Book Of Mormon 공개
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show episodes
Join me as I cozily enjoy The Book of Mormon one chapter at a time, every Monday and Wednesday! I make jokes, add insight, context, and (hopefully) further understanding. Come for the goofy jokes and the casual atmosphere... stay for the neat gospel truths in every chapter.
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This Podcast is designed to dig deep and uncover the extraordinary content found within the Book of Mormon. Each episode takes a close look at elements, evidences, facts, and revelations in the book which not only give us a look at ancient Egyptian and Pre-Columbian history and culture, but also point to the incontrovertible fact that the Book of Mormon is a true and authentic history, translated by the gift of God through the efforts of a very young Joseph Smith, presented to the world for ...
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“The Book of Mormon: A Master Class” is a free course focused on helping you come closer to Jesus Christ by seriously study the Book of Mormon. This course will also help you better understand the doctrines and storyline in the Book of Mormon as well as its overarching patterns and themes. In addition, this Master Class will help you learn a variety of study skills that will increase your ability to gain insight from scripture. You will also learn about significant works of Book of Mormon sc ...
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This is a reading of sacred scripture, The Book of Mormon. As you listen, please ponder and take action on the words of one of the authors of this book, the prophet Moroni. Moroni 10:3-5 "Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hear ...
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Complete audio recording of The Book of Mormon. I welcome your feedback and hope you'll share your own feelings or experiences reading The Book of Mormon, or even of listening to this recording. "...if there are faults they are the mistakes of men." (Title Page, Book of Mormon) Contact me directly at Also available: Doctrine & Covenants audio @ This podcast will never be monetized.
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The Book of Mormon (Restoration Edition) is the culmination of many hours of labor over almost three years by a body of contributors whose sole motivation was to produce the most correct and complete version of the book. We hope you will enjoy the complete work, now available in audio format.
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The Book of Mormon is a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible. It is a record of God’s dealings with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas and contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel. Experience The Book of Mormon in audiobook format. This provides the ability to skip to your desired chapter, and bookmark where you left off, all within the same file.
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Book of Mormon Verse by Verse is a daily podcast that progresses through the Book of Mormon one verse at a time. Each episode contains analysis of the given verse, footnotes, and spiritual insights of the host. Hosted by Jason Hamilton
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Book of Mormon History provides easy access to current research for personal study. Study and learn the authentic context of the people, places, culture, language, and translation of the Book of Mormon through the eyes of scholars and researchers. Our mission is to bridge the gap between research and believers. Our vision is to foster a thriving belief in the historicity of the Book of Mormon and its translation. We value scholarship to help studies through a simple delivery.
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Hi, my name is Russell Brunson, and I want to welcome you to the Book of Mormon challenge. Recently I spent a small fortune and purchased one of the original 5000 copies of the book of mormon that Joseph Smith originally printed.. I did it because I had been treating this sacred book lightly... and I wanted to make it special again to me and my family... As Ezra Taft Benson said... there is a power in the book which will begin to flow into your lives the moment you begin a serious study it. ...
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Let's read The Book of Mormon! Reading The Book of Mormon for the first time can be confusing. This podcast will offer a guided tour of The Book of Mormon to help newcomers understand what they are reading. The Book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ and has blessed the lives of millions and millions of people. Find the truth of it yourself and read The Book of Mormon
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Book of Mormon with Ryan is a podcast by LGBTQ+ Mormons that explores the intersection of our Mormon faith, upbringing, and culture with the experience of growing up and living as an LGBTQ+ individual. Each episode includes the reading of a single chapter of The Book of Mormon followed by a discussion of how the concepts and stories in that chapter apply individually to the reader and more broadly to our community. While this podcast focuses specifically on the LGBTQ+ community, we hope othe ...
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Youtube channel: The Book of Mormon as seen through the eyes of an engineer (my professional training). This does not mean I focus on engineering aspects of book - although these occasionally surface - but rather, it means that things must make sense, people must behave rationally, and things will usually be what they appear to be. Although the primary audience will be members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (formerly ...
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Book of Mormon Prophecy

Avraham Gileadi, Ph.D., the Isaiah Institute

The Book of Mormon contains many prophecies of the time immediately before the coming of Jesus Christ to reign on the earth. Many of these prophecies are based on the words of Isaiah. Nephi, Jacob, and Jesus use his words as a point of reference to describe an endtime scenario. That scenario depicts the pivotal role Latter-day Saints will perform in restoring the house of Israel—the Jews, Israel’s Ten Tribes, and the Lamanites. Serving as spiritual kings and queens under the terms of the Dav ...
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Book of Mormon Review

Book of Mormon Review

Our purpose here at Book of Mormon Review is to share the magnificent and timely message of the Book of Mormon in its own words, to the best of our ability, along with the context of the message it contains. Accordingly, we will be including relevant history and evidence (from different and sometimes opposing angles), and also cross-referencing the Bible and other contemporary records. Our goal is to share its message in a way that lets it speak for itself and builds bridges of understanding ...
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show series
This episode, we read Mosiah 16—in which Abinadi finishes off his epic speech to King Noah and his lackeys. After all that he has said—the wicked priests are without a doubt sinners. They know their sins and now Abinadi's mission is completed. Insert fist pump here. Let me know what you learned! Resources to read along for yourself: (free c…
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This episode, we read Mosiah 15, in which Abinadi keeps spittin truth at the wicked priests of King Noah! This time, he gets into some more atonement stuff (what it is, what it does), and also (and more importantly), just who it is that will inherit the Kingdom of God. (Hint: I'm tryna be in that group!) Let me know what you learned! Resources to r…
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This week, we read Mosiah 14, in which Abinadi continues his tradition of quoting the Old Testament at the wicked priests of King Noah—he quotes a whole chapter of Isaiah! Which, you guessed it, is all about Jesus and how crazy and amazing and perfect He was. What a guy. Let me know what you learned! Resources to read along for yourself: (f…
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This episode, we read Mosiah 13—and Abinadi is letting the wicked priests of king Noah HAVE IT. He's protected by God (like Nephi is that one time that L&L try to kill him), so he's untouchable. He quotes the BIBLE at em, dude. Let me know what you learned! Resources to read along for yourself: (free copy on the web) Book of Mormon app down…
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Known aa the Articles and Covenants of the Church of Christ, Doctrine and Covenants 20 contains the foundational history, beliefs and ordinances of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Parts of Doctrine and Covenants 20 were given by revelation, and other parts came from a close study of the scriptures, particularly the Book of Mormon. …
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This episode, we read Mosiah 12—where Abinadi, in the face of an angry king who totally wants him dead, mouths off against his closest advisors. Abinadi is totally dead, but WOW does he go out with a bang. Let me know what you learned! Resources to read along for yourself: (free copy on the web) Book of Mormon app download Gospel Library ap…
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This episode, we read Mosiah 11 and are introduced both to King Noah, a famously wicked and self-serving king; AND Abinadi! A famously brave and bold prophet. Let's see how these two headstrong folks clash, shall we? Let me know what you learned! Resources to read along for yourself: (free copy on the web) Book of Mormon app download Gospel…
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The Book of Mormon had now been fully translated, and the brethren were tasked with the challenge of getting it published. But that was no simple feat; the type- setting and the actual printing of 5,000 copies was an enormous ...and very expensive job and suddenly, the effort to form a new church was becoming very serious and very real. How was thi…
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This week, we read Mosiah 10—in which the Lamanites get salty at the Nephites for the same old reason, and the Nephites put them back in their place. They have the power of God with 'em—the Lamanites never had no chance. Let me know what you learned! Resources to read along for yourself: (free copy on the web) Book of Mormon app download Go…
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This episode, we begin the record of Zeniff! AKA get ready for a ton of backstory on the people of Limhi. Y'all already KNOW I love me some good backstory. This one's a good one. Let me know what you learned! Resources to read along for yourself: (free copy on the web) Book of Mormon app download Gospel Library app download Support the show…
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While Joseph Smith was busy working on the Book of Mormon and getting ready for its publication as well as the formal organization of the Church, Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer, on the occasion of the revelation known as the 18th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants, received their own commissions from the Lord. Their task was to search out and …
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This episode, we take a gander at Mosiah 8. We peek into the interactions between the Zarahemlites and the Jaredites—and Ammon hooks King Limhi up with King Mosiah, who can translate the Jaredite plates for him! Why does he want them translated? Listen and see.... ooooooo.... Let me know what you learned! Resources to read along for yourself: LDS.o…
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This episode, we follow a group of Zarahemlites to find some of their homies that left to re-settle some of their older lands. At first, they're faced with threats, but once King Limhi learns who they are, they're welcomed with open arms. Good times! Let me know what you learned! Resources to read along for yourself: (free copy on the web) …
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The story of the three witnesses to the Book of Mormon is a fascinating one. Not only were the circumstances surrounding the wonderful vision amazing, but the three men themselves each have a story to tell, and their remarkable lives serve as an additional testimony to the truth of the Book of Mormon.…
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In this chapter, we wrap up King Benjamin's speech, and his son Mosiah is crowned king (making King Benjamin... well, just Benjamin). Luckily, Mosiah is a righteous dude! What a homie. Let me know what you learned! Resources to read along for yourself: (free copy on the web) Book of Mormon app download Gospel Library app download Support th…
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This episode, we read Mosiah 5—and we talk about the checkbox mentality, about the natural man, and about loving God. King Benjamin is awesome, y'all. Not sure that was clear yet. If it wasn't, it's definitely made clear in this episode. Let me know what you learned! Resources to read along for yourself: (free copy on the web) Book of Mormo…
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The 10th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants deals with the Loss of the 116 pages of the original Book of Mormon manuscript and the plans and designs of those who stole it...and how the Lord subverted those plans two thousand years ago. Drama and Intrigue and the best laid plans of the Satan could not stop the work.…
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This episode, we sink our teeth into Mosiah 4.... probably one of my very favorite chapters in all of the Book of Mormon. It's just packed with neato insights as King Benjamin lays out discipleship in simple terms for his people. King Benjo is quite the helpful guy 🤙 Let me know what you learned! Resources to read along for yourself: (free …
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The arrival of Oliver Cowdery was an answered prayer for Joseph Smith. He had asked the Lord for a scribe and Oliver arrived three days later. His contribution was invaluable and together they finished the translation in just two months. but there was...and there is always... more to the story!저자 Mark Swint
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This episode, we get King Benjamin's own Jesus prophecy! He talks about the details of Jesus' coming, but also talks about sin, righteousness, and what people can do to reject the natural man and come closer to God. Let me know what you learned! Resources to read along for yourself: (free copy on the web) Book of Mormon app download Gospel …
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In this chapter, we begin King Benjamin's famous address! A very strong start, I might add. This episode is definitely worth the listen if you want to hear about the definition for the verb "to list" (the boat kind, not the organized person kind). Good times! Let me know what you learned! Resources to read along for yourself: (free copy on …
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This episode, we begin the BOOK OF MOSIAH AAAAAA no no, I'm not jumping out of my seat. That must've been you. Anyways, we read about King Benjamin (who Mormon properly hyped up) and his end-of-life plans (aka proclaiming his son to be king in front of everyone). Good stuff! Let me know what you learned! Resources to read along for yourself: LDS.or…
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This is the extraordinary story of Moroni's visit to Joseph Smith on only the second heavenly visit he received. He was still young, (Just 17years old), and had no plans at the time, to form a new church, but the things the angel told him then would unalterably change his life, and the world forever. Please join me for this special episode.…
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In this episode, we zoom forward in time to 400s AD to hear some thoughts from our dear curator and abridger Mormon! He's got some handy dandy lil words of wisdom—in addition to a full and proper hyping up of King Benjamin, who we will soon hear from. Let me know what you learned! Resources to read along for yourself: (free copy on the web)…
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This chapter, we get to read from five different people in the span of one chapter! We get the last thoughts written in the Small Plates of Nephi before we move on to reading the larger plates! Also, my history buff (and linguistics buff) majorly come out in this episode, it's lots of fun. Let me know what you learned! Resources to read along for y…
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We step back from the Doctrine and Covenants for just two weeks so that we can review the Joseph Smith History as found in the Pearl of Great Price. This personal account , written by the prophet himself, will give us a better understanding of the times and the pressures that were mounted against the young prophet during the first steps of the rest…
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Ever wonder why the Book of Mormon begins in 600BC? Why specifically then...that year? What was happening in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Egypt at that time? Was it just a lucky decision by Joseph Smith to pick that particular year? Join us on this inaugural episode and find out the answer to this and many other fascinating questions and evidences found…
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