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Amarabhilash is a creative developer and designer who creates beautiful websites and apps. I create simple yet effective user interfaces that are easy to use, responsive across all devices and platforms, powerful but light-weight, technologically sound and aesthetically pleasing.
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Podcast Café Amargo

Podcast Café Amargo

Cansado de ouvir as mesmas opiniões sobre acontecimentos em Ribeirão Preto repetidas exaustivamente em diferentes meios de comunicação? 😩 Acompanhe o Podcast CAFÉ AMARGO! Um bate-papo descontraído entre jovens conservadores, nascidos e criados na cidade, repercutindo fatos recentes. Livres dos grilhões da "imprensa profissional", não adoçam a verdade. ☕ Transmitido de RIBEIRÃO PRETO, SÃO PAULO, é apresentado por MAICON TROPIANO e GLAUCIO MARCOS.
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El podcast del amarganeitor es humor negro y desprecio a la sociedad humana, solo buscando que se diviertan en este audio blog. Blog personal: canal de Telegram: Transmitido en la
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Amarica's Constitution

Akhil Reed Amar

Professor Akhil Reed Amar, Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science at Yale University and one of the nation's leading authorities on the Constitution, offers weekly in-depth discussions on the most urgent and fascinating constitutional issues of our day. He is joined by co-host Andy Lipka and guests drawn from other top experts including Bob Woodward, Nina Totenberg, Neal Katyal, Lawrence Lessig, Michael Gerhardt, and many more.
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In this podcast, you will have a space for creativity and laughter, created especially for young people, where we will be breaking down different topics of interest to our generation from different types of perspectives, but above all, having a good time with Karla Montero. Welcome to The Yellow Show.
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Rav Yossi Amar - ETORAH

Rav Yossi Amar - Beth Habad 77 ETORAH

Le Rav Yossi Amar est le fondateur & directeur des institutions Habad Loubavitch Seine et Marne, fondateur de l'application ETORAH, et conférencier international des enseignements du Rabbi de Loubavitch sur tous les sujets, particulièrement sur le couple, l'éducation, la Paracha, la mystique et la loi juive, et conférence a thème que vous retrouverez sur ce Podcast. • Toutes les actions du Beth Habad Seine et Marne sur notre site internet : • Découvrez les dernières parutions au ...
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This is a podcast where I discuss real topics with real people. Let's cut through the fluff and just be transparent. I want to showcase authenticity since we live in a world where everything needs to be prim and proper from filters to audio tune, etc. On a mission to Educate, Inspire, and Motivate others since we ALL have powerful stories to share to continue to make an impact.
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¡Que nuestro único frente sea el amor! Bienvenidos a Consciencia amarilla ¡Amar y ya! Un espacio para conectar y tejernos desde el corazón, Soy Camila Mejía y aquí vamos a conversar sobre temas relacionados con el crecimiento personal y despertar espiritual, sostenibilidad y la relación que tenemos con nuestro planeta, hablar con maestros que nos aporten a la conversación, sobre libros, películas y todas aquellas herramientas que nutren este camino de autoconocimiento y conexión interior. Pa ...
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Amaravati Podcast | Latest Dhamma Talks

Amaravati Buddhist Monastery

These are the latest Dhamma Talks given mainly in the Amaravati Temple during the Wan Phras (moon/observance days). These talks include those given during the Winter Retreat, Rains / Vassa retreat and the rest of the year. A complete audio library can be found on
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Amari Music Talk

Amari Communications

Amari Music Talk is a podcast dedicated to the music and artistry of Prince and other artists such as Parliament-Funkadelic, The Isley Brothers and many more. This is a fan created show that discusses an artist's creative works as well as the work created by many of their associates. Host Richard Cole moderates the topics each episode.
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Amara is committed to positive long-term outcomes for children and families. We drive systemic change, promote healing, and advance racial and LGBTQIA+ equity, by offering programs and services to families engaged in foster care, and to adoptees and families, post-adoption.
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show series
Iguérèt HaKodech Ch. 7 #2: Quelle est ma mission unique dans ce monde ? Et si le monde ne pouvait pas tourner sans moi ? Comment découvrir la mission qui fait de chacun une personne irremplaçable et essentielle à l’équilibre du monde ?🎭 POURIM APPROCHE – Offrons la joie à tous! Contribuez dès maintenant ici: 💙Pour plus …
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Want to know what successful power parenting looks like? In this segment, Dr. John Chanaca shares bits and pieces fornurturing successful students in the modern world. All of which help build trust and respect for authority figures. WHO IS DR. JOHN CHANACA? Dr. John Chanaca, founder of MJChanacapublishing LLC, hasover 42 years of experience in teac…
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President Trump continues to wield the ax in a manner consistent with Unitary Executive theory. The question is, is it also consistent with the Constitution, and with the various statutes on the books that are at odds with that theory? Professor Calabresi returns for more discussion of this crucial question; in this episode, Akhil is pressing a num…
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En este episodio me abro a un tema profundo y transformador: la importancia de abrazar nuestra sombra. 🌑💛 A través de una historia personal, comparto cómo un momento inesperado me llevó a reflexionar sobre esas partes de mí misma que a veces prefiero evitar. Hablamos de cómo nuestras sombras no son más que aspectos ocultos que, al mirarlos con amor…
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🎙️ O BLOCO DA RISADA PASSANDO PELO SEU FEED! 🤣 TOM GUIMARÃES, CADU PASCOLI e JOÃO BITAR são humoristas stand-up em ascensão, conquistando o público de Ribeirão Preto e região com muito talento e carisma. Os três já são conhecidos como os rostos da cena da comédia na cidade com o @‌ribeiraocomedy, e sempre marcam presença com ótimas participações em…
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Tétsavé : Tes vêtements parlent pour toi : que révèlent-ils vraiment ? Sont-ils une simple apparence, une quête d’acceptation, une expression de soi ou le reflet d’une identité plus profonde et de tes véritables intentions ?🎭 POURIM APPROCHE – Offrons la joie à tous! Contribuez dès maintenant ici: 💙Pour plus de 1600 cours…
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A conversation with Shilee Pearson of RuffLife K9 Training. A former horse trainer who grew up in Nebraska, Pearson pivoted to establish an award-winning dog-training business in Omaha. But two years ago, she moved to Amarillo in pursuit of a relationship. (They ended up getting married.) Pearson shares with host Jason Boyett—who happens to be a cl…
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Honro los días grises, las tormentas, inundaciones y lloviznas constantes que fueron mi constante por mucho tiempo. Sembraron en mi la resiliencia y la fortaleza. He aprendido que las tempestades no vienen a quebrarnos sino a transformarnos. Honro a mi hermana Ilia, quien durante mi proceso más difícil, nunca me dejó sola y mientras yo me hacía res…
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Learn the secrets to eliminating or, at least, mitigating the risks when investing in real estate in Amarillo. This class is Module 24 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: How to think about risks in terms of severity and likelihood and which are the most devastating? For each risk: what is …
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Revivez le 2ᵉ voyage annuel des DAMES chez le Rabbi – Tevet 5785 (Janvier 2025), organisé par le Beth Habad 77 sous la direction de Mme Tzal'ha Amar. Plongez au cœur d'une expérience inoubliable ! Du 16 au 19 janvier 2025, des femmes inspirantes ont vécu des moments intenses de spiritualité, de connexion et d’émotion. Découvrez leurs témoignages bo…
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Iguérèt HaKodech Ch. 7 #1: Comment puis-je ressentir la présence de D.ieu au quotidien et tisser un lien profond avec Lui, pour qu'Il devienne une source constante de guidance et de réconfort ?Pour plus de 1600 cours du Rav Yossi AMAR, visitez https://www.etorah.frPour sponsoriser un cours, ou soutenir nos actions, cliquez ici : https://don-chaba…
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🎙️ ESTABILIDADE x EMPREENDEDORISMO 🔥🚀 Você teria coragem de abrir mão de uma renda mensal de R$ 7000 para iniciar um novo negócio com apenas R$1200/mês? 😱 Empresário visionário e especialista em Growth Marketing, Washington tem mais de 15 anos de experiência. Fundador da PWR Marketing Digital, tem sido essencial no crescimento de empresas nacionais…
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We are joined by Professor Steven Calabresi, the co-founder and co-president of the Federalist Society, for three big topics. First, he offers insights for this fraught moment in our history with a new book on a key figure from an earlier era. Second, he finds himself on the other side from our current president on an important constitutional issue…
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Biblical forgiveness goes beyond simply pardoning others - it's about breaking free from the chains of resentment and hurt. When we hold onto unforgiveness, we create debtor relationships that poison our hearts and affect our well-being. Drawing from Matthew 18:21-35, we learn that having received God's infinite forgiveness, we must extend that sam…
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Terouma : L’espoir d’un avenir meilleur est-il une illusion ? Peut-on encore croire en des jours meilleurs ? Comment garder une foi inébranlable en la venue du Machia’h et en la délivrance divine malgré nos souffrances ? Que nous enseigne le bois d’acacia dans le désert ?Pour plus de 1600 cours du Rav Yossi AMAR, visitez https://www.etorah.frPour s…
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A conversation with Meaghan Collier, the communications and marketing manager for the Amarillo campus of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. Collier was recently named 2025 Volunteer of the Year at the Brickly Awards. A native of Canyon, she spent several years as a local television journalist with KAMR 4 Local News. Locals recognize …
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