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Best selling author JJ Flizanes brings cutting edge information and inspiration on weight loss, nutrition, alternative medicine, gluten free, dairy free & paleo diets, acupuncture, chinese medicine, homeopathy, bioidentical hormones, feng shui, food, health, wellness, diet, exercise, fat loss, healing and wellness.
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Alternate Take

Danny Rodriguez

We Are Alternate Take. A Brand 1st, A Podcast Second. We Are Dedicated to Bringing You Unique Interviews with Legends In: - Comedy - Sports - Music - Film - MMA/Boxing - True Crime/Heroism - Entrepreneurship - Health/Nutrition/Science - Politics - Authorship - Leadership Host/Creator: Danny Rodriguez Produced by: Who Cares IG: @alternatetakepodcast FB: @alternatetakepodcast YT: @alternatetakepodcast Streaming on Apple Podcasts/Spotify/Etc.
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Alternative Interests


Join Crystal and Kat as they take turns each week diving into all things weird, dark, and spooky. From True Crime to Cults and Conspiracies and all things Supernatural, this show is sure to capture all of your alternative interests.
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Once the fastest growing independent media in the world before being stifled by big tech, we now post on most independent platforms. We produce content prolifically. News, interviews, documentaries, confrontation and updates. Headed by Josh Sigurdson. WAM!
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Disciplinas Alternativas

Cucharita de Postre

Become a Paid Subscriber: Podcast sobre aquellas disciplinas diferentes, poco comunes y casi ciencia para la cultura popular. Estas serían: lo Insólito, lo Enigmático, Esoterismo, Futurología, lo Místico, Mitología, Neo-antropología, Parapsicología, las Profecías, Sanación, Percepciones, y muchos artículos más…
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Speaking of Alternatives is an original podcast from PGIM, providing a global perspective on the rich and diverse landscape of alternative investments. Each month, leading experts join host Eric Adler, President and CEO of PGIM Private Alternatives, to cut through the complexities and get to the heart of alternative investing. Together they look beyond the headlines and scrutinise the latest trends and strategies driving this important asset class.
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ALTernate Stages

Rob Armstrong Martin, Executive Director of Albuquerque Little Theatre

Weekly show about live theatre and those who make it in and near the historic 1936 Albuquerque Little Theatre, hosted by A.L.T. Executive Director Rob Armstrong Martín
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Proven Health Alternatives

Dr. Robert Silverman

Welcome to Proven Health Alternatives—a webcast revealing science-based alternatives to today’s healthcare practices. I’m your host, Dr. Rob Silverman, a chiropractic doctor, clinical nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner, international speaker, and author of "Immune Reboot: Your Guide to Maximizing Immunity, Restoring Gut Health, and Optimizing Vitality" and “Inside-Out Health: A Revolutionary Approach to Your Body.” Join me as I converse with leading health, fitness, supplements, ...
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A Student's Intro to Alternative Investments

Alternative & Direct Investment Securities Association

ADISA, in partnership with the Milken Institute HBCU Fellows Program, is excited to launch A Student’s Intro to Alternative Investments, a new podcast series providing students the opportunity to learn from current leaders in the alternative investments industry.
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Alternative Wales is the Welsh football culture podcast. Join us weekly as host, Ryan March, is joined by the likes of Tomi Caws, Rhodri Davies, Megan Feringa and others as we discuss the news at all levels of Welsh football, on and off the pitch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Join host Shana Orczyk Sissel, Founder & CEO of Banrion Capital Management, as she interviews leaders in the alternative investment space. Learn more about their firms, their passions and about the many different ways investors can use alternative investments to add value in their investment portfolios.
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Your Uncensored Alternative Foreign Policy Briefing with Host Chief Justin Time. In each episode, we talk with VT correspondents around the world and discuss the issues of the day. Our goal is to bring a new and different perspective to the intelligent discourse table. We also interview international movers and shakers in the alternative world to expand the conversation and explode the discourse.
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Alternative Power Plays

Buchanan Ingersoll and Rooney

Alternative Power Plays is a podcast that explores the latest trends and innovations in energy generation. The podcast is hosted by Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney attorneys and experts, Alan Seltzer and John Povilaitis, along with financing experts at the Brattle Group. Each episode features insightful interviews with industry leaders, innovators, and policymakers who are shaping the future of alternative energy. Tune into to Alternative Power Plays to hear frank conversations about new energy ...
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Alternative Tentacles Batcast

Alternative Tentacles Records

The official podcast for Alternative Tentacles Records and Jello Biafra. As one of the most legendary independent labels in the world, Alternative Tentacles remains a vital and abundant source of punk rock, hardcore, spoken word artistry and a wealth of other genres. Founded in 1979 by then-Dead Kennedys frontman and outspoken provocateur Jello Biafra, A.T. has never shied away from embracing both the radical and the experimental, serving to expand the world’s idea of what constitutes punk.
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Private Funds, Private Equity, Hedge Funds, 40 Act Public Funds, Real Estate, Real Assets, Structured Products, Digital Assets, and Data Science for Investing. Discover the world of alternative investments and how they can potentially boost your portfolio’s performance. Historically, these investments were the domain of institutional investors, who for years have used them to lower risk without sacrificing returns, thanks to low return correlations with traditional assets. Now, explore the g ...
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Alternative Talk- 1150AM KKNW

Alternative Talk- 1150AM KKNW

Alternative Talk 1150AM is unlike any other talk radio format in the Seattle Radio Market. Hosts on the station cover a wide variety of topics, including natural health, personal and financial growth, pet wellness, the psychic realm, issues important to today’s busy woman, and even foreign language programming to serve the area’s large Russian and Chinese speaking communities. Alternative Talk 1150 is proud to pioneer such unique and diverse talk radio subjects. The station brings a variety ...
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Get off Wall Street and explore the wide world of alternative investments for your IRA. Take control and give yourself the freedom to choose the assets for your retirement plan, assets like real estate, cryptocurrency, private placements, and much more. Our podcast features Advanta IRA professionals and guest experts who help provide a roadmap to your success with investment trends, strategies, and tips for investing your IRA to build wealth for your future.
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This weekly podcast offers a fun and lighthearted take on the events of the week, where we joke around and discuss everything that matters to you. With our unique perspective and insight, there's no better place to get the facts on the topics you care about.
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Alternate Currents opens space for conversation, ideation, and action around national and international discussions in the arts that have a profound impact at the local level. Alternate Currents responds to these questions across multiple platforms, both on- and off line. Visit www.amplifyarts/alternate-currents for more.
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Alternative Exit is a dedicated to educating small business owners about the possibilities, benefits, and challenges of transitioning to an employee ownership model. There are over 200m SMEs with an owner who will be retiring in the next 10 years, many of which will never find a buyer for their business, forcing them to close their doors. There is an alternative. This show will explore various the different forms of employee ownership and best practices for successful transitions. Each episo ...
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On this show we reveal some of the latest developments in the fast-growing Alternative Data sector. Satellite imaging, news-crawling, credit card data... and many more fresh new data sources are increasingly being used by investors to gain a competitive edge when making market decisions. We speak to data providers, asset managers, and anyone else in the sector to better understand this dynamic phenomenon. For more of an introduction to Alternative Data and its past, present and future, pleas ...
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Join Primal Health Coach and Mum Helen Marshall as she delves into the health journeys of real people with real stories about real food. Soak up the actionable tips on how to make your primal journey more doable and sustainable. Reclaim your health by getting back to the foods we evolved and thrive on as species. Goodbye deprivation and chronic cardio and hello intuitive eating and go with the flow workouts.
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Alt Goes Mainstream podcast is the place to turn to for interviews with some of the brightest and most experienced minds in the world of alternative investing, private equity (PE), venture capital (VC), real estate, crypto, collectibles and more. For anyone looking to invest into alternative assets (from experienced wealth managers to family offices to the individual investor looking for a more diversified investment portfolio), you’ll hear inside stories from executives and founders at some ...
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Explore the realm of alternate histories as we explore the "what ifs" that can flow from history's most pivotal moments. Each episode will focus on a specific moment in time--the fork--where history could have taken a different path. A Fork In Time encourages contributions and participation by our community of listeners who have become an integral and vital part of the show. This feed is also the home of our companion show, The Room Where It Happened, featuring the team looking at significan ...
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show series
Aprender de Vidas pasadas La mayoría de las religiones orientales hármicas, como el hinduismo, el sikhismo o el budismo, abalan la idea de la reencarnación. Incluso algunas religiones occidentales, si bien no admiten la reencarnación en su doctrina actual, en algún momento de su historia si la aceptaron. Como es el caso del judaísmo o el cristianis…
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La Reencarnación Judaísmo y Reencarnación Aunque A. E. Waite, al traducir la "Kabalah Denudata", se haya deslumbrado con la posibilidad de que el pueblo de Israel haya creído alguna vez en la reencarnación. Para extender vuestro conocimiento, los invitamos a nuestra temporada número 6 llamada “La Kabahla”. Los hebreos, como buena base del catolicis…
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William Atkinson El Sexo Mental Los fenómenos de sugestión e hipnotismo son explicables bajo la Teoría Rosacruz del Sexo Mental. Un escritor sobre este tema ha dicho: La sugestión y el hipnotismo operan de la misma manera, es decir, mediante el principio masculino proyectando sus vibraciones hacia el principio femenino en la mente de la otra person…
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William Atkinson Principio de la POLARIDAD Los Signos Cardinales Si viajamos lo suficientemente hacia el oeste, finalmente llegamos al extremo estey viceversa. Si viajamos lo suficientemente al norte, pasamos el polo y nos dirigimos hacia el sur. En el Polo Norte, no importa en qué dirección viajemos, siempre nos encontramosviajando hacia el sur. M…
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VIAJEROS MULTIVERSALES - 2022 El Anacronópete – año 1887 El escritor español Enrique Gaspar escribió El Anacronópete, que significa algo que “vuela hacia atrás en el tiempo” en 1887, ocho años completos antes de Lamáquina del tiempo de H.G. Well, convirtiéndolo en el primer inventor literario de la máquina del tiempo. Wells o Gaspar HGWells o Enriq…
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Los PRINCIPIOS UNIVERSALES William Atkinson Los 7 Principios Herméticos La Ciencia Moderna La ciencia moderna ha avanzado a la posición de los antiguos ocultistas que afirmaban que todo en el Cosmos estaba en un estado o condición de vibracióncontinua. La ciencia ahora nos dice que no solo cada partícula de materia, o cada masa de materia está en u…
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DESCRIPCIÓN de la MISIÓN El Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover buscará signos de vida microbiana antigua, lo que avanzará en la búsqueda de la NASA para explorar la habitabilidad pasada de Marte. El rover tiene un taladro para recolectar muestras de núcleos de roca y suelo marcianos. Y luego almacenarlos en tubos sellados para que los recoja una misión f…
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El TEXTO Abhhid hamma Mana o Psique Mana es un término y concepto sánscrito de la filosofía india que tiene múltiples significados. En los Yoga Sutras de Patañjali y el vedanta, este término designa indiferentemente la mente, pero también el intelecto, el inconsciente o laconciencia ordinaria en el estado de vigilia o ego. En el budismo, es el sext…
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VIAJEROS MULTIVERSALES - 2022 La Profecía del Titanic – año 1880 Una novela predijo el hundimiento del 'Titanic' con 14 años de anticipación, aunque se suponía que el Titanic nunca se hundiría. Aún más improbable es el hecho de que una novela escrita 14 años antes presentara el hundimiento del barco de pasajeros más grande del mundo, supuestamente …
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William Atkinson Los 7 Principios Herméticos Muchos investigadores han buscado comprender las leyes naturales que gobiernan nuestro universo. Algunos dicen que hay 12 , mientras que otros, como Hermes Trismegistus, dicen que hay siete. Trismegisto explica las leyes fundamentales de nuestra realidad en sus siete principios herméticos. Esto es de lo …
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EL AREA 51 - PROPULSIÓN por GRAVEDAD según Bob Lazar Según Bob Lazar, el elemento 115 se mecaniza en forma de triángulo y se utiliza para alimentar el reactor. Se utiliza para crear una reacción de transmutación con un protón adicional de 115 al elemento 116 que inmediatamente se desintegra y libera antimateria. Pero lo que es más importante, cuand…
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La Reencarnación Grecia y Reencarnación En los pueblos antiguos que confluyeron en la cultura griega y en la misma Grecia antigua, la muerte y el más allá eran vistos como fenómenos tristes y grises. Los antiguos griegos, persas y babilonios veían en la muerte un futuro gris y desalentador, una eternidad triste y, por supuesto, sin reencarnación al…
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La Reencarnación Cristianismo y Reencarnación En las primeras épocas de la religión católica, aún lejos de propugnar el cristianismo como se nos ofrece hoy en día, la reencarnación no haya sido anexionada ni desmentida. Siempre que se habla del tema aparece inevitablemente la figura de Orígenes, filósofo discípulo de Clemente de Alejandría, al que …
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EL AREA 51 - HUMANOS y los RETICULANOS . A pesar de que Lazar afirma haber leído definitivamente los documentos informativos. También insistió en que no estaba en condiciones de responder por la autenticidad de la información contenida en los mismos. En las mismas sesiones informativas de carpeta azul, había otras sesiones informativas. Que describ…
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El DESPEGUE de la MISIÓN El jueves, 30 de julio, despega finalmente la misión Mars 2020 de la NASA con el rover 'Perseverance' (vehículo de exploración planetaria). Cuyo objetivo será analizar la superficie de Marte en busca de restos biológicos, seleccionar muestras para su futuro regreso a la tierra y preparar el camino a las futuras misiones al …
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VIAJEROS MULTIVERSALES - 2022 El Misterio del Mary Celeste – año 1872 Probablemente, una de las historias sin resolver que más ha dado que hablar tuvo lugar en el año 1872. Haciendo que 150 años después, lo ocurrido en el interior del barco mercante Mary Celeste y el destino que corrió su tripulación sigue siendo una auténticaincógnita. Y así empez…
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El TEXTO Abhhid hamma Citta Cada momento mental se manifestará como una de las 89 formas de conciencia enumeradas en esta lista. Será la conciencia que tendrá lugar en una determinada esfera o nivel de existencia. Desde la esfera mundana orientada a los sentidos, a través de la forma superior. Y las esferas sin forma accesibles mediante las práctic…
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La Reencarnación Budismo y Reencarnación A menudo confundimos los preceptos hindúes con los preceptos budistas en todo lo que se refiere a religión y pensamiento mágico oriental. El budismo, como macro religión de oriente, fue adoptando las diferentes creencias de los distintos pueblos asiáticos. Pero en sus inicios no parece haberse pronunciado ni…
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The oil and gas industry is possibly one of the most well-known, and potentially misunderstood, sectors of the alternative investments space. Listen in as Chandler Lilly, a junior at Florida A&M University, interviews Matt Iak, executive vice president at U.S. Energy Development Corporation. Together, they discuss Iak’s career path to the energy se…
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In this episode of the AIA podcast, host Alex Perny welcomes Bronson Hill, CEO and founder of Bronson Equity for a discussion on the impact of inflation on real estate investors Subscribe to our YouTube channel and join our growing community for new videos every week. If you are interested in being a podcast guest speaker or have questions, contact…
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On this episode, Shana talks with H. Adam Holt, founder of Asset-Map, a software that turns complex financial data into simple, visual maps that spark better conversations and smarter decisions. From high-net-worth planning to alternatives and family dynamics, this tool helps advisors organize everything — income, assets, liabilities, and even fami…
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Today’s show discusses some of Trump’s emerging domestic policies, with focus on what’s behind shutting down the Education Dept., Trump Tariffs, and the $4.5T tax cuts working its way through Congress. What’s the real impact of Tariffs on inflation and economic growth? What’s Trump’s 3 part tax strategy? Which presidents since 2001 are responsible …
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En este episodio de Noviazgo Alternativo con Daniel y Cynthia hablamos sobre cómo tener un noviazgo diferente sano y con propósito exploramos la importancia de evaluar y cambiar patrones relacionales aprendemos a prepararnos elegir sabiamente iniciar y manejar una relación de manera saludable reflexionamos sobre el poder de nuestras decisiones con …
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3 Spots Left! CONNECT: A Couple’s Retreat May 15-19th Applications open for Healing the Mother Wound BETA Find Your Tribe in Empower U- month to month membership JJ Flizanes is an Empowerment Strategist and the creator of the Empowering Minds Network. JJ…
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Martin was one of the first guests we had on the show when we launched over 8 years ago and we are so glad to have had the chance to talk to him again. In this conversation Martin shares the story of Sammy the Cocker Spaniel, who had a very rough go but wound up living to an estimated age of 18 with love and care. Since that time Martin has been in…
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On this edition of the Mother's Justice Show, Sylvia Feliciano of Solace Mind fills in for Harriett and welcomes two guests: Christina Thomas, MBA: Integrative Trauma Recovery and Suicide Prevention: Policy to Practice Christina "Chris" Thomas is an accomplished advocate, executive leader, champion for military sexual trauma survivors, and trauma r…
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In den USA herrscht Empörung. Während Extremisten reihenweise Autos von Tesla anzünden und der Präsident vor „domestic terrorism“ warnt spielen sich im Kino ganz andere Szenen ab: Vor leeren Rängen singt und tanzt ein wokes Schneewittchen. Sie sucht nicht nach der Liebe, sondern nach eine feministischen Revolution. Das ist die Zukunft. Schneewittch…
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Kyle Joe has previously visited the podcast under the name Kyle Rasche of Chain of Lakes Kyle has been through some life changes and a name change since the last visit to Grove Studios. Learn more about what he's been up to and hear some music from his new release Take It Easy including the premiere of the extra verses for his song "Michigan Man" A…
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*Recorded on March 14th, 2025* Danny Rodriguez talks with MMA Coach, Brandon "Six Gun" Gibson, about his life as head coach/trainer for the widely considered GOAT Jon Jones & the Lebron James of MMA Aaron Pico, what his relationship with them means to him, the growth of Jon Jones inside and outside of the ring, Brandon's thoughts on Tom Aspinall, w…
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In this episode I speak to Richard Dudley, Senior Portfolio Manager at Railpen, the fifth largest pension fund in the UK. In our conversation, Richard and I talk about a lot of the unusual realities that come from being part of a ten person team managing £7bn systematically from within a pension fund. Separately, I will be on stage at Neudata in Lo…
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HELP SUPPORT US AS WE DOCUMENT HISTORY HERE: GET NON-MRNA FREEZE DRIED MEAT HERE: Use code WAMBEEF to save 20%! GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE: USE Code WAM to save 5% plus free shipping! Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat deliver…
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“SPRING EQUINOX VIBRATIONS The Turning Season”! The quarterly panel profoundly introduces each new season initiated by either the Equinox or Solstice.“Master Vibrational Astrology author, researcher and instructor Linda Berry, along with Robert Pacitti, interpret Vibrational Astrology patterns specifically to this upcoming season. The Spring Equino…
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Mantz and Mitchell interview Erika Nelson, a visionary artist, educator and one of America’s foremost experts and speakers on the World’s Largest Things. Erika is also known for her museum in Lucas, Kansas and as creator of a traveling roadside attraction called “The World’s Largest Collection of the World’s Smallest Versions of the World’s Largest…
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Join in on the conversation as we dish out the hottest entertainment updates and global news from our unique perspective. From the latest trends to what's happening worldwide, we've got you covered. To unlock access to our full episodes, ride with us by becoming a supporter at Let's keep it real and stay connected! ★ Supp…
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Send a Message to the Team The Little Brother's Club: The Team looks at the results of the young United States deciding to invite a European prince to be the kind of the new nation. A New Pope: In the fourth episode of the American Monarchy arc, the US Congress invites the scion of the House of Savoy (Italian Royal Family) to the United States. Pan…
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BUY GOLD HERE: Avoid CBDCs and work with Mark Gonzales! GET NON-MRNA FREEZE DRIED MEAT HERE: Use code WAMBEEF to save 20%! GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE: USE Code WAM to save 5% plus free shipping! Josh Sigurdson talks with Mark Gon…
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Gary and Suzanne welcome back Charlie Seraphin, author of The Story of Your Life: Write Your Own Obituary. Everybody makes an occasional stupid mistake and we all can benefit from a long look in the mirror. Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. When you only concentrate on the piece you're holding in your hand today, it's often impossible to determine wher…
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A review of Shenanigans in various state legislatures and the WA Domestic Extremism and Mass Violence Task Force. Guest: Tim Eyman.Reference Links저자 Alternative Talk- 1150AM KKNW
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Tips for navigating through life being a vaccine-free family. Guest Nurse Kimberly Overton.Reference Links:…
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An emerging trend in the car collector world features vehicles reimagined by builders who bring famous marques into the 21st century including Mustang, Camaro, Shelby Cobra, Porsche 911, Broncos, Toyota Land Cruisers and others. Instead of building them exactly like they were in the 60s and 70s, these classic beauties have been given entirely new u…
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UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said "Conditions for Palestinians in Gaza are appalling and apocalyptic. What we are seeing may well amount to the gravest international crimes." Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, said, "We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly." Prominent Israeli scholars such as Omer Bartov, Raz Segal,…
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Er hat sein Ohr näher am Bürger als jeder Politiker: Achim Winter! Die Fußgängerzone ist sein Jagdgebiet, vor seinem Mikrophon gibt es kein Entkommen. Im Basta Studio spricht er über persönliche Erfahrungen, aktuelle Politik und über die Beine von Heidi Klum… Darum geht es heute: Marcel Joppa hat den Moderator, Entertainer und Autor Achim Winter zu…
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2025 is set to be one of the most volatile geopolitical years in many of our lifetimes. The overwhelming uncertainty is causing “analysis paralysis” for decision-makers, slowing large-scale investment and hiring decisions, as companies try to get clarity on what matters and what doesn't. At RBC Capital Markets’ Global Financial Institutions Confere…
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In this episode, I sit down with my lifelong friend, Dr. Gregg Robins, for a conversation that’s equal parts nostalgia, insight, and inspiration. We go way back to our days growing up in the Bronx, but what’s even more fascinating is the journey that took Gregg from our old neighborhood to prestigious institutions like Rice University and Oxford—an…
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Send us a text Mike and Tom kick off another hilarious episode by unveiling their shiny new toy - a Zoom PodTrack P8 mixer that promises to make their ridiculous conversations sound crystal clear. "The stupid shit we say will sound much better," they joke, perfectly capturing the essence of their unfiltered approach to podcasting. Between sips of c…
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Episode Summary: In this episode of The Alternative Exit Podcast, Andy Farquharson is joined by Alison Lingane, a dedicated social entrepreneur who spent her career leveraging the business. She co-founded a non-profit called Project Equity, which promotes employee ownership. She shared her journey with Project Equity and her transition to focus on …
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BUY GOLD HERE: Avoid CBDCs and work with Mark Gonzales! GET NON-MRNA FREEZE DRIED MEAT HERE: Use code WAMBEEF to save 20%! GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE: USE Code WAM to save 5% plus free shipping! Josh Sigurdson reports on the skyr…
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