Twee keer per week het belangrijkste autonieuws. Met: Noud Broekhof.
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Ein bis zweimal pro Woche finden Sie hier aktuelle Radiobeiträge zu unterschiedlichsten Themen aus dem Automobilbereich. Kontakt:
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A space to explore the diagnostic & technology side of automotive repair. We discuss tools, techniques, & ideas to sharpen your skills. We'll also interview experts in the automotive field.
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Hier gibt es Fahrberichte, Autotests und Autopräsentationen in Form von kurzen Radiobeiträgen von weniger als drei Minuten. Kontakt:
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Your weekly dose of auto industry news and conversation with top executives, specifically tailored for the used-car side of the business.
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The Auto Buyers Guide team is dedicated to bringing you the latest in automotive industry news, car buying advice, car reviews, and all things car, truck, SUV, and EV. Every week Alex and Travis try to tackle important questions like: are software defined cars a thing? Should shiny black plastic be banned?
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with John McElroy
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Welcome to ACP - Automóvel Club de Portugal's podcast
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Mise à jour à toutes les 15 minutes tous les jours. - Pour usage personnel seulement.
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Εδώ μιλάμε για αυτοκίνητα αλλά και γενικότερα για την αυτοκίνηση, μαζί με ανθρώπους που εμπλέκονται άμεσα ή έμμεσα με αυτή.
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Join Chris Daglis of Auto PARTnered Solutions and special guests for an informal chat about the automotive recycling world. What drives innovation in the automotive industry and how you can leverage for success.
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Podcast dedicado a compartir experiencias en el manejo de Tecnologías empleadas en la Industria. Aprende de Redes Industriales, IOT, IIOT e Industria 4.0
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Egal ob Kleinwagen oder Supersportwagen, hier werden wir Dir eine Menge spannender Autos vorstellen. Da es zu jedem Auto eine Geschichte gibt, werden uns Experten diese Stories erzählen. Was die hier vorgestellten Autos können und was sie nicht können, finden wir für Dich heraus. Und wir versprechen Dir, dass wir uns die Autos genau anschauen! Also, wenn etwas Mist ist, dann reden wir drüber. Offen und ehrlich, aber auch mit einer Menge Spaß.
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Daily Drive is a daily podcast series hosted by Automotive News Executive Editor Jamie Butters and Kellen Walker. We speak with industry experts, insiders and Automotive News reporters about events and trends impacting and reshaping the automotive industry.Automotive News is the leading source of news, data and understanding for the auto industry's decision-makers. Learn more at
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Um podcast da Razão Automóvel
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Content for automotive owners and operators who want to accelerate top line revenue growth by modernizing their shop.
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The Car Shipping Business Channel
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The Auto Detailing Podcast
Jimbo Balaam interviews guest like Barry Meguiar, Jason Rose, Yvan Lacroix,
The Auto Detailing Podcast is a show dedicated to all things auto detailing. Whether you are a weekend warrior, drive way detailer, just starting your detail business, or you have been detailing for many years there is something we can all learn. This show gives you valuable tips, tricks and interviews with todays top detailers across the world. We focus heavily on efficiency and award winning results - We keep it real and make sure every episode gives you multiple take aways to make you a b ...
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Welcome to the Pawlik Automotive car maintenance and car repair podcast, with reliability reviews and common problems of used car and truck brands.
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Der Bedarf an individueller Mobilität bleibt hoch und das Auto ein kleines Stück Freiheit. Gleichzeitig verändert sich der Verkehr und neue Formen der Mobilität werden immer wichtiger. Um alles rund um das mobile Leben, Verkehr und alle Aspekte von Autofahren heute und morgen geht es in AutoMobil, dem Podcast von - Europas größter, digitaler Verkehrscommunity.
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Connecting with the People behind the Technologies and Expertise
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News, views, features and commentary about the automotive repair and service industry in Canada.
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A podcast for process automation professionals
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This is where poor financial decisions are not only welcomed but embraced. Join Matt West as he descends into automotive m̶a̶d̶n̶e̶s̶s̶ enlightenment, while featuring prominent guests, racecar drivers, industry news, and questionable mechanical advice free of charge. Listen Weekly! Listen on the Radio! AM1460 & FM 101.1 The Answer - Saturdays at 9am, Sundays at 6pm AM 1400 KRLN - Saturdays at 9am 91.7 KLZR - Saturdays at 10:30am
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"Drive to Success: Mastering Auto Finance" is a podcast that delves into the complexities of the auto finance industry, offering listeners expert insights and practical advice on loan options and vehicle refinancing. Each episode equips car buyers with the knowledge to navigate their financing decisions wisely, ensuring they achieve the best possible outcomes in their auto purchasing experiences.
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Decouvrez l'actualité automobile hebdomadaire en moins de 5 minutes! Les articles complets sont sur Vos suggestions [email protected]
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Network Automation Nerds is for network engineers and infrastructure professionals eager to learn more about automation. Join host Eric Chou as he explores how to take advantage of modern network programmability to automate tasks, build robust systems, and get more done in less time. You’ll hear from a lineup of seasoned engineers, avid learners, industry leaders, and tool creators as they share tips, best practices, and hard-won advice.
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TestGuild Automation Podcast (formally Test Talks) is a weekly podcast hosted by Joe Colantonio, which geeks out on all things software test automation. TestGuild Automation covers news found in the testing space, reviews books about automation, and speaks with some of the thought leaders in the test automation field. We’ll aim to interview some of today’s most successful and inspiring software engineers, and test automation thought leaders.
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We really can’t predict the future … because nobody can. What we can do, though, is help auto manufacturers recognize, prepare for, and profit from whatever comes next. Auto Supply Chain Prophets gives you timely and relevant insights and best practices from industry leaders.
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Optimize your business operations. Tune in to hear how we help founders & business owners build simple, streamlined systems & digital experience operations that scale.
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Benjamin and Sami are two journalists who take a weekly look at the funnier side of the automotive industry and the cars they drive.
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Winner of the 2022, 2023 & 2024 Apex Awards of Excellence for Best Podcast. Join Executive Editor Theresa Houck for Automation Chat, where she talks with industrial automation leaders, executives, and practitioners for their insights about technologies and trends affecting manufacturing and industrial automation professionals. Published by The Journal From Rockwell Automation and Our PartnerNetwork magazine ( We chat about digital transformation, analytics and inf ...
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Carmine Mallozzi and Vince Ieluzzi from help you find out how you can customize your pre-owned vehicle purchase. Never step foot in a dealership again - shop for a vehicle from the comfort of your own home or office. Find the car of your dreams, while saving thousands of dollars. Find out one of the best kept secrets in the industry!
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Everything about cars
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Týždenný podcast magazínu Auto Bild vám prináša náš pohľad na dôležité témy, ktoré hýbu svetom automobilov. Nina Pánska, Filip Kadlečík a Milan Adámek diskutujú o štvorkolesových novinkách, zaujímavostiach z histórie, ale aj servisných témach či nových legislatívnych návrhoch a výzvach, ktoré hýbu svetom automotive.
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TestGuild Automation Testing Podcast
Test Automation with Joe Colantonio. TestGuild Automation Podcast covers Se
TestGuild (Formally TestTalks) Automation Testing Podcast is a weekly podcast hosted by Joe Colantonio, which geeks out on all things software test automation. TestGuild covers news found in the testing space, reviews books about automation, and speaks with some of the thought leaders in the test automation field. We’ll aim to interview some of today’s most successful and inspiring software engineers and test automation thought leaders. During the interviews, the spotlighted engineer will sh ...
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The space where communication, education, and technology intersect is not only my passion, but it's where this podcast brings conversations with ideas and solutions directly to you. Whether it's AI, synthetic media, or whatever comes next, I believe technology when used well has the power to make us more human.
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Sécurité routière, radars, prix de l'essence, Christophe Bourroux décode l'actualité automobile pour vous chaque semaine.
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Aira Euro Automation is a Leading Valve Manufacturer & Exporter in Ahmedabad, India. We Have a Wide Range of Industrial Valves.
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RUN MODE is the official podcast from Power/mation designed to explore the ever-evolving world of industrial automation in-depth.
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At AZ Auto Aesthetics, we take great pride in being a comprehensive, full-service facility. We invite everyone to stop by our facility and take a tour. We are open 7 days a week. We can’t wait to pamper your vehicle. AZ Auto Aesthetics 7613 E Ray Rd #114 Mesa, AZ 85212 Phone: 480-241-9324 Website:
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You are listening to The Auto Tech Show, a podcast dedicated to the evolution of technology in the automotive industry! Join your host, Marc Babin, as he talks shop with industry experts on this ever-changing landscape. From the latest in tech to groundbreaking new processes, you won’t want to miss a single episode.
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The Talking Industrial Automation Podcast is a show to help you get to know the people who make modern manufacturing and processing possible. Along the way you'll hear about integration technology, trends and challenges. If you are a manufacturer, end user/client, supplier or system integrator interested in industrial automation, you will enjoy the insights in this podcast.
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The Auto Repair Marketing Podcast with Kim and Brian Walker. Experts in their field who work with shop owners take it to the next level and create a unique approach to marketing. See the growth in your business you’ve been working so hard for by using time-proven marketing that works, fueled to go further by your shop's uniqueness.
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Welcome to the most influential and listened to podcast for the Car Care Industry. We are the #community that brings you fresh perspectives, real talks, motivational encouragement and we probably will be drinking some fine fermentations while we do it...but if you want to watch live then join in for the live feed on . Grab A Pint And Enjoy 🍻
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Elétrico de 20 mil euros da Volkswagen será FEITO EM PORTUGAL
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27:11É oficial. A Volkswagen Autoeuropa, localizada em Palmela, foi escolhida pelo Grupo Volkswagen para produzir o futuro ID.1, o 100% elétrico de entrada da marca alemã que vai chegar ao mercado em 2027. Esta é uma notícia bastante positiva não só para a fábrica localizada no distrito de Setúbal, como para o nosso país, especialmente a nível económico…
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Floorplanning for Auto Dealers: The Pros, Cons, and Key Players
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16:09In this episode of Drive To Success: Mastering Auto Finance, we take a deep dive into floorplanning for auto dealers—what it is, how it works, and why it’s a game-changer for managing inventory and cash flow. We’ll cover the advantages and disadvantages of floorplan financing, key requirements to qualify, and the top floorplan lenders in the indust…
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Steve Levine previews second book, combined events of BHPH United & Compliance Unleashed
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17:13Steve Levine of Ignite Consulting Partners made another appearance on the Auto Remarketing Podcast for two reasons.Levine shared how his second book came together to help dealerships with their compliance responsibilities. He also previewed the combined training conferences next month in Las Vegas — BHPH United and Compliance Unleashed.…
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Tone-Deaf Automotive Marketing: Owner Ops Are Done ATI IL show 199
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Stillstand bedeutet bekanntermaßen Rückschritt. Das ist in der Medizin so, in der IT und natürlich auch im Automobilbau. Das ist auf bei Audi in Ingolstadt bekannt und so arbeitet man ständig an Verbesserungen und Neuentwicklungen. Aktuelles Beispiel: Das MHEV plus-System, das auch im neuen Audi A6 Avant zum Einsatz kommt. Darum geht es diesmal! Er…
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Join Joe Toscano and Alex Rapp as they dive into an insightful conversation with Jon Cabak, co-founder of Detect Auto, a pioneering platform empowering automotive repair shops through innovative technology. Discover how Jon's journey from creating a smart fan led to the development of tools that enhance efficiency, streamline operations, and increa…
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Er zijn minder premium auto's verkocht het afgelopen jaar. Ongeveer 1 op de 10 nieuw verkochte auto's was 'premium' in 2024. Het gaat om bijna 9,3 miljoen auto's wereldwijd. Dat is 3% minder dan een jaar eerder, meldt Car Industry Analysis. BMW voert de ranglijst aan, gevolgd door Mercedes en Audi. De 'Duitse drie' leverden weliswaar in, maar zijn …
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75 Jahre Bulli | Lars Krause In dieser Folge feiern wir den 75. Geburtstag des VW Bulli. Zusammen mit Lars Krause, Vorstand von Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge, blicken wir in der Autostadt in Wolfsburg auf die Anfänge des Kultfahrzeugs zurück und sprechen über seine spannende Zukunft. Passend dazu findet das Gespräch im ID.Buzz statt – dem modernen, voll…
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All About Leasing, Ioniq 9, ID. Buzz, and PSAs Need To Come Back.
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55:59It's 10 o'clock, do you know where your children are?저자 Auto Buyers Guide
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L'ÉMISSION - Les conseils d'un expert pour laver sa voiture du 09 mars 2025
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4:44Pas besoin d'attendre le printemps pour laver sa voiture : plus tôt vous le ferez et plus vous allez bien l'entretenir, à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur. Écoutez les les conseils d'un spécialiste, Jean-Christophe Rogez, directeur général adjoint d'un des plus gros réseau de lavage en France, Éléphant Bleu.…
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March 8, 2025 | Weekend Drive: Auto industry rides the tariff roller coaster
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22:22저자 Automotive News
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Automobilový svet sa za posledné roky zásadne zmenil – od technológií a bezpečnostných systémov až po elektrifikáciu a nové trendy vo výbave. V tejto epizóde Auto Bild Podcastu sa pozrieme na to, ako sa zmenili autá za poslednú dekádu a čo dnes považujeme za štandard, ktorý bol kedysi luxusom. 🚗 Ako sa zmenili motory – od atmosfér až po elektromobi…
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Staying Humble While Promoting Your Community Involvement [E142]
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31:57Getting involved in your community is powerful, but how do you share your efforts without sounding boastful? There’s a fine line between successful and selfish self-promotion, and in this episode, Brian and Kim Walker discuss how to highlight your work with authenticity and gratitude—not ego. We’ll discuss framing your message to focus on the cause…
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Customer Says I Ruined Their Car After Applying A Ceramic Coating…
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26:06In this episode, I break down a real-world detailing nightmare—a customer claiming their car was "ruined" after a ceramic coating application. 😳 What went wrong? Was it the product, the process, or just unrealistic expectations? If you’ve ever dealt with a customer dispute, this episode is for you! I’ll share lessons learned, how to avoid these sit…
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Where is The Most Profit In The Detailing Space? Do You Believe In Ceramic Coatings? Episode #896
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56:45This conversation delves into the intricacies of auto detailing, focusing on common challenges faced by detailers, pricing strategies, and the importance of real-world experience over online content. The hosts discuss effective tire shine techniques, the profitability of detailing services, and explore alternative income streams within the industry…
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Tech, Sustainability, & Talent: How Martinrea Is Building the Supply Chain of Tomorrow
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27:23At the heart of The Prophets’ vision are “The 24 Essential Supply Chain Processes.” What are they? Find out, and see the future yourself. Click here The automotive supply chain isn't what it used to be. Between shifting global policies, evolving AI capabilities, and the relentless push for sustainability, the pressure is on. And if you're not think…
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ASW Conversations: Climbing Mt. Aftermarket Everest, with Pacer Dynamics
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17:33The leadership team of Pacer Dynamics — Eddie Tso, Joshua Lin, and Albert Liu — discuss their journey into the automotive aftermarket, one that may not be typical. The trio shares how their diverse backgrounds and friendships led them to form this Canadian-owned brake disc manufacturer, highlighting the importance of industry connections, adaptabil…
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Driving Digital from the South: How Latin America is Shaping Automotive Tech
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38:30In this episode of the Auto Tech Show, Marc Babin interviews Matias Borges, co-founder and CEO of Bravo Digital Solutions, about Latin America's pivotal role in shaping the future of automotive technology. They discuss the unique factors driving innovation in the region, local success stories, the balance between local needs and global market deman…
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저자 AM640
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Actionfilme leben von waghalsigen Verfolgungsjagden im Auto, spektakulären Crashs und gefährlichen Sprüngen. Doch wie realistisch sind die Stunts wirklich? Wie werden die Szenen geplant? Und welche Sicherheitsmaßnahmen sind essenziell? In dieser Folge von Automobil sprechen wir mit Tim Haberland vom Stuntteam Haberland über die spektakuläre Welt de…
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In this episode we want to explain the 5 Most Common Causes of Damage to Car Paint and what you can do to protect your vehicle. Taking care of your vehicle’s paint job is essential to maintain its vibrant color for years and if you need a paint correction look for AZ Auto Aesthetics. Additionally, we offer other important services like wheel cleani…
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Chris & Mike Talk Summer Sales Training for Auto Recyclers
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19:52In this podcast, Mike Kunkel (Profit Team Consulting) and Chris Daglis (Auto PARTnered Solutions) break down what auto recyclers can expect from the Summer Sales Training sessions happening this March in Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne. Want to know how some salespeople consistently generate over $500,000 a month? These training sessions will deliv…
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WWJ auto analyst John McElroy reports total production in Japan, including exports, is down three million vehicles from its peak in the 1990's.
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