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Do you feel like you're always looking for sales and entrepreneur motivation to keep the fire under your burning? How do you wrap your head around sales, process strategy? Where do you go to get the HOW? It's all right here! SUBSCRIBE NOW! Tune in to the Anthony Conklin Podcast (Driving Success) for your daily dose of Sales, Business, and Personal Development Motivation and get the needed 'fuel' to help run your life's humming engine. You have greatness. It's your responsibility to live your ...
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show series
The capacity for addiction can be found inside all of us. In fact, the addict experience could actually be called the human experience. Why do we do the things that we don’t want to and why do we want the things that we do? These questions and more, when brought into the light and laid at the feet of God, can help us find freedom from the addiction…
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There are two paths to take in this life. You can’t have both. There’s the Easy Button and there’s the Greatness Button. Guess which one Jesus pushed? This gets at a fundamental difference in our desires and God’s desires for us. My goal for my life is happiness and comfort. God’s goal for my life is greatness—to become god-like (more like Jesus). …
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One of the greatest giants that we ever struggle with is a giant in our head! Insecurity, low self-worth, and even self-hate all show up because of rejection or feelings of rejection from the events in our lives. What if we could drop that giant? What if we could be secure in who we are and how we are valued? 1 Samuel 17 Speaker: Tim Sullivan…
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We all have habits, patterns and sins that have a way of consuming our lives. These ‘giants’ like fear, rejection, comfort and addiction can wreak havoc in our lives. In this series we look at what God’s Word says to discover that whatever your affliction is, it can, will, and must fall to the power of Jesus. Israel learns that there are still Gian…
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Everyone wants peace. But how do we get there? Our sin nature wants to lean into revenge and getting even, but peace is actually found in forgiveness. How do we become healed and whole after being wronged? The only path is forgiveness. It’s not that we become healed and then forgive, we have to forgive to heal. Colossians 3:12-15 Speaker: Tim Sulli…
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When you have been hurt deeply, forgiveness can feel like an impossible task. What is the big deal with forgiveness? Does God really expect me to forgive THAT person? How on earth am I supposed to forgive those who have wronged me? Join us as we look at some common misconceptions about forgiveness, how forgiveness leads to peace, and how being forg…
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Marriages often don’t fall apart in a single day. They also don’t get fixed in a single day. Both healthy and hurting marriages are the product of small choices over time. The “little things” can make a big difference. Song of Songs 2:15 Speaker: Tim Sullivan Re-Upload: 02-25 16:05저자 bridgewaterconklin
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In the heat of the battle, reacting, instead of carefully responding is very easy to do. However, if we are going to honor one another above ourselves, we are going to have to learn to listen to one another and resolve conflict with good rather than evil. What might happen in our relationships if we listened to God’s instructions instead of our fee…
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Let’s stop pretending. The longer you are in relationships the harder it is to pretend or fake loving someone. Eventually the real you comes out. We need to stop pretending and genuinely love others. Where do we begin when it comes to relationships? There is ONE thing that all good relationships have in common. Whether it be a husband and wife, two…
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We’re talking about vision. A vision for the people in your life who don’t know Jesus to become followers of Jesus. A vision for those in your workplace to lean in to hear what you have to say because you live out your faith in such a winsome and attractive way. A vision to have a vibrant, growing, community of faith in communities where it’s lacki…
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In Matthew 24 Jesus’ followers ask Him THE question: “What sign will signal your return at the end of the world?” What are the six things that Jesus said have to happen before He returns? Are any still unfulfilled? And most importantly, how should we live in these last days? Matthew 24 Speaker: Tim Sullivan…
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Since Jesus made it abundantly clear that we are living in the end times - we should know how to live in a way that makes every day count! So how do we live “ready”? Jesus sent letters to churches in Asia Minor to make sure that they were ready for His return and making the most of every opportunity. Will you listen what Jesus says to His church? M…
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War. Poverty. Unrest. What in the world is going on, and how should we live today? The current conflict between Israel and Hamas has sparked several questions regarding the End Times and whether this is the end. If we are living in the End Times, how would we know & how should we prepare? The current Israel crisis sparks many questions for follower…
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The events surrounding the Christmas story are incredibly unlikely. So much so that it’s almost ironic that we celebrate it so greatly. God becoming a baby. The King of Heaven placed in a feeding trough. The king of Israel becoming so scared by a tiny baby that he kills off all of the baby boys in Bethlehem. Why such an incredibly unlikely plan? To…
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So much of the Christmas story seems unlikely, including God’s choice of messengers to tell people about it. Angels were an obvious choice, but shepherds and foreign wisemen? But the most unlikely of all was God’s messenger to earth–Jesus. That God would humble Himself into such a small and weak container, a baby boy, is the most unlikely plan of a…
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When something is promised, it’s easy to get excited and start watching for the fulfillment of the promise. It’s easy, that is, until time drags on and on, seemingly without any movement or change. Eventually, it’s easy to start thinking “It’s not going to happen”, or “We must have gotten it wrong”, or “They must have changed their mind.” Before yo…
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A birth predicted 1000 years before it happened. A star guiding magi to the birthplace of a special child. A heavenly message proclaimed by angels to simple shepherds. A virgin giving birth…to a child…who was God. What do all these things have in common? They seem unlikely. But could it be that God uses the most unlikely circumstances to bring abou…
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Jesus warns us not to store up treasures on earth. It’s not just because wealth might be lost; it’s because wealth will always be lost. Either it leaves us while we live, or we leave it when we die. No exceptions. The more you have, the more you’ll leave behind. So the wise will store up treasures in heaven, living not for what is temporary (the do…
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When confronted with a need, it is typical to assess your resources and determine what you can afford to give to meet the need. Is this the right approach? Or is there a better question to ask? Jesus challenges us to ask “What do I have?” rather than “What can I afford?” Then He uses what we give in a powerful way. Matthew 14:13-21 Speaker: Chris T…
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Do you do This? This opens doors and solves problems. This inspires others to do This, too—it’s the good kind of contagious. When they tell our life stories, we want them to put This at the top. We are hardwired for This. This is who we are, and This Is What We Do. Giving may be an action, but generosity is a posture. When we are generous with our …
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Many people are looking for more purpose in their lives and circumstances. As we wrap up our Starting Point series, we will see that our uniqueness finds its fullest and best expression when connected to God's divine purpose in the world. As followers of Jesus, we are a part of something so much bigger than ourselves--and it's called the Church. Ac…
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“What can wash away my sin?” It is the age-old question everyone and every religion asks. We all have seasons of our lives and things in our lives we wish we could erase or forget. What do we do with them? In this week of Starting Point, we talk about the solution to our guilt and shame Mark 1 Speaker: Tim Sullivan…
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Rules, Rules, Rules! Why are there so many rules? Sometimes when you read the Bible it can very quickly feel like all it is is a list of do’s and don’ts. Some people even think that the 10 Commandments are the centerpiece of the Christian faith and that obedience is required to get in. But what if a relationship with God doesn’t depend on obedience…
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Everyone makes mistake, right? But is it a mistake when you do it on purpose? What do you call a mistake that you can’t seem to stop doing even though you really want to? Our problem isn’t that we are mistakers. Our problem is that we are sinners. We must first recognize our sin for what it is. But we must also see how Jesus came not to condemn us …
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Everything has a starting point: A relationship, a career, a life, a nation. What is the starting point of Christianity? What do you believe and why do you believe it? Join us as we ask questions and think through the foundations of not just Christianity, but your relationship with God. Paul wrote a dozen books of the Bible and was beheaded for fol…
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Following Jesus means becoming more like Jesus. That is a high standard, but thankfully we do not have to get there all at once and we are not alone in the process. Everyone has a next step to take in becoming more like Jesus. We can be more of what God calls us to be each day if we will walk by the Spirit. Galatians 5:16-26 Speaker: Joel Garrison…
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You may have noticed that at Bridgewater Church we value community. We live in a culture that is very individualistic, yet in Scripture, we are encouraged to be connected so that we can contend for one another, be united in love, and increase in our understanding of God. All of this is so that we may share our faith and continually be built up and …
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If you’ve been a part of Bridgewater for very long, you realize that we place a significant emphasis on reaching out to people far from God. Why? The actions of Jesus show us that He values people and has an urgency in having spiritual conversations. If you’ve been found by Jesus, it’s time to help find others. John 4:1-42 Speaker: Tim Sullivan…
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Like people, no two churches are exactly alike. Though there are many churches known by the same name, there is only one of us. As a church, we exist to make more and better disciples of Jesus Christ. But we have a unique personality and contribution to make in God’s work. At Bridgewater, we are motivated by our mission and driven by our core value…
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What should you do if you’re constantly being hurt, offended, or angered? Maybe the problem isn't an outward one but an inward one—a problem with ego. When you’re humble, you’re not constantly thinking, "How do I look?" Or "Am I a success?" Or "What do they think of me?". God delights in making marvelous things happen using the humble and yet we th…
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All of us have experienced offense and been offended. We’ve all felt the pull to respond in kind. How should the gospel shape the way we respond to being offended? Is it possible that we settle for a cheap knock off way of handling problems when God offers the best response possible? Proximity breeds empathy. 1 Samuel 25 Speaker: Tim Sullivan…
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So many relationships struggle and end because of one simple thing: offense. He offended me. She hurt me. They offended me. All of these are statements that most of us are used to hearing and maybe even saying. What if there was a better way? What if we could approach struggles, conflicts and problems with a different outlook? The way of Jesus teac…
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Over the past 50 years - the conversation about sexuality and homosexuality has changed drastically in our culture. How do we navigate these conversations biblically and point to the hope of the gospel? How do we formulate convictions for ourselves that help us stand firm against the brokenness that exists inside every one of us? Broken Sexuality w…
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History has not always reflected well on people of faith and those who identify as transgender. But followers of Jesus must both seek to understand the dynamics of transgenderism while responding in Christlike love to those who are wrestling with issues of identity. This message will help us understand how we arrived at this cultural moment, what G…
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'In the beginning God' are some of the most important words to understand the world we live in. In the beginning God spoke creation into existence with design, intention, and purpose. This reality has powerful implications for some of the most important conversations of our day. We are not left to culture, opinion, or our own thoughts to determine …
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