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Child rapist’s relocation sparks controversy, fear
진행자: 최정윤, Chelsea Proctor
기사 요약: 조두순이 새롭게 이사한 집 5분 거리에 초등학교가 있다는 사실 밝혀지면서 주민들의 불안이 고조되고 있어 ,경찰은 인군 순찰 강화로 불안 잠재우려하지만 효과 미비하다는 반응 커
[1] Cho Doo-soon, notorious for one of the most shocking crimes in South Korean history, has once again sparked public outrage and concern after his recent move to a new residence.
notorious: 악명 높은
outrage: 격분, 분노
[2] Cho, who was released from prison in December 2020 after serving 12 years for raping an 8-year-old girl, has relocated from his previous home in Ansan, Gyeonggi Province, to a nearby neighborhood. His move to a new residence, located just 2 kilometers away from his previous home, has stoked fears and controversy among nearby residents once again.
stoke: 감정을 부추기다, 돋우다
[3] Since Cho's release four years ago, his presence in Ansan has been a source of anxiety, leading to angry demonstrations and anonymous death threats. Residents have expressed their fears of his recidivism, given Cho's brutal criminal history. Despite measures in place to monitor him, many felt uneasy about having a convicted child rapist living nearby, especially with families and children in the vicinity.
recidivism: 상습적 범행, 재범
uneasy: 불안한, 우려되는
vicinity: 부근, 인근
[4] Police installed a monitoring system at his home and added 35 surveillance cameras, brighter streetlights and police booths in Cho’s neighborhood to both monitor his movements and deter people who have threatened his safety.
deter: 그만두게 하다, 단념시키다
기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20241030050609
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