Five good friends embark on an epic adventure upon the high seas. An actual play podcast in Pathfinder 2nd Edition.
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The battle rages on against the demon horde and the crew discusses the nature of suspension of disbelief.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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What's your favorite midnight snack that is eaten primarily in block form?저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The crew begin the battle in the town square in earnest, and Sam targets Ross for unknown and definitely sinister reasons.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The most RP heavy episode of the podcast so far, filled with lore tidbits and backstory reveals, the crew gets intense with exposition and emotion.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The kaiju fight ends and more mysteries begin. The newest player character speaks, though not loudly and the crew stands around like morons.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The crew continues fighting a Kaiju while Cyrus learns the meaning of occultism.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The fight continues with the bone kaiju, and a new idiot enters the fray.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The lesson is that everyone is dumb and all the characters are going to die.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The battle in cathedral of Erastil continues, with dramatic damage shifts in both directions. Also, Sam talks about human meat.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The crew engage in eye catching combat with visually stunning opponents of the ocular variety.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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Jackie Daytona is the best volleyball fundraiser of all time.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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Do you really need more than that?저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The one where Sam refuses to let players have agency or decide the fates of their own characters. Also, we fight illusions or something.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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Wow. That's crazy. Incredible. Exactly.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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That time Ross forgot to upload the episode so the description was lackluster because Weber isn't funny. #titleofouranime저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The fight against the blood beast concludes in dramatic and often idiotic fashion.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The crew continue to make a mockery of combat in pathfinder 2e.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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Seriously, just take the damage, it'll go so much better for you. Editor's note: we apologize for some iffy tracks on this one. Audacity failed in a couple spots so we had to use a secondary recording that isn't as clean.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The crew record an episode on a slightly different day and as a result, have no idea how to function.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The crew fight an array of terrifying undead and learn about odd kitchen habits.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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I mean, are they?저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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We're the smartest group of idiots you've ever met.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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Gaius is the best boss and everyone should love how that fight starts. Don't get scadu tree fragments, those are for babies.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The crew conclude their clash with the many clawed calamities creating a cutting cave closing in on their claim.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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Hard to believe that we made it all the way to 300 of these stupid things, yet here we are. Still dumb, still recording, still tornado free.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The crew continue through the demonic portal dungeon. This feels all too familiar.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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I couldn't think of a good title, so this is what you get.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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I'd put the other two words here but I think apple would take it down.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The crew learn that Andrew is surprisingly knowledgable about a topic, and then berate him for that knowledge.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The crew learn to speak spider and also dabble in fancy new rituals.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The crew concludes their kerfuffle with the beach clan and continues curiously into a cave of copious conundrums.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The crew visit Long Island and learn about crab futures.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The crew learn what best practices are when a teammate stands in fire.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The crew continues an epic battle with Chet and his array of goons, while bees sting him from the darkness.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The nasty boys start a good old fashioned donnybrook.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The tightest, most planned episode in the podcast's history.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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We mostly talked about Shadow of the Erdtree beforehand so y'all don't have to hear all of that. Also, we fight in the basement some more.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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We played some pathfinder in between talking about Fromsoft games.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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Listen to this while you play the new DLC, we all know that's what you're going to be doing anyway.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The tightest episode in our history.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The crew engage in jolly idiocy.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The crew wander aimlessly and debate the ethics of destroying public property.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The crew learn more about what's going on with Father John and make headway in new biological endeavors.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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It's pikachu.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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I couldn't think of a better tite, blame Andrew cause its funnier that way저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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Title is pretty self explanatory, I think.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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The crew finish the fight, finally felling their foul foe.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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Get in there.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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Aqua.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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Do it, Ragathiel is for lames anyway.저자 The Campaign Notes Podcast
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