ESPN First Take for the Otaku world! A debate and review podcast about Anime, Video Games, Movies...and other nerdy things. Check out our #Amazon storefront to see all the items discussed on our show at!
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Get ready for September's #PokemonGo #Porygon #CommunityDay with #ANXGamecast!#PokemonTrainer Stephanie is back to discuss all the latest Pokemon Go #gaming news including Go Battle Night, #Victini Special Research and #MegaEvolution's!Check out the video version of this podcast exclusively on YouTube!…
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Join the #ANXGamecast crew as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #IsItWrongToTryToPickUpGirlsInADungeon and #KommonRider01???We also debate if American made #animation is even worth discussing. THEN we get into the #YourName review! Does #MakotoShinkai have another banger???Check out the video version of this podcast exclusively on YouTube…
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Join the #ANXGamecast crew as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #IsItWrongToTryToPickUpGirlsInADungeon and #JetMan???We also have another debate on what determines an Anime's genre. THEN we get into the #Promare review! Can #StudioTrigger live up to #KillLaKill???Check out the video version of this podcast exclusively on YouTube!https://w…
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Wrap up August's #PokemonGo #Magikarp #CommunityDay with #ANXGamecast!#PokemonTrainer Stephanie is back to discuss all the latest Pokemon Go #gaming news including Shiny #Deoxys, the #PokemonGoFest make up day and bonus weeks! If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst#Games #Video…
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Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #IsItWrongToPickUpGirlsInADungeon and #GoblinSlayer!We also have a #debate on what determines an Anime's genre. THEN we get into the #TheLastofUsPartII #review...#Ellie!!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst #PS4 #PlayStat…
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Wrap up #PokemonGoFest with #ANXGamecast!#PokemonTrainer Stephanie is back to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo #gaming news including Remote Raid invites, a flying #Pikachu and the REAL #TeamRocket...THATS RIGHT!We also review the last two community days featuring #Weedle and #Gastly!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share an…
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Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #ZombieLandSaga and #ThePromisedNeverland!We also have a debate on last gen systems and if they suck. THEN we get into the #TheLastofUs #review!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst #PS4 #PlayStation #GameReview #Gohan #DB…
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Level 116 - Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapters 6-11 Review
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1:04:52Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #NeonGenesisEvangelion and #IsItWrongToTryToPickUpGirlsInADungeon!We also lay out our favorite Anime genres and why we prefer them. THEN we get into the #FinalFantasy7Remake chapters 6-11 #review!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANX…
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Level 115 - Pokemon Go Weedle Community Day Preview
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1:00:16Get ready for June's #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring #Weedle with #ANXGamecast!#PokemonTrainer Stephanie is back to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo #gaming news including #MegaEvolutions, new legendary #Pokemon and a virtual #PokemonGoFest!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #S…
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Join us as we discuss this weeks shows. #StarTrek #DeepSpaceNine, #TheLastDance and #TheNews!We also lay out how we feel about developers adding fluff to sequels while ignoring the flaws. THEN we get into the #NBA2K20 #review!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst…
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Level 113 - Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapters 1-5 Review
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1:21:11Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, and #NeonGenesisEvangelion!We also lay out how we feel about developers drastically changing #games to reach a larger audience. THEN we get into the #FinalFantasy7Remake chapters 1-5 #review!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #S…
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Level 112 - Pokemon Go Seedot Community Day Preview
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1:11:58Get ready for May's #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring #Seedot with #ANXGamecast!#PokemonTrainer Stephanie is back to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo #gaming news including our remote raiding review, new legendary #Pokemon and another #CommunityDay voting poll!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeH…
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Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #FairyGone, and #NeonGenesisEvangelion!We also debate, does having fun playing a #game mean its a good game??? THEN we get into the #Nioh2 #review!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst…
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Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #BookofBantorra, and #NeonGenesisEvangelion!We also dive into our feelings on #games created to be beaten multiple times! THEN we get into the #ResidentEvil3 #review!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst…
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Level 109 - Pokemon Go Abra Community Day Preview
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1:08:22Get ready for April's #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring #Abra with #ANXGamecast!#PokemonTrainer Stephanie is back to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo #gaming news including #Niantic's #COVID-19 efforts, mass event Pokemon transfers and a possible level cap increase!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #Wel…
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Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #LupintheIIIrd #Fujiko's Lie, and #NeonGenesisEvangelion!We also dive into our feelings about online #gameplay and the #COD #hackers! THEN we get into the #CallofDuty #Warzone #review!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst…
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Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #TowerofGod, and #NeonGenesisEvangelion!We also dive into how far is too far to take #videogame fandom before it becomes unhealthy? THEN we get into the #AnimalCrossing New Horizons #review for the #NintendoSwitch!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #Wel…
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Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ and #NeonGenesisEvangelion!We also dive into how Terence decides to buy and play the #videogames he plays...personal preference or peer pressure??? THEN we get into the #DoomEternal #review!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCF…
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Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #TekkamanBladeII and #NeonGenesisEvangelion!We also answer if #NeonGenesis should be included in the #SuperRobo genre and if that genre is still prevalent in America. THEN we get into the #OnePieceStampede #MovieReview!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe!…
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Join us as we discuss this weeks #Anime, #DragonBallZ, #SeranKagura and #NeonGenesisEvangelion! We also answer if the #Sony #PS5's loading times will help #StreetFighter and if #Capcom was wrong for releasing multiple versions of the #game when they promised they wouldn't. THEN we get into the #StreetFighterVChampionEdition #review!If you enjoy our…
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Level 103 - My Hero Academia Heroes Rising Review
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1:16:37Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime, #MyHeroAcademia and #NoGunsLife with Terence.We then ask the question, how old is too old to watch #MyHero and #Pokemon before we give #MyHeroAcademiaHeroesRising a full #review!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst…
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저자 ANX Gamecast
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저자 ANX Gamecast
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저자 ANX Gamecast
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저자 ANX Gamecast
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저자 ANX Gamecast
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저자 ANX Gamecast
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저자 ANX Gamecast
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저자 ANX Gamecast
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저자 ANX Gamecast
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저자 ANX Gamecast
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저자 ANX Gamecast
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Level 91 - Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Review
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1:03:15저자 ANX Gamecast
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저자 ANX Gamecast
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Get ready for December's #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring all the Community Day #Pokemon from 2018-2019 with #ANXGamecast!#PokemonTrainer Diane is back to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo news including results from November's #CommunityDay.We also take a look at our Collector, Scientists and Breeder medals, cover a list of new #shinies, the #B…
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Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime, #BlackClover and #DemonSlayer, with a sick Terence. Then, we give our second impressions of the #DisneyPlus #StarWars exclusive, #TheMandalorian!We also give #TheOuterWorlds a full #review on this #Xbox episode. Should it be considered an original idea for a #game? And, find out what #SuperSmashBrosUltimate …
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Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime with Terence. #FireForce, #DemonSlayer and a little #DragonballSuper! Then, we give our first impressions of the #DisneyPlus #StarWars exclusive, #TheMandalorian!We also give #CallOfDutyModernWarfare a full #review on this #Xbox episode and Genesis, sick and all, has a few choice words for #DrDisRespect, #Shr…
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Get ready for November's #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring #Chimchar with #ANXGamecast!#PokemonTrainer and birthday girl Diane is back to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo news including results from October's #CommunityDay.We also revisit our #Pokedex's, cover a list of new #shinies, the #Halloween event, #Regigigas and #TeamRocket. Oh by the wa…
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Genesis FINALLY finished #DragonballSuper and Mike B is back to talk about it! Join us as we review some #anime...#Berserk Season 1 and discuss #TheMonkeyKing starring #DonnieYen! We also recap a little more action from our time at #Retropalooza!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #S…
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Join us as we discuss three things we hate about doing a #gaming podcast with Terence. We also list our #Top5 #games to buy this holiday season! Does your favorite #videogame make the list?If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst저자 ANX Gamecast
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Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime with Terence. #FoodWars and #DragonballSuper!We also give #Borderlands3 a full #review on this #Xbox episode and talk a little bit about #TomClancy's #GhostReconBreakPoint and how #Retropalooza turned out!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SC…
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Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime with Mike B. #FatalFury The Motion Picture and #DragonballSuper! And you cant miss what Mr. #DetectiveComics scored Joker!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst저자 ANX Gamecast
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Get ready for October's #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring #Trapinch with #ANXGamecast! #PokemonTrainer Stephanie is back to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo news including results from September's #CommunityDay.We also revisit our #Pokedex's, cover a list of new #shinies and Stephanie talks about her experience during an exclusive #Niantic spons…
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Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime with Terence. #OnePiece and #DragonballSuper!We also give #Gears5 a full #review on this #Xbox episode and finally get Terence to talk about #achievements! #Gears4 and #ManOfMadan to be exact.If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst…
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Mike B is back to wrap up the #Berserk #movie series! Join us as we review Berserk: The Advent and discuss #MyHeroAcademia along with #DemonSlayer!!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst저자 ANX Gamecast
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Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime with Terence. #DemonSlayer and #DragonballSuper...again!We also give #FireEmblemThreeHouses for the #Switch a full #review on this #Nintendo episode and raise the question, who is #FireEmblem's target audience?If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXG…
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Get ready for September's #Pokemon Go Community Day featuring #Turtwig with #ANXGamecast! Actually...this show is a few days late. Sorry guys, Ian The Sound guy decided to have a baby! Congrats!#PokemonTrainer Diane is back to discuss all the latest #PokemonGo news including results from August's #CommunityDay, Gen 5 release, Shiny #Mewtwo, #Jarach…
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Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime with Terence. #DemonSlayer and #DragonballSuper! Somehow we start a conversation about #FunkoPops...We also give #WolfenstienYoungBlood for the #Switch a full #review and take a look at #Nintendo's fall lineup including #Zelda Links Awakening and #Pokemon Sword and Shield! *Ahem* Someone thinks #SuperMario is…
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Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime with Terence. Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon?...probably and #DragonballSuper! We also give #MarvelUltimateAlliance3 The Black Order a full #review and take a look at #SwitchLite on this #Nintendo episode!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHo…
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Join us as we discuss this weeks #anime with Mike B. #Memories and #DragonballSuper to be exact and we give #Sekiro a full #review!We also take a look at our #trophies for #Judgement on this #PlayStation episode!If you enjoy our #podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! #WelcomeHomeGamer #ANXGC #SCFirst…
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