Émotions 공개
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“Émotions”, c’est un podcast dans lequel trouver des réponses lorsque l’on s’interroge sur les émotions qui nous traversent, pour ne plus se sentir seul.e. Avec ce podcast, découvrez pourquoi vous ressentez ce que vous ressentez et explorez l'origine de vos émotions. Chaque lundi, un ou une journaliste creuse une émotion grâce à des histoires vraies et nos expert(e)s vous guident à travers votre jungle intérieure. Pour mieux vous comprendre : l’hypersensibilité, l’estime de soi, l’intelligen ...
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Talking Emotions is a podcast centered on exploring theory, research, and practice on the importance of emotional growth. This podcast is for teenagers, young adults, and parents and mental health providers that support them. The goal is to explore important ideas to improve interpersonal relationships and personal well being. To suggest ideas for new episodes on Talking Emotions visit the website: https://present-mind.org/podcast/
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How do you raise kind, confident kids without losing your cool? How do you manage kids’ behavior, help them regulate their big emotions, AND stay grounded? Mindful Parenting is here to help. I’m Hunter Clarke-Fields, former yelling, frustrated mom. Dealing with my anger drove me to find practical, compassionate parenting strategies to regulate emotions as well as mindfulness to bring peace to the chaos at home. In each refreshingly honest episode you’ll come away knowing that you have permis ...
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文芸、アート、スポーツや旅、自然が好きな出版社、木星社 ● mokusei publishers がお送りするポッドキャスト番組です。日々感じることやみつけたことを語ります。ときどきゲストをお迎えして、未知の世界をのぞきます。 "Thursday" is where we talk about little things that we felt through everyday life - running to wandering, reading to day dreaming . A mid day in a week, it's when something happens. Hosted by mokusei publishers inc. *also words available on listen.style https://listen.style/p/01gxvxkqp222ey8z5mnhpcjksb?Dh0Sa3aH
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The podcast "The Dictionary of Ukrainian Emotions" offers a captivating nine-episode series featuring plays by Ukrainian playwrights from the Theatre of Playwrights. Hosted by the translator and creator of the play series "A Dictionary of Emotions in a Time of War" John Freedman, each episode presents not only the performances of these powerful short plays, but also insightful conversations with the playwrights and actors Alessandra Torresani, Kristin Milward, Wayne Maugans, Kevin McMonagle, ...
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My podcasts will cover long story short Asian movies,dramas, and music. Thank you for your support in advance. Cover art photo provided by Simone Acquaroli on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@simoacqua
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Expanding your emotional palate for a tastier life! Flavors of Emotions, hosted by Kim Korte, blends culinary metaphors with emotional education in a digestible format, making the complex world of feelings both accessible and actionable. Each episode offers a fresh perspective on understanding emotions, mainly aimed at those who find emotional exploration uncomfortable or abstract. Join Kim every other week for practical insights through interviews and discussions that enhance emotional inte ...
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DJ | Producer | Composer | Radio Host | Digital Emotions Sound System The legend of the Russian electronic scene. Over the years, is one of the most respected DJs in Russia. His performances are a true journey into the world of music. They combine and intertwine - ethnicity, drive, emotionality and artistry. Favorite music styles - Progressive, Breaks, Chill Out. Fonarev was repeatedly recognized as the best DJ in Russia. Creative experience over 30 years. Vladimir Fonarev heads Digital Emot ...
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If your child has big emotions that affect your daily life, you are not alone. Since my son was born he has experienced intense anxiety and emotional outbursts that have been challenging. This led me to become a sleep, stress, and resilience coach helping me understand and learn how to regulate my son's nervous system so he was not living in a stressed fight or flight state all of the time. The school environment heightened his anxiety as they focused on managing his outbursts rather than un ...
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Doit-on chercher le job idéal ? Comment ne pas s’ennuyer au point de basculer dans le bore-out ? Comment trouver le courage de se dire les choses dans un open space ? Est-ce qu’il faut laisser s’ exprimer sa colère au travail – les petites colères comme les grandes ? Émotions (au travail), c'est le podcast de Louie Media qui explore les émotions au travail avec sincérité eten profondeur. La joie de rire avec ses collègues, la satisfaction d'être efficace, mais aussi la lassitude, la frustrat ...
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Elke maand spreken wij – Yous & Yay – héél lang met een interessant iemand bij ons in de studio. Zodat we later kunnen zeggen: die was nog bij ons in de studio. Gesprekken met interessante mensen, inspirerende mensen, mooie mensen, vervelende mensen, mensen met een vervelend randje, knuffelmensen. Door oeverloos met elkaar te zwetsen ontvangen we wederzijds nieuwe inzichten en belangrijker nog, new emotions. Sluit ons in je hart. Yous & Yay: New Emotions is een serie van Sef, Pepijn & VPRO P ...
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Are you ready to live a life with enough time, money, and energy? Have relationships and connections that delight you? Are you ready for the extraordinary life you know you’ve been missing? If so, then this is the place for you. I'm a best selling author, coach, consultant, and speaker who’s worked in technology for over two decades. I’m a leader in transforming people and organizations from operating in fear, obligation and guilt to running off joy, ease, and love. It’s time for Engineering ...
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Dieser Podcasts richtet sich an Mamas, die sich auch und gerade an der Seite von emotionsgeladenen Kindern zufrieden, gelassen uns selbstsicher fühlen wollen. Jede Mama möchte das Zusammensein mit ihrem Kind genießen. Keine Mutter möchte ständig meckern und schimpfen. Und doch ist es für viele Mamas unglaublich anstrengend, wenn das eigene Kind sich so häufig querstellt, patzig ist und wegen jeder Kleinigkeit einen ausgeprägten Wutanfall hinlegt. Leider ist es dann schwer, dabei selbst ruhig ...
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Do you ever have conversations in your head that you never speak about because its just something that passes by until it comes up again? Yeah me too! Welcome to 'Your Emotions', where we dive into your memories giving you the "OMG I'm not the only one" feeling.
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Chcesz zbudować efektywne relacje biznesowe? Chcesz lepiej zarządzać swoimi emocjami w życiu osobistym? Jeśli tak, to ten podcast pomoże Ci rozpocząć pozytywną zmianę już teraz! W każdym odcinku eksperci i specjaliści z dziedziny zarządzaniami emocjami, inteligencji emocjonalnej, rozwoju osobistego i life coachingu dzielą się z Tobą cennymi wskazówkami, w jaki sposób osiągać niesamowite rezultaty w biznesie i w życiu osobistym, dzięki pracy nad emocjami.
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Mixed Emotions

The Game of Mixed Emotions

The Mixed Emotions Podcast, helping parents talk to their kids about their feelings. Parenting tips, emotional education, and everyday mental health and mindfulness advice. Hosted by the founder of The Game of Mixed Emotions, Theresa Claire, and child psychologist Dr. Melanie Pearl.
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Emotions Mentor podcast

Rebecca Hintze, mental health professional

Success in life is determined by how well we regulate and manage our emotions. Join me and other mental health experts as we talk about how you can manage your emotions, improve your mental health, and become more successful in your life!
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Our emotions are one of the most important things as human beings on this earth. Here we discuss how we can grow healthy mentally and emotionally while using our experiences and turn them into a form of art. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/CreativeEmotions/support
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Emotions are the key to manifesting anything and everything you want. Most of us have forgotten this so when we get triggered by negative emotions, we focus everywhere else but ourselves. Jodie was like this, repeatedly creating unwanted experiences incorrectly believing if she changed the situation not herself everything would work out. It never did. When she looked inward at herself, her actions and her emotions she realized when she changed within everything and everyone changed around he ...
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The Emotions of Faith is a podcast that takes you on a 52-week journey of the men and women of the Bible and their emotions -- fear, disappointment, betrayal, failure, sadness, anger, envy and more -- to see how they conquered their emotions and won the battle or they didn’t and failed. Remember to ”Never let emotions control your faith, let faith control your emotions.”
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Sometimes you gotta take responsibility of how you feel , why you feel so instead of just letting yourself crush under the load of emotions. So here we are, talking about all the things you feel...Stay tuned up for the episodes ❤️
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Emotions in Leadership

Christoph Theile & Jochen Peter Breuer

Der Podcast über Emotionen in der Führung. Zwei Führungsexperten setzen sich mit emotionaler Souveränität, dem Globe of Emotions, psychologischer Sicherheit und immer wieder spannenden Gästen zu diesem Thema auseinander.
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Emotions Make History

The ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions (Europe 1100-1800)

Emotions shape individual, community and national identities. The ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions (CHE) uses historical knowledge from Europe, 1100=1800, to understand the long history of emotional behaviours. Based at The University of Western Australia, with additional nodes at the Universities of Adelaide, Melbourne, Queensland and Sydney, CHE investigates how European societies thought, felt and functioned, and how these changes impact life in Australia today. More a ...
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Welcome to Smart About Emotions, with your host Steve Martins and other friends--sometimes. We talk about practical applications of theoretical ideas that experts are calling Emotional Intelligence. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/Steve-martins5/support
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show series
Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.com/work-with-me/ Intake Form for Executive Function Series: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hZqpIgPgFXB_V8_1NGsiClJ6O2GAHb5jXdJNzSxg-yY/edit?usp=sharing Show Notes Does your child hesitate to begin tasks, even when they know what to do? In this episode, we explore why ge…
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Today, we present the ninth and final episode of A Dictionary of Ukrainian Emotions podcast. This episode features a remarkable guest appearance by American actor of Kosovo origin, Kushtrim Hoxha, who has himself endured the tragedy of war in the Balkans. In this episode, he brings to life a text by Ukrainian playwright Maksym Kurochkin titled Thre…
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Welcome to 2025! Are you ready to make this your most successful, fulfilling, and joyful year yet? In this episode, Justin shares two powerful yet simple practices that will set you up for your best year ever. Whether you’re riding high on last year’s wins or feeling like you fell short, these steps will help you reflect with gratitude and step int…
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Chances are you may have some trauma from your childhood and you’ll do everything in your power not to pass it on to your children. You already know at some level that “every time we lose it, kids lose their safe parent.” So how do we heal our trauma? Hunter talks to world-renowned trauma expert Dr. Frank Anderson. ABOUT HUNTER CLARKE-FIELDS: Hunte…
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Et si, au lieu de se fixer des objectifs toujours plus ambitieux, on se fixait de faire simplement assez bien? Et si le perfectionnisme était vraiment un défaut professionnel ? Dans cet épisode, la journaliste Camille Jourdan rencontre Alain, fabricant de globes terrestres, dont la rigueur et le perfectionnisme sont inhérents à son métier d’artisan…
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FONAREV - Digital Emotions # 848. 00:00 01. Underworld - Dark & Long (D-Nox & Emi Galvan Remix)07:36 02. Guy J - Million Years from Now (Original Mix) [Early Morning] 13:30 03. Kamilo Sanclemente - Whale Voices (Original Mix) [Univack]17:54 04. AxeLara - Whispers (Daniel Testas Remix) [Just Movement] 23:03 05. Erich Von Kollar - Sentimiento (Nicola…
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La nouvelle année commence, et on veut changer sa vie pour la rendre meilleure. Est-ce qu’il vaut mieux opter pour les bonnes vieilles résolutions, ou changer carrément de direction ? Prendre une décision rapidement et nettement, un peu comme un pansement qu’il faut retirer d’un coup sans laisser trop de place à la peur ? Est-ce qu’il vaut mieux pe…
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Dr. Wilkinson explores two theories for constructing emotions and their value in interpreting emotions. We pull apart key ideas of each theory to explore how they can me utilized for improving our emotional lives. Guest: Dr. Brett Wilkinson serves as Director of the Counselor Education program, founding Director of the PFW Institute for Counseling …
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ポッドキャスト『Thursday』の12月の配信です。 たくさんの方々と、長い一本になりました。 Apple/Spotify/Google/Amazonで、お気軽にご興味のあるパートを聞いてもらえると嬉しいです。 皆さま、今年も本や雑誌を手に取っていただいて、色々と気にかけていただいてありがとうございました。 また来年も良い本を作っていきたいと思いますので、どうぞよろしくお願いします。 良いホリデーシーズンをお過ごしください🎄🎍 ◉0:00:00から 12月の話:木星社のひとびと① B面の気持ち/恋する代々木公園(前田さん)/幽霊とともに走れ(若林恵さん)/カテゴライズできない話/ショートドラマのリリース(はる)/自分が書いたものを、誰かが読む/『アンダーグラウンド』小田香監督(筒井龍平プロ…
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Send us a text In this episode of Flavors of Emotions, Kim Korte takes you on a deep dive into the transformative power of self-trust. Why is trusting yourself so important? Because it’s the foundation of your confidence, decision-making, and emotional well-being. Kim explores how self-trust impacts every area of your life, from reducing anxiety an…
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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.com/work-with-me/ Intake Form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hZqpIgPgFXB_V8_1NGsiClJ6O2GAHb5jXdJNzSxg-yY/edit?usp=sharing In this episode of the Kids with Big Emotions podcast, Andi Clark dives into the mystery behind homework meltdowns—those emotional outbursts that le…
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In this Q&A episode of the Mindful Parenting podcast, Hunter Clarke-Fields discusses how to balance support and independence during children’s playtime. She highlights the importance of free, outdoor, and risky play for building confidence, emotional regulation, and mental health, while offering practical tips for encouraging independence without h…
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What is Mindful Parenting? Hunter talks to Dena Farash about the importance of being present, self-compassion, and effective communication in parenting. Hunter emphasizes that parents are human and will make mistakes, and that it's crucial to model emotional intelligence for children. The conversation also addresses the challenges of reactivity, th…
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FONAREV - Digital Emotions # 847. 00:00 1. Moderat - Bad Kingdom (Juan Ibañez Y Agoostina Bootleg) 07:40 2. Kamilo Sanclemente - Anagram (Original Mix) [Univack]13:10 3. Kasper Koman - Sinking Sky (Original Mix) [Meanwhille]18:36 4. Clyve - Eternal Waves (Original Mix) [Plattenbank] 22:45 5. Kaz James - Skin (Original Mix) [Rose Avenue]27:58 6. Mik…
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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.com/work-with-me/ Intake Form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hZqpIgPgFXB_V8_1NGsiClJ6O2GAHb5jXdJNzSxg-yY/edit?usp=sharing In this episode of the Kids with Big Emotions podcast, Andi Clark reflects on the unique challenges and triumphs of parenting while managing the exp…
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On the eve of the New Year, the eighth episode of A Dictionary of Ukrainian Emotions podcast is released, and we are pleased to invite you to a new emotional journey with the wonderful American actress Sharon Washington, who reads the text My Tara by Lyudmyla Tymoshenko. This work begins with the Ukrainian author's childhood impressions of the nove…
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Discover the Mindful Parenting Podcast's top five episodes of 2024, packed with expert insights and practical tools for parenting with compassion and connection. Wendy Snyder shares three strategies to replace punishment with guidance, Dr. Gabor Maté discusses building strong parental bonds to combat peer influence, and Dr. Robyn Silverman offers s…
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In this special holiday episode, Justin Wenck shares the powerful Hawaiian clearing practice of Ho’oponopono to help you navigate the season’s stressors with ease and joy. Whether you’re dealing with family drama, financial pressures, or just the chaos of holiday schedules, this simple technique can transform your mindset and bring balance to your …
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In this episode of the Kids with Big Emotions podcast, we dive into the world of impulsivity and explore strategies to help kids pause, reflect, and make thoughtful decisions. If your child often acts without thinking, struggles to stop themselves, or faces social and emotional challenges due to impulsivity, this episode is for you. Learn why impul…
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FONAREV - Digital Emotions # 846. 00:00 1. Amonita - Riviera (Ranta Remix) [Proportion] 07:17 2. Redspace, Shell Robinson - Reflections (Juan Ibanez Remix) [Juicebox Music] 13:00 3. Savvas - Devotion to Blue (ÜNAM Remix) [Songuara] 17:41 4. Shayan Pasha - Kidnapping in Tokyo [Mango Alley] 21:30 5. Paul Deep (AR) - Refracted (After Burn Extended Mix…
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Find yourself constantly irritable? Wish that you could enjoy parenthood more? That’s the place my guest, author KJ Dell’Antonia found herself in. So she set out to find the answers to frustrating struggles like chores, discipline, screen time, and more. Join in on this fun conversation about how to get through the toughest parts of parenting and f…
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Are you treating the source or symptoms? In this episode of Engineering Emotions and Engineering, Justin sits down with functional medicine expert Martin Pytela to uncover the secrets to thriving in a world stacked against your health. Martin Pytela is a respected functional medicine expert and Metabolic Typing coach, whose mission is to "Restore V…
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What is autonomy supportive parenting, and why does it help with your kid? Hunter talks to Marcus Aurelius Higgs about the mistakes we often make communicating with our kids and how to instead empower kids and support their growth. They cover practical examples and strategies for dealing with challenging behaviors and communication issues. ABOUT HU…
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Aujourd’hui dans Émotions (au travail), on vous propose de découvrir le premier épisode de Destins Croisés, un podcast Allianz en partenariat avec ELLE, produite par Louie Creative. 🎲L’imprévu peut frapper à tout moment. Là, quand on s’y attend le moins, dans notre quotidien. Et les risques de la vie courante sont nombreux : une chute, un incendie …
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FONAREV - Digital Emotions # 845. 00:00 1. Kostya Outta - Moving Lights (Original Mix) [inU]07:40 2. Sistersweet - ID (Original Mix) [RKP] 13:24 3. NUFECTS, Aman Anand - Botanika (Redspace Remix) [roku]18:20 4. KAZKO - Earth to Unknown (Martin Fredes, Mindlancholic Remix) [Starlight Music Group]24:03 5. Rockka - Metamorphosis (Andres Moris Trip Mix…
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Website: 🌐 www.andiclark.com Support Circle Membership: https://andiclark.com/work-with-me/ Intake Form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hZqpIgPgFXB_V8_1NGsiClJ6O2GAHb5jXdJNzSxg-yY/edit?usp=sharing In this episode of the Kids with Big Emotions podcast, we dive into Nonverbal Working Memory—a critical but often overlooked executive functioning s…
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In the seventh episode of A Dictionary of Ukrainian Emotions podcast, American actress Jessica Hecht, best known for her memorable roles in the cult TV series Friends and Breaking Bad, reads Flowering by Ukrainian playwright Olha Matsiupa. The narrative unfolds against the backdrop of the author’s memories of a trip to Sievierodonetsk on the eve of…
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En théorie, les fêtes de fin d’année devraient nous rendre heureux·ses. Mais en réalité, la magie n'opère pas toujours, et c’est encore pire quand la famille n'est pas un endroit où l’on se sent en sécurité. Laura et Bruno, qui témoignent dans cet épisode et qui ne parlent plus à une partie de leurs familles respectives, n’aiment pas cette période …
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Dr. Becker leads a conversation about marijuana and its myths. He explores the decades of research that he compiled in his book, Whoa Dude. We discuss common myths and important ideas when considering how to approach use, regardless if its in an abstinence or harm reduction model. Guest: Dr. Kevin G. Becker - Is a scientist and researcher. He recei…
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FONAREV - Digital Emotions # 844. 00:00 01. ID - ID05:51 02. Anton Make & Fonarev - THE END (Original mix) [Digital Emotions] 11:19 03. Seven Wells - Where Wise Men Fear (Dhany G Remix) [3rd Avenue] 16:00 04. Moshic - Love Made Me Do It (Guy J Remix) [Bedrock]20:17 05. Juan Pablo Torrez, Jossem - Ambar (Extended Mix) [Clubsonica]26:00 06. Kamilo Sa…
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