Ella und Jasper wollen besseren Sex. Und sind fleißig auf der Suche. Nach vier Jahren mit Josi und Leo am Mikrofon haben sie ab Februar 2025 an die neue Generation übergeben. Inklusive der wichtigen „Oh, Baby!“-Community. Egal ob Fragen für die Quickie-Folgen, Umfragen oder heißen Geschichten in jeder Folge, die Hörer und Hörerinnen sind ein Teil der Welt rund um „Oh, Baby!“ Reinhören und Abonnieren ist unbedingt empfohlen! Jeden Mittwoch kommt eine neue Folge, natürlich überall wo es Podcas ...
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Kaitlyn Braun, a pregnant young woman in crisis, takes dozens of birth workers through an escalating series of disasters – rape, baby loss, and even a coma. One by one, the doulas struggle to support her and grieve with her, and even save her life as they’re led down a distressing path. And then the truth comes out. In this six-part true crime series, Sarah Treleaven untangles a complex web of lies and deception to ask who Kaitlyn really is and why she did the things that she did. Cases like ...
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Imagine if you were about to become a parent and someone ripped away your dream. Tara Lee ran an adoption company called Always Hope and matched families with babies in record time. But what these adoptive parents didn’t know was how she was manipulating their lives for her gain. This is a shocking tale about a criminal with a cold heart who pulled off an unimaginable scheme, and the parents who banded together to take her down. Baby Broker is the latest series from The Binge - subscribe to ...
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Betamax Babylon, a new podcast about all the films and TV and that we watched in the 80's....with Bruce Ackland and guests.
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Im babywelt Podcast sprechen Ulrike und Nils über ihren Alltag als frischgebackene Eltern aus Mama und Papa-Perspektive - und das ganz offen und ehrlich. Das eigene Kind in den Händen zu halten ist ein großes Wunder und Glück und doch birgt die erste Zeit mit Baby auch viele Herausforderungen und Überraschungen. Jeden zweiten Mittwoch erscheint eine neue Folge, in der Ulrike und Nils über den aufreibenden Alltag im Leben werdender und frisch gebackener Eltern sprechen. Gemeinsam tauschen sic ...
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You've heard of toxic positivity, right? Well Gravy Baby is a podcast that practices positive toxicity. Drew Morgan, Carmen Morales, and DJ Lewis bring you toxic views with positive thoughts. Gravy Baby is Good Vibes for Trash People. Come on in
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Bienvenue sur la page du podcast Baby Graveurs
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Three to four friends figure out what classic nerd media IP one of us hasn't seen, and then obsessively consume the entire thing together. Our interim season: DIE by Kieron Gillen
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My journey as a new Christian
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Amb Marc Isern i Rubn Sierra. Dissabte, de 20.00 a 21.00. Una hora per descobrir les msiques del mn i de fusi que es fan a casa nostra i els seus referents internacionals. Una mirada mestissa a l'escena musical que beu de les arrels.
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"Radio Free Neo Babylon" is an in-character podcast hosted by Diogenes the Yeti, broadcasting from the secretive Shroud district of Neo Babylon. Diogenes explores the intersection of ancient mysticism and futuristic technology in Neo Babylon through discussions on philosophy, anti-fascism, anarchy, optimistic nihilism, and existentialism. Listen if interested in philosophy, social justice, urban fantasy, and cyberpunk settings.
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Our Last, Best Hope for Babylon 5 Fans
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listen to me talk about my life and what I have been going through
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The most entertaining and enraging stories from mythology (and, now, ancient history of the Mediterranean) told casually, contemporarily, and (let's be honest) sarcastically. Greek and Roman gods did some pretty weird (and awful) things. Gods, goddesses, heroes, monsters, and everything in between. Regular episodes every Tuesday, conversations with authors and scholars or readings of ancient epics every Friday. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Van Allen Plexico & Andy Fix, along with occasional guests, dig deep into all things "Babylon 5," discussing each episode's Themes and Influences, Best Moments, Notes and Factoids, Guest Stars, and Episode Ratings and Evaluations, among other topics. This podcast does NOT spoil future episodes of the series.
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Welcome to Grey Sector, a Babylon 5 podcast by three friends who just have a lot of feelings. We're rewatching, appreciating, and snarking about the 1990s sci-fi classic, with occasional detours into bonus content. And so it begins. . .
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It was the dawn of the third age of podcasting... A DREAM GIVEN FORM... Your hosts, Luke Winch & Baz Greenland, joined by special guests, discuss every episode of J. Michael Straczynski's classic 1990s science-fiction saga BABYLON-5, extended media and much much more. A proud part of the Film Stories Podcast Network: www.filmstories.co.uk
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Aura Baby, maternidad, lactancia, crianza... trabajos en los que no teníamos ni idea de estudiar, y aquí estamos, cambiando el paradigma desde la conciencia. Siendo el cambio en el mundo, más sano, más amoroso con los más pequeños. Una guía y acompañamiento para aquellas madres, confundidas, con ganas de saber más, perdidas, o tan llenas de amor que siguen un camino menos trillado. AURA BABY
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BDA Baby™ (Before, During & After Baby) is an interview-based series hosted by New York Times bestselling author, mother, wife and advocate, Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt. Each week, Katherine has meaningful conversations with experts, notable specialists, and friends, covering topics that resonate with the BDA Baby community surrounding pregnancy, sex, partner relationships, birth experiences, fertility challenges, health and wellness, and so much more.
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Stories from the good old days and beyond.
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Join two, veteran Star Trek podcasters, Brent Allen and Jeff Akin, on a spoiler-free, first-time journey through Babylon 5. Fresh eyes meet analytical insights as they explore meanings and messages in each episode. Relive your first-time experience with unfiltered reactions and thoughtful analysis.
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Hei Baby on viihteellinen podcast naiseudesta, äitiydestä ja elämästä. Vertaistukea arjen ylä- ja alamäkiin tarjoavat luova suunnittelija Vivian Valpuri Nick sekä stylisti ja suunnittelija Kirsikka Simberg. HUOM! Paraikaa julkaistavat jaksot ovat throwback-jaksoja podcastin alkuvaiheilta. Hei Babyn tuoreet jaksot löydät Podmesta. Podmessa voit kuunnella vaikka putkeen kaikki Hei babyn aiemmin julkaistut jaksot, ja tuoreita jaksoja tulee lisää joka viikko - ja mikä parasta,ilman mainoksia. El ...
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Podcasts that feature interviews with your favorite LGBTQ authors.
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When monster of the week was still the standard TV format, one show dared to try season and even series long story arcs that still hold up today. Rachel and Matt present an episode by episode discussion of the most ambitious science fiction television show ever created (fact).
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My life as i know it
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32 yo, live in NZ, love life
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DJ Baby Bear Join my facebook page www.facebook.com/djbabybear follow me on Instagram, mixcloud, Apple Podcasts
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The "Dear Abby" podcast for the black community
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IPW Prss Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@rawpixel
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SPIRIT BABY RADIO is on a mission to serve parents globally to deepen self-understanding of parenthood for the future human (baby) at the foundational level of creation in the before life and afterlife. Episodes to guide and support the psychic and spiritual within: pre-conception, pregnancy, birthing, conscious parenting, raising new children of the earth, and healing infancy loss.
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To Tell A Lie, To Tell The Truth?
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Avoiding Babylon was started during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. During these difficult and dark days, when most of us were isolated from family, friends, our parishes, and even the Sacraments themselves, this channel was started as a statement of standing against the tyrannical mandates that many of us were living under. Since those early days, this channel has morphed into an amazing community of friends…no…more than friends…Christian brothers and sisters…who have grown in joy and ...
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Podcast about oldschool music from an oldschool musician's point of view. Dutch spoken, www.babyboomerbeats.nl
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The only A Song of Ice and Fire reread podcast on the internet.
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The hour of the time -Mystery Babylon complete series featuring William Cooper
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Welcome to Birth, Baby!, your go-to podcast hosted by Ciarra Morgan and Samantha Kelly, seasoned birth doulas and childbirth educators from Austin, Texas. Join us as we navigate the intricate journey of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care, offering invaluable insights and expert advice. Through candid interviews, personal anecdotes, and evidence-backed content, we aim to empower families with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions. Whether you’re seeking guidance on prenat ...
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Celebrating 20 years of Babylon 5
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Baby Steps Millionaires: How Ordinary People Built Extraordinary Wealth--And How You Can Too
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Baby Newz T-shirts, mugs and more now available! Support Baby with the awesome stuff available here: http://www.cafepress.com/babynewzmerchandise Baby News: The Best News by the Biggest Baby! In Just One Minute!
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Hochsensibel, emotionsstark, hyperaktiv, neurodivergent – und der Alltag dementsprechend kunterbunt, chaotisch und bis an den Rand vollgepackt mit Leben? Willkommen im Club und hereinspaziert! Ich verstehe dich, weil unser Familienalltag genau so ist. Und so schön ich das oft finde, sehne ich mich nach mehr Balance und Harmonie für unser vierköpfiges Familienleben. Klar, Mama sein ist das Tollste überhaupt, aber holy sh*t, es ist auch verdammt anstrengend. Wenn die Tage regelmäßig so knüppel ...
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As a mom, neuroscientist, and a long time expert to parents, almost every expert has it wrong when they say 'don't spoil your baby.' Up until the age of 3, your only job is to spoil your baby with affection, attention, and protection. I promise you it's the best chance for the long term mental health and success of your child. On my podcast, I will interview the leading experts to explain why you need to SPOIL YOUR BABY as well as those that may disagree for a spirited debate. I will also gi ...
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Pop culture, gender politics, and developmental psychology in the “Baby-sitters Club”—you didn’t know you needed it.
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A podcast exploring the mind of a 90s baby in this ever-changing society. Join Fred Santana, Temi Alchemy & VP In The Cut Thassa Scary Sight, weekly as they discuss topical world issues, and also attempt to bridge the gap between younger and older generations @Fr3dSantana @temiAlchemy @VPinthecut info@90sbabyshow.co.uk Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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SPECIAL! Selections from Jenny Williamson's Enemy of My Dreams Audiobook
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40:05In today's special episode we're sharing selections from Enemy of My Dreams by Ancient History Fangirl's Jenny Williamson, narrated by Lisa Flanagan, published by Canary Street Press. Shared with permission of the Author and publisher. Learn more here. Submit your question for the next Q&A via email or a voice note. Get ad-free episodes and so, so …
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Exposing The Industry & Adolescence Deep Dive & Ft. Moyo Part Two | 90s Baby Show
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1:29:08Link: my.huel.com/90sBabyShow25 Code: 90SBABY Sign up for blood drive https://bit.ly/ACLTX90SBABY WIN A TRIP TO TOKYO - https://raffall.com/375146/enter-raffle-to-win-a-trip-to-tokyo-hosted-by-90s-baby-show Water2 - https://water2.com/90SBABY15 use code 90SBABY15 at checkout Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/…
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Dr. Tina Payne Bryson joins us this week to share some great advice on discipline and setting boundaries with our kids. Dr. Bryson emphasizes that discipline should focus on helping our children becoming self motivated humans that are empowered and make good choices on their own. She encourages parents to set and keep boundaries and view discipline…
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5 Tage allein im Urlaub – alles über meine Mini-Mama-Kur
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54:565 Tage allein im Urlaub – ohne Kinder, ohne Mann, nur ich! Klingt traumhaft? Oder vielleicht total unrealistisch? Ich habe es einfach gemacht. Denn nach Monaten der Erschöpfung, zwei Fehlgeburten und einer endlosen Wartezeit auf meine beantragte Kur wusste ich: Ich kann nicht länger warten – ich muss JETZT für mich sorgen. Wie diese Auszeit so ganz…
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Born Free - A Journey Into the New Earth Energies for Our Children
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54:43How do you keep your baby sovereign? What does it mean to claim your birth? What do the New Earth children need? How can you trust and understand you are not alone? Special Guest Episode: Veda is a loving wife and mother of two young children. During her pregnancy, she formed a deep connection with her babies, seeking their guidance and gaining ins…
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Why Do Informed Consent and Shared Decision Making Matter?
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17:12In this episode, Ciarra and Samantha delve into the concepts of informed consent and shared decision making in the pregnancy and birth realm. They discuss the importance of parents being fully informed about potential interventions, the necessity of having options, and the role of healthcare providers in facilitating these discussions. The conversa…
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Lez Talk About Books, Baby! An Interview with Douglas Bell
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49:18Join in this week while I talk with author, Douglas Bell. He discussed his most recent release, Love Cake, as well as his previous novel, Cake Walk. Douglas talks about his formative years and his "stepping out" years. He is such a pleasant and good-hearted human.저자 Anita Kelly
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38. Throwback: Kritiikki kirvelee & murhajutut kiinnostaa
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54:40Vivian sai palautetta päiväkodista ja se kirvoitti keskustelua ulkopuolelta tulevasta arvostelusta. Puhumme myös pikkareiden keski-iästä, häämatkasuunnitelmista sekä true crimestä. * Tiedäthän, että tämä kuuntelemasi jakso on podcastin alkuvaiheilta. Podmessa voit kuunnella kaikki Hei Baby -podcastin aiemmat jaksot. Lisäksi uunituoreita jaksoja jul…
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How about a hamster? Thank you for the sound effects: Cartoon suction pull / zapsplat.com/music/cartoon-suction-pull-3/저자 Baby Boomer Tales
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Host Dr. Greer Kirshenbaum and Dr. Rocio Zunini discuss the significant differences between baby brains and adult brains, debunking common myths about infant development. They emphasize that babies are not mini adults and cannot perform cognitive tasks that require a developed prefrontal cortex. The conversation highlights the importance of respond…
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Gewisse sexuelle Vorlieben haben wir doch alle. Doch wann wird aus einer Vorliebe ein Kink? Was gibt es für Kinks, wie findet man Gleichgesinnte und wie stellt man sicher, dass man keine eigenen Grenzen überschreitet? Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, haben sich Ella und Jasper in dieser Folge Unterstützung geholt und eine Gästin eingeladen, die es w…
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Erstausstattung fürs Baby: Checkliste für werdende Eltern
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20:14In dieser Folge des babywelt Podcasts dreht sich alles um die Baby-Erstausstattung. Ulrike und Nils geben dir wertvolle Tipps, welche Produkte wirklich unverzichtbar sind und bei welchen Anschaffungen du ruhig zweimal nachdenken solltest. Sie teilen ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen und zeigen dir, wie du clever einkaufst und gleichzeitig Geld sparen k…
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Tara Lee has her day in court, and her victims show up to face her. But it’s not over. An unforeseen consequence of Tara Lee’s fraud threatens to upend the lives of more than a dozen families. Binge all episodes of Baby Broker, ad-free today by subscribing to The Binge. Visit The Binge Crimes on Apple Podcasts and hit ‘subscribe’ or visit GetTheBin…
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Episode 36: Baby Bear Tech House Live Extra Dirty Sydney Mardi Gras 2025
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1:53:53Awesome Mardi Gras edition of Extra Dirty. What a way to finish the weekend. Here's my tech house set opening the dirty house room. Happy Mardi Gras! Bear x 1 Wide Open (Joe Goddard Remix) The Chemical Brothers 2 Like This (feat. AMY MIYÚ) (Carta Extended Edit) AMY MIYU, Smack 3 BUM! (Extended Mix) Jack Orley 4 Deeper (Original Mix) Karretero 5 Nas…
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Carmen and DJ discuss the weirdness of fandom, pro wrestling Dukes of Hazzard, and choose their own apocolypse characters.
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저자 Stuck in Stoneybrook
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Hi everyone I'm back and have alot to talk about
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¡Hola, mamás y papás! 👋🏼💖 En este episodio quiero hablarte de algo que realmente ha transformado mi día a día con mis hijas 👧🏼👶🏼: ¡las rutinas! 🕒✨ Sé que a veces el caos 🌀 puede invadir nuestros hogares, pero una rutina bien diseñada no solo organiza el día, sino que también le da a nuestros pequeños la estabilidad y seguridad emocional 🛏️💫 que tan…
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Pour ce 54ème épisode on est sur la genèse des Baby Graveurs, nos soirées cinéma et nos débats sans fin, et aujourd’hui on parle castors et jeux vidéos. Toujours avec une bonne dose de mauvaise foi, et un peu de travail, quand même… Le « j’aime » de Julien, le livre Comment nourrir un dictateur ? de … Continuer la lecture de « EPISODE #54 SOIREE BA…
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