Suggerimenti pratici ed operativi di psicologia dello sviluppo e dell'educazione per genitori ed insegnanti.
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Welcome to 'Golden Nuggets with Silvia Eldawi', the show that uncovers the hidden treasures of the real estate industry. Join your host, Silvia Eldawi, Founder of PROPOLOGI and seasoned real estate expert, as she invites top-tier professionals, industry veterans, and rising stars to share their priceless insights, strategies, and success stories.
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Vida de Alfonso xii
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„Zuhören macht klüger – wenn wir offen sind.“ Der Podcast „Silvia am Sonntag“ stellt interessante Menschen vor, ohne sie in Schubladen zu stecken. Ich bin Radiomoderatorin und schon immer haben mich Interviews in meinem Beruf am meisten fasziniert. Es wäre schön, wenn Sie wie ich, von dem Gespräch etwas für ihr Leben mitnehmen. Viel Spaß beim Hören. Silvia am Sonntag gibt es jeden Sonntag im Programm von Hit Radio FFH und hier als FFH-Original-Podcast. Produziert wird Silvia am Sonntag von d ...
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Podcast educativo
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A cozinheira e jornalista fala sobre como aproveitar melhor os alimentos com criatividade e saúde.
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Soy la mejor Cover art photo provided by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash:
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Welcome to the Even Silvia Lucas podcast, where amazing things happen.
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A psicanalista Silvia Grebler discute temas ligados a relações familiares e educação no CBN BH.
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Covering all of the hottest topics in Boston Sports, NCAA, Endicott College Sports and Massachusetts High School Sports. New episodes released weekly.
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I'm Silvia and I'm here to share with you my journey recovering from a divorce while living away from my family and lifelong friends. How I healed, what worked, what didn't and what I learned in the process. Please share and any comments, feel free to get in touch with me by e-mail: [email protected]
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My podcast is about life, love, relationships, motherhood and more. We will be shedding light on any and every topic. Nothing is off limits in this space.
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Hosted by adult film star & comedian Silvia Saige, Sexy Funny Raw is her pornspective on the world of sex, dating, relationships, and the adult industry. Each episode aims to make the airwaves sexier with Top 10s, inside looks into the adult film world, and answering questions you weren’t brave enough to google.
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Sou a Sílvia e depois de ter passado por um divórcio morando longe da minha família e amigos de toda a vida, resolvi partilhar como foi o meu caminho para a recuperação: os meus aprendizados, reflexões, o que funcionou e o que não funcionou para mim. Se gostarem, partilhem e qualquer comentário, podem me contatar em [email protected]
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this podcast is about the car world but not just any car its about the Nissan 240 Silvia 13-14
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Podcasts semanais do Programa "Entrando em Alpha" com Maria Silvia Orlovas na Rádio Mundial FM 95,7 | AM 660. Todas as terças às 22h. O programa tem como ponto focal as mensagens dos Mestres Ascensionados da Fraternidade Branca que tem sido há anos o tema dos livros, blog com as canalizações semanais, além dos atendimentos e grupos conduzidos por Maria Silvia. No programa são abordados também assuntos do nosso dia a dia, relacionamentos, sentimentos, emoções à luz da espiritualidade, vidas p ...
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Espacio dedicado a la moda, belleza, lifestyles, gastronomía, viajes... presentado por Rosa Quintana y Silvia Rodríguez.
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Do you want to build healthy habits, increase your productivity and well-being, or live a more mindful and meaningful life? Join Silvia and Michal, the founders of and, as they discuss all sorts of personal development related topics in a casual relaxed environment over their daily cup of tea or while they take long reflective walks in the forest.
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👋 ¡Hola a todos! 👋 I'm excited to start this journey with you! 🎉 Welcome to Learn Spanish with Silvia, where we'll make learning Spanish easy and fun for absolute beginners! 🇪🇦🎧 If you've ever wanted to speak Spanish but felt overwhelmed, this is the perfect place for you. We'll break down the language step by step, so you can start communicating in no time! 🗣️📚 In each episode, we'll focus on practical Spanish phrases and essential vocabulary. No complex grammar rules, just simple, useful l ...
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Falar sobre gente preta não é só falar sobre "sofrência". Pessoas negras são diversas, tem gostos, opiniões e vivências diferentes. Esse podcast vai ouvir pessoas negras de todos os perfis para falar de temas que vão muito além da pauta racial. Silvia Nascimento jornalista, fundadora e CEO do site Mundo Negro escreve sobre temática racial há 20 anos e te convida a conhecer essas pessoas negras e diversas mostrando que é possível falar sobre negritude de forma positiva e inspiradora. Amor, sa ...
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Bienvenido al bohío podcast. En el que lo compañeros de 2 bachiller Silvia Martínez, Raul Valero, Juan Moliner y Nuria Angosto trataremos los diferentes géneros musicales. Espero que lo disfruten
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Una serie de podcasts presentada por la divulgadora y experta internacional Silvia Leal y producida por BCC Digital, agencia líder en la promoción de las personalidades más destacadas del mundo hispanohablante. Se tratarán temas de máximo interés como: la soledad, el empleo, el cambio climático, los hackers, el teletrabajo, la educación digital, los superatletas o los esports. Y lo hace de una forma nueva y original, con la colaboración de expertos como Martha Debayle, Facundo Manes, Jorge R ...
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Vivimos una nueva realidad laboral llena de retos y oportunidades. Es un momento de cambio, donde las personas son el capital más valioso de una organización. Sin ellas, las empresas no pueden seguir avanzando ni conseguir mejorar su rédito empresarial. Te doy la bienvenida a "El Podcast De Silvia Foz": un espacio para la conexión y la reflexión, donde vamos a conocer a profesionales de primer nivel, y juntos aprenderemos sobre comunicación, creatividad e innovación, atracción y fidelización ...
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1 | El Pase, entre la lógica y el afecto. Entre lo que se demuestra y lo que se constata. Conversación Política con Silvia Salman y la participación de Piedad Ortega y Adolfo Ruiz. es el sitio de audios y conferencias de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.
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Silvia Torres Peimbert (Silvia Torres Castilleja) es Física por la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM y doctora en Astronomía por la Universidad de California, Berkeley. Su línea de investigación son las nebulosas planetarias y se le reconoce como una referencia en el tema a nivel nacional e internacional. Sus colegas la describen como una mujer exigente, cuidadosa y apasionada de su trabajo. Fundadora y editora de la Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica, es además investigadora emérita ...
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☕ Tea & Tales #72 - How To Overcome Your Fears Of Failure And Rejection
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14:04🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Majida Housni spills the tea on her game-changing journey in real estate, from her first big win to the lessons that shaped her success. She keeps it real about the power of mentorship, bouncing back from setbacks, and why women in the industry need to stop holding back when it comes to asking…
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Troppa autostima? Quando NON è come sembra (e cosa nasconde davvero)
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10:55Hai presente chi sembra muoversi e comportarsi sempre con una marcia in più? Petto in fuori, testa alta, zero dubbi… come se l’autostima fosse il suo superpotere. Ma è proprio così? Avere troppa autostima significa avere una VERA autostima? A volte è solo una corazza, una maschera costruita per proteggersi da insicurezze più profonde. Vediamo perch…
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Der Fernseh- und Sternekoch über zu viel Ehrgeiz, der schaden kann und warum er es liebt Koch zu sein. Er verrät, dass er Deutschland dankbar ist für die Chancen, die das Land ihm gegeben hat und warum er gerne in seinem Heimatdorf in der Türkei ist. Und er erzählt, dass er es wichtig findet, sich in seine Mitarbeiter einzufühlen – und dass seine F…
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☕ Tea & Tales #71 - How To Decide If You Should Be A Buyer's Agent Or Seller's Agent
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5:17🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Delaram Jamalian dives into the ultimate real estate dilemma - should you become a buyer's agent or a seller's agent? 🤔 With a mix of wit and wisdom, she breaks down the highs, lows, and juicy behind-the-scenes moments of both roles. From mastering the art of networking and personal branding t…
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🟡 #63 - Real Estate Brokerage: Then vs. Now - A 40 Year Perspective
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1:08:25🟡 This week on Golden Nuggets, I sit down with Mario Volpi, Head of Real Estate Brokerage, Novvi Properties, columnist for The National, and real estate veteran with 40 years in the industry (breaking our guest longevity record!). ☎️ The past is calling… but are we ready to answer the future? From rotary phones to AI, fax machines to Cybertrucks, w…
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☕ Tea & Tales #70 - From Cringe to Confident Content Creation
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10:02🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Silvia and Yasha Ahadpour relive the cringe-worthy moments of their very first podcast together, awkward pauses, nervous laughs, and all! 😆From podcasting mishaps to content creation glow-ups, they dive into why growth beats perfection, how social media can make or break a real estate career, …
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☕ Tea & Tales #69 - How Social Media TRANSFORMED My Business In Less Than A Year
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14:32🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Steven Leckie breaks down how social media has transformed his real estate career - the wins, the lessons, and the challenges.From personal branding power plays to the mental game of public perception, we get real about the highs and lows of being online. Is social media a game-changer or a do…
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☕ Tea & Tales #68 - Dead Ends or Deals? Rethinking Cold Leads
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6:27🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Christina Mahfoud shares her journey from being a pharmacist to a successful real estate agent. She discusses the emotional rewards of helping clients find their homes and the importance of patience and education in the real estate process. This conversation emphasizes the need to build relati…
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☕ Tea & Tales #67 - I Wish I Knew These EXPERT Strategies Earlier
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9:18🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Lee Jenkinson spills the secrets from his time at the DXB Success event, sharing game-changing client engagement strategies and the power of genuine connections. Tune in to hear why relationships matter more than just closing deals and how every handshake today could be a golden opportunity to…
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☕ Tea & Tales #66 - I Turned A $5m Buyer Lead Into A $25m Sale
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9:37🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Rasha Ibrahim shares how she turned an "impossible" deal into a done deal, just by asking the right questions, truly understanding her buyer's needs, and finessing the art of negotiation like a pro. Her secret sauce? Mastering the art of client qualification and steering through the twists and…
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☕ Tea & Tales #65 - Be Careful Who You Trust In This Career
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6:47🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Majida Housni shares her incredible journey from working in concierge services to making waves as a top real estate agent and spills the tea on the hard-earned lessons she’s learned along the way. Majida keeps it real about being cautious with who you trust, but also reminds us that there are …
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"Ci provo, ma poi mollo!" Quante volte abbiamo iniziato qualcosa con entusiasmo, per poi abbandonare tutto dopo pochissimo tempo? Andare a correre, leggere di più, svegliarsi presto, bere più acqua… tutto sembra semplice in teoria, ma nella pratica? La voglia svanisce, il tempo manca, la fatica si fa sentire e alla fine torniamo alle vecchie abitud…
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☕ Tea & Tales #64 - Why ALL Agents MUST Have A Strong Value Proposition
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12:39🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Yasin Valimulla shares the wild journey of turning an impossible deal into a successful transaction. Yasin highlights the importance of exclusive buyer representation and the real challenges of meeting ultra-high-net-worth client expectations. This conversation is packed with insights on follo…
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☕ Tea & Tales #63 - I Made The CRAZIEST Deal Request To My Celebrity BOSS
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9:00🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Tamara Saab shares her experience filtering serious buyers from casual fans that insist on meeting her celebrity boss - Zeina Khoury from the Netflix show Dubai Bling. What to expect and when? 00:00 The Celebrity Influence in Real Estate 🎬 03:00 Navigating Client Expectations and Reality 🏡 05:…
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☕ Tea & Tales #62 - WORST Real Estate Betrayals Cost Me MILLIONS!
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10:10🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Delaram Jamalian dives into the emotional highs and lows of the real estate business. Dela shares hard-hitting lessons from TWO personal experiences - navigating trust, betrayal, and the importance of caution when dealing with fellow agents.This conversation sheds light on the challenges agent…
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☕ Tea & Tales #61 - Safety Tips Every Real Estate Agent MUST Know
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7:51🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Denise Williams recounts a terrifying incident that taught her valuable lessons about vigilance and personal safety on real estate showings.The conversation also delves into essential security tips, establishing boundaries with clients and ensuring safety in the real estate industry.Drop your …
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☕ Tea & Tales #60 - What I Wish I Knew Before Opening A Real Estate Brokerage
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8:46🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Yasha Ahadpour spills the tea on his rollercoaster journey of opening a real estate brokerage - without prior experience. Filled with hard-hitting lessons, financial wake-up calls, and the brutal realities of running a business, this conversation uncovers the unfiltered truths of entrepreneurs…
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Avete presente quella sensazione di sconforto quando il vostro bambino continua a dire "Non voglio andare a scuola!" e voi non sapete proprio cosa fare? 🏫❌ Oggi parliamo proprio di questo tema: il rifiuto scolastico nei bambini. Come adulti, il nostro ruolo non è quello di spingere i bambini a subire, come una corona di spine, una realtà che li fa …
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☕ Tea & Tales #59 - Valuable Items VANISH from Listing. What's Going On?
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11:31🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Tamara Saab opens up about one of the most stressful moments of her real estate career - a theft in a client's apartment that turned into a police investigation.From the shock of being a suspect to the critical lessons learned, this story unpacks the high stakes of trust in real estate and how…
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☕ Tea & Tales #58 - The BEST Way to Handle an Unethical Buyer
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7:12🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Christina Mahfoud shares a memorable closing story that highlights the challenges real estate agents face, particularly regarding client expectations and ethical dilemmas. The conversation delves into the issue of kickbacks in the real estate industry, discussing the implications for agents an…
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☕ Tea & Tales #57 - What's the WORST That Can Happen During Deal Closing?
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8:48🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Rasha Ibrahim shares a behind-the-scenes look at the high-pressure world of real estate. She discusses the immense stress agents endure, recounting a particularly intense and nail-biting experience that pushed her negotiation skills and resilience to the limit. The conversation also explores t…
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Bob Blume ist einer der bekanntesten Lehrer Deutschlands. Ob in seinen Büchern, Podcasts, TikTok, Instagram oder Youtube. Er ist da, wo seine Schüler sind und kämpft für besseren Unterricht und für eine Schule, in der Schüler und Lehrer auf Augenhöhe miteinander umgehen. Bei Silvia erklärt er, warum Hausaufgaben in Zeiten von Künstlicher Intelligen…
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☕ Tea & Tales #56 - Why You Need a MENTOR in Real Estate to Succeed
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12:13🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Steven Leckie dives into the power of mentorship in real estate and why having a guide (or six) can make or break your career! We share personal experiences, lessons learned, and the game-changing impact of having people in your corner. What to expect and when? 00:00 Why Mentorship is a Game-C…
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☕ Tea & Tales #55 - From Stigma to Success: Overcoming the REAL ESTATE AGENT Stereotype
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8:48🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Majida Housni spills the tea on her real estate journey—sharing the one regret that still lingers: wishing she had jumped in sooner! She dives into why a strong entrepreneurial spirit is a must, how collaboration always trumps competition, and why integrity and real value are the real deal in …
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☕ Tea & Tales #54 - Why 86% of Real Estate Agents FAIL In Their First Year
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10:01🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Lee Jenkinson shares his journey in the real estate industry, discussing the challenges he faced in his first two years, the strategies he employed to overcome them, and the importance of personal growth and work-life balance. In this episode, he emphasizes the significance of persistence, a s…
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☕ Tea & Tales #53 - Top Real Estate Agent Shares WILDEST Villa Sale Story!
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7:13🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Yasin Valimulla recounts his most memorable closing story from 15 years in real estate, highlighting the unique dynamics of high-value transactions in Dubai. What's been your WILDEST closing story? Give us the headlines in the comments👇🫖 Why watch? Whether you're a new or aspiring real estate …
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Comunicare con i figli adolescenti: istruzioni per l'uso
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11:29«Provo a comunicare con mio figlio adolescente, ma certe volte sembra una missione impossibile. Si chiude, non parla, o peggio, quando cerco di rispondere ai suoi racconti finisce con un "Ecco, non capisci niente!" e se ne va.» Se ti suona familiare, l'audio di oggi è anche per te. La comunicazione con un adolescente non è mai solo uno scambio di p…
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☕ Tea & Tales #52 - Business Partner RED FLAGS You Need to Know!
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10:36🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Denise Williams spills the tea on a significant betrayal by a business partner that taught her valuable lessons about trust, due diligence, and the importance of having tough conversations in business. Tune in to hear Denise’s powerful story, her biggest lessons, and the transformative experie…
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☕ Tea & Tales #51 - Don't Make This ONE Prospecting Blunder
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5:05🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Christina Mahfoud recounts her most embarrassing cold calling experience that taught her the importance of research and preparation. 🫖 Why watch? Whether you're a new or aspiring agent, this conversation is packed with insights that go beyond the surface of real estate. Perfect for your commut…
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Nilz Bokelberg erzählt Silvia warum in den 90ern einfach alles möglich war, er und Heike unzertrennlich waren, er sich immer freut, wenn er jemand aus der Viva-Zeit trifft, er Podcasts liebt, Köln der beste Platz der Welt ist, er aber auch Frankfurt sehr mag.저자 [email protected] (HIT RADIO FFH)
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☕ Tea & Tales #50 - What NO ONE Tells You About Being a Real Estate Agent
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7:38🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Delaram Jamalian lifts the lid on life behind the scenes of a real estate agent and spills the tea on the THREE things she wish she knew before she started this career.Join us for a candid conversation covering everything from emotional resilience and daily routines to feelings of loneliness a…
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☕ Tea & Tales #49 - This Morning Routine Changed My Life
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13:56🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Lee Jenkinson discusses the critical issue of burnout in the real estate industry and shares effective strategies to avoid it. The conversation emphasizes the importance of mindfulness, morning routines, journaling, and affirmations in cultivating an ELITE mindset. What to expect and when?00:0…
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☕ Tea & Tales #48 - This One Viewing Mistake Almost Ruined My Business!
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11:48🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Tamara Saab spills the tea on her most shocking viewing experience involving unexpected guests and the subsequent moral quandary of whether to inform the property owner about the incident. The conversation explores the delicate balance between professionalism and personal integrity, emphasizin…
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☕ Tea & Tales #47 - Could This ONE Thing Be Holding You Back from REAL ESTATE Success?
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7:25🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, top Dubai real estate agent Rasha Ibrahim shares her extensive experience of emotional management during client interactions. Through personal anecdotes, she demonstrates how maintaining professionalism and composure can lead to long-term client relationships and success in the industry. Rasha…
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☕ Tea & Tales #46 - Do Women Have To Work TWICE as Hard to Succeed In Real Estate?
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11:30🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Delaram Jamalian spills the tea on the dark side of social media, the challenges women face in a male-dominated industry, and the misconceptions surrounding women in real estate. Join us for a candid conversation discussing the importance of branding, the need for assertiveness, and the balanc…
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Supportare o risolvere? L’argomento di oggi non riguarda solo la genitorialità, ma la vita di tutti i giorni: l'importanza del supporto emotivo piuttosto che la soluzione immediata dei problemi. Sai quando tuo figlio è frustrato perché il puzzle non combacia? O quando non riesce a ricordare le tabelline? In certi momenti, la nostra inclinazione nat…
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☕ Tea & Tales #45 - Every Off Plan Agent Needs to Know THIS #1 Trick Of The Trade!
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9:35🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, off plan agent Yasha Ahadpour shares the top golden nugget about the true art of selling in real estate that he learnt from a fellow real estate agent. Additionally, he highlights key takeaways from the power of building strong client relationships to understanding the importance of showcasing…
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Steven Gätjen über die Brände in Los Angeles, warum die Oskar-Verleihung trotzdem stattfinden sollte und warum man sich selbst nicht so wichtig nehmen sollte. Ob als Kino-Reporter, Moderator oder bald bei der NDR-Talkshow, er findet den richtigen Ton.저자 [email protected] (HIT RADIO FFH)
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☕ Tea & Tales #44 - The #1 SECRET to Building a Successful Real Estate Brand!
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13:15🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Yasin Valimulla AKA Mr Palm Jumeirah shares his extensive golden nuggets on building a personal brand using social media and the significance of niching down in the real estate market. Additionally, he highlights the value of leveraging relationships for international opportunities.What to exp…
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☕ Tea & Tales #43 - Why Every Real Estate Agent Should Invest In Real Estate
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7:04🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Denise Williams spills the tea on her most significant purchase to date and explains the unique advantages real estate investment has on a real estate agent's performance. Discover why agents, armed with insider knowledge, access to properties, and market insights, should be actively investing…
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☕ Tea & Tales #42 - I Survived the Real Estate Crash and Learned THIS
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11:41🫖 In this latest serving of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales, Steven Leckie shares his extensive experience in the real estate industry, reflecting on the lessons learned from the booming market years leading up to the 2008 crash. He discusses the mindset of success during that time, the importance of saving, and offers valuable advice for new agents ent…
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☕ Tea & Tales #41 - Real Estate Agent To Hollywood Celebrities Spills The Tea
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8:50🎬 Welcome to Season 2 of Golden Nuggets Tea & Tales 🫖 Our season debut is brewing with excitement as we welcome Hollywood’s celebrity agent extraordinaire, Majida Housni! 🌟 She’s spilling the tea on that rumored A-lister who was supposed to buy in Dubai but hasn’t signed on the dotted line yet! 👀 Expect insider secrets, jaw-dropping stories, and Ma…
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Hai mai sentito parlare della fenicottero economy? È un modo divertente ed efficace per affrontare quei compiti che proprio non ci vanno giù. La motivazione a volte fa le bizze e la dopamina, che ci fa sentire appagati e ricompensati, sembra sparire. Insomma, ci sentiamo come un telefono scarico… Ma cosa c’entrano i fenicotteri in tutto questo? Il …
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Cordula Stratmann über ein Leben, das ohne Kompromisse nicht funktioniert, warum Liebe eine Entscheidung ist und Eltern starrend in ihr Handy mit Kindern unterwegs, sie die Nerven verlieren lässt.저자 [email protected] (HIT RADIO FFH)
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"Sono stata una sottona", lo ammetto. Per tanto tempo ho accettato situazioni che non mi andavano bene, credendo di dover compensare il mio carattere "difficile", la mia rabbia, il mio aspetto fisico. Ma sapete cosa ho capito? È proprio inutile camuffarsi o essere più accomodanti pensando così di essere accettati. Spoiler: non funziona. Fino a quan…
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