Investigating a world that isn't just stuff.
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Neuroscientist and author David Eagleman discusses how our brain interprets the world and what that means for us. Through storytelling, research, interviews, and experiments, David Eagleman tackles wild questions that illuminate new facets of our lives and our realities.
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Cosmopod is the official podcast of Cosmonaut Magazine, a project dedicated to expanding the project of scientific socialism in the 21st Century. In our feed we have a combination of podcast episodes and audio articles from our website.
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Cosmo po-russki – это общественно-правовая медиапрограмма для русскоязычных жителей Германии. Наши новости, репортажи и интервью помогут Вам больше узнать о немецкой жизни и друг о друге. COSMO po-russki – öffentlich-rechtliches Mediaprogramm für Russischsprachige in Deutschland. Nachrichten, Infobeiträge und Interviews für Communitymitglieder, die mehr über deutsches Leben und übereinander erfahren wollen.
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A fellowship of planetarians discussing all things spacey and sci-fi...with drinks. Hosted by Brandon Riddle, Liz Davison, and Mike George
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Capire meglio la politica tedesca, vivere in Germania più informati? C’è COSMO italiano: un tema al giorno, approfondito con fatti e prospettive diverse. Il podcast per italiani in Germania e non solo. Die deutsche Politik besser verstehen, in Deutschland leben und top informiert sein? COSMO italiano ist genau was du brauchst: ein Thema pro Tag, aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven vertieft. Der Podcast für die Italiener:innen in Deutschland und nicht nur.
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Persönliche Geschichten zur #IranRevolution aus Deutschland. Weil die Themen Feminismus, Empowerment und Kampf um Demokratie dort, uns auch hier bewegen.
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Welcome to the official Cosmonaut Variety Hour RPG podcast! Enjoy the ongoing adventures in the Star Wars universe and our unique D&D world!
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COSMO po polsku – podcast dla Polaków w Niemczech. Na poważnie i na luzie: informacje, porady, spotkania z ciekawymi ludźmi, miejsce na rozmowy o ważnych dla nas sprawach. Tu jesteś u siebie! COSMO Polnisch – ein Podcast für Polen in Deutschland. Mal ernst, mal locker: Infos, Service, spannende Gäste, ein Ort für alles was uns in Deutschland wichtig ist. Hier bist Du zu Hause!
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magnanimous bros && ⚡high voltage ho's _______________୧_( . ° = ° )_୨____________ ___________________))__))_________________
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أخبار ألمانيا في سطور من يوم الإثنين الى يوم الجمعة و لقاءات شيقة حول الجالية العربية في ألمانيا يومياً ما عدا السبت والأحد Ihr findet hier von Montag bis Freitag die wichtigsten Nachrichten und Informationen zum Leben in Deutschland. Wir stellen jeden Tag interessante Persönlichkeiten und wichtige Institutionen der arabischen Community vor.
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It's our look at the latest news and trends in pop culture with our Discover Pods Awards nominated two weekly shows and bonus programs. One of Podbean's recommendations for Summer Podcasts!
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兩個斜槓酒學講師講酒聊吃玩餐搭 分享日常中的美酒知識及美食體驗 葡萄酒×日本酒×啤酒 知識輕鬆講|台灣×日本 美食餐廳推薦|餐酒搭配 Firstory ∗ KKBOX ∗ Spotify ∗ Apple Podcast ∗ SoundOn ★ Facebook | 餐桌小宇宙 Cosmos. Instagram | de3cosmos Email | ★ 喝酒邊喝緩衝水,明天起床不宿醉。 未滿18歲請勿飲酒 ∗ 理性飲酒 ∗ 形象至上 ∗ 喝酒不開車 ∗ 開車不喝酒 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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A podcast about all things music and space.
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Cosmologia e Teologia no mesmo universo
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The Pop Culture Cosmos and the PCC Multiverse cover the latest news and trends in pop culture with Josh Pederson and Gerald Glassford giving you the latest info on what's going on in the world of movies, television, video games, sci-fi, comics, e-sports, consumer electronics, sports, anime and so much more! With a wide variety of guests we interview from all around the world sharing their thoughts on pop culture, our shows (Two episodes released weekly) help you keep up to date on what every ...
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Peace ☯️ Love ❤️ & Light ✨. Mostly enlightenment mixed with a quarter of Ratchet. Channeling Positivity only ! 🧝🏾♀️😊
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Discussions from stars. Music, Art, Truth.
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JOIN US EVERY DAY FOR A NEW PODCAST, invite your friends to this podcast and go on this journey into the Cosmos with us. Pull up a chair and grab your favorite cup of brew, while we start Unveiling the Mysteries, Secrets, Realms & Dimensions of Yahweh's Cosmos and beyond. Learning to Live our Life out of the Celestial City of Zion as " Light Men/Woman Seated in Christ Yahshua (Jesus). "" I AM ALSO ON SPOTIFY' We are engaging the Seven Spirits of Yahweh' as they are tutors revealing Ancient p ...
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Alemania no es fácil. Nosotros lo sabemos y por eso cada semana intentamos con la ayuda de expertos y otros migrantes traducir Alemania. Un espacio para migrantes hecho por otros migrantes. Deutschland ist nicht einfach. Wir wissen das, und deshalb versuchen wir jede Woche, Deutschland mit Hilfe von Experten und anderen Migranten zu verstehen.
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Über fünf Millionen Menschen in Deutschland leiden unter Depressionen. Beinahe Jede*r kommt in seinem Leben selbst, im eigenen Umfeld oder durch Popkultur damit in Kontakt. Trotzdem wird wenig über Depression und psychische Gesundheit gesprochen. In "Danke, gut – der Podcast über Pop und Psyche" trifft Miriam Davoudvandi Personen des öffentlichen Lebens, um das zu ändern.
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Connection to the Cosmos with Dr. Lisa Thompson explores ”out of this world” topics with a wide range of fascinating guests. All things galactic, extra-dimensional, and other worldly will be up for conversation, story telling and exploration. For even more information and new events, please join me on Facebook. ”The truth is inside you.”
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Escucha este podcast y muchos más en o en las apps de iVoox para iOS, Android o Windows Phone.
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Music from Cosmonostro and the NOw FUTUR DJs. Archive available at
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Welcome to COSMONAUT, where amazing things happen.
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COSMONAUT One of the first electronic music artists who has been successfully pulling in big crowds all over Eastern Europe and Russia. For over two decades his mission has been to transport the masses to a vivid alternate realm of electronic music. His DJ and production career started in early 90s followed by several releases and a global success of the tracks "Plasma" and "Boctok5" (Transient rec. UK, 1997) secured leading positions in the TOP 10 of the Paul Oakenfold's chart (DJ Mag's #1 ...
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Every Tuesday on the CosmoFactory podcast: Discover the latest innovations along the cosmetics and personal care supply chain. Hear thought-provoking conversations with top beauty industry experts from around the world. Learn about next-level solutions and find inspiration to turn your own ideas into industry-changing innovations. A PRODUCTION OF Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna CosmoFactory is the first podcast from Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna—the most important beauty trade show in the world. D ...
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Podcast de cultura. Una vez por semana, desde París, Axel y Javier comentan lo que leen, ven y escuchan, cruzando disciplinas, jerarquías y fronteras. De Foucault al pochoclo, todo se discute. ¡Cosmopoditas del mundo, uníos!
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Channel ini akan berisi mengenai pendapat dan kegiatan yang sekiranya bisa menjadi hiburan untuk kalian semua
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A journey to the other side of the cosmos. How hard can it be?
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Podcast by Revista Cosmocápsula
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Bienvenue dans la sphère des Cosmogirlz. Ici, on parle beauté inclusive, bien-être au féminin et actions solidaires pour un seul et même objectif : aider les femmes à retrouver confiance en elles !
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Programa radial en formato podcast que trata sobre temas de Ciencia y Tecnología centrados en la Astronomía y Ciencias del Espacio.
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Dj Cosmokolor Electronic Music Podcast
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Hey there, dreamers! I'm a London gal with a heart as big as the city, and ambitions that reach for the stars. I'm all about manifesting your best life, and I'm here to share my secrets. I'm a reiki master and a total astrology and metaphysics nerd, but don't let that fool you. I'm also a badass businesswoman in finance, ready to take on the world. I've learned that with a little bit of magic, a lot of ambition, and a whole lot of heart, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Want to ...
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Podcast by Cosmogeek Podcast
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Black! Brown! Queer! Mehr BIPoC und queere Perspektiven im öffentlichen Diskurs: Alle zwei Wochen besprechen die Hosts Zuher Jazmati und Dominik Djialeu Themen, die sie oder die Welt gerade bewegen.
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The Cosmos In You's mission is to have a deeper understanding of the universe so that we can in turn have a deeper understanding of ourselves. It explores the deeper questions, "Who are we?" and "Why are we here" through the lens of scientists, philosophers, artists and future thinkers. If you like On Being podcast, you will enjoy this podcast as it explores similar concepts but through a scientific lens.
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an English language podcast about everything Saint Seiya! we discuss the news on the franchise in the English speaking world, discussions of the franchise, and a breakdown of episodes of the new CGI series, the original 1986 series, and everything in between. You can listen to the show right from our website: follow and participate with us at, on Bluesky at, Join our discord at https://disco ...
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Welcome to the Cosmo twins podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Histoires inventées/improvisées avec Côme, né en janvier 2004.
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Especialistas em nada falando sobre TUDO. É só aqui. Com Lincoln Lubrese, AJ Castillo, Maria Isadora e Luiz Porto.
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Cosmology Group's official podcast. Please check back throughout the semester for updates.
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"Desde el Sur: explorando el Cosmos" es un programa que nació allá por el 2005 y que emitió Radiokosmos de México por varios años. Los temas que tratamos están centrados en la Astronomía y las Ciencias del Espacio, aunque siempre hay lugar para comentar sobre tecnología, algo de especulación pero siempre con un estricto rigor científico. Colabora con el programa Daniel Migueles, tanto en la edición como en los temas y musicalización.
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Sports Marketing and Sponsorship
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رحلة المرأة الألمانية هي رحلة مجتمع بأكمله نحو التغيير. من الطماطم إلى الطموح، ومن القمع إلى القيادة. هذه القصة ليست مجرد حكاية نساء، بل هي شهادة على قوة الإنسان عندما يرفض الاستسلام. هذا الموضوع من إعداد وتقديم: داريه فرمان & نهى سلوم저자 Darya Farman
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Sławomir Sochaj rzuca nowe spojrzenie na tzw. Ziemie Odzyskane. W niesamowitej podróży po mapach, krajobrazach, filmach i serialach, literaturze i nauce autor pomaga nam zrozumieć tożsamość ludności na tych ziemiach i formułuje postulaty, jak obchodzić się z kolonialną historią Ziem Odzyskanych. Książkę “Niedopolska” omawiają Natalia Prüfer i Adam …
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Le interviste del venerdì. Oggi con Antonietta Zeoli. In occasione della Giornata internazionale dell'educazione, parliamo con la preside del Wim-Wenders-Gymnasium di Düsseldorf, per anni rappresentante degli insegnanti con origini straniere del Nordreno-Vestfalia e autrice del libro: "Wenn Ragazzi sagen: Mamma schreib' ein Buch". Zeoli ci racconta…
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Conocer las diferencias culturales es vital para evitar equívocos en el trabajo. ¿Cómo interactuar con los compañeros o con el jefe? ¿Cómo participar en las reuniones? Responde Pilar Salamanca, catedrática y experta en comunicación intercultural.저자 Ruben Gomez del Barrio
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Немецкая национальная кухня соперничасет с насекомыми в шоколаде и побеждает. На крупнейшей в мире сельскохозяйственной выставочной площадке за первые три дня побывали 100 000 человек. Впервые после пандемии на ярмарке представлены все федеральные земли Германии.저자 Elena Wosowik
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Liebe, Sex und Revolution - mit Gilda Sahebi und Shila Behjat
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Warum wird der weibliche Körper in Iran politisch so massiv unterdrückt? Welche Schlupflöcher haben sich die Mullahs für “legale Prostitution” geschaffen? Und wieso werden Homosexuelle in Iran hingerichtet, aber Geschlechtsangleichungen staatlich gefördert? Darüber spricht Host Shanli Anwar mit den Journalistinnen Gilda Sahebi und Shila Behjat. Lie…
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PCC Multiverse #417- Academy Award Nominations, More Switch 2 Talk, And Is Bad Star Trek Still A Must Watch For Trekkies?
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The PCC Multiverse is back as Melinda and Gerald go over the 2025 Oscar Nominations in all the major categories and give an early feel on who might be the front runners and who we felt got left out. Plus, they also cover the It Ends With Us drama with the battling lawsuits, and with Star Trek's latest Section 31 getting horrible reviews, does Melin…
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PCC Multiverse #417- Academy Award Nominations, More Switch 2 Talk, And Is Bad Star Trek Still A Must Watch For Trekkies?
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The PCC Multiverse is back as Melinda and Gerald go over the 2025 Oscar Nominations in all the major categories and give an early feel on who might be the front runners and who we felt got left out. Plus, they also cover the It Ends With Us drama with the battling lawsuits, and with Star Trek's latest Section 31 getting horrible reviews, does Melin…
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Zal gets into a fight while the others explore the Inferno Plaza.
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Come journey with me to The Cosmos and engage Yahweh
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Niemcy z bliska: Merz i Tusk kontra Trump? Pieniądze dla Polonii
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Czy duet Donald Tusk i Friedrich Merz może być europejską odpowiedzią na Donalda Trumpa? Czy Niemcy i Polska mogą zdecydować o europejskiej polityce wobec USA? Gościem Tomasza Kyci jest Janusz Reiter, były ambasador Polski w Niemczech i w USA. Ponadto dr Magdalena Telus z centrum KoKoPol o tym, kto dostał dwa miliony euro przeznaczone na naukę języ…
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L'energia eolica in Germania fra miti e promesse elettorali
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Si parla poco di cambiamento climatico, in questa campagna elettorale tedesca, ma molto di eolico: sia Merz, leader CDU, che Weidel, leader del partito di estrema destra Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), promettono di smantellarle una volta arrivati al potere. Eppure l'eolico copre un terzo del fabbisogno energetico tedesco. Guardiamo a dati e sfa…
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Come journey with me to the the cosmos and see his goodness
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I lavoratori in Germania si mettono troppo spesso in malattia?
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Secondo i dati dell'OCSE, in Germania i lavoratori si mettono malati più spesso che in qualsiasi altro Paese, ce ne parla Giulio Galoppo. A questo si aggiungono risultati di un'indagine che rileva una scarsa motivazione sul posto di lavoro, più bassa di quella italiana. Lo psichiatra Francesco Cuniberti ci parla dei fattori di stress che possono in…
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Come journey with me to the cosmos and become like your God
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In this episode, Brandon discusses the double life of planet J1407b. *Always Drink Responsibly* Follow Us! Twitter: @drinkingcosmos Instagram: @cosmoswithcosmos Blue Sky: @cosmoswithcosmos Credits: Eric Skiff - Resistor Anthems Stars Background Vid Credit - Josu Relax http://relaxing-site.890…
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Цены на жизнь продолжают расти быстрее заработных плат. Жизнь среднего класса в Германии больше не назовешь радужной. Люди все чаще отказывают себе не только в приятных мелочах, но и по более крупному счету.저자 Elena Wosowik
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Finały WOŚP 2025 w Niemczech: gdzie i kiedy zagra Orkiestra?
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Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy gra w Niemczech! Monika Sędzierska zaprasza na podróż po finałach WOŚP w Berlinie, Frankfurcie, Hanowerze, Oberhausen, Wuppertalu i wielu innych miastach. Poznaj niemieckie sztaby. Sprawdź, gdzie zagra Orkiestra, jakie atrakcje czekają na uczestników, co będą licytować i dlaczego warto dołączyć. KONTAKT: cosmopop…
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No alla verifica dei fatti per contenuti fuorvianti o falsi, sì a insulti espliciti a donne e minoranze: Zuckerberg si posiziona al fianco di Trump e Musk e annuncia una svolta per Facebook, Instagram e Threads negli Stati Uniti. Giulio Galoppo ci spiega i dettagli. In Germania sempre più istituzioni tedesche lasciano X. E di odio in rete e influss…
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Ingredients from the Colombian Amazon, featuring Cary-O Co-Founder & Managing Director Camilo Bueno
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Rainforest conservation is an under-leveraged opportunity when it comes to cosmetic and personal care ingredient sourcing. There are however, ambitious suppliers working to ensure that sustainable wild harvesting is not only environmentally beneficial and economically feasible but also a reliable source of high-quality effective beauty care ingredi…
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…저자 Cosmonaut
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Come journey with me to the cosmos and engage the love of God
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Beth Ward is a dynamic catalyst for transformation, dedicated to awakening the boundless potential within others. With her rare ability to dissolve perceived limitations, Beth transforms barriers into bridges of insight, innovation, and profound personal evolution. Her lifelong, conscious connection with extraterrestrial beings has gifted her with …
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Однажды Полина Сергеева напечатала на майке рисунок своей маленькой дочери. Выяснилось, что одежду с забавными фигурками готовы носить и дети и взрослые. Так родилась дизайнерская марка. Мы поговорили с Полиной о тонкостях печати на ткани и о том, как стать предпринимателем с нуля.저자 Elena Wosowik
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Come journey with me to the Cosmos and engage Yahweh
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Ep88 "Might there exist very different kinds of minds?"
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Why is it so difficult to define intelligence? What does this have to do with being a fish in water trying to describe water? Might we humans possess one kind of intelligence in a constellation of many other types? And what does this have to do with empathy, AI, and our search for extraterrestrial life? Join Eagleman with guest Kevin Kelly as they …
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Pop Culture Cosmos #438- Switch 2 Thoughts And Our Most Anticipated For 2025!
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Josh and Gerald have returned to delve even further into the Nintendo Switch 2 reveal and discuss the future viability of the console upon its expected 2025 release. Plus the guys go into what they are looking forward to this year in TV. movies, and video games with Marvel and DC again at the top of the list. Plus will GTA 6 actually be a thing thi…
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Togliere la cittadinanza tedesca a chi commette reati?
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Fa discutere la proposta del leader CDU Friedrich Merz di revocare la cittadinanza tedesca agli stranieri con doppio passaporto che commettono crimini, ce ne parla Giulio Galoppo. Ma è possibile farlo in Germania? E riguarda anche i cittadini europei? Abbiamo girato questa e altre domande al costituzionalista Francesco Palermo dell'Università di Ve…
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Pop Culture Cosmos #438- Switch 2 Thoughts And Our Most Anticipated For 2025!
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Josh and Gerald have returned to delve even further into the Nintendo Switch 2 reveal and discuss the future viability of the console upon its expected 2025 release. Plus the guys go into what they are looking forward to this year in TV. movies, and video games with Marvel and DC again at the top of the list. Plus will GTA 6 actually be a thing thi…
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Come journey with me to the cosmos and experience, God's love
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Come journey with me to the Cosmos and engage Yeshua
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Satyryczny podcast "à propos" Klubu Polskich Nieudaczników tym razem o otwarciu nowej polskiej ambasady w Berlinie, sposobie na uratowanie świata, nieoczekiwanym znalezieniu 53 milionów Marek, końcu legalnego wyrzucania ubrań i nakazie picia mleka. Uwaga! Satyra! Może zawierać treści! Instagram a_propos_satyra:…
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In this episode, the Fellowship discusses space pizzas…. Or accretion disks and planet formation around stars. Grab a drink and join us! *Always Drink Responsibly* Follow Us! Twitter: @drinkingcosmos Instagram: @cosmoswithcosmos Blue Sky: @cosmoswithcosmos Credits: Eric Skiff - Resistor Anthems…
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PCC Multiverse #416- CES 2025, Gerald's Best Of Pop Culture, And It's #2 For Switch, Severance, and Squid Game!
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Melinda and Gerald are back for 2025 as they get you up to speed with what's going on in the world of pop culture. So sit back and listen in on what's trending including what was hot (and not) at CES, the official announcement of the Nintendo Switch 2, the return of Apple TV's Severance, and Netflix's Squid Game as some of the best on those streami…
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PCC Multiverse #416- CES 2025, Gerald's Best Of Pop Culture, And It's #2 For Switch, Severance, and Squid Game!
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Melinda and Gerald are back for 2025 as they get you up to speed with what's going on in the world of pop culture. So sit back and listen in on what's trending including what was hot (and not) at CES, the official announcement of the Nintendo Switch 2, the return of Apple TV's Severance, and Netflix's Squid Game as some of the best on those streami…
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Przez lata była symbolem niemocy, dziś jest symbolem sukcesu. Budynek nowej polskiej ambasady po 25 latach zmian koncepcji, politycznych przepychanek i wstydu powrócił do centrum Berlina. „Polska ma wreszcie w Berlinie wizytówkę swojej nowoczesności i swojego sukcesu” – mówił szef dyplomacji Radosław Sikorski. Więcej w podcaście Macieja Wiśniewskie…
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دور النساء في إعادة الإعمار: من ألمانيا إلى رواندا وسوريا
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إعداد وتقديم: داريه فرمان & نهى سلوم لا سلام مستدام بدون النساء.” هذه المقولة، التي أكدت عليها الأمم المتحدة مرارًا وتكرارًا، تعكس الحقيقة العميقة التي قد يغفل عنها الكثيرون في أوقات الحروب والنزاعات. فبينما يظل الرجال في مقدمة الخطوط الأمامية، تأتي النساء في خلفية الحرب كقوة دافعة نحو إعادة البناء والنهوض…
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Estrema destra: dopo Italia e Austria tocca alla Germania?
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In Italia da oltre due anni governa un partito, Fratelli d'Italia, che non ha mai reciso le sue radici neofasciste. A Vienna il prossimo cancelliere sarà con ogni prpobabilità Herbert Kickl, un estremista anche per i parametri di un partito di ultradestra come la FPÖ. E in Germania alle elezioni del 23 febbraio l'AfD rischia di ottenere un risultat…
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Come journey with me to the Cosmos and engage Yahweh
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¿Te imaginas viajar entre el pasado y el presente y visitar lugares que dieron forma a la movida cultural de Berlín en español? Acompáñanos a descubrir personas y lugares que nos conectan con la lectura y la escritura en la capital alemana.저자 Alejandra Lopez
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È entrata in vigore la riforma degli ospedali tedeschi voluta dal ministro Karl Lauterbach (SPD), che dovrebbe garantire migliore qualità ma porterà anche alla chiusura di centinaia di ospedali in Germania. Cosa cambierà, quali sono i motivi, i timori e le critiche? Ce ne parla Agnese Franceschini. E in un ospedale tedesco lavora il dottor Gian Mar…
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Come journey with me to the Cosmos and engage Yahweh
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《跑步不要聽》Apple Podcast 台灣排行榜 跑步分類長期第一名 主持人:體育主播「魁哥」田鴻魁 + 六大馬六星跑者「象總」 跑步不難,難的是穿上跑鞋離開家門的那一刻。 你不需要很厲害才能開始,你要開始才能變得厲害。 讓《跑步不要聽》陪你一起訓練、一起獨推、一起歡樂、一起感動! —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ① 餐桌小宇宙年前閒聊 ② 日本高知縣「酔鯨酒造」歷史背景與脈絡 / 中心思想 / 酒藏介紹 ③ 「醉鯨 純米吟醸 山田六十」介紹:規格 / 風味 / 特色 / 品飲 / 搭餐 ➃ 台灣就有代理商,不用擔心喝不到 【酔鯨酒造株式会社】 ☑︎ 土佐蔵:日本高知県土佐市甲原2001-1 ☑︎ 長浜蔵…
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Our heroes commune with the gods.
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В Берлине состоялась премьера спектакля Denk ich an Freiheit in der Nacht. Это истории людей, отбывавших наказание в тюрьмах Германии, Украины, России… О работе над спектаклем рассказывают его создатели – режиссер Константин Франк и актриса Татьяна Гололобова.저자 Elena Wosowik
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La Germania è stata e resta una delle mete più ambite per gli italiani che vogliono cercare un lavoro, costruirsi una nuova vita e a volte reinventarsi. Abbiamo raccolto le esperienze, idee e opinioni dei nostri connazionali sulla ricerca di lavoro in Germania. E vi raccontiamo in particolare la storia dell'artigiano-imprenditore Luca Modanese a Co…
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Come journey with me to the Cosmos and engage King Yeshua
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We all know and love Skinwalker Ranch—perhaps the most haunted place in the Western hemisphere. But what other places in the world are akin to it, if any? Could it be that there is another Skinwalker Ranch somewhere in the world? Could it be somehow even more terrifying than the original? Did you know that supporters of the show at our Sasquatch Ph…
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Emitido el 14 de enero de 2025, puede descargarlo desde aquí: - Explorando un cometa oscuro O escucharlo aquí: Tratamos los siguientes temas: - Explorando un cometa oscuro. - Eternos viajeros. - Cómo la humanidad descubrió que todos estamos hechos de “materia estelar”. - La Estación Espacial Internacional lleva cinco años sufriendo fugas. Temas mus…
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