Interviews with Biblical Scholars about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member!
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15 minute daily Biblical studies to help you get excited about Jesus and to learn how the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation is ALL about Jesus! Enjoy these conversational style studies.
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Old and New Testament lectures as well as Redemptive Historical studies
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Dr. Nijay K. Gupta engages with the latest biblical scholars and scholarship.
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The Center for Biblical Studies Podcast is a podcast of the Center for Biblical Studies at Midwestern Seminary hosted by Quinn Mosier and Dr. Andreas Köstenberger.
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God only gives us the next step so that we can learn to fully rely on Him. Will you trust His plan even when it doesn’t make sense?저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Michael Visontay, "Noble Fragments: The Gripping Story of the Antiquarian Bookseller Who Broke Up a Gutenberg Bible" (Scribe, 2024)
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1:00:33One hundred years ago, Gabriel Wells, a New York bookseller, committed a crime against history. He broke up the world’s greatest book, the Gutenberg Bible, and sold it off in individual pages. In 1921, Wells’ audacity scandalized the rare-book world. The Gutenberg was the first substantial book in Europe to have been printed on a printing press. It…
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At times we may think that God won’t be able to use us when our lives are full of bad decisions and failures. Join us as we learn how God was still able to accomplish His mission through the messy life of Samson.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Often times our lives take detours and things don’t turn out the way we hoped, but never forget that God uses everything for the good of those who love Him.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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It’s easy to get discouraged when we look at our past and our imperfections, but God often uses the least likely to fulfill His divine purpose.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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If God’s way was easy, it would defeat the purpose of needing to trust in His power. Join us as we learn about the "impossible" victory God gave Gideon and his men.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Peace is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ! May we learn to trust His sovereign way.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Faith is the catalyst for God to do unexpected things in your life. Won't you trust Him?저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Do you feel left out or unworthy? Join us as we discover one of the most important criteria that God uses when calling us to do His will.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Our assurance for the future is found at the cross! It is only through Jesus that we can have peace.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Sejong Chun, "Paul’s New Creation: Vision for a New World and Community" (Lexington Books, 2023)
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30:10In Paul’s New Creation: Vision for a New World and Community (Lexington Book, 2023), Sejong Chun presents inter(con)textual readings of Paul’s new creation passages from the perspective of the Korean immigrant church in America. Chun focuses on Paul’s new creation’s cosmic dimension and ecclesiastical character and proposes the ekklēsia as a tangib…
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God is faithful to His promises! Just like Caleb received His inheritance after 45 years, so we too, will received the Promised Land because, through His blood, Jesus purchased our inheritance. TRUST HIM!저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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It’s easy to forget about God when our problems seem too big for us, but just like the Lord fought for Israel, He will also fight for you if you let Him. "If God is for us, who can be against us?”저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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God can take even our worst failures and turn them into blessings if we surrender to Him. Be courageous! Let God fight the battle.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Our strength does not come from the wisdom or might of man, our strength comes solely from the God of our salvation. May we learn to rely wholly on Jesus, our Divine Leader.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Arthur Jan Keefer, "Proverbs 1-9 as an Introduction to the Book of Proverbs" (Bloomsbury, 2020)
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25:45How does Proverbs 1-9 function as a prologue or introduction to Proverbs 10-31? Arthur Keefer argues that Proverbs 1-9 teaches interpretive skills for explaining Proverbs 10-31 by instilling the competence required to understand this material. Join as we talk with Arthur Keefer about his book Proverbs 1-9 as an Introduction to the Book of Proverbs …
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Are you entering uncharted territory in your life? Do not be afraid! The Lord goes ahead of us and promises to be with us every step of the way.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Luke Woo, "The Spatiotemporal Eschatology of Hebrews: Priestly Participation in the Heavenly Tabernacle" (T&T Clark, 2024)
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24:43Does the eschatology of the New Testament concern only temporal realities? By exploring the heavenly tabernacle motif in Hebrews, Luke Woo demonstrates that spatial realities are also a vital aspect of the Bible’s message. He suggests that Christ, in his resurrection and ascension, enters an actualized, heavenly tabernacle, which allows believers t…
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Have you ever felt like an outsider? Join us as we learn how God used Rahab, an outsiders, for His glory.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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God doesn't promise that we won't go through scary situations in our life, but He does promise to be with us when we go through them.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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God's faithfulness to His covenant is the root of our faith. Whenever we become fearful, remember Deuteronomy 33:27 - "underneath are the everlasting arms."저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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When we become fearful of the present and the future, rememebr to look to the past. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross gives us hope for the future. Woo Hoo!!저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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We empower that which we give energy to. God invites us to trust His plan, choosing faith over fear!저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Jesus calls each and every one of us by name. He loves us and wants to be with us for all of eternity. Rejoice in the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ!저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Join us as we find out the real reason why Jesus came to this world and died on the cross.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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The wages of sin is death, but Jesus paid for it and therefore, He is able to offer us eternal life.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Angela Roskop Erisman, "The Wilderness Narratives in the Hebrew Bible: Religion, Politics, and Biblical Interpretation" (Cambridge UP, 2024)
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15:53What is the function of the wilderness narratives for understanding the Pentateuch and Israel and Judah’s historical experience? Drawing from literary and historical criticism, Angela Erisman creates a synthesis to offer a novel journey through the narratives of Exodus and Numbers. Join us as we speak with Angela Erisman about her recent book, The …
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Often times we get worried and stressed because life doesn’t make sense, but God sees the bigger picture and asks us to trust Him.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Jesus was rejected by the Father so that we may never have to be. His Love transcends all understanding.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Jesus promised to return for us. Even though no one knows the exact hour, we are all invited to walk in His Presence every single day.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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If you believe in Jesus and accept His grace, there is nothing to fear for the future. He will deliver you.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Jesus is the only thing that can save us. He loves us very much and wants us to accept His grace.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Joel M. Rothman, "The Cosmic Journey in the Book of Revelation: Apocalyptic Cosmology and the Experience of Story-Space" (T&T Clark, 2023)
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21:02Cosmology and cosmic journeys play a significant role in biblical and extra-biblical texts, especially in apocalyptic narratives. What about for the book of Revelation? The answer is yes. Join us as we speak with Joel Rothman about his recent book, The Cosmic Journey in the Book of Revelation: Apocalyptic Cosmology and the Experience of Story-Space…
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Bernd U. Schipper, "The Hermeneutics of Torah: Proverbs 2, Deuteronomy, and the Composition of Proverbs 1–9" (SBL Press, 2021)
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1:27:32This revised and extended English edition of Bernd U. Schipper's 2012 German study of Proverbs incorporates the results of his continued research and writings on Proverbs. For nearly a century, many biblical scholars have argued that the main theological traditions, such as the divine law, God's torah, do not appear in the book of Proverbs. In The …
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We invite you to accept Jesus as the King of your life. He loves your very much and wants nothing but the best for you.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Jesus came to pay the penalty of death so that we may not have to experience eternal seperation from Him.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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On the Book of Psalms: Exploring the Prayers of Ancient Israel by Nachum Sarna
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35:58In this episode we delve into one of the most profound and enduring works of sacred poetry: the Book of Psalms. Emotional and spiritual, joyful and despairing, triumphant and trembling with terror, the psalms have given voice to humanity's deepest yearnings for millennia. These timeless prayers and hymns have offered solace, inspiration, and a path…
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Constantine R. Campbell, "Basics of Verbal Aspect in Biblical Greek" (Zondervan Academic, 2024)
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51:27Verbal aspect in the Greek language has been a topic of significant debate in recent scholarship. The majority of scholars now believe that an understanding of verbal aspect is even more important than verb tense (past, present, etc.). Yet there still are no alternative accessible textbooks, both in terms of level and price. In the second edition, …
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Why does marriage exist? Join us as we dive into the Scriptures to find out.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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When we realized that the whole Bible points to Jesus, we start to see a more complete picture of Him.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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The more we allow God in our lives, the more He reveals himself to us. He is patient with each and every one of us.저자 Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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