This is the official, authoritative, inspired podcast of the Babylon Bee. Join editor-in-chief Kyle Mann for a look at weekly highlights, discussing the spiciest topics of the times, the stories behind the stories, and a behind-the-scenes look at the inner workings of America's most trusted source for Christian news satire.
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Leo und Josi wollen besseren Sex. Und sind fleißig auf der Suche. Egal, ob als Alleinerziehende Mutter, die ihr Sexleben zwischen Kind und neuer Beziehung jongliert oder als Ende Zwanzigjährige, die sich nach wilden Singlejahren total verknallt hat – die Lust kommt im Alltag oft viel zu kurz. Nach über 130 Folgen haben Isa und Maya den beiden “Neuen” warmen Herzens die “Oh, Baby!” Community übergeben. In den rund 45-minütigen Episoden nehmen Leo und Josi kein Blatt vor den Mund und sprechen ...
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Und nichts ist mehr so wie es war. Früher ging es nach der Arbeit zu Fashion-Week-Terminen und Pilateskursen, heute heißt es Kitabesichtigungen und Babyschwimmen. Mama-Fulltime-Job mit jeder Menge Freude und darum geht es hier jede Woche.
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Der Bestseller-Autor Volker Kutscher hat mit seiner Roman-Reihe um Kommissar Gereon Rath die Vorlagen für die Erfolgsserie “Babylon Berlin” geschrieben. Zusammen mit ihm begibt sich Moderator Thomas Böhm zurück in diese Vorkriegszeit von 1929 bis 1938.
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Betamax Babylon, a new podcast about all the films and TV and that we watched in the 80's....with Bruce Ackland and guests.
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The most entertaining and enraging stories from mythology told casually, contemporarily, and (let's be honest) sarcastically. Greek and Roman gods did some pretty weird (and awful) things. Gods, goddesses, heroes, monsters, and everything in between. Regular episodes every Tuesday, conversations with authors and scholars or readings of ancient epics every Friday.
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The hour of the time -Mystery Babylon complete series featuring William Cooper Support this podcast:
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Bienvenue sur la page du podcast Baby Graveurs
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Three to four friends figure out what classic nerd media IP one of us hasn't seen, and then obsessively consume the entire thing together. Our interim season: DIE by Kieron Gillen
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Burn Babylon Burn is Commentary on the weeks headlines. The Doom Kitchen is interviews and conversations
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Amb Marc Isern i Rubn Sierra. Dissabte, de 20.00 a 21.00. Una hora per descobrir les msiques del mn i de fusi que es fan a casa nostra i els seus referents internacionals. Una mirada mestissa a l'escena musical que beu de les arrels.
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Im babywelt Podcast sprechen Ulrike und Nils über ihren Alltag als frischgebackene Eltern aus Mama und Papa-Perspektive - und das ganz offen und ehrlich. Das eigene Kind in den Händen zu halten ist ein großes Wunder und Glück und doch birgt die erste Zeit mit Baby auch viele Herausforderungen und Überraschungen. Jeden zweiten Mittwoch erscheint eine neue Folge, in der Ulrike und Nils über den aufreibenden Alltag im Leben werdender und frisch gebackener Eltern sprechen. Gemeinsam tauschen sic ...
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Wir sind Anna und Andrea und wir unterhalten uns über Männer, Frauen, das Leben und den geilen Scheiß vom Glücklichsein. In unserem Podcast erzählen wir über alles, was glücklich macht und wie man das Glück nicht sucht und trotzdem findet. Auch dann, wenn das Leben mal wieder ohne Beipackzettel daherkommt.
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You've heard of toxic positivity, right? Well Gravy Baby is a podcast that practices positive toxicity. Drew Morgan, Carmen Morales, and DJ Lewis bring you toxic views with positive thoughts. Gravy Baby is Good Vibes for Trash People. Come on in
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The only A Song of Ice and Fire reread podcast on the internet.
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Van Allen Plexico & Andy Fix, along with occasional guests, dig deep into all things "Babylon 5," discussing each episode's Themes and Influences, Best Moments, Notes and Factoids, Guest Stars, and Episode Ratings and Evaluations, among other topics. This podcast does NOT spoil future episodes of the series.
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Welcome to Grey Sector, a Babylon 5 podcast by three friends who just have a lot of feelings. We're rewatching, appreciating, and snarking about the 1990s sci-fi classic, with occasional detours into bonus content. And so it begins. . .
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Join two, veteran Star Trek podcasters, Brent Allen and Jeff Akin, on a spoiler-free, first-time journey through Babylon 5. Fresh eyes meet analytical insights as they explore meanings and messages in each episode. Relive your first-time experience with unfiltered reactions and thoughtful analysis.
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A series of podcasts covering myriad topics. From genre TV, to old & new technology, product reviews & recommendations, and many other things. Brought to you by Jesse Jackson (Next Stop Everywhere, Storming the Castle), Karen Lindsay (Witness Prophecies, Chester's Mill Gazette), & Lou Sytsma (Fringe Benefits Incorporated, The Stephen King Podcast).
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BDA Baby™ (Before, During & After Baby) is an interview-based series hosted by New York Times bestselling author, mother, wife and advocate, Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt. Each week, Katherine has meaningful conversations with experts, notable specialists, and friends, covering topics that resonate with the BDA Baby community surrounding pregnancy, sex, partner relationships, birth experiences, fertility challenges, health and wellness, and so much more.
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Stories from the good old days and beyond.
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Avoiding Babylon was started during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. During these difficult and dark days, when most of us were isolated from family, friends, our parishes, and even the Sacraments themselves, this channel was started as a statement of standing against the tyrannical mandates that many of us were living under. Since those early days, this channel has morphed into an amazing community of friends…no…more than friends…Christian brothers and sisters…who have grown in joy and ...
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Hi! My name is Cory and I like to write silly songs and tell silly stories on stage. This is where I like to share those silly things.
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Hei Baby on viihteellinen podcast naiseudesta, äitiydestä ja elämästä. Vertaistukea arjen ylä- ja alamäkiin tarjoavat luova suunnittelija Vivian Valpuri Nick sekä stylisti ja suunnittelija Kirsikka Simberg. HUOM! Paraikaa julkaistavat jaksot ovat throwback-jaksoja podcastin alkuvaiheilta. Hei Babyn tuoreet jaksot löydät Podmesta. Podmessa voit kuunnella vaikka putkeen kaikki Hei babyn aiemmin julkaistut jaksot, ja tuoreita jaksoja tulee lisää joka viikko - ja mikä parasta,ilman mainoksia. El ...
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It was the dawn of the third age of podcasting... A DREAM GIVEN FORM... Your hosts, Luke Winch & Baz Greenland, joined by special guests, discuss every episode of J. Michael Straczynski's classic 1990s science-fiction saga BABYLON-5, extended media and much much more. A proud part of the Film Stories Podcast Network:
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Podcasts that feature interviews with your favorite LGBTQ authors.
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My life as i know it
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DJ Baby Bear Join my facebook page follow me on Instagram, mixcloud, Apple Podcasts
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32 yo, live in NZ, love life
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IPW Prss Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash:
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The "Dear Abby" podcast for the black community
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„Baby got Business" ist dein Kompass im Social Media Marketing und der Creator Economy. Ann-Katrin Schmitz trifft auf wechselnde Gesprächspartner:innen, die unsere Social Media Landschaft prägen. Hier geht es um Karrieregeschichten, konkrete Learnings und echte Insights der Branche.
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Experience Babylon 5 for the first time all over again with the Grey 17 crew! Join a group of B5 super fans and complete newbies as we experience every episode of the landmark series. We will have spoiler free reviews of each episode, and then those rewatching the show can join us beyond the rim where we discuss spoilers and the show as a whole. Become a Patreon supporter!:
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SPIRIT BABY RADIO is on a mission to serve parents globally to deepen self-understanding of parenthood for the future human (baby) at the foundational level of creation in the before life and afterlife. Episodes to guide and support the psychic and spiritual within: pre-conception, pregnancy, birthing, conscious parenting, raising new children of the earth, and healing infancy loss.
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To Tell A Lie, To Tell The Truth?
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Lez Talk About Books, Baby! An Interview with Eliot Schrefer
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This week, I sat down with author extraordinaire Eliot Schrefer. He shares insights into his latest release, the Brightness Between Us. This is a YA book that adults are loving. Eliot shares some very exciting news about what's next for his beloved book.저자 Anita Kelly
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Möglichkeiten, gegenzusteuern, wenn es gerade schwer ist.Es fühlt sich manchmal schwer an und naja, kein Wunder. Die Welt dreht am Rad und manchmal auch unsere eigene. Wie finden wir da wieder in unsere Leichtigkeit zurück? Wir sprechen darüber, wie wir unsere innere Zen-Meisterin aktivieren und wodurch es möglich wird, gegenzusteuern. Denn, die gu…
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Trust Your Gut: The Power of Speaking Up in Medical Misdiagnosis with Alice Tapper
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This week, we’re joined by Alice Tapper, the inspiring young author of Use Your Voice, a book inspired by her experience with misdiagnosed appendicitis. Alice shares how this lighter retelling of her journey encourages kids to speak up when they’re in pain and reminds parents not to ignore the signs when something feels off. As Alice begins her nex…
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21. Throwback: Ohjeita lapsettomille & listaus parhaista asioista ikinä
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Toivejaksossa autamme lapsettomia kuulijoita: miten huomioida ystävää, joka saa lapsen? Entä miten kieltäytyä pitämästä vauvaa, jos ei uskalla? Mukana myös top 3 -listoja ja kierukkapäiväkirjat. * Tiedäthän, että tämä kuuntelemasi jakso on podcastin alkuvaiheilta. Podmessa voit kuunnella kaikki Hei Baby -podcastin aiemmat jaksot. Lisäksi uunituorei…
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1990 - 2010저자 Baby Boomer Tales
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Es geht um etwas, das wir alle kennen und am liebsten vermeiden möchten: Stress. Ann-Katrin spricht in dieser Folge mit Miriam Junge darüber, wo Stress eigentlich herkommt, was er mit uns macht und – vor allem – wie wir besser damit umgehen können. Miriam gibt uns ihre besten Tipps zur Stressbewältigung an die Hand, erklärt, wie wir die ersten Anze…
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Manchmal fehlt vor dem Sex der ein Funke. Ein Grund kann sein: Irgendwie findet man den Partner nicht mehr sexy. Eine Hörerin hat Leo und Josi um Hilfe gebeten. Sie finde Muskeln sexy, ihr Mann hat aber keine. Ganz im Gegenteil. Statt Fitness ist er eher der gemütliche Typ. Ein Zwiespalt, weil sie ihn ja liebt. Also was tun? Woher kann diese Fokuss…
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A little warmup up for Sugar as it returns on 1 December - tix from humantix. What we all need right now is a little house! Believe In A Brighter Day feat. P.Y. Anderson (Micky More & Andy Tee Extended Remix) by Platinum Doll, P.Y. Anderson Happy People (Extended) by Eats Everything, Stevie Appleton Fly Away feat. The Sultra Gospel Singers (Extende…
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When the Threat of a Woman Threatens to Take Down the Patriarchy, A Reading from Medusa
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A reading from Liv's new piece on Medusa, from the collection Medusa, New & Ancient Greek Tales, available now from Flame Tree Press. CW/TW: far too many Greek myths involve assault. Given it's fiction, and typically involves gods and/or monsters, I'm not as deferential as I would be were I referencing the real thing. Attributions and licensing inf…
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I think I can get my own kid's show off of this one, what do you think?저자 Cory McDonald
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We have a lot of fun on this one. Some more election fodder but mostly is just dancing at the end of time.
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Upgrading Your Fertility Mind with Embodiment & Creating New Love Practices
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How do you experience re-regulation of your nervous system? What does it mean to use the mind to heal? How can you access your body and minds best opportunity for fertility? Special Guest Episode: Lauren Enright is a former neuroscientist and school teacher turned holistic fertility coach, mindfulness, meditation and fertility yoga teacher, and bir…
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Pour ce quarante neuvième épisode et notre déclinaison « based on a true story – boats », nous parlons islamisme, révolution et Hollywood ! Toujours avec une bonne dose de mauvaise foi, parfois, et un peu de travail, quand même… Le « j’aime » de Julien le film La bataille d’Alger et Thomas a aimé le documentaire … Continuer la lecture de « EPISODE …
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Sarah’s Tochter ist jetzt 2 Jahre alt und das war auch bei ihrem Sohn damals ein Alter mit vielen Herausforderungen. Sie hat das Klettern für sich entdeckt, schiebt Hocker und Stühle überall hin, um noch höher zu kommen, und sie kann plötzlich Türen öffnen. Da darf man die Kleine kaum aus den Augen lassen. Über die Herausforderungen mit zwei Jahren…
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Aunt Laura's appearance on You're Missen The Point
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Aunt Laura appeared on my friend Drew Missen's podcast. I have been very busy and not doing shows lately so I asked if I could share it on my feed. Please follow Drews show because he has so many brilliant conversations including The Christian Conspiracy Coalition. Please visit Laura's website and buy her books off Amazon. Holidays are around the c…
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1937: Gewissensfragen – Widerstand, Anpassung oder Flucht
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Im saarpfälzischen Frankenholz kommt es zu einem Schulstreik, weil die Eltern sich dagegen wehren, dass die christlichen Kreuze in Klassenzimmern durch Adolf Hitler-Portraits ersetzt werden. Die Hindenburg, das größte Luftschiff der Welt, explodiert bei der Landung am Flughafen Lakehurst. Und in Volker Kutschers Roman "Transatlantik" hält Charlies …
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The Ragged Edge or the one where G'Kar finds some unwanted disciples
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Lou, Karen and Jesse continue to talk about the 5th season of Babylon 5. In today's episode they talk about G'Kar gaining a following and Michael's trip where he "might" have drank a little too much.
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Deep Dive into Mike Flanagan's 'The Haunting of Bly Manor' - Episodes 1 & 2
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Join the hosts of J.K.L. Media as they delve into Mike Flanagan's second Netflix series, 'The Haunting of Bly Manor.' In this episode, they explore the show's non-linear storytelling, intricate characters, and Gothic-horror elements. They discuss returning cast members, new faces, and the dense narrative that sets it apart from 'The Haunting of Hil…
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Escalation in Ukraine War Leads to New Putin Nuclear Threat
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Want to reach out to us? Want to leave a comment or review? Want to give us a suggestion or berate Anthony? Send us a text by clicking this link! Subscriber growth can be a mystery, much like the peculiar journey of Don Lemon from CNN to YouTube. Join us as we share hilarious anecdotes about our ongoing battle with algorithms and audience engagemen…
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Welcome to A DREAM GIVEN FORM@ A BABYLON 5 PODCAST... In this episode your hosts, Luke Winch and Baz Greenland, are joined by returning guest, Brandi Jackola, to discuss 'In The Shadow of Z'ha'dum, episode 17, season two of Babylon 5. They dive deep into this game changing episode where Sheridan oversteps moral and lawful grounds in his search for …
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Sheridan's life is coming to an end, so he must return to the beginning. If you have just started watching #Babylon5, have no fear! Our newbies are right there with you. If you have watched the series before, and you want to take a deeper dive, stay until the end when we go beyond the rim and talk spoilers for the entire show!You can now support us…
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Kay edited this one so I have no idea what the title means nor do I have any memory recording it. Here's what Kay says about it: "the episode is called ASOBAPBBQ. it's about theon hears some very cool stories from roose and tyrion hangs out on a boat. the song is will anybody ever love me" Chapters: ADWD Reek III, Tyrion VIII Outro music: Will Anyb…
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Episode Notes We recorded this before the election. Sorry. Jude gets some managerial advice. Home Front: At least there's another Dad in this. Cadet Nog! Sabotage! Babylon 5 I Know That Face! "Ancient Klingons slew our gods a millennia ago." Nog is part of the Sisko family now. Paradise Lost: Planetary Emergency! ...what is Red Squad? Lots of stuff…
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Andy and Van recorded this pod episode at the end of their coverage of Season 4--the spot where the episode was actually filmed, prior to the fifth season being picked up by TNT. Just as the original TV episode sat on the shelf for a year, awaiting the end of Season 5, this pod episode has sat on the shelf, available only to our Patrons, until now!…
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Two veteran Star Trek podcasters watch Babylon 5 for the first time. Brent Allen and Jeff Akin search for Star Trek like messages in this series, deciding if they should have watched it sooner. The biggest crime of this series is that we won't get the Gideon and Lochley relationship that we all deserve! This show is produced in association with the…
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Paid Social Crashkurs: Der schnelle Einstieg für Anfänger
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In dieser Folge geht es um Paid Social Media – und warum das eigentlich gar nicht so kompliziert ist, wie viele denken. Und obwohl Paid Social Media als heilige Disziplin gilt, kann es jeder und jede erfolgreich umsetzen – mit dem richtigen Plan und ohne ein riesiges Budget. In dieser Folge redet Carsta Maria Müller mit Peer Wörpel, Geschäftsführer…
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Kelly LeVeque, functional nutritionist and best-selling author, joins us today to discuss the critical role of nutrition before, during, and after baby. Kelly talks about the importance of proper nutrition postpartum and how it aids in recovery and milk production. We discuss the book “The First Forty Days”, which is a must read for postpartum nutr…
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Vatican Approves New Paga...Mayan Rite of Mass in Mexico
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Want to reach out to us? Want to leave a comment or review? Want to give us a suggestion or berate Anthony? Send us a text by clicking this link! What if legacy is nothing more than an illusion of ego? Join us as we explore this bold notion through the eyes of Mike Tyson, who questions the lasting significance of one's legacy beyond death. As whisp…
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Versions lliures: The Quinquis, Ven'nus i Gogol Bordello
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Ja s tradici al programa recopilar versions lliures, desvergonyides i singulars firmades per artistes de l'urban catal i de la msica ms festiva. Aquesta vuitena temporada no podia ser una excepci. Escoltarem la Ven'nus versionant Joan Garriga, Uri Santafe i Flashy Ice Cream donant vida al "Boig per tu" de Sau, les gallegues Fillas de Cassandra anan…
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This week we review the season four premier The Hour of the Wolf. Sarah wonders if G'Kar and Londo might actually share the same intelligence network on a time share, Mike philosophizes on the greater meanings of Londo's various coats, and Joe notes that the Trilumanari might actually be Shadow tech. Spoiler-free discussion: 0:00:00 - 1:07:45 Spoil…
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Lez Talk About Books, Baby! An Interview with Elisabeth Nonas
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This week, I had the pleasure of talking with author Elisabeth Nonas about her recent release, Grace Period. Elisabeth shares her insights into the changes the writing and publishing industry has seen over the past few decades. She also gives us an advanced sneak peek at her work in progress.저자 Anita Kelly
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Apocalypse's Two Beasts, the Third Temple, and UFO "Alien" Disclosure
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Want to reach out to us? Want to leave a comment or review? Want to give us a suggestion or berate Anthony? Send us a text by clicking this link! What lies beneath the surface of our political and religious landscapes? Join us as we question the narratives that shape our world, from the symbolism of the eagle in Rome and America to the implications…
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Trump’s Unqualified Cabinet Picks | The Babylon Bee Podcast
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The Babylon Bee reacts to some of Trump’s early picks for cabinet positions in his administration like Pete Hegseth, Kristi Noem, and Mike Huckabee. Democrats took issue that they are not all qualified experts like their uncontroversial Democrat cabinet picks. Also, former Trump attorney Michael Cohen got gloriously trolled on a livestream. The Bee…
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Conversations: From the Mythical to the Very Real, Ancient Women in Power w/ Stephanie McCarter
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Liv speaks with Stephanie McCarter, whose was last on the show to talk about her recent translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses, this time it's all about ancient women in power, both the historical, the mythical, and the details somewhere in between. CW/TW: far too many Greek myths involve assault. Given it's fiction, and typically involves gods and/or…
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Trump’s Unqualified Cabinet Picks | The Babylon Bee Podcast
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The Babylon Bee reacts to some of Trump’s early picks for cabinet positions in his administration like Pete Hegseth, Kristi Noem, and Mike Huckabee. Democrats took issue that they are not all qualified experts like their uncontroversial Democrat cabinet picks. Also, former Trump attorney Michael Cohen got gloriously trolled on a livestream. The Bee…
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In 10 Fragen raus aus der VermeidungsschleifeVielleicht ertappst auch du dich immer wieder, dass du Dinge vermeidest und aufschiebst, die dann nur noch größer werden. Und manchmal bleiben auch unsere Träume dabei auf der Strecke, weil wir denken, ah ja, dem widme ich mich dann irgendwann und aus irgendwann wird in einem anderen Leben. Dabei hast du…
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Bellender Husten mit Atemnot, und das mitten in der Nacht. Das hat Sarah mit ihrer Tochter erlebt. Da ihr Sohn, als er klein war, schon mal die gleichen Symptome hatte, wusste sie sofort: Das ist Pseudokrupp. Was macht man aber mitten in der Nacht, wenn das Kind plötzlich selbst Angst bekommt? Ganz wichtig: Ruhe bewahren! Was noch hilft, um das Kin…
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