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Feel mad about feeling bad about feeling sad? Your hosts, Nelly and Juno, kick down the doors to face the big, fat elephant in the room - mental health with unfiltered conversations. We're young, badass Asian American women with ADHD who are fed up pretending to be fine, so here’s to cutting the crap. Grab a coffee and join in on the laughs, the cries, and everything in-between as we share our authentic experiences and struggles working, adulting, and occasionally f*cking around through our ...
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show series
A discussion about the journey to understanding Progression in Learning in the context of Curriculum for Wales, chaired by Rachel Bendall from University of Wales Trinity Saint David, with Abigail Davies of Ysgol y Strade, and Debbie Moon of Partneriaeth, members of the Camau group.저자 Llywodraeth Cymru | Welsh Government
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Trafodaeth am y daith i ddeall Cynnydd mewn Dysgu yng nghyd-destun Cwricwlwm i Gymru, dan gadeiryddiaeth Rachel Bendall o Brifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant gydag aelodau o'r grŵp Camau, Abigail Davies o Ysgol y Strade, a Debbie Moon o Partneriaeth.저자 Llywodraeth Cymru | Welsh Government
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Proposals are in place to ‘re-balance’ the school year in Wales by changing some term lengths. In this podcast three head teachers discuss the implications – positive and negative - with Tegwen Ellis, Chief Executive of the National Academy for Educational Leadership Wales. The Consultation closes on 12th February 2024.…
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Mae cynigion ar waith i 'ail-gydbwyso'r flwyddyn ysgol yng Nghymru drwy newid hyd y tymor. Yn y podlediad hwn, mae tri phrifathro yn trafod y goblygiadau - cadarnhaol a negyddol - gyda Tegwen Ellis, Prif Weithredwr Academi Genedlaethol Arweinyddiaeth Addysgol Cymru. Mae'r ymgynghoriad yn dod i ben ar 12fed Chwefror 2024.…
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Curriculum for Wales asks practitioners to think differently about curriculum design. A successful pilot project to explore a ‘backwards design’ approach, resulting in learning with purpose, is discussed by Professional Advisor Yvonne Roberts-Ablett and colleagues from the pilot. For more information about the pilot project…
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Mae Cwricwlwm i Gymru yn gofyn i ymarferwyr feddwl yn wahanol am gynllunio’r cwricwlwm. Mae’r prosiect peilot llwyddiannus yn archwilio dull 'cynllunio tuag at yn ôl', gan arwain at ddysgu pwrpasol, yn cael ei drafod gan Alun Jones sy’n Gynghorydd Proffesiynol a chydweithwyr o'r peilot. Mae mwy o wybodaeth am y peilot yma…
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An interview conducted by Mark Jones, Professional Advisor to the Welsh Government, with Anthony Jones, Deputy Headteacher at Ysgol Penrhyn Dewi, about how the school is using the National Resource: Evaluation and Improvement and the improvements it is helping to bring about.…
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Cyfweliad Mark Jones, Cynghorydd Proffesiynol i Lywodraeth Cymru, gydag Owen Roberts, Pennaeth Ysgol Cybi, ar sut mae'r ysgol yn defnyddio'r Adnodd Cenedlaethol: Gwerthuso a Gwella a'r gwelliannau sy’n dod yn ei sgil.…
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Dyma'r ail o bodlediad dwy ran a recordiwyd yn fyw yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd. Ymunwch â Daniel Davies o’r Gwasanaeth Cyflawniad Addysgol i arwain panel Trafod Addysgeg. Gwrandewch ar Manon Tinnuche (Ysgol Maes y Gwendraeth), Catherine Evans (Estyn), Gareth Owens (Ysgol Caerelen) a Meleri Jones (Ysgol Gyfun Penweddig) wrth iddynt drafod y Gymraeg, nodi’…
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Dyma'r cyntaf o bodlediad dwy ran a recordiwyd yn fyw yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd. Ymunwch â Daniel Davies o’r Gwasanaeth Cyflawniad Addysgol i arwain panel Trafod Addysgeg. Gwrandewch ar Manon Tinnuche (Ysgol Maes y Gwendraeth), Catherine Evans (Estyn), Gareth Owens (Ysgol Caerelen) a Meleri Jones (Ysgol Gyfun Penweddig) wrth iddynt drafod sut mae addys…
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Hey all! It's truly been forever since we last sat down and recorded an episode, but we're excited to be back with our listeners after a long hiatus! Apologies for disappearing into the void :') In this podcast episode, we chat and reflect about the past year. We (Juno) planned a wedding, (Nelly) officiated said wedding, traveled and frolicked arou…
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Trigain mlynedd wedi araith Saunders Lewis Tynged yr Iaith, nae’r Gweinidog dros Addysg a’r Gymraeg, Jeremy Miles AS yn amlinellu ei weledigaeth ar gyfer dyfodol y Gymraeg. Gallwch weld yr araith ysgrifennedig yma: Cymraeg belongs to us all: The Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy…
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Hello 2022! It’s been a hot minute, but we’re back! 2021 has honestly been a challenging year and one full of personal growth. In our digital age, it seems hard to escape the noise of hustle culture and toxic productivity where everyone and their grandmas have a side gig. In this episode, we talk about why we went on leave from work, the podcast, a…
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In this podcast, the Minister for Education and the Welsh language, Jeremy Miles MS, talks candidly about his vision for the Curriculum for Wales. He gives us his take on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead as we move towards its implementation in 2022.저자 Llywodraeth Cymru | Welsh Government
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Yn y bennod hon mae’r Gweinidog Addysg a’r Iaith Gymraeg , Jeremy Miles AoS, yn datgelu ei weledigaeth ar gyfer y Cwricwlwm i Gymru. Mae’n siarad yn agored am yr heriau a’r cyfleoedd sydd yn ein hwynebu wrth inni symud ymlaen at ei weithredu o 20022 ymlaen.저자 Llywodraeth Cymru | Welsh Government
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Cymru fydd y genedl gyntaf yn y DU i wneud addysgu hanes Pobl Dduon, Asiaidd ac ethnig lleiafrifol yn orfodol yng nghwricwlwm yr ysgol. Yn y podlediad hwn mae Dr Anita Shaw yn siarad â'r fenyw a chwaraeodd ran bwysig wrth ddod â'r newid nodedig hwn yn ei gylch. Mae'r Athro Charlotte Williams OBE yn ferch i fam Gymraeg a thad o Guyana ac mae hi'n rh…
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Dear Stranger, I finally love myself. Love, Me… Who would have thought that writing a letter to an unknown someone somewhere in the world could bring you comfort and warmth. From living in poverty as an immigrant in a new country to struggling with mental illness and bouts of blindness, Diana cultivated her hope and recovery through writing letters…
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What happens when three podcast hosts and ADHDers record an episode together? Too many relatable stories! In this episode, we're excited to welcome Katy Weber, founder and host of the Women and ADHD podcast. With 20 years of experience as a journalist, editor, and designer for newspapers such as the Wall Street Journal, The Daily News, Metro Intern…
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Alcohol, junk food, and mindless consumption of media have been the go-to for escaping the shitty parts of reality - and we’re guilty of this too. It’s so hard not to run away or pretend our emotional baggage doesn’t exist. In this episode, we chat about how the hell we actually reach inner peace as Sabrina shares her own mental health journey (and…
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Mike Bubbins talks to practitioners about their experiences during Covid. What lessons did they learn, what approaches will they take in the next phase? All part of a ‘national conversation’ on learning and teaching, set to continue as we realise the new curriculum.저자 Llywodraeth Cymru | Welsh Government
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Mae Ffion Dafis yn sgwrsio gydag ymarferwyr am eu profiadau yn ystod Covid. Pa wersi a ddysgwyd, a pha ddulliau y byddan nhw'n eu defnyddio wrth fynd ymlaen i’r cam nesaf? Mae hwn yn rhan o’r ‘sgwrs genedlaethol’ ar ddysgu ac addysgu, fydd yn parhau wrth inni wireddu’r cwricwlwm newydd.저자 Llywodraeth Cymru | Welsh Government
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In a constant go, go, go buzzing world of productivity and hustle culture, we often feel the constant need to be on top of everything - to have our shit together. No one gets to see the behind-the-scenes version of your life when you really don’t have it all there. So, let’s talk about it. From recent crises, burnout, and short-circuiting, we’re (s…
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We have experienced a deluge of pointed microaggressions to straight-up racist and sexist comments ranging from the stale model minority myth to the seemingly flattering yellow fever fantasies as Asian American women. Growing up as a Korean-American and Chinese-American to immigrant parents, we had a heck of a journey with our identity. In this epi…
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We will not stay silent against the anti-Asian hate crimes. Oftentimes when we speak out about our experiences with racism as Asian Americans, we are constantly met with comments aimed at invalidation, division, and erasure. It's as if we have to prove to the world that we too are marginalized, we too are people of color, and that we too are suffer…
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With cultural stigmas, outdated stereotypes, and the model minority myth, Asian Americans are often encouraged to fight their mental health issues in silence. Combined with a lack of culturally appropriate resources in a predominately white mental health workforce, finding support can seem especially inaccessible. Carrie Zhang, founder of the Asian…
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Society was built for those who fit the mold of normalcy and for those who don’t fit in, life becomes an onslaught of self-doubt. Jill Chang is quiet, introverted, and not someone most would consider the face of charismatic leadership. We sat down with Jill as she chatted about her authentic stories as one of the only young, female, and minority sp…
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We have a special guest on this episode! Fellow Asian American ADHDer, Dr. Feldmeier is a psychiatrist specializing in ADHD. In this episode, we ask our burning questions around coping mechanisms, tabooness of ADHD in the Asian American community, high functioning ADHD, social anxiety, and more. Follow along his journey to becoming a doctor and the…
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We’re all familiar with the occasional anxious feelings right before moving to a new city or right after we’ve failed an exam. You get sweaty palms, stinky armpits, racing heart, and swarming butterflies - not the good kind. But, anxiety with a capital “a” doesn’t just go away yet plants its root deep into our minds turning seemingly insignificant …
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We all seem to be more comfortable taking off our clothes before we reveal our emotions, even to ourselves. In this episode, we’re going to talk about getting to the bare bones of our internal selves and being openly vulnerable. And no, this isn’t about crying and holding hands. It's about being unabashedly authentic in our thoughts, emotions, and …
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We’re smack dab in the middle of cuffing season and ready to… remain single! In this episode, we share our perspectives on being single, dating, and relationships. We’ve had some amusing stories about our coping mechanisms and struggles navigating the complexities of interpersonal connections. Listen in to laugh along with our fails! You can reach …
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To college or not to college? We both ended up in tech, but made very different decisions along the way. In this episode, we reflect on our obstacles and experiences with life in college, a rigorous bootcamp, and entering the workforce. You can reach us at: IG: @twoaddys Email: Like, share, and review! --- Support th…
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October is ADHD Awareness Month! In this episode, we reveal our diagnosis stories, hidden struggles, and experiences as high functioning women with ADHD. You can reach us at: IG: @twoaddys Email: Like, share, and review! --- Support this podcast:…
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Welcome to Two Addys and a Coffee, Please! Why did we start this? Who the hell are we? In this episode, we expose our lovely relationships with mental health or lack thereof in relation to our Asian American background and reflect on our early experiences surrounding bipolar, anxiety, and ADHD. Listen in as we break into a so-called taboo topic! Yo…
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If you’re a stressed parent or carer trying to educate children at home during the Covid 19 lockdown - help is at hand. Mike Bubbins talks to teachers – who also have children at home - about distance learning, the role of schools, and why parents needn’t feel pressured to ‘teach’.저자 Llywodraeth Cymru | Welsh Government
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Beth yw’r ffordd orau i gefnogi addysg fy mhlentyn nawr fod yr ysgolion ar gau oherwydd salwch Covid 19? Mae Ffion Dafis yn holi athrawon cynradd ac uwchradd, sydd hefyd yn rieni, am ddysgu o bell, rôl ysgolion, a pham nad oes angen i rieni deimlo dan bwysau i 'addysgu’.저자 Llywodraeth Cymru | Welsh Government
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In April, the Welsh Government invited the public to feedback on the draft Curriculum for Wales. What did teachers, governors, parents and young people think about the reforms? In this podcast, presenter Mike Bubbins explores some of the findings and discusses the next steps with Vanessa McCarthy, Head of Brynnau Primary School and Brett Gillett a …
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Ym mis Ebrill gwahoddwyd y cyhoedd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i roi adborth ar Gwricwlwm drafft i Gymru. Beth oedd barn athrawon, llywodraethwyr, rhieni a phobl ifanc am y diwygiadau? Yn y podlediad hwn mae’r cyflwynydd Yvonne Evans yn dadansoddi rhai o'r canfyddiadau ac yn trafod y camau nesaf gyda Gareth Evans o Ysgol y Creuddyn a Nia Williams, Ysgol y…
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Education Minister, Kirsty Williams has been touring Wales speaking to the whole education profession about the big changes ahead. In this podcast, two headteachers - one primary, one secondary, and neither involved in curriculum development - put their questions to the Minister. A consultation on the new curriculum and assessment arrangements is u…
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Mae’r Gweinidog Addysg, Kirsty Williams AC, wedi bod ar daith drwy Gymru yn sgwrsio gyda’r holl broffesiwn am y newidiadau mawr sydd ar y gweill. Yn y podlediad hwn mae dau bennaeth- un ysgol gynradd ac un ysgol uwchradd , sydd heb fod yn ymwneud â datblygu’r cwricwlwm, yn cael cyfle i holi’r Gweinidog. Mae’r broses o geisio barn yn mynd ymlan tan …
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What skills do teachers need to prepare for the new curriculum? How will the new professional learning approach help? Mike Bubbins goes to St Julian’s Primary School in Newport to talk to practitioners about their professional learning journey.저자 Llywodraeth Cymru | Welsh Government
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Oes angen i ymarferwyr ddysgu sgiliau arbennig ar gyfer addysgu’r cwricwlwm newydd? A fydd y dull newydd ar gyfer dysgu proffesiynol yn helpu? Aeth Yvonne Evans i Ysgol y Preseli yn Sir Benfro i siarad â thair athrawes am eu profiadau nhw.저자 Llywodraeth Cymru | Welsh Government
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