Aprende inglés con el método Daway. Escucha el podcast oficial del curso de inglés Daway: recursos para aprender inglés online, lecciones y las últimas novedades de nuestra app y misión educativa.
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Podcast by DawahPath
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Just another WordPress.com site
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Dawai senja akan berbagi puisi dan tips 👌
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Your daily dose of motivation, inspiration and everything in between. See the world through my eyes and fall in love with me.
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Visibly Muslim? You're giving dawah, like it or not. This podcast looks at the challenges and mistakes in presenting Islam to others and explores solutions to problems in giving dawah.
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Welcome to planet da'wah(AD FREE). may Allah open doors for you. Narrations daily.AD FREE da'wah podcast daily remembrance from scholars and khutba and naration from mufti menk nouman ali Khan and also quran recitation series by popular reciters inshaalah dont miss an episode we upload the episodes daily WE DONT HAVE ADS TO MAKE SURE CONTENT IS NOT INTERUPTED subscribe to youtube please https://youtube.com/channel/UCWkLpH82OjYnQVvWoSNd9QA Follow us on Instagram @planetda'wah
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I am a 15-year-old product designer, software developer, and social media strategist specializing in visual design, digital development, and branding. With over 32,000 followers on Instagram, I have worked with numerous brands and companies to help generate sales, leads, and create brand awareness. I currently work as a freelancing consulting for multiple companies. Along with that, I am a partner in Codelonger and a brand ambassador of Civistant.
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Assalamualikum wr wb brothers and sisters! Welcome to the Central MOD blogspot run by youth in the central London area, providing activities and Islamic circles for youth, dealing with our issues, on the level, in a way we can understand. We hope to engage. entertain and excite Inshallah!
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The Dawah Institute (DIN) is the research and Islamic propagation department of the Islamic Education Trust(IET). We have trained religious leaders (men and women), teachers of Arabic and Islamic studies, as well as youths in the aspects of Shari'ah Intelligence and other courses. The Institute has also developed more into research-based initiatives to address some of the most common issues that are bed levelling the religious space in Islam. These include areas of gender-based violence, wom ...
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On today´s episode we welcome James Bradley on to the show. James is an English teacher in Barcelona and we talk about his vast knowledge of proto-indo-european languages, etymology, linguistics, adventure travel and dancing.저자 Daway
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Pronunciation is an important aspect of the English language. Today´s episode focuses on dipthongs, two vowel sounds we put together to create a new sound!저자 Daway
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We welcome Conor to the podcast today! He is an Irish teacher, living in Naples, Italy. He shares a lot of pronunciation videos on Tiktok. Today, Anthony and Conor talk about how our personalities change when we speak a different language from our native one. Let´s get started!저자 Daway
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Australia is a fascinating country, full of unique animals and beautiful landscapes. Here are 15 fun and interesting facts about Australia. Let’s get started!저자 Daway
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In this episode, it´s Aurelia as the guest speaker, not the host! Today, we are talking about teaching in English to different types of students and Aurelia´s love of journaling. Find out how journaling can improve your writing!저자 Daway
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Here are two B1 dictations for you to practise your listening and writing. Don’t forget to download the transcript to check if you did the dictation correctly! Aquí tienes dos dictados B1 para que practiques la comprensión auditiva y la escritura. ¡No olvides descargar la transcripción para comprobar si hiciste el dictado correctamente!…
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In today´s episode, Anthony chats with Zuriñe, a teacher in Cordoba! They talk about lots of different things, such as London as well as some recommendations that she has!저자 Daway
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Welcome to our new series! Jack and Anthony from Daway talk about their love of English. Jack talks about his teaching style and a secret passion that nobody knows about! Listen to find out what it is!저자 Daway
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This is an example of the B1 Speaking exam for Cambridge. You can find the example on the Cambridge website. Listen for the vocabulary we used to elevate the vocabulary for B1 speakers.저자 Daway
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Irregular verbs are difficult because the pronunciation is so different for the present and past versions! Let's listen to the second half of the most common irregular verbs in English!
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Irregular verbs are difficult because the pronunciation is so different for the present and past versions! Let´s listen to the first half of the most common irregular verbs in English!저자 Daway
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