Barbara Rainey mentors women in their most important relationships. She loves encouraging women to believe God and experience Him in every area of their lives.
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Men and women deal with life, it’s trials, transitions and triumphs, differently. Over the years of being on the radio with FamilyLife Today I had the privilege to talk about many of these common seasons of a woman’s life with our huge listening audience. We’ve pulled the best of the best for you to download and listen according to your need of the moment. I hope you will listen, pass them on to others and be encouraged by these conversations!
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Teenagers are sometimes headstrong and over-confident. Dennis and Barbara Rainey say there's a reason God gives parents to teens. The Raineys help you navigate the choppy—and rewarding—waters of the teen years.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Learning from Mistakes in Marriage: Episode 2 Beyond the Fairytale: 10 Rules for a Marriage that Lasts
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19:20No marriage this side of glory is perfect. Dennis and Barbara Rainey are joined by Bob Lepine to help you avoid repeating mistakes and instead turn them into something that will strengthen your relationship. What You’ll Learn in this episode: The Importance of Understanding: Discover why getting to the heart of why something affects your spouse is …
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Marriage is for More Than Happiness: Episode 1 Beyond the Fairytale: 10 Rules for a Marriage that Lasts
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17:12How can a couple invest in a marriage that lasts? It starts by gaining the right perspective. And, contrary to popular belief, the ultimate purpose of your marriage is not to make you happy. Dennis, Barbara, and Bob cover the first two rules. Fun Fact from the Episode: Did you know? Early in their marriage, Barbara assumed Dennis could fix things j…
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Have you thought about the fact that you can choose to be grateful regardless of your circumstances? Barbara is joined by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, author of Choosing Gratitude: Your Journey to Joy.저자 Barbra Rainey
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Over and over in the Scriptures, God makes it clear that He loves the orphan, and that He expects His people to do the same. Dennis and Barbara Rainey outline five ways we can care for what the Bible calls "the fatherless."저자 Barbara Rainey
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No marriage this side of glory is perfect. Dennis and Barbara Rainey are joined by Bob Lepine to help you avoid repeating mistakes and instead turn them into something that will strengthen your relationship.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Unanswered prayer…a difficult trial…life just plain different from what you would like? These can result in disappointment with God. Dennis and Barbara Rainey explain why it happens and what to do about it.저자 Barbara Rainey
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As followers of Christ, we're called to be His ambassadors. We represent Him. Barbara helps us remember our homes are embassies of the King. 00:00 Believes home reflects heavenly kingdom, welcomes visitors. 06:16 Embassies reflect their home countries inside out. 08:18 Home is a refuge and the King's embassy. 10:37 "Subscribe for Barbara’s ebook an…
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Contrary to popular belief, the ultimate purpose of your marriage is not to make you happy. Dennis and Barbara Rainey are joined by Bob Lepine to talk about it.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Parents think a lot about what their children need. In this top ten list, Dennis and Barbara Rainey point out that kids have emotional and spiritual needs that parents should consider, too, as they hone their parenting skills.저자 Barbara Rainey
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When your grown child marries, it can be difficult to find the right balance between under- and over-involvement in the new couple's life. Dennis and Barbara Rainey offer helpful advice in this conversation with Bob Lepine.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Growing Older Without Becoming Old, Part 6 Navigating the Big Losses
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29:23If you don't approach growing older with intentionality, the losses you face in life can threaten to derail you. Dennis and Barbara Rainey help you navigate major losses like the unexpected loss of a loved one, and more.저자 Barbara Rainey
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How can we do a better job of representing the significance of Jesus' death and resurrection in our Easter celebrations? Barbara Rainey explores both "why" and "how" we can celebrate our Savior's Resurrection.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Most families don’t have traditions in place that help them prepare for Easter. Barbara Rainey hopes to change that. She and Dennis discuss one way to help children look for Bible clues that point to Jesus during the weeks leading up to Easter.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Popular depictions of romance often fall short of reality, especially once we're married. Dennis and Barbara Rainey are joined by Bob Lepine to talk about two important ingredients in order for romance in marriage to flourish.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Growing Older without Becoming Old - Building Endurance
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17:01Dennis and Barbara Rainey want to live out their sunset years with intentionality and purpose. And they want to help you do it, too. Barbara can look back and see how God has grown endurance in her. Can you?저자 Barbara Rainey and Dennis Rainey
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Every marriage faces pressure. The question is how you handle it. Dennis and Barbara Rainey give thoughtful pointers on the Biblical idea of walking wisely and redeeming the time.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Gratitude is a heart habit we need to cultivate. Discover some of the ways Dennis and Barbara Rainey have nurtured thankfulness in their family as a part of their Thanksgiving traditions.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Women tell Barbara Rainey and Susan Yates that they experience a wide range of emotions when they move from having children in the home to the empty nest. Barbara and Susan describe those feelings and what to do with them, in a conversation with Dennis Rainey and Bob Lepine.저자 Barbara Rainey
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When Dennis and Barbara Rainey still had children living at home with them, God arranged an amazing object lesson. Listen to the story of Sweet Pea the parakeet, and how Dennis and Barbara were able to encourage one of their teens.저자 Barbara Rainey
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What were some of the thoughts and emotions going through Barbara's mind in the days before she got engaged to Dennis Rainey? She explains in this interview with the Raineys' good friend, Dr. Michael Easley.저자 Barbara Rainey
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As a representative of the King of kings, you have an important assignment. Dennis and Barbara Rainey discuss that mission.저자 Barbara Rainey
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As followers of Christ, we're called to be His ambassadors. We represent Him. Barbara helps us remember our homes are embassies of the King.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Interrelational conflict. Financial difficulties. Culture wars. Political turmoil. We live in times of upheaval that can easily send us into a tailspin. Dennis and Barbara Rainey join Bob Lepine in the studio to point us to the One who is the stability of our times.저자 Barbara Rainey
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A gummy bear attack at the Sea of Galilee? A contest to find the three most important trees in the Bible? A historical piece of paper containing Barbara Rainey's favorite hymn in the composer's handwriting? It's all part of the Rainey family's recent "field trip" to Israel. Dennis and Barbara continue sharing highlights.…
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A Rainey Field Trip Like None Other With Our Grandkids
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35:59If we're not careful, we can easily forget that the events recorded in the Bible happened within the context of specific times and places. Dennis and Barbara Rainey and their family took some concrete steps to battle that tendency. Hear about their recent visit to Israel.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Have you ever thought of the Bible as a love letter from God to you? Barbara Rainey uses poetry to share the grand, overarching story of Scripture, with Jesus as the Hero.저자 Barbara Rainey
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You know Easter is important to Christians. But what can you do to raise its importance in the eyes of you and your family? Barbara Rainey gives practical ideas for ways you can elevate Easter.저자 Barbara Rainey
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True intimacy grows as you get to know the person you love better. And, according to Dennis and Barbara Rainey, a great way to get to know each other better is by asking (and answering) good questions. In this episode, hear more about the power of a well-asked question.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Sometimes the difficulties of life seem unbearable. They can even cause us to question our faith. In this episode, Barbara Rainey shares from her personal experiences and from the Bible to help cultivate hope when you're facing disappointment with God.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Couples long for greater intimacy in marriage. But often romance is difficult. In this episode of The Barbara Rainey Podcast, Barbara and Dennis are joined by Bob Lepine to examine how we can move from disappointed love to committed love, even in the midst of life's everyday challenges.저자 Barbara Rainey
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In a day when verbal meanness seems to be at an all-time high, Barbara Rainey encourages parents to train their children to be thankful. Learn three reasons gratitude matters.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Barbara Rainey shares in this episode, "I think we vastly underestimate the fears that we bring into marriage. All of us come into marriage with fears. Therefore, it takes time to expose those fears, because it’s a risk to do so. It takes time to work toward that place of being unashamed. It doesn’t ever totally go away, because it won’t until we g…
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Letters to My Daughters: Weathering the Storms in Your Marriage
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23:14Trials and difficulties are a given in any marriage. Dennis and Barbara Rainey offer couples Biblical, practical advice for how to weather the storms and grow stronger in the midst of suffering.저자 Barbara Rainey
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You know, as we enter the empty nest—and we sort of have been feeling this as our kids become teenagers—but our relationships are changing. Our marriages are in different places. My marriage was very different as we approached the empty nest than it was when we began our marriage. We were two very different people after twenty-five, thirty years th…
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Barbara and Dennis were good friends, but just friends. And she was content to keep it that way. Find out what changed her mind.저자 Barbara Rainey
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When you've been married for a half century, you learn a few things about life and marriage. In this episode, Dennis and Barbara Rainey share some of the lessons they've learned. Listen in, for highlights from a message they shared with couples on the 2022 "Love Like You Mean It" cruise.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Just about everywhere we turn, we see the harmful effects of a world that has lost its grip on absolute truth. How can we guard against the thinking that truth is whatever you make it to be? Barbara Rainey believes an important safeguard against relativism is telling stories that show how truth matters. In this episode of The Barbara Rainey Podcast…
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On Pentecost we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. But who is the Holy Spirit, really? Barbara Rainey helps us understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Dennis and Barbara Rainey say one simple habit will help any marriage grow stronger—praying together. Every day. Find out why it's so vital, in this episode of The Barbara Rainey Podcast, from Ever Thine Home.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Everyone is leaving a legacy to those who follow, for good or bad. And mothers are no exception. In this episode of the Barbara Rainey Podcast, Dennis, Barbara, and their daughter Ashley explore the powerful concept of the legacies moms pass on to their children and grandchildren.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Ever since the Hebrew children escaped slavery in Egypt, the Jewish people have celebrated the Passover. In this episode of the Barbara Rainey Podcast, Barbara points out a few of the ways the Passover meal points to Jesus and the events surrounding Easter. Hear ideas for how you can bring those details into your own celebration.…
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What are some of the practical life skills parents can help their teens develop as they anticipate leaving home for the first time? Dennis and Barbara Rainey answer that question in this podcast episode.저자 Dennis and Barbara Rainey
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What are some of the practical life skills parents can help their teens develop as they anticipate leaving home for the first time? Dennis and Barbara Rainey answer that question in this episode of the Barbara Rainey Podcast.저자 Barbara Rainey
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It's common for people to define love only in terms of our feelings. But how does God define authentic love? That's what Dennis and Barbara discuss in this episode. (Includes a portion of this song: L-O-V-E, Natalie Cole, Unforgettable: With Love ℗ 1991 Craft Recordings., Distributed by Concord.)저자 Barbara Rainey
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All through the Scriptures we see glimpses of God's heart for orphans. In this episode, Dennis and Barbara Rainey share five ways we can obey the command to care for the fatherless.저자 Barbara Rainey
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At Christmas, we spend a lot of time thinking about the gifts we'll give and receive. But have you stopped to think about the gift God gave you? In this episode, Dennis and Barbara Rainey reflect on how John 3:16 really is a beautiful Christmas verse. Note—includes portions of these songs: "God So Loved (Live)," We the Kingdom, Live At the Wheelhou…
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Whether you're in the habit of celebrating Advent each year or not, Barbara Rainey says there are good reasons to do it. Find out what Advent means, in this episode of Ever Thine Home with Barbara Rainey.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Christian wives want to do all they can to help their husbands be all they can be. It can be difficult, though, to take a step back and allow him to lead in the marriage. Barbara Rainey offers practical advice for wives who want to grow in this area.저자 Barbara Rainey
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Newlywed couples go through a season of new experiences and adjustments as they settle into marriage. In this episode, learn from some of the ways Dennis and Barbara Rainey had to adjust to one another.저자 Barbara Rainey
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