Your weekly retro gaming podcast where we discuss, breakdown, and review one classic game!
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Eric and Nick revisit an old friend, Super C! We chat about all things C before battling our way past hordes of alien mind-controlled soldiers, then hunker down for a review.저자 Nick and Eric
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In this episode, Eric and Nick have a general chat about the idiosyncrasies of Golden Axe Warrior before continuing the quest to murder Death Adder and save the world! Also review.저자 Nick and Eric
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Eric and Nick journey into the world of Golden Axe Warrior! This week we delve into this shameless Zelda clone's history, gameplay, take a peep at the manual, and finally begin the quest in earnest! Listen well, adventurers!저자 Nick and Eric
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Eric and Nick dust off their Dragon Swords to battle evil in Ninja Gaiden Shadow on Gameboy! We review the game and answer the age-old handheld question: How does it compare to its' console version? Listen in and find out! Or else!저자 Nick and Eric
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This episode, Eric and Nick explore Arkista's Ring for the NES! Is this rarely heard-from game an overlooked hidden gem? Does it hold up after over 30 years? Why do we hate ninjas so much? Tune in and find out! Or else!저자 Nick and Eric
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Eric and Nick slither their way uphill while reviewing this NES title from Rare. How does this oddball hold up? Is it better than a tongue lashing? Do you have to be European to platform isometrically? Listen in and find out!저자 Nick and Eric
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This week, Eric and Nick discuss their general thoughts on this unique game before returning to and finishing the search for Eden. What was Gaia's plan for us and the Earth? What has been manipulating the crystals? Is E.V.O. worth selecting naturally? Listen in and find out!저자 Nick and Eric
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Eric and Nick dive into ancient waters in their first foray into E.V.O.! Join us as we break down the game's history, discuss our personal histories with it, and attempt to devour every living thing under the sea!저자 Nick and Eric
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Eric and Nick are joined by Dale in another Off-Duty episode! We chat about what we've been up to during our unplanned vacation, what we've been playing lately (both retro- and not) as well play an unabashedly biased trivia game. Tune in and tune out! Or else!저자 Nick and Eric
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This is it! Dale and Nick avenge the death of Michael and stop the nefarious plans of the evil Thon! After saving 2050 Seattle, we then review the game and compare it with it's SNES counterpart! Is it wiz? Tune in and find out, chum!저자 Nick and Eric
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The coverage of Shadowrun on Sega Genesis continues! This week Dale & Nick delve into the mysterious world of magic, then take a look at the shadowrunners available in 2050 Seattle. Then, it's back to business as we investigate Renraku's involvement in Michael's death.저자 Nick and Eric
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This week, Dale and Nick hit the streets of 2050 Seattle to solve a murder! We chat for a bit about the matrix (not the film) and the manual before grabbing our passports and returning to our level by level coverage of Shadowrun for the Sega Genesis!저자 Nick and Eric
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At long last, Dale and Nick return to Seattle! It's time to take a look at Shadowrun on the Sega Genesis. We discuss the many differences between it and it's SNES counterpart and spend some time delving into the many character building options. So grab your cyberdeck and listen in!저자 Nick and Eric
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This week, the Cartridge Commandos venture to the besieged world of Atomica to help against the Nukies! We tackle Atomic Punk for the Gameboy, a game in the Bomberman family. Does it live up to it's pedigree? Can it bring bombing fun to a portable system? How punk rock is this game? Tune in and find out!…
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It's awards season! Eric and Nick are joined by Dale to discuss the '93 Nesters! Listen in and hear our thoughts on the winners, losers, and sometimes perplexing nominations!저자 Nick and Eric
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In this episode, Eric and Nick speak of the devil! Devil World, that is! We review this lesser-known effort from such luminaries as Shigeru Miyamoto, Koji Kondo, and Takashi Tezuka. How does it's early 80's arcade gameplay hold up? Listen in and find out!저자 Nick and Eric
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Eric and Nick finish up their re-coverage of Super Mario Bros! We take a look at our personal histories, chat generally, break down the game from world 2-1 to 8-4, and finally review this classic game! Does it hold up? Have our hearts changed in 7 years? Tune in and find out!저자 Nick and Eric
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Eric and Nick revisit a classic game you may have heard of: Super Mario Bros! Listen in as we talk about some SMB history, gameplay, and take a look at the manual before liberating World One from the Turtle Tribe. Pasta Power!저자 Nick and Eric
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Eric and Nick flip, climb, and slash their way through Run Saber for SNES! We discuss and review this action platformer and ponder the origins of the villainous Dr. Bruford's name.저자 Nick and Eric
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This week, Eric and Nick are freed from a hard labor camp to fight for America! And rescue POWs! Join us as we battle our way through several jungles and a cave full of mysterious glowing stone faces in this Sega Master System classic!저자 Nick and Eric
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The President has been kidnapped by ninjas! Are you a bad enough dude to listen in?저자 Nick and Eric
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This is it! Eric and Nick have Butch Cavendish on the run! After taking some time for a general chat, we hop back in the saddle for more western adventures! Then we go to great guns to slaughter the remaining men in the Southwest, and finally rustle up some reviews!저자 Nick and Eric
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This week, Eric and Nick don masks and journey back to the old west to rescue the President! Join us as we help townsfolk and slaughter the male population of several cities! Is this game an unsung hero of yesteryear, or just another licensed cash grab? Listen in and find out!저자 Nick and Eric
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This week, Eric and Nick take a look at Avenging Spirit for the Gameboy! Does this game have what it takes to possess our affections? Can they rescue the kidnapped Gennifer? Will we solve the mystery of Kate Hunt? Listen in to find out!저자 Nick and Eric
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At long last, Eric returns! This week, he and Nick resume the quest to free the world from Tanzra's evil! We have some general chat, finish off the level-by-level, and review Actraiser 2!저자 Nick and Eric
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Episode 292: Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight
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1:36:45This week, Dale and Nick battle their way through Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight for the NES. We explore how this outlier fits into the Street Fighter franchise and ponder the mysteries of Cybotics while back-flipping our way from planet to planet! Is this game as bad as it's reputation? Tune in and find out!…
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Strap on your skates, Cartridge Commandos! This week Dale and Nick take on Rollergames for the NES! We take a look at the truly bizarre TV show of the same name before giving the game our usual deep dive. How does it hold up? Did Ultra games do the show justice? Why so many alligators? Tune in and find out!…
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This is it! Dale and Nick will finally face the nefarious Drake and finally uncover the secrets of the plot against Jake Armitage! Then, after setting things right in future Seattle, it's review time, baby! Listen in and find out where this unsung hero ranks!저자 Nick and Eric
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Dale and Nick return to 2050 Seattle to solve the mystery of why Jake Armitage was geeked! Who would do this and why? Why is a sinister Jester spirit antagonizing us? Does it count as a clown? Why are there clowns in Seattle in 2050? This week, we try to crack these conundrums and more! P.S. clowns are creepy and gross.…
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This week, Dale and Nick return to the mysterious case of Jake Armitage and the conspiracy against him in our coverage of Shadowrun on the SNES. We take a look at the game's manual, discuss our personal histories with the game, and have a classic general chat before heading back to the streets to clear Jake's name!…
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Dale and Nick join to forces to explore the dystopian future of 2050 in Shadowrun! In this episode, we discuss the game's history and it's unique gameplay before tearing into some level-by-level! Listen in, chummers!저자 Nick and Eric
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The evil demon Tanzra has returned! Only Eric and Nick can save the good people's souls from the seven deadly sins! Join us on this noble quest as we talk about this late-ish SNES title and sequel to a game close to both of our hearts!저자 Nick and Eric
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Eric and Nick welcome Dale back for another Off- Duty! We discuss our recent gaming habits, dip into the mail bag, and Eric cheats shamelessly at a quiz!저자 Nick and Eric
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This week Eric and Nick do a double take on Double Dragon! We will compare and contrast the game's port on the Sega Master System with last episode's NES version. Which one will come out ahead? Who is the better damsel in distress, Marion or Mary Ann? Is she the same Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island? We will answer some of these questions and more!…
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It's time to take a look at a classic NES staple, Double Dragon! Join Eric and Nick as they battle their way through the possibly-post-apocalyptic streets of a city to save Marion! And a cat!저자 Nick and Eric
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It's time to save the world by punching! Eric and Nick join forces to take on the evil General Gus Grover in Shatterhand on the NES. How does the late NES title fare nowadays? Is it a hidden gem? Or merely an overlooked oddity? Tune in and find out!저자 Nick and Eric
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This week, Eric and Nick take on Trax! How does this Gameboy tale of the little tank that could hold up? How does Eric feel about tiny motorcycle sprites? Find out the answers to these questions and more in this episode!저자 Nick and Eric
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Eric and Nick are back and ready to race for their lives in Top Gear for the SNES! Listen in as two automotive numbskulls check out this old school racer!저자 Nick and Eric
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Eric and Nick tackle a somewhat lesser known title for the Sega Genesis, Valis 3! Is it worth the time check out this anime- inspired action platformer, or does it fall short? Tune in and find out!저자 Nick and Eric
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Episode 278: The Legend of Zelda - Second Quest pt 2
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1:12:47This week, Eric and Nick do a little general chatting and then begin to break down the game dungeon by dungeon! Is this magnificent bastard of a game just too devilish? Find out all this and more!저자 Nick and Eric
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At long last, Eric and Nick are man enough to tackle the second quest of The Legend of Zelda! Is it as tough as they say? We'll go through our some history, some gameplay and even tackle the first dungeon in the first part of our coverage of this classic!저자 Nick and Eric
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This is it! Dale and Nick take mass transit to where our quest began: Bowser's Castle! Join us as we put the hurt on the Smithy Gang and then review the game!저자 Nick and Eric
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In this episode, Dale and Nick are in Nimbus Land where it's time to right some wrongs, learn a bit about our precious Mallow's past, and, of course, go star hunting! Let's-a-go!저자 Nick and Eric
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Ladies and gentlemen, we present a new type of podcast from Cartridge Command! Dale, Eric, and Nick discuss some retro "news," wax nostalgic about some games, throw out some juicy personal info, and even chat about a few modern games!저자 Nick and Eric
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It's time for Dale and Nick to finally rescue Princess Peach! But that's not the end of our journey, for there are still stars to find. Join us for the next leg of Super Mario RPG!저자 Nick and Eric
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In this episode Nick interrogates Dale for a few and then they resume their quest, from Moleville to Booster's Tower!저자 Nick and Eric
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The adventure continues! Dale and Nick continue their quest! They battle their way from Frogfucious to the revolting Bowyer! Join us, adventurers!저자 Nick and Eric
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In this second installment on Super Mario RPG, Dale and Nick share their general opinions on the game and begin their level-by-level coverage of this SNES classic!저자 Nick and Eric
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We have returned! In this episode, Nick and fresh-faced Cartridge Conscript Dale take a look at the crossover classic Super Mario RPG! We get started by gabbing about the game's history, our history with said game, the game's mechanics and characters, and then a look at it's manual. Does it hold up? Tune in and find out!…
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Don't take a wrong turn at Albuquerque, because we know what's up, Its Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle for the NES! So many kids owned this game, did any of them actually ask for it?저자 Nick and Eric
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