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バイリンガル帰国子女 Emily と Ami が最近の気になるトピック、帰国子女・留学生としての人生経験、ちょっとどうでもいい日常会話などを99%英語でお届けします! __________ Send us requests, questions, or comments here: IG: / @teamflowusa
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show series
Being a student can be fun and exciting - but it can also be overwhelming and stressful. In this episode, we talk about our mental health in college and suggest some ways to manage it better as a uni student. I hope you guys like the new video format! See y'all again soon. :) __________ Send us requests, questions, or comments here! IG: @bilingual.…
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百均は神!! 今エミリー(日本在住)がアメリカから欲しいものとアミ(アメリカ在住)が日本から欲しいものを紹介するよ!アメリカ・日本のお土産を買うときに参考になると幸いです。😊 Here is a list of things Emily (in Japan) wants from the U.S. and Ami (in the U.S.) wants from Japan. __________ Send us requests, questions, or comments here! IG: / @teamflowusa
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Happy (Early) Valentine's Day!! 💌 英語で使える口説き文句や言われたらキュンとするフレーズを紹介するよ! We’ll introduce some common pick-up lines and ways to flirt in English. (Plus some personal discussions of what we seek for in a bf. 😅) Hope you all have a great Valentine's Day regardless if it's with your significant other, friends, or even family! __________ Send us requests, q…
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We watch a loooot of YouTube. And we mean A LOT. エミリーとアミのおすすめユーチューバー、ポッドキャスター、インスタグラマーをご紹介します! Here are some of our favorite YouTube channels, podcasts, and Instagram accounts that you can follow to learn English and/or keep up with current events! YouTube: The Take, Moderngurlz, Barbie, Drunk History, LDShadowlady, Vixella, Ted Ed Podcast: Freakon…
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Have you ever thought about how often LGBTQIA+ is talked about in each country? Is gender conformity stronger in Japan or the USA? 今回のトピックはLGBTQIA+。LGBTQIA+の意味や日本・アメリカの観点から見るセクシュアルマイノリティの現状についてお話しします。 We compare how the LGBTQIA+ community is viewed in Japan and the USA. *Our discussions are purely based on our personal experience and opinions. あくまで…
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In Japan, the topic of periods is seen as taboo. How about in the USA? アメリカと日本の生理用品と生理・月経のタブー視について話します。 This episode will cover different period products, their pros and cons, and public views on menstruation from Japanese and American cultural perspectives. __________ Send us requests, questions, or comments here! IG: / @teamflowus…
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Olivia Rodrigo who? Congrats to Emily for acquiring her Japanese driver's license! アメリカでの免許の取り方、日本とアメリカでの運転の違いについて話すよ! We talk about the process of getting your license in the USA, as well as some tips and tricks for driving. Learn about how different driving in Japan and the US can be! Happy (and safe) driving! :) 🚙 __________ Send us requests, qu…
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Has anyone tried a cheeseburger with no cheese? 😶 今回のエピソードはファストフードについて。注文中に使えるフレーズ、アメリカの独特なファストフード文化などについてお話します! Learn about useful phrases for ordering and cultural differences between fast-food chains in the US and Japan. __________ Send us requests, questions, or comments here! IG: / @teamflowusa…
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Happy New Year, BB listeners! 明けましておめでとうございます。🙇‍♀️ 私たちが今年中にやってみたいことをまとめたよ! Here are 22 things we want to do/try in the year 2022. __________ Send us requests, questions, or comments here! IG: / @teamflowusa
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! アメリカのクリスマスと新年の迎え方について深掘りしていきます。✨ Here is an episode dedicated to how we spend Christmas and New Years in the USA. 🎄 今年はこのポッドキャストも始められて充実した一年となりました。 Thank you all for supporting our podcast. We will be back and better than ever in 2022! See you next year. ;) __________ Send us requests, questions, or comments here…
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Living with other people can be... interesting. 今回はアメリカと日本の寮・アパートに住んだことのある私たちの経験についてお話しします。🏘 Listen to our recent experiences living in a dorm and apartment in Japan and in the USA, as well as our own advice for you if you are thinking of having roommates! We apologize for the recent inactivity... We hope to get back on track soon. Thank you all fo…
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Today is all about jammin' to your fav songs. エミリーとアミの好きな音楽!! We talk a bit about our current fav songs, songs that are trending in the US, ways to study English by listening to English music, etc. 聴いてみてね!;) **The song "It's Not Living (If It's Not with You)" is by The 1975 (not by The Neighbourhood!!!), which is another one of my favorite bands. I…
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Answering questions we have received in the past few months! リスナーさんから頂いた質問に答えて行くよ~。 Listen to our life updates and responses to comments from YOU! __________ Send us requests, questions, or comments here! IG: / @teamflowusa
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みんなが憧れるアメリカンライフ...って安全なの?アメリカと日本の治安を比較するよ。✌ One thing stopping you from traveling abroad (aside from COVID and... laziness?) might be your concerns about the country's public safety. Today, we will talk about the overall safety level of the United States and Japan. __________ Send us requests, questions, or comments here! IG: / @tea…
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Things you SHOULD and SHOULDN'T do in the U.S.! Learn about tipping, parties, driving, and girl code. 今回はアメリカに行く前に知っておくべき暗黙のルールやエチケットについて話します。 __________ Send us requests, questions, or comments here! IG: / @teamflowusa
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様々な状況でスムーズに会話を進めるためのおすすめ英語フレーズを紹介します! Our episode today will be an introduction of English phrases you can use to strike up a natural conversation with your friends or strangers. Have a good day! :) __________ Send us requests, questions, or comments here! IG: / @teamflowusa
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SUMMER TIME (finally)!! 今回は長すぎるアメリカの夏休み、エミリーとアミの summer bucket list、オリンピックについてお話しします。皆さんはこの夏休み、どう過ごしますか? Please stay safe! __________ Send us requests, questions, or comments here! IG: / @teamflowusa
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What's more exciting than talking about food? We can honestly talk about it forever... but here's a 40 min version. アメリカの食生活、エミリーとアミのおすすめのお菓子、レストラン事情などについてお話しします。 __________ Send us requests, questions, or comments here! IG: / @teamflowusa __________ P.S... For those of you who listened until the very end, thank you! From this episo…
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Introducing... our moms!!! 海外歴10年以上のエミリーママとアミママがスペシャルゲストで参加!海外駐在妻としての経験についてお話ししてくれました。 They talk about their experience as a mother living and raising children abroad. *日本語多めのエピソードとなっております。Mostly in Japanese! __________ Send us requests, questions, or comments here! IG: / @teamflowusa…
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Just kidding, we survived off of sweatpants back in high school... But let's not talk about it. 最近のアメリカのファッショントレンドや、日本のファッションとの違いについてお話しします! __________ Send us requests, questions, or comments here! IG: / @teamflowusa
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We love the TikTok app... most of the time. アメリカのTikTokは日本のTikTokと違うところがあるんです。今日は「アメリカンTikTok」とそのいいところ・悪いところについて語ります! __________ Send us requests, questions, or comments here! IG: / @teamflowusa
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現在アメリカではコロナウィルスの影響でアジア・太平洋諸島系米国人(AAPI)に対しての差別・ヘイトクライムが増加しています。先月にはジョージア州で銃撃があり、複数人のアジア系アメリカ人の女性が犠牲となりました。今回のエピソードでは、歴史あるAAPIの差別、#StopAsianHate運動、私たちの経験・個人的な意見についてお話しします。 Here are some extra sources you can access to learn more about Asian hate crimes and support the #StopAsianHate movement. ↓ - Anti-Asian Violence Resources - Stop AAPI Hate - AAPI …
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