Über Pop, Kunst und den Sinn des Lebens
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Kurt Cobain’s influence went beyond just the music he created with Nirvana. He also put the masses on to some of his own favorite artists. One particular document from his journals has been instructive to many fans – his top 50 albums. Each week, The Cobain 50 podcast digs into albums from this famous list and how they may have influenced Cobain and Nirvana. While learning the individual histories of the different albums on the list, we gain new insights into artists on the fringes as well a ...
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The Cobain Report features interviews and candid commentary with an urban outtake on events and situations involving individuals from all walks of life. Executive Producer: Gregory Davis Jr Tramell Major FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: @THE_COBAIN_REPORT @ROCC_COBAIN @BLESSED_DETROITER
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“Ho conosciuto Kurt Cobain - La storia dei Nirvana in Italia” è un podcast narrativo in 7 puntate realizzato nel trentennale dalla scomparsa di Kurt Cobain. “HCKC” è una serie podcast a taglio documentaristico con interviste e suoni di repertorio: un mosaico di aneddoti e racconti di chi a quei concerti era presente, di chi li ha organizzati, dei gestori dei locali, di chi ha conosciuto personalmente i componenti della band. Un road movie sonoro che conduce lungo i tragitti percorsi dal furg ...
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Writer/director/producer Brett Morgen talks about his latest film. Cobain: Montage Of Heck is a raw and visceral journey through Kurt Cobain’s life and career with Nirvana through the lens of his home movies, recordings, artwork, photography, and journals. Hosted by Michael Hann at the Apple Store, Regent Street in London.
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Martin Douglas dives into Album – Generic Flipper by Flipper. Despite the name, their debut album is anything but generic. Krist Novoselic (who briefly joined the band in the 2000s) described this Bay Area band as “proto-grunge.” Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Audio producers: Martin Douglas and Roddy Nikpour Special thanks to Isabel Khalili…
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Following KEXP's recent event celebrating The Gits and Martin Douglas's recent Throwaway Style newsletter, we want to tell you more about these contemporaries of Kurt Cobain. The Gits were an early '90s Seattle band. Sub Pop Records recently launched a campaign to rerelease remastered versions of The Gits’ catalogue. So much of the band’s story has…
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Nur wenige Tage vor seinem neunundsiebzigsten Geburtstag ist der Filmemacher und Künstler David Lynch gestorben. Er hat sich selbst als Filmemacher bezeichnet, aber die allgemeinere Bezeichnung ‚Künstler‘ trifft eher auf ihn zu. Denn Lynch hat nicht nur Filme, sondern auch Gemälde, Fotos, Skulpturen, Musik und sogar Möbel gemacht. Seine Kunst ist o…
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Janice Headley dives into Eternally Yours by The Saints. (In his list, Kurt wrote the name of a single from the album, “Know Your Product.”) This is the story of how The Saints brought punk from “down under,” featuring exclusive insights from founding guitarist Ed Kuepper and Mudhoney’s Mark Arm, who has been filling in for the late Saints frontman…
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Dusty Henry dives into the self-titled debut from Scratch Acid. This vein of — ahem — “alternative music” helped Nirvana in their own quest to balance abrasiveness with structure. (In the outro, Dusty works in a reference to Charli XCX, effectively dubbing this podcast "brat." We also have some special shoutouts.) Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Doug…
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"Mein größter Wunsch ist es, echt zu sein." - Die Musikerin Heidi Joubert im Gespräch
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1:02:24Gemeinsam mit Marius Müller-Westernhagen steht sie auf den größten Bühnen, sie ist eine Meisterin des Cajón und als Sängerin eine absolute Naturgewalt: Heidi Joubert veröffentlicht in wenigen Tagen ihr Debut-Album, eine Mischung aus Soul, Rock, Pop und Weltmusik, obwohl sie als Musikerin schon seit Jahren tourt und auch Alben veröffentlicht hat. Ab…
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Martin Douglas dives into The Flowers of Romance by Public Image Ltd. After he left the Sex Pistols in 1978, John Lydon created Public Image Ltd. under the influence of dub, resulting in experimental music that was just about as accessible to mainstream audiences as Kurt Cobain’s Montage of Heck recordings (which is to say, not very accessible at a…
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We're back! This week, Dusty Henry dives into the self-titled debut from Rites of Spring. They represent the earliest iteration of “emo” music, proving that it would never be just a phase. "Emo" still exists in waves that ripple to this day. Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Audio producers: Dusty Henry and Roddy Nikpour Podcast manager: Isabel…
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Il secondo concerto dei Nirvana in Italia nel 1994 è al palaghiaccio di Marino, alle porte di Roma. Il giorno successivo la band registra negli studi RAI l'ultima performance TV per la trasmissione Tunnel di Serena Dandini. I concerti successivi sono al Palatrussardi di Milano il 24 e 25 febbraio, poi a Lubiana e Monaco, ma Kurt Cobain è troppo deb…
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Le ultime date del tour europeo del 1991 dei Nirvana vengono annullate, dato che i locali non sono più in grado di gestire l'afflusso di pubblico. Quando tornano in USA è scoppiata la “Nirvanamania”. Nel giro di due anni pubblicano un nuovo album "In Utero" e a febbraio 1994 tornano in Italia per il “Tour dei palazzetti”. Intanto la parabola di Kur…
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L’ultimo concerto dei Nirvana in Italia nel 1991 è al Kriptonight di Baricella, vicino a Bologna. Molte persone quella sera convergono in un puntino in mezzo al nulla della pianura padana e in tanti rimangono fuori dal locale, ma chi riesce a entrare assiste a un live memorabile. Alcuni di loro hanno anche la possibilità di conoscere personalmente …
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Lunedì 18 novembre 1991 i Nirvana sono attesi a Torino, ma la band non arriva mai a destinazione. Un piccolo mistero che abbiamo cercato di svelare... La band si gode quindi un day off a Roma prima del concerto al Teatro Castello, ripreso dalla troupe di Videomusic e in diretta radio su Planet Rock. Una data che ha segnato i ricordi di tantissime p…
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Nel novembre 1991 i Nirvana ritornano in Italia per promuovere il loro nuovo album, Nevermind, che in USA sta già scalando le classifiche. La band doveva suonare in Jugoslavia, ma la data viene annullata a causa della guerra e spostata in Italia, nella cittadina di Muggia, proprio vicino al confine. Il concerto successivo è di nuovo al Bloom di Mez…
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Nirvana e Tad viaggiano verso Roma per suonare al Piper Club. A quel concerto tante persone legate a RadioRock e al negozio di dischi Disfunzioni Musicali, raccontano di un Kurt Cobain nervoso, che distrugge la chitarra al termine di una breve performance e minaccia di sciogliere il gruppo. La tour manager Daniela Giombini saluta la band, che rived…
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Una giovane band di nome Nirvana è in tour europeo con i TAD, compagni di etichetta alla Sub Pop Records. I due gruppi suonano due date anche in Italia, la prima in un locale della periferia milanese, che diventerà un punto di riferimento per tutta la scena di musica indipendente: il Bloom di Mezzago. Interviste a: Daniela Giombini, Massimo Pirotta…
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Schöner sterben - Unsere Lieblingsfilmtode (m. Gerrit Schönberger)
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3:36:15Unsere letzte Folge des Jahres 24 ist besonders. Gofi feiert nämlich heute Geburtstag. Und Du darfst mitfeiern. Zur Feier des Tages haben wir uns mit Gerrit Schönberger getroffen und uns gegenseitig erzählt, welche Filmtode den größten Eindruck bei uns hinterlassen haben. Jeder hat drei seiner Lieblingstode mitgebracht. Reihum erzählen wir uns, um …
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The Cobain 50 returns with new episodes January 8, 2025. We’re taking the month to rest with our families and listen to good music. We hope you’ll do the same! In the meantime, let KEXP keep you company through the holidays with our other active podcast series, including: El Cancionero de Kurt, the Spanish-language companion podcast to The Cobain 5…
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Disclaimer: This episode deals with topics including domestic abuse, drug use, and murder. Dusty Henry dives into Landshark! by Fang. Vocalist Sam “Sammytown” McBride murdered his girlfriend Dixie Lee Carney in 1989. Since his release from prison in 1995, Fang has continued as a band, raising questions about the complicated ethics of which artists …
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Ho conosciuto Kurt Cobain - La storia dei Nirvana in Italia
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2:45"Ho conosciuto Kurt Cobain - La storia dei Nirvana in Italia" è un podcast in 7 episodi. Scritto e narrato da Paolo Maoret Musiche e sound design di Marco Degli Esposti Artwork di copertina di Alberto Fiocco Sigla di Super Fat Ginger Cat Una produzione Piombo Podcast Registrato presso Happenstance recording studio ---------- Repertori citati: https…
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Stell Dir vor, ein Mann steigt in die Badewanne und kommt nicht wieder heraus. Ihm fällt einfach kein Grund ein, warum er sie wieder verlassen soll. Seine Schwester gießt regelmäßig warmes Wasser nach, damit ihm nicht kalt wird. Besucher*innen empfängt er nackt und weiterhin badend. Absurd, aber genau diese Geschichte erzählt das Theaterstück ‚Der …
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Martin Douglas dives into Paganicons by Saccharine Trust. Written in Kurt’s list as “1st EP,” Saccharine Trust’s debut is one of the most original releases from the SST catalog, which also includes punk classics like Black Flag, Minutemen, Meat Puppets, and many others. Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Audio producers: Martin Douglas and Roddy…
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Roddy Nikpour dives into The Record by Fear. Known for an infamous Saturday Night Live performance littered with slam dancers, Fear sings from a grotesque vantage point to call out injustice through “punk irony.” Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Audio producer: Roddy Nikpour Podcast manager: Isabel Khalili Editorial director: Larry Mizell Jr. …
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Civil War - Was, wenn die schlimmsten Befürchtungen Wirklichkeit werden?
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1:45:05Die Wahl in den Vereinigten Staaten liegt hinter uns, Schock und Unverständnis hängen uns noch in den Klamotten. Da ist es eine passende Gelegenheit, über einen Film zu sprechen, der Anfang des Jahres bereits erschienen ist: Civil War von Alex Garland. Es ist ein Filmstoff, der sich aufgedrängt hat, denn der US-Wahlkampf war aufgeladen mit brutaler…
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Dusty Henry dives into Tales of Terror by Tales of Terror. Their run was short and marked with tragedy, but their influence has kept their music alive for generations — from the local Sacramento scene to other bands like Mudhoney and Nirvana. Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Audio producers: Dusty Henry and Roddy Nikpour Podcast manager: Isabe…
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Friday, November 1, 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the release of Nirvana’s live album, MTV Unplugged in New York. This week, Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas set the stage and bring us some of their favorite moments from this iconic stripped-back performance. Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Audio producer: Roddy Nikpour Podcast manager: Is…
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Kunst. Religion. Kunstreligion: Über die spirituelle Kraft von Kunst und Dichtung (m. Christoph Wiesinger und Thomas Merton)
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1:36:25Kunst und Religion liegen ganz nah beieinander. Es ist nicht selten der Fall, dass sich Menschen besonders für Kunst interessieren, die mit dem religiösen Glauben nichts (mehr) anfangen können. Aber warum ist das eigentlich so? Was haben Kunst und Religion gemeinsam? Und können die beiden vom jeweils anderen profitieren? Diese Doppelfolge versucht …
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The Cobain 50 returns October 30 celebrating the 30th anniversary of Nirvana's MTV Unplugged in New York. This week, we're sharing a conversation featured on another KEXP podcast, A Deeper Listen. Dusty Henry spoke with David Bazan about Pedro the Lion's latest album, the third in a five-part series of albums based on places that formed his identit…
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Martin Douglas dives into Daydream Nation by Sonic Youth. When it comes to art punk, indie rock, or alternative rock, there are few bands more widely influential than Sonic Youth, who were also directly involved with Nirvana’s emergence into the mainstream. The bands were signed to both the same record label and the same management company. Hosts: …
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'Kunst' kommt von 'Können'? Über teure Gemälde eines Dreijährigen, angeklebte Bananen und die Frage, was eigentlich Kunst ist
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1:00:38Es ist verrückt. Laurent aus Bayern malt leidenschaftlich gern abstrakte Bilder, verkauft sie in die ganze Welt für fünfstellige Summen – und ist drei Jahre alt. Ist das Kunst, was er schafft? Viele glauben das offensichtlich. Warum sonst sind sie bereit, so viel Geld für seine Gemälde auszugeben? Aber wie kann das sein? Muss man nicht etwas können…
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Janice Headley dives into She Hangs Brightly by Mazzy Star. Born from California's Paisley Underground scene, the group is distinguished by the languid vocal style of Hope Sandoval, a Mexican-American songwriter who came into the spotlight in the 1990s. This episode is part of KEXP's monthlong Aquí y Ahora programming for Latinx Heritage Month, off…
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Dusty Henry dives into Damaged by Black Flag. While we covered their sophomore album My War earlier in this series, Black Flag’s debut album introduces us to one of its most prominent singers: Henry Rollins, who ushered in one of the band’s boldest eras. Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Audio producers: Dusty Henry and Roddy Nikpour Podcast ma…
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"Ich kann Leute gut leiden" – Zu Besuch bei dem Fotografen Jörg Steinmetz
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1:40:17Am vergangenen Donnerstag haben Jay und Gofi den Fotografen Jörg Steinmetz in Frankfurt besucht. Jörg hat schon wirklich bekannte Gesichter vor seiner Kamera gehabt: Dennis Hopper zum Beispiel, die Gallagher-Brüder von Oasis, Alanis Morissette, Michel Stipe, Die Ärzte, Albert Mangelsdorff und viele mehr. Der Regisseur Wim Wenders hat für einen Foto…
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During KEXP's fall fund drive, we're celebrating the 33rd anniversary of Nirvana's Nevermind and the 31st anniversary of In Utero. Dusty Henry, Martin Douglas, and Albina Cabrera share a tale of two albums — one polished, one gritty — including the music's impact on them personally and across the world. Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Special…
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Roddy Nikpour dives into the album Entertainment! by Gang of Four. They are the antiheroes of pop music, writing poignant lyrics that denounce the ideals of capitalism, accompanied by guitar riffs that are as choppy as they are danceable. Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Audio producer: Roddy Nikpour Podcast manager: Isabel Khalili Editorial d…
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Janice Headley dives into Pod by The Breeders. Their debut album really lets Kim Deal shine outside of her role in The Pixies. The Breeders influenced generations of artists, including Kurt Cobain, who invited the band to open for Nirvana twice during their touring career. Hosts: Dusty Henry & Martin Douglas Written + Produced: Janice Headley Mixed…
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Schmecken, Spüren, Staunen - Was Weingenuss mit Kunst und Spiritualität tun hat (mit Sandra Bils)
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2:05:47Sandra Bils aus Hannover ist nicht nur evangelische Theologin und Professorin, sondern auch Sommelière, eine ausgebildete Weinexpertin, die den Wein nicht nur liebt, sondern ihre Liebe auch in entspannt norddeutscher Art unkompliziert und sympathisch vermitteln kann. Wir haben uns mit ihr getroffen, um gemeinsam einen teuren Riesling zu verkosten u…
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Dusty Henry, Martin Douglas, Albina Cabrera, and Roddy Nikpour dig into Kurt Cobain's relationship with the "classic rock canon" and how he — now getting played on classic rock radio himself — interpreted it through Nirvana. Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Special thanks: Albina Cabrera, host of El Cancionero de Kurt Audio producer: Roddy Nik…
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Martin Douglas dives into Lead Belly's Last Sessions. The blues aren’t limited to a specific era or place — if you’ve got the blues and a strong enough voice, you can sing the blues. Kurt Cobain just happened to filter the blues through a muddy strain of punk rock. Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Audio producers: Martin Douglas and Roddy Nikp…
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Dusty Henry dives into Rocks by Aerosmith. This album might not feature Aerosmith’s most recognized songs, but it demonstrated the power of hard rock to mainstream audiences, solidifying the band’s legacy. This album also represents a cautionary tale: For every high, there's always a comedown. Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Audio producers: …
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Remembering Charles R. Cross, a Legend in Northwest Music Journalism
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32:54In this bonus episode, we remember Seattle music journalist Charles R. Cross, who died on August 9, 2024 at age 67. Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas reflect on Cross’ legacy, we listen back to Cross speaking with former KEXP DJ Marco Collins, and KEXP listeners share personal memories of him. Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Special thanks: Emil…
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Roddy Nikpour dives into The Man Who Sold the World by David Bowie. The album's title track marks a turning point in Bowie’s career toward stardom, which perfectly explains why Nirvana covered it in one of their most iconic final performances. Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Audio producer: Roddy Nikpour Podcast manager: Isabel Khalili Editor…
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Martin Douglas dives into Meet the Beatles! by The Beatles. In this episode, we pay tribute to the ever-connected thread of musicians across time and space. In essence, the “British Invasion” meant taking American music (largely from Black artists) and selling it back to American audiences. Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Audio producers: Mar…
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Dusty Henry, Martin Douglas, Albina Cabrera, Janice Headley, and Roddy Nikpour explore three of the more melodic entries on Kurt’s list. It’s important to remember that, despite their onstage aggression, Nirvana had some pop sensibilities. Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Special thanks: Albina Cabrera, host of El Cancionero de Kurt; and Janic…
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Janice Headley dives into Beach Party by Marine Girls. Their lo-fi instrumentation and girlish vulnerability helped set the standard for twee pop. Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Audio producers: Janice Headley and Roddy Nikpour Podcast manager: Isabel Khalili Editorial director: Larry Mizell Jr. Support the podcast: kexp.org/cobain See omnys…
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Dusty Henry dives into Green by R.E.M., a band that set the stage for indie rock as this larger idea of staying authentic despite commercial success. The band left a particularly noteworthy impact on Kurt, both professionally and personally. Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Audio producers: Dusty Henry and Roddy Nikpour Podcast manager: Isabel…
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Hörer treffen Podcaster – Wir schauen zurück auf die letzte Staffel
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59:27Das hat sich wie ein Klassentreffen angefühlt: Unsere Hörer Sven, Andi und Marian haben unsere Einladung angenommen und haben uns bei der letzten Folge vor der Sommerpause unterstützt. Wir haben zurückgeblickt auf die Themen der letzten Staffel und gemeinsam darüber nachgedacht, was uns gefallen hat, was wir besser machen können und welche Themen w…
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Roddy Nikpour dives into Get The Knack by The Knack. The album’s catchy lead single came out when Kurt was a preteen. Despite its questionable lyrics, “My Sharona” did for new wave what “Smells Like Teen Spirit” did for punk — brought a genre to the mainstream. Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Audio producer: Roddy Nikpour Podcast manager: Isa…
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Michael Azerrad, the Man Who (Literally) Wrote the Book on Nirvana
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1:04:07Michael Azerrad joins us to talk about his relationship with Kurt Cobain, reviving a 30-year-old biography, Nirvana's legacy, and some of the records on Kurt’s list. Michael wrote the 1993 biography "Come As You Are: The Story of Nirvana," and he recently released an annotated version titled "The Amplified Come As You Are: The Story of Nirvana." Ne…
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Messias wider Willen: Wenn Weglaufen keine Option ist
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1:27:33Endlich hat es geklappt. Der Regisseur Denis Villeneuve hat es hinbekommen, den Kult-Roman ‚Dune‘ zu verfilmen und dabei, wie Jay findet, ein visuelles Meisterwerk zu schaffen. Frank Herberts popkultureller Klassiker gilt nicht nur als einer der besten und wichtigsten Scifi-Romane, sondern auch als große Inspiration der Star-Wars-Saga. Wir haben un…
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Jack Endino on the Northwest Sound and the 35th Anniversary of 'Bleach'
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58:05Seattle's own Jack Endino joins Dusty, Martin, and Albina for this month’s roundtable. June marks the 35th anniversary of Nirvana's debut studio album, Bleach, which Endino produced. They discuss the unmistakable imprint of the Northwest sound. Hosts: Dusty Henry and Martin Douglas Special thanks: Jack Endino and Albina Cabrera, host of El Cancione…
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