Nishmas: this powerful Tefila teaches us that gratitude is a most powerful key to unlocking the gates leading up to Hashem. Welcome to the Nishmas Army may Hashem answer your Tefillos L’tova.... & speedily! - Charlene Aminoff
اینجا در مورد سرگرمی صحبت میکنم. در مورد کتاب، فیلم، سریال، بازی و چیزهایی که در مورد سرگرمی. همینطور میتونید مطالب آموزشی در مورد مسائل عمومی و تخصصی هم پیدا کنید میتونید ویدئوها رو در کانال یوتیوب من ببینید
Hello, Rosé Dragonslayer of the Girls und Panzer Amino here. This podcast will feature various topics and guests from the Amino, history trivia, and probably strong accents. Hope you have fun and consider joining us.
We did it ! Mazel tov! It’s the 40th day of Nishmat. Please, extra simcha in the way you say it today, extra kavanah in the way you Thank Hashem today. You are about to receive so much bracha in your life. Whether it’s the exact bracha you think you want, or whether it’s the exact bracha Hashem knows you need, that's up to Hashem. What you have don…
As you know there have been many people who have tremendous yeshuot and miracles as a result of saying Nishmat Kol Chai. I’m going to share 2 quick stories of different categories about how Nishmat Kol Chai can bring a yeshua. A single girl came to me just to shmooze, she came to my office to sit in my kallah chair because there’s some segulah powe…
Nishmat Soldiers! It’s Charlene Aminoff here again with a little reminder to everybody that is part of this round of Nishmat Kol Chai. There is something so special about asking Hashem for something after we have expressed our gratitude to Hashem. It almost makes it feel like we are first showing our father in Heaven just how grateful we are for ou…
Hi friends, we are well underway to receive our amazing miracles and yeshuot that are coming to us B’ezrat Hashem. You’re already part of the Nishmat army so if you’re receiving this message I just want to remind everybody that our job is not to understand the ways of Hashem. Our job is to trust the ways of Hashem. Sometimes a certain Bakashah that…
Hello everybody it's Charlene Aminoff here and I am so excited to recruit so many of you into the next round of Nishmat Kol Chai. What is Nishmat Kol Chai you ask?! It’s a wonderful amazing Tefila dedicated to praising Hashem in a very deep and meaningful way. Rebbetzvin Kaniefsky A’H, before she past away, she said that anyone who came to her for …
Music by: Streaming page: gameraider69 (Twitch) Amino: Support this podcast:
I had alot of life events go out through the year that I have been away, some small and some life changing! How ever I've continued to have love and support for this show and so I will be returning to give you guys the content that you love! Please keep an eye out for my next show coming up very soon!--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spo…
شماره اول پادکست «امینوفسکی» منتشر شد. توی این شماره میتونین از دنیای مارول تا راههای پیشنهادی جدید برای کمک به درمان اختلال اوتیسم بشنوید. در مورد اخبار زبانشناسی حرف زدم و به یک بازی ویدئویی هم سر زدم که در مورد مفهوم جدیدی به اسم «شناخت» هست و در موردش صحبتی کردم. سر به سر دستیار صوتی گوگل گذاشتم و در مورد بازی فیفا و همینطور اپلیکیشنی برای یاد…
این پیش نمایش پادکست «امینوفسکی» هست. دوست دارم در مورد چیزی که تو زندگی ازش لذت میبرم توی این پادکست صحبت کنم. از فیلم و کتاب و موسیقی و بازی و فوتبال و هر چیزی که میتونه من رو خوشحال کنه. در مورد اخبار باحال دنیا حرف بزنیم و از چیزهای باحال لذت ببریم. این یه پادکست شخصی هست که دوست داره شخصهای دیگه هم بشنونش. پس اگه دوسش دارین به رفقاتون هم پیشن…
In this episode I will be talking about Captain Marvel, The Avengers and the End Game. --- Support this podcast:
I discuss Adam warlock entering the MCU and we dive into an OC battle ground!--- Support this podcast:
To help celebrate the Girls und Panzer Amino breaking 1000 members, me and Pravda Student Nonna sat down and did a full comentary of Girls und Panzer der Film. Oh what fun it was. Amino link:
Pobierz Tym razem podcast na pełnym spontanie. Dzisiejszym tematem są: ogromny sukces filmu pełnometrażowego Kimi no Na wa, a także o naszych ostatnich obejrzanych (bądź w przypadku Eziosa - przeczytanych) pozycjach. Na koniec pokrótce o nadchodzącym sezonie. 1:00 - wstęp do Kimi no Na wa, czyli pogadanka o topce na MAL-u 8:03 - Kimi no Na wa część…
Pobierz O anime z motywem przeniesienia do innego świata nietrudno usłyszeć - od premiery SAO w 2012 roku taki motyw przeżywa istny renesans, powstaje mnóstwo takich serii, ale nie każdy taki tytuł jest sobie równy i traktuje o tym samym. Ten podcast zadedykowany jest właśnie takim seriom - przedstawimy różne spojrzenia na taki motyw, klasyczne prz…
Pobierz Drugi odcinek podcastu AMINOcast, tym razem przyjrzymy się sezonowi Lato 2016, a w nim: mahou yuri dziewczynki, dużo Keya, walka nadziei z rozpaczą w podwójnym wydaniu, parę shortów, parę crapów, ale przede wszystkim dziewczynki walczące z kosmitami na wodzie! Tym razem również trwało to trochę dłużej niżbyśmy chcieli i trochę zbyt sztywno …
Pobierz Pierwszy odcinek podcastu AMINOcast, podcastu o tematyce A/M. W odcinku rozmawiamy o zakończonym już sezonie Wiosna 2016 00:45 - Bishoujo Yuugi Unit Crane Game Girls 04:01 - Seisen Cerberus: Ryuukoku no Fatalités 11:38 - Ragnastrike Angels 14:00 - Onigiri 17:10 - Big Order (TV) - (anime of the season) 30:06 - Pan de Pace 33:32 - Usakame 36:…
Live set recorded by Aminos Kh, few mates requested bangerz so i have chosen a few of my favourite ones and mixed it up abit with my Minimal Faves :) Hope ya'll enjoy :)