Bible Questions 공개
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Bible Questions Podcast

Have you ever wondered why you are here on this earth? Do you have questions about God, Jesus or religion in general? During each episode, we will answer your Bible questions and give you answers directly from the Bible. We will also give you the book, chapter and verses to reference and read for yourself.
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Bible Questions/Bible Answers

Bible Questions/Bible Answers

How do we handle contradictions? Is everyone going to be saved? Do I HAVE to go to church? Isn’t the Bible just like the Qur’an? Aren’t the Muslim and Christian God the same? A preacher and teacher of theology aims to answer the tough questions you have! So bring your questions, and come away with Bible Answers!
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Loving the people we know and appreciate can be hard work in general, never mind loving our enemies. There is so much emotion involved in loving others, and let’s face it, sometimes even those we appreciate can act in ways that cause us aggravation! When it comes to how we are to treat ALL of those around us – whether we like them or not – Jesus ta…
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In this episode, Alan Hitchen joins us as we discuss the Truth from Jesus on the choices we must make in our life, that will determine our eternal destiny. We will discuss: Eight choices we must make in our life The Narrow path leading to Life Teachers and Prophets Two Disciples Our own Will or God's Will…
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Back in school, many teachers would base our grade for the class on the final exam. The more details the teacher gave on what would be on the test, the better prepared we could become. As humans, all of us will face a final exam on the Day of Judgment and fortunately, we have the Master teacher, Jesus who prepares us through the Word to be ready fo…
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In this episode, we answer some Bible questions that we received at our website: ( over the last few months. We selected questions that you may not have heard before. Some of the questions we will answer: Are there verses that have more than one correct interpretation? In 1 Peter 2:5, what exactly are the spiritual sacrifices tha…
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In this episode, we continue our examination of the life of the Apostle Paul, who was an exemplary Christian and is a great example for us today. We will look at his life and see where we might be able to emulate him. We will consider how Paul: Was steadfast Was strong in the Faith Was content in all circumstances in life Had a proper perspective F…
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In the book of Proverbs, it says a friend loves at all times. So, what does that really mean? Jesus called his followers “friends.” This should give us a sense of its importance. Marriage can and should be between friends. Brotherhood in Christ should be fertile ground for forging deep and powerful friendships. It turns out, there is a lot to this …
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In life, we often look at the example of others and try to copy their best qualities. An exemplary Christian that is a great example for us today, is the Apostle Paul. In this episode, we will examine Paul’s life as a Christian and compare ourselves with his life and see where we might be able to emulate him. We will consider how Paul: Was complete…
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Have you ever wondered what happens after we die? What does the Bible teach on this important subject? In today's episode, we will look at some Bible questions that have been submitted to our web site, on the Afterlife. Some of the questions we will answer: Where did the souls of those under the Old Testament go when they died? W…
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In our last episode about God’s vengeance bringing the end of the world as we know it, we examined several Old Testament prophecies that pointed to how God’s vengeance works in the dismantling of all vestiges of our present and sin-ridden world. When these dramatic prophecies are focused on without the context of the rest of God’s character, they a…
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Today, we look back to the Top 10 Episodes of 2024. This ranking is based on the total number of listeners for each of the episodes that aired throughout the year. We will count backwards from 10 to 1, and provide a brief overview of each episode, along with info on how to find the episode if you would like to listen to it.…
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If we take a look around us, what we see can be confusing. On the one hand, we live in a time where science, technology and medicine are incredibly advanced. Billions of people throughout the world hold the world in their hands with their smart phones. That’s amazing! We are creating artificial intelligence that can solve problems and do research. …
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In this final episode on our special series on prayer, we discuss how the fervent prayer of a righteous man. We will discuss: James 5:16 and how the effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much Examples of what prayer has accomplished in the lives of God’s people The greatness of God’s power and how it works in prayer God’s conditional p…
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The vision on the Mount of Transfiguration was one of those magnificent events in the life of Jesus that gives us some insight into just how remarkable his earthly ministry was. This vision had everything – it had Jesus’ very appearance changed to one of brightness and glory. It had the appearance of two Old Testament powerhouses who were talking w…
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In this episode we will discuss the importance of making sure we are asking according to God's will when praying. We will consider the following: How everything God has told us to pray for in the Scriptures is “according to His will" The prayer of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane Examples of prayers from Abraham and Joseph Asking "Amiss" when maki…
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There are several scriptures in the Bible that really capture our imaginations. The account of Jonah and the great fish is one, Elijah being taken up in a whirlwind is another. One more of these is the account of the disciple Philip when he was instructed by God to find an Ethiopian man on a deserted road and witness the gospel to him. After this a…
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In this episode, we will discuss the importance of asking according to God's will when praying. We will consider the following: The real purpose for prayer How we know if something we pray for is God’s will or not Praying with boldness God's conditional promises offered through prayer…
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Many know the story of Jacob wrestling with an angel. When we just drop in on the account and read what happened, there are many unanswered questions. Why would you pick a fight with an angel anyway? Why would an angel even let you fight? Couldn't the angel have overwhelmingly defeated Jacob even before the altercation began? What could possibly be…
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In this episode we will discuss the important principle of properly giving thanks when praying. We will consider the following: Monitoring the content and feelings in our prayers to become more conscious of our spiritual health Danger signs that anyone who is praying should be watching for Passages of scripture that teach us what God sees as the no…
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We have all heard the saying, “Life is what you make it!” It is usually at the approach of a new year or a birthday or some landmark life event when we turn our focus inward. We think about changes we would like to make. Normally, these changes are aimed at finding a greater measure of happiness, health or fulfillment in our daily lives. So, what s…
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In this episode we will discuss what the Bible teaches us about how we should approach God in prayer. We will consider the following: How our life of prayer needs to be an expression of our love for God How we approach God in prayer reveals the very heart of our admiration, devotion and love to God Examples of prayers in the Bible (Moses, Daniel, D…
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When Jesus came to earth 2,000 years ago, he came to pay the price for Adam’s sin by willingly offering himself as a just and equal ransom price to redeem Adam - and therefore the entire human race - from sin and death. To prepare for his coming as a man, God sent the angel Gabriel to deliver preparatory messages to John the Baptist’s father Zachar…
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In this second study on prayer, we will examine what our responsibilities are in prayer and will consider the following: Why all of our interactions with God must begin with submission, and obedience Reasons why the Lord will not hear our prayer The important of learning how to pray If God knows what we need, why does he want us to ask for them? Wh…
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Jesus was here 2,000 years ago. His message was clear, as he had come to pay the price for Adam’s sin. He preached, he healed, he called some to follow him, and he gave people hope. Jesus called himself “the way, the truth and the life” and announced that the “kingdom of God was at hand.” Fast forward 2,000 years, and we have to ask, where are we? …
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Evangelist Alan Hitchen joins us for a series of studies on prayer. In this initial episode of the series, we will consider the following: The importance of good communication skills when speaking to God Those who learn to listen to God can draw near to him in friendship while those who refuse to listen become estranged from Him The listening probl…
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How does someone become a follower of Christ? Does it begin by becoming curious about this Jesus person and all of the world-changing influence he has? Perhaps we are living in fear and are searching for a kind of security that is different and higher than anything else we know. Maybe we’re overwhelmed with despair in our lives, and we’re searching…
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This is our 250th episode! Thank you to our listeners in over 160 countries around the world, we appreciate your support! For this episode, we chose a unique subject where we will consider questions that are rarely submitted to our web site or that the religious world tends to never consult the Bible about. Some of the questions we will discuss: Do…
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This may sound like an oversimplification, but we’re going to say it anyway: God is intentional. He always knows what He is doing and what it will eventually lead to. While this knowledge should serve as a great comfort to us, it can, because of our limited and imperfect minds, have the exact opposite effect. We may see things in the Bible that on …
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One of the most important, wonderful, and misunderstood topics in Christianity is that of grace, especially God’s grace extended to sinful humanity. This includes controversies over: Will God save everyone (“universalism”) Will God arbitrarily save a select few (“predestination”) Do we need to do anything initially to receive God’s grace and be for…
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Life is forever busy. Whether it’s a holiday season or tax season or baseball season or following this, that and the other influencers on social media, we always have too much to do and not enough time or energy to do it. With all of this being said, how often do we stop and think about being generous? You know - just giving of our time or resource…
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In this episode, we discuss the subject of Gratitude, which according to the Oxford dictionary is "the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” Unfortunately, in our world today, there are many selfish people who lack the proper gratitude or thankfulness that the Bible teaches we should have. We will di…
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Doing God’s will should be a given for any and every Christian. After all, the mere fact that we are called "Christians" implies that we follow in Jesus’ footsteps and are therefore obliged to do God’s will as Jesus did God’s will. While this all sounds pretty straightforward, the big question has to do with knowing. How do we know what the will of…
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Over the years, there have been many errors that have crept into the Lord’s church. Some of these errors have been around since the first century and others have come into the church over time. In this episode, we will examine some of these doctrines and see what the truth is according to the scriptures. We will discuss: Our responsibility to test,…
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Every Christian will tell you that Jesus is the embodiment of righteousness, compassion and mercy. We all agree that his impact on the world came through his uncompromising actions of selfless love that led to sacrificing himself as a ransom for all of humanity. Couple these actions with his words of encouragement and uplift to any and all who woul…
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Evangelist Alan Hitchen joins us again to discuss other aspects of the kingdom of heaven, such as how We are citizens of the eternal kingdom of heaven. Jesus is King and we are his servants God delivered us from the darkness and brought us into His kingdom We are the temple, and Christ is the chief cornerstone At the end, this kingdom will be deliv…
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The Old Testament Law given to Moses after Israel’s deliverance from Egypt was filled with rituals and sacrifices. All of this was designed to teach God’s people two very basic principles. These principles are fundamental for any civilization that seeks to perpetuate itself. The first principle is to comply with righteous and just rules that transc…
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Evangelist Alan Hitchen joins us in this to discuss the kingdom of heaven. In this episode, we will discuss: What is the kingdom of heaven mentioned in the Bible The kingdom which shall never be destroyed How we are in the kingdom now How the kingdom is eternal biblequestions.org저자
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Demons are scary. Not only are they mysterious, but they are also powerful beyond our human capacity. In our last episode, we mentioned scriptures that assure us they are restrained in “chains of darkness.” While this condition does limit them, they can still exert great influence on our world - and on individuals as well. We know Jesus cast many d…
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What happened during the period of time between the Old and New Testament? There is a gap of approximately 430 years in the Bible narrative between roughly 435 and 7 B.C. In this episode, we will explore what history tells us occurred during these "silent years" that the Bible does not say much about. We will consider: The Rise of the Macedonian (G…
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The world is such a confused place. For many, discussing evil spirits is fascinating, as looking into dark mysteries beyond our world can be a thrilling and adrenaline-packed ride. For Christians, such conversations are entered into with a fear and respect, as we are speaking of dark and evil things beyond our realm and understanding. It is therefo…
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What is truth? This is a question that Pilate asked Jesus and is a common question for mankind in general. Many feel that the Truth is subjective and ever-changing. What does the Bible say about this? In this episode, we will consider: Moral Relativism and Situation Ethics Changing the meaning of words The shift in beliefs by generation What is the…
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When we read the Bible, it sometimes appears to say things that just don’t make sense. Think about the scripture that plainly says God did not want the Apostle Paul to preach the gospel in Asia. Why not? Jesus told his disciples to preach the word throughout the world. Didn’t Asia count? This apparent discrepancy can stimulate all kinds of question…
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Many in our modern, high-tech world view the Bible as quaint, old-fashioned, or not relevant today. That includes the closely related concepts of absolute truth, right and wrong, as well as “sin” In this episode, we will answer questions that have been submitted over the years to our website ( about sin. Some of the questions we …
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By definition, being a Christian is all about following in Jesus’ footsteps. It’s all about learning how to walk the walk and talk the talk that he himself lived. Of course, this is no easy task, as we are challenged with applying the life lessons he taught us 2,000 years ago to the very different lives we live in our present digital age. As differ…
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Over last several years, we have seen a general moral decline in America and in world overall. How do we as Christians deal with what we see going on in our society today? In this episode, we will discuss: How mankind has been wicked in every generation What causes people to think and act the way they do? How should Christians conduct themselves? H…
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“Tell the truth!” For many of us, we can recall that strongly stated advice as coming from our parents when we were caught doing or saying something that we shouldn’t have. The immediate dilemma was obvious. If I tell the truth, then I’m going to get in trouble. If I lie or just tell a part of the truth, I may get away with it. But what if they fou…
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After creation, "God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good" (Gen 1:31). Then Adam and Eve sinned and as a result of their sin, God pronounced a curse. Evangelist Alan Hitchen joins us to discuss: What did the curse mean for mankind? What happened to God's creation after the curse? How are we affected today by the curse? We an…
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To many Christians, the fear of an eternal place of torment for unbelievers is very real. In the first four parts of this Hellfire Series, we addressed many of the sources of these fears one at a time. What we have seen is straightforward. First, the concept of "unquenchable fire" comes from the Old Testament and simply means a fire of destruction …
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Baptism is a subject that is one of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted in the Bible. There are many good questions that have been submitted over the years on this subject, so we thought we would share a sampling of these questions. Some of the questions we will answer: If John the Baptist was baptizing "for repentance and remission of sin - …
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Morality can be a tricky thing. For the most part, humans do want to behave in a moral fashion. The tricky thing is figuring out how to actually define what qualifies as "moral behavior" and what does not. As Christians, this task of defining is supposed to be easier than for most, because we have God’s word as our clear foundation for our moral pr…
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Have you ever heard the Bible has hundreds of contradictions that clearly show it was written by fallible men and is not God’s inspired word? Have you ever been confronted by a person pointing out something seemingly wrong with the Bible and didn’t know how to respond? Have you ever discovered what you think is a contradiction and don’t know what i…
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