Mardie en Chrit twee keer per maand praten over alles wat met tabletop RPG's te maken heeft. Laat je verrassen door onze interpretaties van bekende Dungeons&Dragons-monsters en laat je inspireren door interessante discussies en gave gasten. Stuur je vragen en verhalen naar [email protected] en volg onze instagram @dndmeteenzachteg dndmeteenzachteg.nl
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Welcome to DnD Quandary! It is an unofficial Dungeons & Dragons podcast where we offer answers to all you D&D questions!
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In this podcast I explain how to play DnD as both a character and a DM.
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Meet Dungeon Master Rainer and his loyal explorers Dieter, Matt, Alysha, and Joel and follow them on their ridiculous adventures through the world of Dungeons & Dragons.
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We at Lawful Stupid are a D&D 5e actual play podcast who actually love to play DnD! We love everything about the Tabletop RPG Community and consistently strive to make the world a better place within that community through inclusivity, creativity, charitable acts, and above all else, fantastical heroism. If you want to be a part of the amazing dungeons and dragons community of artists, creators, and all around amazing fun people that we are building please join us in our discord.
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A dead acolyte. Her puzzle box. A city festering with secrets. And four hero investigators uncovering it all. Little Realms is a Dungeons & Dragons actual play adventure using DnD 5E.
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A real play Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition podcast that doesn't take itself so seriously. Jump on to Season 4 with Episode 145
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A dungeons and dragons podcast, where our heroes will battle monsters and gain TREASURE! Yes, the best thing ever! Enjoy.
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Hi my name is Fonda White ,D.N.D.M Movement to stop the stigma of mental illnesses ” and letting nothing define your greatness I’m an aspiring entrepreneur and Writer with a Mental illness so sending my thoughts Oh and wisdom to shine on to others lives and how to love yourself and manage your mental health for your best life!
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DD but without a Post Office
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The Medicine Maker presents a 6 episode series on the inspiring efforts of the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative. Tune in and learn just what it takes to develop medicines for some of the world’s most neglected patient populations.
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The best Dungeons and Dragons, RPG, and Tabletop Gaming podcast out there chock full of useful tips, tricks and strategies. Check out our site at SkullSplitterDice.com for more!
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Chaos Agents Campaign 2: Murder in Port Thoria returns with all new episodes in 2022. A companion podcast will be published between live streams featuring stories that take place away from our main characters. Music by Allen Strickland Join us live Tuesdays at 7pm pst at https://twitch.tv/QuestsandChaos or at https://youtube.com/QuestsChaos.
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The Boarding Party crew and some extra friends create guilds in the world of Eorzea and adventure into the world to seek glory and worldly experience. https://www.youtube.com/boardingparty
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DnDin’ is a podcast where good good friends play Dungeons and Dragons 5E together. The podcast was started as a way for them all to still see each other, as they all live in different states now. It is an actual-play podcast focusing on storytelling and having fun. In Campaign 2 there are 3 groups of adventures on concurrent missions that sometimes cross: The Pops Brigade follows the adventures of Nobuh (Cara), Crash (Jackie), Elyssa (Erin), Jonny Noble (Richard), and Pops (Peter). The Foodi ...
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Change this later
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The Fools arrive at the Crypt of the Spice Lords, where they are quickly greeted by a portal. After Adira comes through, Eddie decides that's enough people. The party soon discovers that the Crypts have changed since Thorkillin left. Eddie almost dies while passing the first obstacle; "almost" being the key word. The Second Breakfast Club soon find…
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Our cast talks about episodes 5 through 10 of Campaign Three "Curse of the Clockwork City" Cast: Brook Bullock - Dungeon Master (Twitter) Kyri Hester - Moxie, Tiefling Bard (Instagram) Connor Shenold - Sable, Half-elf Rogue Johnnie Payne - August E. Greymoor, Human Fighter (Instagram) Michael Cross - Dr. Elias Stone, Human Cleric (Twitter) Special …
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Welcome to Unstoppable Industries! Home of the Unstoppable Force, one of the most famed and respected superhero teams in the United States. Headquartered in the proud city of New Jerseydelphia, they just so happen to be looking for a new member, and our very own Elvis has managed to ace the interview process.…
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Welcome to The CRIT Files, where we dive deep into the realms of Dungeons and Dragons, uncovering hidden treasures of discussion and forbidden knowledge! In this episode, we crack open the filing cabinet to reveal a mysterious folder bursting with wonder. Join us every two weeks as we dissect the campaign, explore game mechanics, and delve into all…
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Adé oh du herzlose Schabracke...Ob Isaac seine Worte nun bereut? Und wie viele Abschiede können unsere Helden noch verkraften? Weitere Infos zu unserem Podcast findet Ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/QuestenUndQuatschen저자 Questen & Quatschen
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A special guest drops by to playtest a compelling new game. Finally, a game that allows you to destroy your friends! They've been training for this for ten years, but will the A&D crew survive Imminent Peril? Check out and support this hilarious and fun indie game at https://imminentperil.critharder.com/ Become a supporter of this podcast: https://…
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The final battle continues, but how are our heroes faring? Visit our website WanderfulPod.com We have merchandise, such as T-Shirts, Hoodies, and Stickers. Here you can also find all the info you may need about the show. Want to introduce someone to the show but don't know where to start. Send them this link https://www.wanderfulpod.com/where-to-st…
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It's a cold dark month here in the UK, but has fleeting glimpses of spring on the horizon. I think the games I’ve chosen for February 2025 for Not DnD reflect that mood. Not DnD is a weekly show discussing tabletop roleplaying games. Each week EN Publishing’s @tabletopjess interviews the creators behind different tabletop roleplaying games that are…
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The gang delves deeper into the Temple of Manaan in order to uproot the chaotic infestation within. This episode is sponsored by VBHealth and FanRoll! Follow the links below to support the pod and get 10% off supplements and dice! Code: "dice" https://vitaliboost.com/discount/Dice Code: "DICE10" https://fanrolldice.com/ref/2745/…
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Okay but listen. Hear me out. I’ve always wanted a giant gorilla mech, and there’s one right here? I can definitely drive this because I’ve totally driven a car before. What could go wrong? Pledge/donate on Patreon: www.patreon.com/thatdndpodcast Send feedback to: [email protected] Visit our website: http://www.thatdndpodcast.com Amazon Link…
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Hey! Wir-Wir-Wir wissen nicht wie wir euch am besten sagen, wieviel Spaß die Liveshow wieder gemacht hat. Aber zum Inhalt: Unsere beiden Helden schreiten voran mit ihrem gewieften Plan. Und während Faruk seine diebischen Fertigkeiten entdeckt, entdeckt Gumo eine ganz andere Art von Einbruch… „Verprügelt mit Drachen“ ist ein Dungeons and Dragons Pen…
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Bold words of the living stir hearts, sibilant whispers of spirits tell tales, and the guttural call of a 30ft ape is just so damn loud. Disaster has come and Stumpton is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Enemies flood us in a wave of vinegary juice, and the valiant but inexperienced band will have to dig deep to avoid becoming the next preserv…
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Dylan is trapped and the rest of the Humanimals and Mytaya scramble to help. Dungeons and Dracon Beams is an Animorph's Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition adventure with an entirely different team of Animorph's in an alternate homebrewed world. What would happen if the events of the Yeerk invasion played out differently? The players will shape their …
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It's a Clash of Titans in the belly of the Leviathan; Guy and Virrin finally get to work out their smoldering hatred for each other. ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★저자 People Being Other People
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Altheya: The Dragon Empire #49 | A Maiden's Kiss (Part 2)
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1:26:12St Typheen's Day blessings to you all! A new festival arrives in Ashen Rest and the party simply must explore! _______________ Boost your Charisma with some HR merch! https://highrollersdnd.teemill.com/ Add official High Rollers Minis to your TTRPG collection here: https://only-games.co/collections/high-rollers Bless your table with the Clever Toad…
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The Worst Outtakes Episode 17 - The Rambling Bloopers of the Otinac Village
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18:10Today our good friend and host Michael doesn't do as much (haha, I am the editor for these) but we do get to listen to some hopefully funny bloopers. Hope you enjoy! World Anvil: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/tralir-neverman Follow us everywhere @TWODNDPodcast Background work for this episode: Michael: Host Jay: Editing, Description Ethan: Artwork…
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A ceremony is held while a new one is planned, and the party remains awful at communication. CW: Loss of a parent (throughout) Follow Us: Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/helpactionneeded Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/helpactionneeded/ Threads - https://www.threads.net/@helpactionneeded TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@help.action.needed Webs…
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S3E7 - Danny & D discuss the Nintendo Switch 2 Announcement, Danny gets Hyped for Mario Kart 9 & much much more
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59:47Danny & D discuss the Nintendo switch 2 announcements, Danny gets hyped for Mario Kart 9. Danny & D discuss there YouTube & Twitch goals for the year, Danny & D talk the handheld market, Danny Gives D a crash course in PC Games and much much more.Our LinksCheck out Danny on Youtube @ItsTheDannyCShow Check out Danny on Twitter @DannycshowCheck out D…
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As the dust settles on the massive changes for the girls, more shockers are afoot! Episode Notes: Alana is Morrigan the Sorcerer, Stacey is Kaa'Riin the Druid, Indy is Freya the Rogue, and Cory is your DM. Website: www.girlswhodontdnd.com TeePublic Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/girls-who-dont-dnd?ref_id=36359 Patreon: https://www.patreon.…
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