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Was glauben Muslime - und wie prägt dieser Glaube das Leben der Gläubigen? Darüber geben muslimische Männer und Frauen Auskunft im "Islam in Deutschland". Es bietet Glaubenszeugnisse, aber auch viele Informationen über den Islam und richtet sich so an Muslime ebenso wie an Nicht-Muslime.
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Radio Ahmadiyya - the real voice of Islam is a weekly Radio Broadcast in the Urdu language with the mandate to educate its listeners about Islam and Ahmadiyyat. It presents the teachings of Islam as explained in the Holy Qur'an and by the Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be on him).
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Islamic History Podcast

Islamic History Podcast

We often overlook Islamic history as a learning tool. The history of Islam is not only important for Muslims, but important for everyone. Islam and the people who call themselves Muslims have made an enormous impact on our world. The Islamic History Podcast is about discovering that history in a fun and interesting way.
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Soul of Islam Radio

Emil Ihsan Alexander Torabi

Soul of Islam Radio is a leading-edge personal growth and spiritual development podcast to support you upon the path to health, happiness and harmony in this life and the next.
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Harvard Islamica Podcast

Harvard Islamic Studies

Harvard Islamica, the podcast of the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University, explores topics related to the scholarly study of Islam and Muslim societies at Harvard and beyond.
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This is a podcast about Islam from a Christian perspective. Presented by a Christian seminary graduate, you will learn about Muhammad, the Quran and 1400 years of fascinating stories you may have never heard. This is a resource for learning, thinking and spiritual development. This show can be reached at
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Islam Essentials serves as a beginner’s guide to understanding Islam through short and easy-to-consume episodes that make learning about Islam convenient for listeners of all ages. Whether you’re new to Islam or just need a refresher on the fundamentals, this show is for you. Hosted by Abdullah Al Maawali and Hatim Al Abdessalaam, and produced by Oman FM. Follow Oman FM on Instagram
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The Islamic Mary

Younus Y. Mirza

A podcast about Maryam in the Qur'an, Islamic tradition, and Christian-Muslim relations. It is a journey into my forthcoming book on the Islamic Mary and my interest in Biblical and Qur'anic figures.
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Islamic Talks

Islamic Talks

Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu. Will be posting as many talks as I can In Shaa Allah Please follow, share with family and friends so we can all benefit. This will also count as Sadaqah Jariyah (Ongoing charity) for you as you’re spreading beneficial knowledge In Shaa Allah. If you’re enjoying please rate the Podcast 5 stars as it helps with the algorithm.
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Islam Verstehen

MTA International Germany Studios

Was ist die Scharia und warum müssen Frauen Kopftuch tragen? Sind Homosexuelle im Islam minderwertig? Diesen und vielen weiteren Fragen möchten wir mit diesem Kanal auf den Spuren gehen. Jeden Donnerstag wird die interaktive Live-Sendung „Islam Verstehen“ um 20:20 Uhr ausgestrahlt. Darüber hinaus werden in kurzen und übersichtlichen Clips kontroverse Themen über den Islam angesprochen. Du kannst gerne im Live-Chat mitdiskutieren oder eine Mail an senden. Online finde ...
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The Oasis with A. Haqq Islam is a weekly podcast hosted by music industry veteran A. Haqq Islam, featuring intimate and refreshing conversations on the impact of Islam in music, sports, fashion, film, politics, technology, Hip Hop culture and more. This podcast seeks to challenge the stereotypical views of Muslims domestically and internationally while introducing the world to Muslims and followers of Islam who are impacting the culture and breaking barriers.
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This podcast offers a comprehensive exploration of Islam, drawing from authentic sources such as the Quran and the Sunnah. It aims to answer common questions, dispel stereotypes, and address misconceptions—all in a clear and accessible way. This podcast is for anyone. Whether you are remotely curious about the religion of Islam, or if you are thinking about becoming a Muslim, or if you just became a Muslim, or if you have been a Muslim all of your life and just want to learn more about Islam ...
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Islamic Media Podcast

Islamic Media Podcast

Islamic Media Podcast is an independent podcast run by a team of Sunni Muslims who are dedicated to providing the Muslims all around the world with authentic Sunni Islamic knowledge that can be traced back all the way to our Prophet (peace be upon him). We believe the Muslims today are in extreme need for authentic Islamic knowledge to practice their Religion. The ignorance in the Religion is the main reason why the Muslims are going through extremely tough times today. We ask Allah to facil ...
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Islamisches Zentrum München's Podcast

Islamisches Zentrum München

Eine der ersten und bis heute wichtigsten Moscheen in Deutschland.Das Islamisches Zentrum in München war einer der ersten Moscheen, die grundlegende Arbeit für den Islam in Deutschland und deren Infrastruktur geleistet haben.Es hat als einer der ersten Moscheen einen deutschen Imam eingestellt und Bücher und Vorträge auf Deutsch angeboten.Unsere Vision ist es, dass Muslime das Leben der Menschen in Deutschland bereichern.Dies möchten wir erreichen, indem wir den Geist der Sahaba wiederbelebe ...
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Au programme de ce podcast : lectures et réflexions autour de l'Islam (Coran, Sunna, spiritualité islamique, etc.) et d'autres sujets variés (histoire, philosophie, société, bien-être, fiction) pour mieux comprendre le monde qui nous entoure. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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My podcast is on Islamically practical living, self-improvement, and good living. In each episode, timeless lessons of the Quran and Sunnah come alive through everyday, practical examples that help build your character, strengthen your relationships, and fortify your faith.ew podcast weblog
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Muhammad King

Kicauan anak muda zaman now. Bicara banyak hal mulai dari olahraga, kuliah, cinta, kegalauan, kesehatan, politik dan masih banyak lagi. So tunggu apa lagi? Langsung aja subscribe ya gengs
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Akbar’s Chamber offers a non-political, non-sectarian and non-partisan space for exploring the past and present of Islam. It has no political or theological bias other than a commitment to the Socratic method (which is to say that questions lead us to understanding) and the empirical record (which is to say the evidence of the world around us). By these methods, Akbar’s Chamber is devoted to enriching public awareness of Islam and Muslims both past and present. The podcast aims to improve un ...
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Islamic History X

Mohamud Mohamed

The great North African polymath Abd ar-Raḥmān Ibn Khaldūn once observed "The past resembles the future more than one drop of water resembles another." That sentiment guides the spirit of this bimonthly podcast on Islamic History for the contemporary Muslim mind, we will explore themes of continuity, change and evolution. Join us on this journey as we seek to answer the question "What can past teach us about the present?"
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show series
Watch on YouTube: Watch on Rumble: Watch the whole series: Listen to the whole series: To share in the rew…
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Meet Amanda Hamid, a 23-year-old entrepreneur who built a modest fashion empire, Soo Royalty, while inspiring thousands through her uplifting social media content. This episode features a conversation with Amanda as she shares her journey from selling hair at 17 to creating a global brand that combines fashion, faith, and empowerment. Raised by Sud…
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In this episode of Islam Essentials, we continue learning about the life of our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), starting with the story of the revelation and the 13 years in Makkah before the migration to Madinah. Islam Essentials is hosted by Abdullah Al Maawali and Hatim Al Abdissalaam. If you have any questions or thoughts, we’d love to hear from you! …
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Jalâl al-Dîn al-Rûmî, maître spirituel du XIIIe siècle, nous a transmis de profondes leçons à travers ses écrits. Dans cet épisode, je partage un conte tiré du Mathnawî qui illustre comment les attraits du bas monde peuvent nous piéger et nous éloigner de l’essentiel. Un rappel puissant : ce qui brille ici-bas peut être un piège, et la vraie libert…
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In this episode, we reflect on the divine name of Allah, “Al-Maalik Al-Mulk,” meaning the Owner and Sovereign of all creation. Understanding this name deepens our awareness of both God and ourselves, helping us recognize our purpose and the temporary nature of this world. Everything we possess—our wealth, our bodies, even our breath—is not truly ou…
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Do you treat Islam as a personal ritual or as a complete system for life? Ramadan is the month of the Quran—a time when we immerse ourselves in its recitation, its meanings, and its impact on our lives. But what is the Quran calling us to? Is it just about personal spirituality, or is it meant to transform entire societies? As we reflect this Ramad…
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I heard Allah's Messenger saying, "Allah does not take away the knowledge, by taking it away from (the hearts of) the people, but takes it away by the death of the religious learned men till when none of the (religious learned men) remains, people will take as their leaders ignorant persons who when consulted will give their verdict without knowled…
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In this insightful and engaging upload, Sheikh Muiz Bukhary delivers a powerful reminder at a special Iftār gathering organised by the Rotaract Clubs of Sri Lanka. He takes a deep dive into the true essence of Ramadān, emphasising that fasting is not just about abstaining from food and drink—it is a holistic detox that purifies both the body and so…
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In Hearing Islam: The Sounds of a Global Religious Tradition, Lauren Osborne delves into the sonic dimensions of Islam, exploring how the tradition’s rich soundscape offers deep insights into culture, identity, and spirituality. In this innovative work, Osborne shifts the focus from the written word to the auditory, asking, "What can we learn about…
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Taraweeh Teachings Day 20- Worldly Power vs. Eternal Truth: Lessons from Pharaoh’s Court The story of the believer from Pharaoh’s people offers a profound lesson in unwavering faith and the stark contrast between truth and tyranny. As Pharaoh falsely claims to guide his people while leading them into corruption, the true believer calls them towards…
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The Prophet ﷺ narrated that Allah says: "I am as My servant expects Me to be." (Sahih Bukhari & Muslim) This means our trust, hope, and expectations from Allah determine how we experience His mercy, guidance, and support. If we expect Allah to help us, He will. If we doubt His aid, we weaken our connection with Him. Source:…
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Auto-generated transcript: Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. Alhamdulillahir-Rabbilalameen. Wasalatuhu wa salamu ala ashrafil anbiya’i wal mursaleen. Muhammadu rasulullahi sallallahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallamu tasliman kaseeran kaseera. Fumma badu. My brothers and sisters, as I was saying, connect with the Quran. Now, another one of the wa…
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One of the many NEW programs on Albayan Radio during the blessed month of Ramadan 1446/2025. Listen to the whole series: To share in the reward and support Albayan Radio, please donate here: Listen to our 24/7 Islamic Radio Station by downloading the Albayan Radio App: http:…
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One of the many NEW programs on Albayan Radio during the blessed month of Ramadan 1446/2025. Listen to the whole series: To share in the reward and support Albayan Radio, please donate here: Listen to our 24/7 Islamic Radio Station by downloading the Albayan Radio App: http:…
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I sit down with Alexander Massad to discuss his new book "Witnessing God: Christians, Muslims, and the Comparative Theology of Missions". Alex is a strong proponent of Evangelical and Muslim dialogue and with wrestling with the claims of each religion. In the interview, we discuss his spiritual biography, interest in Christian-Muslim dialogue, prog…
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Auto-generated transcript:My brothers and sisters, Ramadan is also a beautiful opportunity for us to connect with the Quran. By reading it ourselves, by listening to it in Tarawih, and Alhamdulillah, if Allah has blessed you with an Imam who recites well, then this is a huge blessing. If you are in many Majeed committee where, you know, place where…
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Ramadan Reflection Day 18- The Blessed Status of Al Aqsa and Al Quds– Dr. Abdul Wahid Why is Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa so important in Islam? Allah states in Surah Al-Isra: "Glory be to the One Who took His servant by night from Al-Masjid Al-Haram to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the All-Hear…
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Hosted by: Dr. Omar Najjarine. Watch on YouTube: Watch on Rumble: Watch the whole series: Listen to the whole series: https://on.soundcloud.…
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One of the many NEW programs on Albayan Radio during the blessed month of Ramadan 1446/2025. Listen to the whole series: To share in the reward and support Albayan Radio, please donate here: Listen to our 24/7 Islamic Radio Station by downloading the Albayan Radio App: http:…
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One of the many NEW programs on Albayan Radio during the blessed month of Ramadan 1446/2025. Listen to the whole series: To share in the reward and support Albayan Radio, please donate here: Listen to our 24/7 Islamic Radio Station by downloading the Albayan Radio App: http:…
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In this episode of Islam Essentials, we learn about the early life of our prophet Mohammed (PBUH) leading up to the revelation. Islam Essentials is hosted by Abdullah Al Maawali and Hatim Al Abdissalaam. If you have any questions or thoughts, we’d love to hear from you! You could reach out to us through Oman FM’s Instagram or through Hat…
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Saying SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, La ilaha illallah is important, but true dhikr extends beyond words. This constant remembrance is not just through words but through our hearts, actions, and consciousness. When we continuously remember Allah, we draw closer to His mercy, protection, and guidance. Allah’s remembrance is not just for rewards—it is …
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► If you enjoyed the episode, please leave us a good review! ► More from PIF: This stock is really cheap 🤑 In this episode, we will cover: Market Pullback & Opportunities LifeMD Stock Overview Business Model & Growth Potential Financial Analysis & Valuation Stock Price Targets & Investment Outlook Final Tho…
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