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På 90-talet bjöd Televerket världen på spelet Insikt, ett frågespel med uppskattningsvis 2100 frågor om allt mellan himmel och jord... om 90-talet. Låt oss uppleva hela spelet, sex frågor i taget. Maila oss: televerket@fantasifabriken.se Skicka in frågor: https://fantasifabriken.se Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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WuV = aktuell Unser Hauptanliegen ist es, wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen auf ihre ethischen und gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen hin zu untersuchen. WuV = für alle da Jede und Jeder kann bei WuV dabeisein und mitmachen. WuV = kooperativ Den Austausch an den Universitäten sowie zwischen Universität und Öffentlichkeit zu fördern, ist uns ein großes Anliegen.
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Join us if you will, in a small Pacific Northwest town, Kollok, in 1991. This is not a real town, you won't find it on any maps, no pictures of it's beautiful landscape, no stories in your history books. It's real to us. Hop on, your chauffeur awaits passenger, to take you wherever it is you want to go. Kollok 1991 airs live on Monday nights on twitch.tv/hyperrpg, the entire production is produced live with audience feedback built into the show. Featuring: Strawburry17, Black Nerd Comedy, Sh ...
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Randal Wallace Presents : "George H. W. Bush" a four season look back at his extraordinary life, career, and his single term as President of the United States. A term that saw the high point of American Leadership around the world as he steered the world through the fall of the Communist superpower, the former Soviet Union. It also saw the United States lead a worldwide coalition against aggression by the Middle Eastern Dictator Saddam Hussein, and setting the example on how to fight such a ...
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show series
Barndomsdrömmen att designa och bygga sina egna berg-och-dal-banor började och slutade i regel med ett specifikt datorspel: RollerCoaster Tycoon! Vi minns tillbaka på detta legendariska spel från vår barndom, och samtidigt glider över i ett mindre planerat samtal om Lego som mer eller mindre varit ständigt aktuellt genom årtiondena, även lite snick…
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Send us a Text Message. The season finale, the Gulf War is on the eve of beginning. Here we listen in as the world gets ready for War. You will hear President George H. W. Bush as he agonizes over the start and you will hear the nation of Israel, and Iraq, and Kuwait as they all brace for what is to come. Questions or comments at , Randalrgw1@aol.c…
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Send us a Text Message. In this episode we will let you listen in to 16 of the most prominent senators in American History in the post World War 2 era. Several are among the longest serving Senators in history. They are all among the great orators of the time. This set of Senators are here in this last great debate of their era where all of them ar…
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Send us a Text Message. As the nation moves closer to war with Iraq, the Congress begins to deliberate whether they will support the Bush Administration's policy. In this episode we will listen in as the news covers the events going on in the Gulf and in Congress, we will hear from a group of senators after they meet at the White House with Preside…
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Mjukstart i säsong 2 med det första kortet i den nya kortleken! Vi minns tillbaka till OLW:s gamla reklamslogan "Var é brudarna?" och "Har ni fest eller?" vilket självklart leder till en impromptu debatt rörande OLW vs Estrella. Utöver detta så pratar vi även om vår oväntade TV-quiz-succé, säsongens gimmick, slagsmål mellan barn, gymnasium i Håbo k…
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Send us a Text Message. In this episode we will hear for Secretary of State James Baker in an interview with FOX News Anchor Sean Hannity discuss the lead up to the Gulf War start. We will also hear the news coverage of those waning days before the war broke out in the Gulf. We will revisit the last minute efforts of the Bush Administration to stav…
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Då är det dags att sammanfatta hela den första säsongen och allt vi kommer ihåg... eller ja, det vi hastigt kommer ihåg eftersom Robin är upptagen med att kolla på en ny lägenhet och Marcus skall snabbt iväg till årsmötet i bostadsrättsföreningen. Det hindrar dock inte oss för att gå igenom massor av relevanta grejer. Vi går igenom alla poängen, om…
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Send us a Text Message. In this episode we look back at the month of December 1990 as the world edges closer to war and Saddam Hussein continues to dig in his heels. We will listen as James Baker discusses those last days before the War started and how they marked the end of the Cold War . It was in these days that we saw the Soviet Union and the U…
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Send us a Text Message. The Gulf War bares the distinction as the last conflict that would feature a USO show by the incredible and legendary entertainer, Bob Hope. We will step back even further in time to capture the essence of this man as he entertains our fighting men in World War 2, Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf War. It really is a historical m…
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Vi skulle ha spelat in finalavsnittet av säsong 1, men på grund av renodlad upptagenhet så får vi skjuta säsongsfinalen en vecka på framtiden, istället så bjuder vi på ett helt nyinspelat och oplanerat quiz om tv-program som sänts de senaste 40 åren. Följ med när Olof och Robin tävlar mot varandra när de gissar vilket TV-program som passar med vinj…
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Send us a Text Message. In this episode we look back at the pivotal day when James Baker makes the case to the United Nations that Iraq much be pushewd back out of Kuwait. the UN Security council vote and meeting is recorded in it's entirety for the broadcast. It is a high stakes set of events for the World as it unites to stop an aggressor in the …
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Send us a Text Message. In our second episode looking back at the life of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher we will hear from the leaders themselves. We will listen to the raw footage from a BBC interview with Ronald Reagan about Margaret Thatcher and her contribution to World politics. Then we will hear Margaret Thatcher herself talk about …
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Med Eurovision bakom oss så är det dags att ratta in för den andra hälften av vårt rafflande Macken-quiz! TV-serien Macken rör det sig om alltså, första delen kablades ut förra veckan och där gick vi igenom de tre första avsnitten av denna legendariska tv-produktion. Nu är det dags för både Robin och Olof att tacklas med de sista tre avsnitten i se…
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Send us a Text Message. In this episode we look back at the Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher. We listen in on stories about the relationship she had with United States President Ronald Reagan, complete with a private call between the two after the Grenada Invasion. They were two conservative icons and in both cases they were leaders who turned their co…
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Send us a Text Message. Thanksgiving arrives in Saudi Arabia, as President Bush travels there with Mrs Bush, Senate Leaders George Mitchell and Bob Dole, House Speaker Tom Foley, and several other congressional people. They will speak to the troops and spend the holiday with them. As they get closer to the start of the Gulf War. However this is not…
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Har du någonsin tänkt att Galenskaparna och After Shaves gamla TV-serie från 1987 skulle vara lämplig att quizza kring? Så praktiskt, för Marcus har skrivit över 120 stycken frågor som alla sex avsnitt från TV-serien som Olof och Robin skall försöka svara på i en hetsk tävling där deras västsvenska heder står på spel! I denna första del så avhandla…
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Send us a Text Message. Here is one of the press conferences from the month of November. Here the President will talk of his desire for peace as he has the region prepared for War. It is at this point that the United states can say they are prepared for any actions the Iraqi's may take. As we tune in and listen in on this important moment in Novemb…
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Send us a Text Message. In this episode we take you through the tension building period in late October and Early November of 1990. You will listen in to news reports from ABC News and the News from New Zealand as the Middle East moves closer to War. We will also listen to letters from George H. W. Bush to King Hussein, his staff and to common ever…
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Det sista kortet för säsongen! Vi ger vår första kortlek ett vardagligt, men högtidligt farväl samtidigt som vi också gör er beredda på vårt Macken-quiz nästa vecka. Det snackas också om att sända live någon gång, att Robins nya jobb leder till sommarlov, Marcus fortsatta problem med foten, minnen från våra första år med göteborgsvarvsfisket. Utöve…
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Send us a Text Message. This episode is a rare chance to listen in on a speech at the United Nations. The video, and therefore, the audio quality is not the best but the speech is rare and very important to the storyline. In it the President makes his case to the world of just how important it is to stop the Iraqi aggression now, calling up the les…
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Förväntade du dig det sista avsnittet i säsong 1? Hah! Här på Televerket är det aldrig så enkelt ska ni veta. På grund av oväntade sjukdomsfall och andra undanflykter så har vi dammat av en gammal specialinspelning från förra året som aldrig tidigare fått se världen. Den eminenta och egenutvecklade frågesporten "Rött eller svart" står på agendan dä…
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Send us a Text Message. In this follow up episode on the reunification of Germany we arrive at the White House for German - American Day about three weeks after the reunification had occurred. At this White House Event, the President will celebrate the contributions to America made by the millions of Germans who immigrated or were direct descendant…
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Det näst sista kortet för säsongen har anlänt, och i vad som visade sig bli ett av våra längsta avsnitt så pratar vi om Marcus hemska barndomsupplevelse med ostbågar, (brist på) förberedelser inför säsongsfinalen av podden, Olofs och hans sambos middagsrutiner, allt du någonsin har velat veta om fondue, det kommande Göteborgsvarvet, vi jämför våra …
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Send us a Text Message. Here is one of the great stories of the Bush Administration and of World History. After 4 decades of separation the people of Germany would be one country again. Though the Berlin Wall had come crashing down just 11 months before, this was the big moment for the German People, but it did not come without a lot of high level …
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Send us a Text Message. In this episode, we look back at the coming together of the Military coalition on the ground and the man who would command it, General Norman Schwarzkopf. It would be a coalition made up of 42 countries, and troops from around the world. They would all come together on the ground in Saudi Arabia to prepare for the possible W…
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Dagmar, Dagmar och Dagmar från Dagmars Trio (även kallat The Daggz) ersätter vår ordinarie trio, åtminstone inledningsvis, innan det börjar pratas om väsentligheter såsom vad spelserien GTA handlar om, att ta körkort som 16-åring, vilka länder som faktiskt är en del av Storbritannien, Europas största nötköttsproducent, vem som åker var för billig a…
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Send us a Text Message. In this short episode we will listen in on PBS as Governor Bill Clinton comes to the hall at the Democratic National Convention in 1992 a night early. Clinton will say just a few words of thank you for the Democrats nominating him. The interesting part of the segment is that joining in the commentary from PBS is Senator Joe …
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Send us a Text Message. Senator Joe Lieberman, a Democrat from Connecticut, died unexpectedly in April from complication from a fall. He was 82 years old and his loss from the scene will be incalculable. For Joe Lieberman was one of those rare public figures who was not just respected, but beloved, by both sides of the aisle. He was unafraid to tak…
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Send us a Text Message. In this episode we will listen in on two addresses by President George H. W. Bush. One is to a joint session of the United States Congress as he reports back to the nation the situation in the Persian Gulf. He will also address the growing issues of division at home on the Federal Budget. We will listen in on the growing siz…
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Även idag är det lugna veckan, och det samtalas dessutom om aprilskämt, Marcus bästa pranks att dra på era far- och morföräldrar, samt hur viktiga alla lyssnare är för Sveriges existens, våra relationer till finnar, om sista chansen att se Wicket på Göteborgsoperan (och oetiska råd för besökare), minnen från scouterna, vem som vann idol samma år so…
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Send us a Text Message. In this episode we watch as the Cold War comes quietly to an end. The United States and the Soviet Union actually work together to handle a crisis that involves a client Soviet state, Iraq. We will tune in as the situation in the Gulf continues to move close to war. Then we will travel to Helsinki for the meeting of the two …
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I dagens televerk avhandlas dessutom vad som händer efter döden, odling av diverse gröna växter, Olofs nära relation till droghandeln på Redbergsplatsen, AI-genererade disneyfilmer, allas våra solkrämspreferenser och en övertrött Marcus drar mängder av vitsar som inte riktigt landar alls. Utöver det så samtalas det också på dagens ungdomars språk, …
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Send us a Text Message. In this episode we hear from Saddam Hussein himself in an exclusive interview by ABC News and Diane Sawyer. In it he denies he has ever murdered his opponents, claims he is not an admirer of Josef Stalin, and tries to justify his actions in Kuwait. Then we listen in as he rounds up the British citizens who had been working i…
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Det redogörs också om den oväntade kopplingen mellan Bibeln och våfflor, hur man bäst värmer pizzor och andra användningsområden för våffeljärnet under årets andra dagar, om cyklar och hjälmar, vad Björn Borg pysslar med nu för tiden, rödbetssallad, konspirationen kring tre bokstäver, vad det innebär att vara en bollsport, Marcus erfarenheter om di…
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Send us a Text Message. As we approach the eve of the August 10, 1990, Arab League Summit; I thought this a good time for us to go back, with the help of the PBS Documentary series "Frontline", to the summer of circumstances that led to the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq. So, we will relive the summer months prior to the invasion as we listen to the "F…
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Send us a Text Message. After we put together our tribute episode in memory of Former Canadian Prime Minister, Brian Mulroney, that had included a short tribute honoring my Step Father, Larry Bulmer, I thought about the World Heritage site I had visited and Larry talked about in the short segment I used in the show. I figured most people probably k…
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0:00 - Intro & Summary 2:00 - Movie Discussion 1:03:07 - Cast & Crew/Awards 1:12:54 - Pop Culture/True Crime 1:20:10 - Rankings & Ratings 1:22:21 - Our Top 10 and Bottom 10 of the year 1991 1:27:40 - Memorable Movies We Are Glad We Watched for the Podcast 1:39:17 - Thank you and Last Goodbye * THANK YOU TO EVERYONE THAT HAS LISTENED TO OUR PODCAST …
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Send us a Text Message. Brian Mulroney was a great friend to American Presidents, and one of the big four leaders who helped bring down Communism in the 1980s. He helped George Bush in the Gulf War and was the leader who pushed for the freeing of Nelson Mandela in South Africa. He was a man who played an outsized role in his times as the leader of …
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Det samtalas dessutom om det faktum att vi har fått mail! Eller ja, vi fick mailet i februari, men vi upptäckte det först nu. Även samtal om varför Robin aldrig dök upp till inspelningen förra veckan, om Astrid Lindgrens historia om vem som kan hoppa från högst höjd, det prisbelönade Conditori Nordpolen i Vara och mycket mer! // Skicka in frågor: h…
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Send us a Text Message. One of the United States' closest allies is the nation of Canada and during this period it had one of its greatest statesman at the helm of Government, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. He stood with Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul 2 as they worked to end the scourge of Communism in the late 1980s and contin…
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Send us a Text Message. In this episode we sit in on the President's press Conference on August 9, 1990. At this point he has been busy assembling the World LEaders that he will need to begin the process of forcing Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. This press conference is an interesting look at how the President deals with the press and it shows Preside…
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0:00 - Intro & Summary 2:00 - Movie Discussion 48:12 - Cast & Crew/Awards 50:13 - Pop Culture 1:04:10 - Rankings & Ratings To see a full list of movies we will be watching and shows notes, please follow our website: https://www.1991movierewind.com/ Follow us! https://linktr.ee/1991movierewind저자 1991 Movie Rewind
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Vi diskuterar Broloppet 2025 som Olof anmält sig till, Marcus trasiga dammsugare, den icke-oscarsnominerade skådespelaren Justin Long, vad "vitt" är i kaffemaskinen, en omfattande genomgång av asiatiska bilmärken och mycket, mycket mer! // Skicka in frågor: https://fantasifabriken.se // Skicka in annat: televerket@fantasifabriken.se Hosted on Acast…
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Send us a Text Message. It is the day after the invasion of Kuwait by the Iraqi Army under the orders of it's dictator Saddam Hussein. We will listen in to the NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw as they recount the events of the 24 hours after the initial invasion for the public. We will hear from the Kuwaiti citizens as they recount the events as th…
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Send us a Text Message. In this Special Edition of our show we are adding a third installment to the special series we ran in January looking back at the life and career of Senator Mitch McConnell, the longest serving Republican Leader in the history of the Senate. In our special series in January we profiled the leader and his historic role over t…
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0:00 - Intro & Summary 2:00 - Movie Discussion 39:34 - Cast & Crew 42:37 - Pop Culture 58:22 - Rankings & Ratings To see a full list of movies we will be watching and shows notes, please follow our website: https://www.1991movierewind.com/ Follow us! https://linktr.ee/1991movierewind저자 1991, 90s movies, 90s film, direct to video, Deathstalker, Deathstalker IV, rick hill, brett baxter clark, michelle moffett, maria ford, anya pencheva, Djoko Rosic, Deathstalker IV: Match of Titans, Howard R. Cohen, Roger Corman, sword and sorcery, fantasy, 1991 Movie Rewind, naked gun 2 1/2, the making of, Hoosier Millionaire, Jerry Zucker, david zucker
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Marcus har bakat lussekatter igen, trots årstiden, och det diskuteras optimal saffransnivå, skottdagar och andra närliggande dagar, varför Robins släkt ser ut som den gör, våra framtida tisdags-specialavsnitt, varför en halv lax hittades på en väg i den lilla orten Lödöse efter veckans storm, om Henning Mankell egentligen var bra, hur fräsigt det h…
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Send us a Text Message. In this episode, we will examine one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation passed since the 1960s. It was the Americans with Disabilities Act, and it insured for all Americans the basic right to equal access to all of American Life. It is hard to believe that there was actually a day when people with disab…
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Send us a Text Message. In this episode we close out our podcast coverage of the 2024 South Carolina Presidential Primary. We will listen in to the concession speech of former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and the victory address from former President Donald Trump. We will also hear remarks from South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster, and our…
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Send us a Text Message. Feedspot released yesterday, February 26, 2024, our ranking at number 1 of the 70 Best American History Podcasts of 2024. https://podcasts.feedspot.com/american_history_podcasts/ Here is the List We are enormously proud to have been listed in that position and we thought we would have a little fun on our victory lap in this …
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