Oh yeah, it's snarky and I'm a dad. Sometimes fun and all that, but other times getting down to the nitty gritty. Give it a shot. You won't regret it. No regerts!
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Yeah, it's a bummer too. I mean, I was pretty psyched about my soon to be superpowers. Oh well. Soon enough. Here's the latest: pics And here's a trailer for that High Life movie I discuss. Catch you all in a week.
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Well, not exactly, but sorta. Winter can be pretty crappy sometimes. It's been doing that lately. Here's some sweet links though: Pics Halliday Smart Glasses Electric Six - Fire I don't recall what other links I was telling you about, but if you need them...just let me know! Later, Kyle
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It's true. Not always fun and that's for sure. Pics See ya in a week! P.S. I hope you enjoyed the road ragin'
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Don't I got it too! I apologize for going on and on about it, but it's become a big part of life lately. We're fascinated with how this all works. Anyways, here's the photos. And here's the newer podcast I'm listening to.
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A little longer than usual and a little more action-packed. Watched some swimming action and scored the best thrift store find thus far. pics are here Agent Orange tunes are here See ya next week! P.S. It was as cold as I remember cold being also.
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** There was a publishing error with this episode when it was released on 01/15/2025. It has been fixed and uploaded and is corrected now. I hope you enjoy it. ** It's flip-flapping cold y'all. Seriously! Stay warm. pics eBay Store Amazon See ya in a week or so. Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/jeff-kaale/aurora Licens…
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Undoubtedly the worst one I've ever experienced. It felt like a combination of a cold, the flu, and COVID all at once. My advice is the 12 hour real sudafed they have behind the counter. I always go name brand on that sort of thing too myself. Then some Theraflu day and night time. A hot toddy before bed (recipe below courtesy Dr. PP himself). Lots…
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If you know, you know...right? I was able to get away on Christmas Day and go see Nosferatu. It's the latest from director Robert Eggers (Witch, The Lighthouse, Northman) and wow! It's much more than I could have imagined. You'll get the gist of it from the episode here. Also, here's some pics. See you in a couple of weeks.…
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Yep, time is being taken off during this holiday season. I hope you all have a happy holiday season! See ya next year. Pics The Deviant Lords of Death The Opportunist
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Yeah, it's more on my new financial endeavor/hobby. I mean, there's other stuff in here too, but it IS pretty heavy on that. Here's some pics though. See you all next week some time, Kyle
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Yeah, so I'm kinda into this hunting products down to sell. As a matter of fact, after I recorded this (the next day after), we hit one up and bought a big amount of stuff at a thrift store. Even got a couple of puzzles and all kinds of media to sell, including a VHS. It's crazy stuff really. Fun, though, I can tell you. Here's the dude I've been w…
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The hatred and venom spewing out there is at an all time high. Don't believe me? Watch what this little puke has to say...First he said https://youtu.be/sAr0cdXZfow?si=V7ty58POLsCh4mDW.Then a woman showed up to his house and he did https://www.reddit.com/r/UnbelievableStuff/comments/1gpy7h2/nick_fuentes_pepper_sprays_woman_immediately/?utm_source=s…
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So, odd week indeed. Almost unbelievable really. Well, I'm still here and it's still me folks. Take care out there. Photos Later!
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Good thing they're so cheap huh? Here's some pics. I will catch you in a week!
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What a trip! What a trip! We had a great anniversary trip to Vegas and I have the pics to prove it right here. I'll catch up again with you kids next week. Lata, Kyle
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Not quitting the podcast folks, but listen why don't ya? Pics VHS Beyond Trailer Queensrÿche tape William Onyeabor That's all folks! See ya in a few weeks.
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That's whatcha do in the tub kids. Lotta links here... Pics Nosferatu Trailer #2 Salem's Lot Final Trailer Cross Trailer Frailty Trailer Dagon Trailer Upworld Trailer (Also titled A Gnome Named Gnorm) Alrighty then, have a great week and I will catch up with you soon.
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The date draws ever near. Cannot wait. Pics here. (Dio-Last In Line zoetrope footage here) Uzumaki Trailer (Adult Swim/Max) Into the Fire Trailer (Netflix) American Murder: Laci Peterson Trail (Netflix) Japanese Rap Playlist See you all soon!
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Yep, it's not a long one. But it's here. Here's some pics. Born Evil: The Serial Killer and the Savior The Real Murders on Elm Street See ya soon!
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All is sailing along just fine too. Here's some pics. Here's that game I was talking about. Thank Goodness You're Here! See ya soon!
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Hi all, Great birthday weekend. You're all welcome for the extra day off when this fine country of ours celebrates my birthday. Here's some pics. Also, sorry about skipping out on the playlist for the DSP. I will do better at adding tunes to it. Here's the link for starters: Spotify Dad Snark Playlist See you all next week! P.S. On the intro/outro …
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I won't be surprised if that's grammatically incorrect, but oh well. Here's some pics. Catch you next week kids! P.S. On the intro/outro music, please see below: Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/all-good-folks/summertime-jam License code: 5NC9Q3GJJESYG1FE
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Yet another episode of me and mine. Here's some pics. Here's that Spotify playlist I keep promising you: Japanese hip-hop playlist See ya next week!
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So, I know I promise a couple of links in here. Of course there's the pics Here's the funny movie guy I was talking about. Fanboy Flicks with his comments on Champagne and Bullets The podcast called Hysterical. I think that covers it. Speak up if not. See ya next week! P.S. Yes, I purposely didn't do anything special for the 200th episode.…
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Sorry it's a tad late. Been hectic up in here. Pics Enjoy!
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Back to reality. Right? Photos here. See ya again soon!
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Yeah, that was a 6 week break I took from the show. What ya gonna do about it? I keed. I need. Thanks for your patience. So much going on since I last spoke to you. Here's some pics. See ya soon
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Sometimes it happens in life right? I wish things could be different right now, but as a wise man once said, "You can wish in one hand and $*&t in the other and see which one fills up first." So, you pick yourself up and dust yourself off and then make a step forward in the right direction. Just listen and you'll know what I mean. pics…
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Sure, I've been busy as anything the past month, so there's been nothing coming from this end. I appreciate you all, though, and your patience. Hope you enjoy this one, Kyle Pics Gemini Home Entertainment
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Can't be much clearer than that. Pics Viking Blöd Playlist
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You knew I'd be back though. Here's some recent pics. I'll catch up with you next week folks. View of the Rain by Urge Overkill 1995 All Rights Reserved
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Well, it wasn't all I'd hoped for, but it was there. I didn't leave empty handed either. Busy weekend too. Senior pictures and Eagle Scout Court of Honor. We're approaching graduation soon. pics Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/that-vibe License code: GI5OS7DFB3GX9AHP…
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Yes, we all survived the end of the world following an event that would take place whether we're here or not. Surely people can't be that stupid. Oh yeah they can, and quit calling me Shirley. Here's some pics as promised. They're all together in there. Our trip to paradise and the kids' trip to LA for the high school music department. You'll figur…
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Yeah, I was late this episode and I will probably be away a couple weeks based upon the stuff going on around here coming up. No biggie, though, as this is action packed as far as episodes go. Here's some pics. Here's the whole SteelBook video about finding them at WM. Spotify link for Interplay by Ride. That's all! I shall return though. Peace Sig…
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Yep, I went and saw it. Yes, it's pretty rough. I dig it though. Photos See ya next week!
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A few odds and ends. Some new tunes and reads. You should give it a listen. Pics be here
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Yeah, I went and saw it. Wow! Check out these pics for the infamous SandWorm popcorn bucket. 😂
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A very very interesting weekend last weekend for sure. All is well though. Got a few records in that I have had on the radar for quite a bit. There's even a clip in here from one of them. Plenty of pics right here. See ya all next week! "When the Lady Smiles" by Golden Earring from the album NORTHEASTWESTSOUTH used for description purposes only. Al…
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Met up with some homeboys from HS and we had some great discussion. Newest pics are here.
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Well, sadly, as I release this...news is in that there's been a shooting at the Chiefs' parade this afternoon. Absolutely abhorrent and unacceptable behavior. I wish the worst for those involved. May your future days be filled with total and complete shame. You're a waste of oxygen. Go away! Here's what happens if you pull that $#%t up in here fool…
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So many little things here and there. Paperwork is aplenty in my life right now. Great, but long weekend just past. Ready for another one though. Swim has come to a close. Superbowl is around the corner. Pics here
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Mine eyes have been opened even more now. I am going to focus on changing this one aspect of my persona from here on out. Think about joining me maybe. Pics Music in the middle is "Everything's Got Em" from The Point by Nillson.
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The depths to which some people sink. It's sad really. What's not sad is some other stuff I talk about at the top here. Pics Mom's Obituary
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Rough times have been aplenty later here at home. We'll get on through it. We always do. Gonna miss mom. We didn't always see eye to eye, but I recognize all she did for me to get me to where I sit right now and it's appreciated for sure. Open with Soul II Soul's song Keep on Movin' once again. After all, that's what you gotta do in good and bad ti…
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Got elderly parents? Get stuff lined up and signed and all that before things get ugly or just in case anyway. Trying later is a bust. I discuss this a bit. 98 Pontiac Sunfire Video Had a good remainder of the weekend last weekend though. Pics here. Lata
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Hard to believe the most recent happenings. It is real though. We'll get everyone through it the best we can. That's about all you can hope for I guess. I hope you all had a tremendous holiday season! Pics
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I really am. We all really are in this household at the moment. Here's some pics. I will check in with you all again in the new year. Happy Holidays!!!
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I guess it really is. Not even sure why I called this episode that, but whatever. What's done is done. Pics here See ya in a week, Kyle
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Oh boy, ya gotta get there. Especially if you're into...well anything really. Pics. See ya next week.
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Came out pretty good this time. Go listen and check it out. Pics
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