Regular crime, thriller & mystery interviews, features and reviews. In Person with Paul hosted by Paul Burke and On the Sofa with Victoria hosted by best selling thriller writer Victoria Selman. Heads Together is a monthly magazine chat show featuring Paul, Victoria and Crime Time editor/Financial Times crime critic Barry Forshaw. Our latest venture is a review show, what's hot in crime fiction. Further information can be found at
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Euch erwarten in meinem Podcast 2–3-mal die Woche, neue Folgen über Cold Cases, ungelöste Verbrechen und Vermisstenfälle aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Ich freue mich, wenn ihr rein hört und gerne dürft ihr mir via E-Mail auch Fallvorschläge senden.
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It’s about time you heard a true crime podcast from two educated women in the field. Each holding degrees in criminal justice and certification for recovery support, Allie and Abby are currently working in the criminal justice system. These two young, excited and educated women set out to share with you true crime stories, from old and current, small town and national headlines, while also sharing personal experience as it relates. We invite you to hang out with us as we dig into these crime ...
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Neue Folgen gibt es Montag und Freitag um 00.00 Uhr. Es ist CRIME TIME! Kati Winter ist eine True-Crime-YouTuberin, die ihre Reichweite nutzt, um Opfern und deren Angehörigen eine Stimme zu geben. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt dabei auf sorgfältiger Recherche und auf einen respektvollen Umgang mit den Opfern. Es finden sich die Episoden teilweise auch als Dokumentation geschnitten auf YouTube. Seit 2022 veröffentlicht Kati Winter, die unter anderem auch als Hörbuchsprecherin und Autorin tätig i ...
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In diesem True Crime Podcast werden keine Fälle nacherzählt und reißerisch aufgeblasen. Bei „ARD Crime Time“ machen wir die aufwändigen Ermittlungen zu aufsehenerregenden Verbrechen noch einmal authentisch erlebbar. In den einzelnen Episoden erzählen Autorinnen und Autoren aus der ganzen ARD von ihren intensiven, monatelangen Recherchen zu den True-Crime-Fällen. Außerdem öffnen für uns Polizeibehörden und Staatsanwaltschaften exklusiv ihre Ermittlungsakten und berichten selbst von ihrer Arbe ...
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Do you love the fabulous decade of the 90s? Do you love True Crime? Well then you are going to love this brand new True Crime Podcast, 90s Crime Time! On this podcast you're going to hear about cases that you may or may not have heard about in the news. In the premiere season you're going to hear about cases from theft, to kidnapping, to murder all from the great decade of 1990 to 1999.
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Life of Ted Bundy
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Crime stories from the Cape Fear region.
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the podcast where it's always time for true crime - hosted by Meghan
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Its Always Time For True Crime! A podcast that's all about the lesser known cases of murder, missing person cases, and serial killers!
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Two actors, one bottle of wine, one totally improvised, totally untrue, true crime.
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Welcome to weekend crime time! Rest your bones and stay awhile. New killer stories every weekend!
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A podcast hosted by 2 book-loving millennials talking mystery, sci-fi, horror, & crime fiction through a fun & literary lens
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Hosts Mike Ferguson and Mike Gibson guide you through the most interesting true crime stories. This is a true crime podcast that spares none of the details and delves into what makes these killers tick. Join us for a good mix of lesser known cases as well as our take on what we call the "Big Timers". We don't take ourselves too seriously but we take true crime very seriously.
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A true crime podcast, discussing missing person cases, murder, serial killers and everything in between. These are the real life cases that grip us! I hope you come along for the ride. I’d be happy to have you :)
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A new podcast by just another mom obsessed with true crime! We explore several new cases as well as memorable past cases. We dive deep into the story and discuss facts, theory, and spill the tea on what we really think! Filled with southern sass and probably even my kids in the background! Support this podcast:
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All types of unsolved crime, happening all the time. Let’s solve some cold cases - and some hot ones, too!
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‘The Times Aren’t a Changing, They Have Changed’.
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From Astounding Tales Published February and March 1955 The Paratime Police had a real headache this time! Tracing one man in a population of millions is easy—compared to finding one gang hiding out on one of billions of probability lines! This story from 1955 has rocket ships, time travel, slaves, post-hypnotic suggestions, drugged citizens, and a complete disregard for human rights. And those are the good guys. As a look back in time at "classic" science fiction, it's an interesting snapsh ...
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Couples Crime Time ist ein Podcast über wahre Kriminalfälle! In diesem Podcast werden wir Euch die schockierendsten und mysteriösesten Verbrechen präsentieren, die jemals in der Geschichte passiert sind. Wir werden Euch die Hintergründe und Details dieser Fälle erzählen und Ihr werdet erfahren, wie die Ermittler diese Fälle gelöst haben. Wenn Ihr Euch für Kriminalfälle interessiert, dann ist dieser Podcast genau das Richtige für Euch!
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Most shows will show you the glamorized or sensational side of crime but we want to take a different approach. We have worked on the inside and been face to face with some of Arizona’s most notorious criminals and those whose stories you have not heard. We will take a realistic look from the inside and show you a more human side to crime. We will also take a look at some classic crimes from the past as well as some unsolved cases. We will also look at the law and forensic tools used. We migh ...
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2016 stirbt eine junge Frau – ihr Name ist Katharina. Die Staatsanwaltschaft stellt schnell die Ermittlungen ein und legt den Fall als Suizid zu den Akten. Katharinas Eltern sind verzweifelt. Sie sind sich sicher: Ihre Tochter wollte nicht sterben. Und es stellt sich heraus: Hinter dem Tod steckt tatsächlich mehr, dahinter steckt „Heimu“. Das ist nur einer von vielen Chatnamen eines Mannes, der sich in der Anonymität des Internets sicher fühlt. Seine Opfer sind junge psychisch angeschlagene ...
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Crime Time: With Virginia Defense Attorneys
Ann Thayer, Alberto Salvado, Anthony Nourse, and Anna Dvorchik
Criminal Defense Attorneys talk about how criminal, traffic, and dui charges can impact you outside of court, updates on Virginia law, and current events for criminal, traffic, and dui defense. Listen in as Ann Thayer, Alberto Salvado, Anthony Nourse, and Anna Dvorchik discuss all things related to criminal defense. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: If you are listening to this podcast, thank you! We sincerely hope you are listening to this podcast for its entertainment value and not with the intention of a ...
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Each week Mike Ferguson and Mike Gibson guide you through the most interesting unsolved true crime stories. This is a true crime podcast that spares none of the details. We tell the stories of the victims, the facts surrounding the cases, and look at all possible suspects. We don't take ourselves too seriously but we take true crime very seriously.
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Hi There: Do you love true crime? Well, we do too. Join us as we delve into cases that keeps us looking over our shoulders during the day, and keep us up all night long. Above all, always remember the victims. Thanks for joining us on this true crime journey. Take Care & Stay Safe. Miko YouTube: @truecrimetimeline Website: Support:
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Science and History and Crime. Non profit education for all ages.
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My name is Megan and each week on A Simpler Time True Crime, I cover older, unsolved cases and challenge the idea that a simpler time means a safer time.
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Schließe ein Abo ab: In diesem Podcast dreht sich alles um True Crime , Serienmörder- Vermisstenfälle- Ungeklärte sowie Gelöste Mordfälle.
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Get your true crime fix every Thursday with true crime lovers, Hannah and Jadhai.
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This is a crime series that analyses crimes that have occurred in the past! Click the start button below to listen to this week's episode!
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Interviewing the best names from the world of TV crime drama and crime fiction.
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By a random selection of a day, month and year, host Robin Bagayoko will discuss crimes that occurred on that day. If true crime at a certain time is your thing, then” In time crime” is just for you. ”True crime is not to instill living in fear but for you to be more aware” - Robin Bagayoko
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Giving you information one step at a time. True crime Junkie.
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Daily Podcasts Highlighting Crime Stories (sprinkled with occasional humor) in Under 10 minutes. Feel free to buy me a coffee and help support old and new shows Support this podcast:
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Award-winning journalist Katrina Daniel welcomes you to Prime Time Crime — a podcast for true crime fans who want to know what goes on behind-the-scenes of trending and the always classic, true crime stories. What really happened, what do we know, what might be going on in the minds of those involved? Guests include forensic specialists, detectives, psychologists, crime reporters, renowned federal prosecutors and criminal defense attorneys. Join Katrina every Thursday for a deep dive talk ab ...
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True Crime discussion podcast, focusing on cases all across the world, with new guests every week!
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A true crime and history podcast featuring an amazing cocktail related to our stories.
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Coffee time and crime…. Formerly sisters coffee and crime. We are back to discuss all things true crime, join us as we continue our true crime journey
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Welcome to News of the Times - Unlocking the Vaults of Historical Crime, your gateway to a captivating journey through the darker pages of history. Join us as we dive deep into the annals of crime, unearthing forgotten stories, unsolved mysteries, and notorious criminals from the past. Our channel is dedicated to shedding light on the compelling, mysterious, and often chilling crimes that have shaped the course of history. From cunning con artists to cold-blooded killers, we're here to explo ...
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Join me with your favorite cup of coffee and enjoy stories of true crime, the paranormal, and all things a little creepy. Support this podcast:
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Discover every episode of Casey, Crime Photographer currently available!If you like this series, check out for even more classic radio shows!Audio Credit: "Casey, Crime Photographer" by The Old Time Radio Researchers Group
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Wer ermordete Monika S. in Kassel 2015? -Cold Case- True Crime Podcast
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Im März 2015 wollte sich die 58 Jährige Monika Stöckmann mit ihren Bekannten einen Bauernhof in Schocketal (Kassel) ansehen, lange träumte Monika die von allen nur „Monique“ genannt wurde, von einem freien Leben auf einem Bauernhof.Monika lebte ohnehin unkonventionell, und relativ frei. Sie erschien aber nicht bei ihren Bekannten, um zusammen zu de…
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Stasi-Rache oder Raubmord – Wer erschoss Hans Plüschke?
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Die Ermittler in Fulda stehen vor einem Rätsel: War der Mord an Taxifahrer Hans Plüschke 1998 die späte Rache eines Stasi-Netzwerks? Ein Cold Case, der zurück in die Zeit des Kalten Krieges führt.저자 Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
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Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen, heute geht es um folgenden Fall: Aus den USA : aus dem Jahr 1988 Mord an Brandy Dawn Hutchins ( 14 J. ) Schaut gerne bei Instagram vorbei time_forcrime oder NEU auch auf Youtube Kati´s Channel. Vielen Dank Kati
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Season 6 of 90s Crime Time will premiere on January 9, 2025! Until then, mark your calendars, catch up on episodes you may have missed, and I will see you soon for the Season 6 premiere of 90s Crime Time... Send us a text저자 Simone Taylor
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back to true crime plus a bonus theatrical flick
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Johana Gustawsson & Thomas Enger In Person With Paul - Newcastle Noir
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Johana Gustawsson & Thomas Enger chat to Paul at Newcastle Noir about their upcoming crime thriller SON, Psychoanalysis, memory, scheduling, SON Everyone here is lying… Expert on body language and memory, and consultant to the Oslo Police, psychologist Kari Voss sleepwalks through her days, and, by night, continues the devastating search for her yo…
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TRIGGERWARNUNG: Sexualisierte Gewalt und Suizid Höre jetzt schon die nächste Folge kostenlos auf RTL+. Brunhold S. sitzt im Gefängnis - an mehreren Orten in Deutschland werden neue Ermittlungen in Gang gesetzt. Denn es besteht der Verdacht, dass es noch mehr Opfer gibt. Die Behörden gehen weiteren möglichen Taten nach, die Brunhold S. möglicherweis…
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Episode 157: Hudler Tree Farm Murders Ron Hudler poured his heart and soul into the farm that had been in his family for generations. He had turned it into a Christmas tree farm, and it was a huge success. He employed many locals, and always took care of his own. He was so loved by his community, in fact, that it came as a huge shock when in Januar…
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Nightmare Fuel! Die gruseligsten Vampire | Crime Time HORROR Special
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➤ Entdecke jetzt die CRIME CANDLES! Die einzigartigen Rätselkerzen basierend auf echten Kriminalfällen. ***ACHTUNG! Crime Time geht in die Winter-Pause. Weiter geht es am 13. Januar 2025. Guten Rutsch euch allen! ♥ Heute zeige ich euch den unheimlichen Ursprung des Vampirglaubens und wo es sie überall auf der Welt geben soll. __…
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A Deadly Secret Admirer? The Unsolved Murder of Beverly Jarosz
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Send us a text Just three days after Christmas of 1964, in the quiet town of Garfield Heights, Ohio a sixteen-year-old girl was getting ready to meet up with friends. When her friend shows up at their agreed upon time, she does not answer the door. Later that afternoon, the teen's father would come home to a horrific discovery – his oldest daughter…
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Bruce McArthur is a grandfather who worked as a landscaper and a mall Santa in the off-season. For nearly eight years, McArthur lived a secret life as a serial killer, primarily targeting men in The Gay Village, an LGBTQ+-friendly area of Toronto. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss the Canadian serial killer Bruce McArthur. In part two of the Bruc…
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In November 1970, the burned remains of a woman were found in a remote area of Norway’s Isdalen Valley. She became known as the Isdal Woman, and her identity remains a mystery over fifty years later. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss the mysteries surrounding the Isdal Woman. The authorities found suitcases belonging to the woman and tracked her …
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Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen, heute geht es um folgenden Fall: Aus den USA : aus dem Jahr 1988 Mord an Brandy Dawn Hutchins ( 14 J. ) Schaut gerne bei Instagram vorbei time_forcrime oder NEU auch auf Youtube Kati´s Channel. Vielen Dank Kati저자 Kati
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A True Case of Murder: Scotland Yard Casebook News of the Times Episode 431 | 1922 1922 and a small story in the papers recounts the discovery of a beaten high end call girl found by her maid in the victim’s bathroom. Police state the scene looks like a slaughterhouse. The lead suspect is quickly traced but what then unfolds is a very strange, very…
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In November 2012, best friends went to a late night movie together in Pasay (Pa sigh) City in the Philippines. Sadly, the night would end in a tragic abduction and murder. This is the story of Julie Ann Rodelas. Take Care & Stay Safe 💙 Apple: Spotify: YouTube: @truecrim…
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The Disturbing Case of Sarah Stone News of the Times Episode 430 | 1811 - 1814 1811 and a young wife of a gunner in his Majesty’s Service is trying to please her husband who is desperate for them to have a child – especially a son. She is not pregnant but wishes to please him, so she lies. Overjoyed, he arrives back on shore leave anxious to see hi…
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#290 Mordfälle Deutschland Rudolf Haberstein und USA Louise Ellen McMillen
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Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen, heute geht es um folgende Fälle: 1. Fall aus Deutschland : aus dem Jahr 1992 Mord an Rudolf Haberstein ( 59J. )2. Fall aus den USA : aus dem Jahr 1969 Mord an Louise Ellen McMillen ( 16 J.) Schaut gerne bei Instagram vorbei time_forcrime oder NEU auch auf Youtube Kati´s Channel. Vielen Dank Kati…
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#290 Mordfälle Deutschland Rudolf Haberstein und USA Louise Ellen McMillen
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Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen, heute geht es um folgende Fälle: 1. Fall aus Deutschland : aus dem Jahr 1992 Mord an Rudolf Haberstein ( 59J. ) 2. Fall aus den USA : aus dem Jahr 1969 Mord an Louise Ellen McMillen ( 16 J.) Schaut gerne bei Instagram vorbei time_forcrime oder NEU auch auf Youtube Kati´s Channel. Vielen Dank Kati…
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The Huddersfield Murder Case of 1888 News of the Times Episode 429 | 1888 Today’s story begins with an execution on New Years Day, 1888 at the hands of Billington. How did he get here? A relationship, that by all accounts was never good, has completely soured. As the tension rises so do the threats of violence and abusive behaviour. But Elizabeth, …
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one of my actual investigations down under. enjoy
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THE REVIEW SHOW DECEMBER 2024 - New titles published end 2024 & early January 2025. Locked In Jussi Adler-Olsen After the Bridge Andrew J Field The Traitor Jørn Lier Horst The Ancients John Larison 2/1/25 The Broken River Chris Hammer 2/1/25 Lie of the Land Kerry Hadley-Price 6/1/25 The Less Unkind Rosaria Giorgi 28/1/25 Blood Sacrifice Douglas Jac…
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this is the first of several in the series. in case you missed it on my YouTube channel here it is. enjoy.
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A Spitalfields Boxing Day Tragedy - The Ellen Collins Mystery
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A Spitalfields Boxing Day Tragedy - The Ellen Collins Mystery News of the Times Episode 427 | 1896 In today’s episode it is December 26, Boxing Day, 1896. We are in Spitalfields – just around the corner from Whitechapel. A policeman, on his regular beat, fends a woman crumpled in an alley, smelling of alcohol. She would not be the first reveller to…
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Blutiges Fest: Der Schrecken der Downtown Posse | Crime Time
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Zu Weihnachten 1992 istin Dayton im US-Bundesstaat Ohio alles anders als sonst: normalerweise herrschenin der Stadt weihnachtliche Stimmung, Besinnlichkeit und Frieden – aber nichtin diesem Jahr. Die Menschen meiden die Straßen, sie haben sich in ihremZuhause eingeschlossen, verfolgen voller Panik die Nachrichten und die Angsthat die weihnachtliche…
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Drones are spying on orbs and you.
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onO6,03 ip O
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In 2017 friends from Temple University decided to go out for a night of fun, but at some point the night went terribly wrong. This is the story of Jenna Burleigh. Take Care & Stay Safe 💙 Apple: Spotify: YouTube: @truecrimetimeline Email: W…
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The Christmas Holyhead Murder 1909 News of the Times Episode 426 | 1909 In today’s episode we are in Wales in 1909. Gwen Ellen jones is found murdered and dumped in a ditch. Surprisingly, her ex boyfriend who has spent times attempting to find her proudly announces the killing of his ex girlfriend and mother of his child. The case rocked the area n…
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TRIGGERWARNUNG: Sexualisierte Gewalt und Suizid Höre jetzt schon die nächste Folge kostenlos auf RTL+. In einem dramatischen Moment vor laufender Kamera offenbart sich der Mann hinter dem Online-Namen „Heimu“. RTL-Investigativ Reporter Wolfram Kuhnigk bekommt nach Wochen intensiver Recherchen endlich die Bestätigung, dass dieser Mann verantwortlich…
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저자 Kati
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Episode 156: Christmas Case Charcuterie In today’s episode, Abby and Allie select and review a handful of cases covered before by the podcast from fetal abductions to massacres. These cases are all relevant to the time of year, or holiday, and are brought to you to help you choose which to listen to next! Plus, if you stay tuned, there’s a surprise…
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ADAM HAMDY chats to Paul about his new thriller DEADBEAT, what would make an ordinary person commit murder, what would drive you that far, screenwriting, depp dive characters, the morality of true crime, judging heroes and villains. ADAM HAMDY DEADBEAT Peyton Collard was a good man once, but his life changed after a horrific car accident. Divorced,…
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Send us a text On a hot summer night, a toddler is spending time with her grandmother and other neighbors on the breezeway of her high-rise apartment complex in Chicago. She is left alone in the busy hallway for just minutes, but in that time she disappears. Nearly fifty people were present at the time she was abducted, but nobody claims to have se…
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WARNING! Talks about child and sexual abuse plus mental health issues On a winter's night in 1993, just a few days shy of Christmas, workers at a popular amusement restaurant in Aurora, Colorado, were closing for the evening, preparing for the upcoming holiday and other exciting things... until a madman who used to work at the same place came in th…
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Cases of Parricide for Love & the Naked Body on Christmas Day
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Cases of Parricide for Love & the Naked Body on Christmas Day News of the Times Episode 425 | 1844 & 1919 In today’s episode we look at two Christmas cases from Liverpool. Our first case from 1855 involves Mary who lives with her father. Mary is in love with a young man from Liverpool. Alas, Mary’s father does not approve. The argument goes on for …
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Zurück bleibt das WARUM: Der Heidelberger Dreifachmord in der Kinderarztpraxis | Crime Time
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Es ist der 23. Dezember 2002 und in der Heidelberger Innenstadt herrscht das alljährliche Weihnachtschaos. Auch Astrid Frederking und ihre erwachsene Tochter kommen am späten Nachmittag völlig erschöpft aus der Stadt nach Hause: die letzten Einkäufe sind endlich erledigt und dem Weihnachtsfest zusammen mit der Familie steht nichts mehr im Weg. Bis …
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Was geschah mit Klaus Berninger? Der 16-jährige Bäckerlehrling wird kurz vor Weihnachten 1990 grausam ermordet. Die Ermittler sind überzeugt: Irgendjemand kennt die Wahrheit und schweigt seit mehr als 30 Jahren.저자 Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
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On a cold December night in 1998, a notorious man living in Vancouver, Canada, was enjoying the high life... at a very dangerous pace... and when someone got so angry at him and wanted to end his alleged reign of terror... blood would be shed... Follow 90s Crime Time on Social Media! Instagram: Facebook: http…
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