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Manage episode 431703685 series 2813952
진행자: 최정윤, Chelsea Proctor
Korea to tackle wedding charges, housing regulations to boost birth rate
기사요약: 저출산 대응 방안으로 저출산고령사회위원회는 출산가구를 공공임대 우선공급 1순위로 지정하고 일명 "스드메" 거뿜도 빼는 방안 발표
[1] The government announced new measures to boost marriages for young people and support housing for families with children, as a follow-up measure after a "demographic national emergency" was declared by President Yoon Suk Yeol last month.
boost: 신장시키다, 북돋우다, 부양책, 증가
declare: 선언하다, 공표하다
[2] Facing dire warnings that South Korea's population could collapse if current trends persist, the president established a comprehensive pangovernmental response system in June to address the nation's low birth rate crisis.
persist: 계속되다
pangovernmental: 범정부적 pan- all, everything, involving all members (prefix)
[3] Amid growing complaints from newlywedq couples about excessive cancellation penalties, upselling of additional services and unclear pricing in "Sedeme" services, an abbreviated Korean term that refers to studio photography, makeup and dress rental, the Korea Fair Trade Commission has announced an ex officio investigation set for August.
ex officio: 직권에 의한, 직무상의 (직권 좆사 - 민사 소송법에선, 당사자의 이의나 신청을 기다리지 않고 법원이 직권으로 조사하고 조치를 취하는 일)
[4] This probe will scrutinize the terms and conditions of major wedding preparation agencies. The KFTC aims to improve unfair practices and establish standard terms and conditions for the industry, drawing on an industry status review and consumer damage survey.
scrutinize: 면밀히 조사하다
draw on: ~을 기반으로 하다, 결과를 내다
기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240729050531
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