Join us on a D&D style Pokemon Adventure through the region of Oletta. What dangers and new friends will we meet along the way.
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After the events of their inflitration of Team Aftermath's base, will the gang be able to escape the facility collapsing?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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making it back to Asco lake the group makes their way in to the enemies base of operations but are they ready for what they find in the dome under the lake?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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After a long month of seclution each member has finaly grouped back up. Eager to be back together the group sets their sights on Lake Asco where they know Curt will be waiting.저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Last of the group to take their month off, lets see what the bug boy gets into when left to his own devices?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Lucas had decided to return to the church to possibly find out more about Father Richard. Returning to a run down church, what will its crumbling hallowed halls reveal?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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The group deciding to lay low for a while split up to do solo training. Eric has returned to his home in Teawater to do his own research and training. What can he get achieved in a months time?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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The group have made the choice to lay low in different locations. We start off with Clayton in Goulcrest. How much can he get done in a months time and will the law catch wind of him laying low in the gym?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Now that things have settled down, the group finds out what Sam really knows. What will come from the destruction that happened in Maple Port and will they need to go into highing till everything comes down?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Opening her hand, Sam has done the unthinkable to her own brother. Has Sam truly sided with Aftermath and what effects will this show of brutality have towards the on lookers? THIS ENDS HERE!저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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The time has come to enter the belly of the shark. Maple Port is home to Green Corp. aka Team Aftermath. Is the whole city under Aftermaths control or is it being ran from the shadows? Lets just hope our group can get in and get out without making to much of a scene.저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Gaining a gift from their god, the group each do their own things to prepare for a high stakes mission into Maple Port. With the understanding that failing could lead to them losing their pokemon or even their lives lets make the final prep.저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Making the way to Maple port in the dead of night, what waits in the dark for our group to approach?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Episode 66 Dealing With The Aftermath of Aftermath
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1:42:53Pokemon and people alike are being found and treated by the locals of Ncuoucum. Is this the final straw that shows our group that if the adults aren't going to take action to stop Aftermath its up to them to get to the heart of the problem.저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Ncuocum Is under attack by Team Aftermath. Can our group help defend the city or will they have to run and let it fall?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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After getting back to Ncoucum City our group found out the they had a few days to waist before Eric's new leg will be finished. Maybe they will have another crack at the gym? Wait what's that dark shape???저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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The battle came to an end but the fight isn't over yet. How will Clayton and Lucas deal with a unconcise Eric that's missing a leg and is bleeding out. Also what happened to floppy? Could there be another problem laying under the surface???저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Theo and Eric might of bitten off a little more than they could swallow. Will they find a way out of this bad situation or will they be dragged down to Davy Jones locker?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Trainer Schools have been compromised! Knowing that Team Aftermath is now taking over more and more of then region what is in store for out group? They can figure that out later, lets got fishing!!!!!저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Entering Fanfross our group quickly find out that things are done a little different here. After shopping they hit up the trainer school and find more than they bargained for.저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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After two failed attempts at the Ncoucum Gym our group heads out towards Fanfross. Instead of taking the road they plow their ways though the forest to find out that someone might not like them being on their land.저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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After a swift defeat the gang regroup and try a different strategy. Will they come out on top or will the gym cut them down to size.저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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felling confident after taking down the nesteam gym our newly named team takes on the Ncoucum gym. Will the Full Metal Ferrothorns have it as easy in this gym as the last or will the hammer be dropped on their little metal bodies??저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Everyone decides that the next thing to do is take on the gym. Each do their own training in prep for it and Eric finally gets to see if Roco can really be fixed.저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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The group all took on and defeated the Nesteam City gym and won. after congratulations they decided to head back to Ncoucum to get their hurt friends from the pokemon center and take the medal to fix Roco. Not everything can go as planned though.저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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The last of our group to take on THe Nesteam Gym. Will this be the first badge that everyone gets?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Lucas is the next to take on the gym. Also a story untold gets revealed저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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First to take on the Nesteam Gym is Eric. Will he be successful in getting his first badge or will his badge dreams go up in smoke?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Our group collects their mons and rush to the PC to try to help Mantle after her big fall. Many things are going through their heads and what will they do next if they end up losing another companion?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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After a few odd happenings our group find themselves in Nesteam City. What will this new town hold and will they be able to get the ore that they need for Rocko?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Being teleported in the dead of night, our group finds themselves in an odd situation.저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Taking a little time the group do a few things around town before heading out towards the Nesteam mountains.저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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After getting turned away from the explosion the team now looks to Ncoucum for help with Rocko.저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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A large explosion has got the attention of our group and fearing the worse decide to rush to the aid. what will they find when they get there and will they even be able to help?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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After taking the path that was unexplored originally Lucas found a little more than he was expecting. Can they Make it back out of the cave safely and who is this coming to the rescue?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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After doing a few things around Cherryville the group heads back to the cave they found the big nugget in. What will they find in the unexplored part of the cave??저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Awaking Aerodactyl from the old amber has set it into a rage. The group is told that if they cant calm it, it could destroy Cherryville. Can they stop the rampaging prehistoric mon or will Cherryville fall in its rage?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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After finding out that they have to wait till tomorrow to find out about the fossil, Clayton heads back tot the PC to challenge the Fire trainer to a "friendly" fight. Then Lucas and Eric decide to have another quick match with some of their other new mons. after a good nights sleep the group heads back to the college to find something they might n…
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Stolen in the dark of night, Theo awakes to am unknown room. How did he get here and what reason was there for him to be brought here?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Making it back to Cherryville the group heads to the college to see if they can get their fossil back. Mean while they also find Twig and ask him a few questions about everything that has been going on.저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Finding Theo with his dads old colleague the group has to fight aftermath to try to get their friend back. sadly not all rescues can go as planned.저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Waking up the group finds out that Theo has gone missing in the dead of night. Fallowing some tracks they find out that the kidnapper is someone they already know!!저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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Making their way back to cherryville, our group decided to not take the main path but go along the water. With a little bit a training they make camp for the night to find something is a miss the next day.저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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With Lucas and Eric passing on this gym challenge they decide to use this time to explore near the lake and do some much needed training with their teams. What does the lake hold and will Lucas and Eric bring back new friends for Clayton and Theo to meet?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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After Clayton emerges from fighting the gym it is now Theo's turn. With just as much knowledge as Clayton had going into this will he be able to beat the odds after being told his team has a low chance of winning?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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The gym is finally open to take challengers and Clayton is the first of the group to take on this gym. Will his team have what it takes or will he fade into the shadows of this ghost town?저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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after a nights sleep out friends take up Ozzi on his offer and say goodbye to some new and old friends. the group also decides that they need to help out Eric with getting Roco back on his "feet". Before leaving the town they choose to go see if they could maybe get a head start on getting the money by taking on the gym.…
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The Group have a long conversation with Ozi and gets more info on Aftermath and who is really tied to them. Ozi asked the group to make a hard decision and they want to sleep on it. Before they go to sleep Clayton and Lucas take the time to train and Theo goes back to the police station to see if maybe Aftermath left something behind.…
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Safe back at the pokecenter our group meet back up and decide that they need to wrap up whatever need to be done and get out of this place ASAP. Sadly things don't always go as planed and typical of Ghoulcrest, old ghosts like to come back to haunt the living.저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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After the close encounter with a "god" our group finds aftermath up to some shady dealings and decide to follow them. What our group finds will change them forever and show them how real the world can really be.......저자 Critical Hitmonlee
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