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The Carlos Whittaker Podcast

That Sounds Fun Network

In a world more connected— yet lonelier— than it's ever been, Carlos Whittaker is bringing humans together all over the world. Backed by the power of a massive Instafamilia, his enthusiastic social followers tune in daily and join forces with Carlos to find connection, do good, and be in community. In this podcast Carlos creates a space where people are safe to engage in conversation about the topics that matter most. His motto: Don't stand on issues, walk with people.
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Reflexões diárias do Evangelho feitas pelo Pe. João Carlos, SDB - Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil. O conteúdo em texto pode ser acessado em Querendo receber diariamente o conteúdo, basta ingressar no grupo especial clicando aqui: ou através do whatsapp 81 3224-9284
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Este é o podcast essencial da liderança, para quem quer liderar no nível mais alto de excelência, a Liderança De Elite! Neste podcast falamos de propósito, liderança, gestão, governança, comunicação, networking, empreendedorismo, negócios, alta performance. Ou seja, tudo aquilo que ajuda você a se tornar um líder de elite! Um grande abraço! Carlos Hoyos - Liderança De Classe Mundial
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Welcome to Carlos’ Thoughts Podcast, a podcast where the conversation goes wherever my mind takes it. I’m your host, Carlos Alvarado, and here we’ll dive into whatever’s on my mind, sometimes it’s deep, sometimes it’s random, but it’s always real. Whether I’m reflecting on life, talking about what’s happening in the world, or exploring big ideas, this is a space for honest, unscripted conversations.
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Púlpito Reformado Semanal con el Pastor Carlos Cruz Moya

© Calvary Evangelistic Mission, Inc. Copying and sharing is encouraged.

El programa en vivo de los sábados con el pastor Carlos Cruz Moya en la Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada de San Juan. Para mas información, llama la iglesia a los (787)-649-8253 / (787) 410-7899 o visíte Carlos Cruz Moya también es anfitrión del programa "Púlpito Reformado" en vivo los sábados a las 8 p.m. en La Roca.
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Carlos Avalon talks about his music and shares anecdotes about his 40 plus years experience in show business. He also describes the inspiration behind each of his original compositions as well as why he chose to record new renditions of long forgotten cover songs. At the same time, Carlos will discuss his personal interests such as, politics, current events, and his love of motorcycling.
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The Blank with Carlos & Ryan.

The Blank with Carlos & Ryan

Where comedy and real talk ensue. Join Carlos and Ryan as they discuss (as Carlos rants and Ryan babysits), explore, teach, and learn about what's going in the world around them. Whether it regarding politics, social media, and pop culture. These two are going to need all the hints they can get to solve the world's problems.
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Carlos Inspire Show

Carlos Siqueira

Carlos Siqueira: Unleashing Potential, Championing Change Welcome to the world of Carlos Siqueira, a relentless force for positive transformation and a beacon of inspiration. As an esteemed author, premier speaker, and strategic mastermind, Carlos is dedicated to empowering individuals and businesses to excel. His podcast, a hub of innovation and insights, is where he shares his wealth of knowledge on wealth strategy, business acceleration, and personal growth. Carlos’s journey in life is fu ...
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Buena tarde compañeros, e siguiente podcast tiene como objetivo saber cuales son las consideraciones mas importantes, así como lo que implica una auditoría a empresas Pymes y Startups. Cecilia Bernal Auditora con 18 años de experiencia en el ámbito de calidad en el ramo de TI. Me gustaría saber sus opiniones, comentarios o anécdotas.
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Carlos Jonay Suárez Suárez

En los diferentes episodios de mi canal de Podcast quiero compartir contigo mis experiencias, impresiones y opiniones sobre Estrategia Digital, Tecnología y Trabajo Remoto. Sin filtros y sin chorradas: - Resumenes de herramientas que uso o testeo en mi día a día. - Entrevistas sin cortes, ediciones, ni historias... Pura miga. - Episodios de opinión sobre temas de actualidad vinculados con Estrategia Digital, Marketing Digital, Tecnología y Trabajo Remoto. Si te mola lo que lees... imagínate ...
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En cada capítol vos proposarem un viatge cultural. Podeu seguir tota l’activitat a: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Medium:
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show series
No “Estadão Analisa” desta terça-feira, 11, Carlos Andreazza comenta sobre as escolhas do presidente Lula, como a nova ministra da Secretaria de Relações Institucionais, Gleisi Hoffmann que toma posse nesta segunda-feira e ficará à frente da articulação política com o Congresso. Gleisi em sua pasta terá poder para tratar das emendas parlamentares e…
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We start season 5 with talking ACCORDIONS with the very interesting and talented SKYLER FELL. A great musician/accordionist, singer, composer, accordion repair technician and shop owner, circus act performer and lover of nature and horses too. An amazing conversation that you'll enjoy for sure. Support the show…
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📆. 11 de março - 🚨. Meditação da Palavra do Senhor em Mt 6,7-15. 🔔. Vocês devem rezar assim (Mt 6, 9) ​👉. A dica de hoje está evidente: rezar o PAI NOSSO, bem rezado. 📌. Evangelho e meditação bem aqui:저자 Padre João Carlos, SDB
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Carlos Antonio Vélez, en sus Palabras Mayores del 10 de marzo de 2025, habló de la derrota del Club León y James Rodríguez en la jornada de la Liga MX. También se refirió a la actuación de Miguel Ángel Borja con River Plate en Argentina. Vélez explicó la situación de Neiser Villarreal y su futuro. El analista informó sobre el nuevo técnico de Santa…
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Join host Carlos Inspire as he delves into the captivating world of spiritual warfare and consciousness. In a thought-provoking episode featuring special guest Alobar Jones, known as the "coordinating, astral travel Guerrilla light force," listeners are invited to explore the idea that power and control might be an illusion. The discussion touches …
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No “Estadão Analisa” desta segunda-feira, 10, Carlos Andreazza fala sobre as trocas de ministros que tornam mais penosa a segunda etapa da reforma ministerial, quando o governo precisará agradar a aliados centristas. Leia a coluna: Quando, no fim de dezembro, reuniu seu…
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Envíanos un mensaje queremos saber de ti. Prédica sobre las bendiciones en tiempos difíciles. A veces, la vida nos golpea con pérdidas y situaciones inesperadas que nos hacen dudar si Dios realmente sigue obrando en nuestra historia. Hace años, experimenté un momento difícil cuando perdí mi trabajo justo antes de Navidad. Sentí traición, desesperan…
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¡Llegó nuevo episodio! En esta entrega, profundizamos en los cambios en el orden geopolítico mundial y cómo Donald Trump intensifica los aranceles llegando a no solo una guerra cualquiera, si no a una guerra comercial entre las principales potencias económicas. Analizamos las consecuencias de estas políticas en las economías globales y su impacto e…
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Joseph joins us to share about his career as an ethical hacker. First of all, I didn’t know that there were good hackers out there. What a relief! You’re going to love this conversation. We cover everything from hacking to faith and AI to international adoption. This stuff is all so fascinating to me, and it was so fun to get to share these thought…
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Carlos and Ryan discuss in today's episode: taking secrets to the grave, Apple's new DEI hires, and Hooter's downfall (don't blame the youth because we're all about the junk in the trunk now a days). If women can get a procedure done to make themselves feel better, why can't men (Ryan's on his way to LA to get the surgey done). RIP to Gene Hackman,…
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Carlos Alberto Sardenberg discute a relação entre a inflação e os preços. Ele explica que a inflação continua alta, especialmente em setores como alimentos, serviços e educação, o que gera desconforto na população e afeta a popularidade do governo. Ouça.
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In this episode, I start off trying to figure out which animated movie characters would actually survive a horror film, because let’s be honest, most of them wouldn’t make it past the opening scene. Then, I get into my childhood fear that swallowing a watermelon seed would turn me into the Hulk (and a small part of me still kinda believes it). Fina…
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💭 ¿Nos volvimos más frágiles o más sabios? 🤔 🔥 Generación de Cristal vs. Generación de Hierro 🔥 Antes se decía "¡aguántate!" y ahora hablamos de salud mental, emociones y límites. ¿Eso nos hace más débiles o simplemente evolucionamos? 🤷‍♂️ En este episodio de “¿Y ahora de qué vamos a hablar?”, Juan Carlos y Rocío debaten sobre las diferencias entre…
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