A church that loves God and loves Gothenburg!
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Josh speaks from Nehemiah and encourages us to practise remembrance - look back on and giving thanks for all God has done for us personally and for the church.
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Over the season of Advent we will be exploring how God describes Himself in Exodus 34, as 'a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness'. (Exodus 34:6). Yolanda concludes the series this Sunday by helping us to see God's faithfulness throughout scripture and in our lives now.…
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Over the season of Advent we will be exploring how God describes Himself in Exodus 34, as 'a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness'. (Exodus 34:6). Matthew continues the series by helping us to consider the abounding, faithful, steadfast, 'hesed' love of God for His people. There is a loss of audi…
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Over the season of Advent we will be exploring how God describes Himself in Exodus 34, as 'a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness'. (Exodus 34:6). Beccy continues our 'Made Known' series by helping us to explore how God is 'slow to anger'.
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Josh sets the scene for our new Advent series 'Made Known'. Over the season of Advent we will be exploring how God describes Himself in Exodus 34, as 'a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness'. (Exodus 34:6). This week Josh focuses on the first two characteristics. He is merciful and He is gracious…
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Jobin continues our series in Ephesians this week. He unpacks the centrality of the Gospel in the church and encourages us to keep our eyes and hearts fixed on Jesus. He is the good news!!
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Josh continues our series in the book of Ephesians by helping us to reflect on humility. He encourages us to examine and meditate on the grace we have received and practise humility as we love those around us. Please note that there is a loss of audio at the beginning of this recording, where Josh begins unpacking humility before he begins to talk …
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Cleyton continues our series 'One New Man'. This week he helps us to explore the church as God's Dwelling Place.
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Jeremy speaks from Ephesians 4 about how God has given gifts (gifts of people and spiritual gifts) to the church to equip His people. He encourages us that everyone has a gift to share in order to equip and build up the church. Ephesians 4
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Joshua introduces our new series in the book of Ephesians - One New Man. Ephesians 2: 12 - 3: 13
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Josh concludes our mini sermon series 'A People of the Presence' as he talks about and encourages us in worship. He explores why we worship and then unpacks the many different examples of worship we see in the Bible.
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We had the pleasure of welcoming Terry Virgo to our Sunday meeting last weekend. He shares about the gift of grace.
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Josh continues our series exploring the Presence of God this Sunday as he unpacks the gift of the prophetic. He helps us to consider the 'why' and the 'how' of the gift of prophecy in the church - why it is important and how we can pursue and practice the prophetic as a whole church. 2 Chronicles 20
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Josh continues our mini series 'A People of the Presence' this Sunday. He unpacks the story of King Jehoshaphat and his people from 2 Chronicles 20 and shares about the power and importance of prayer and fasting. Please note: there is a loss of audio in this recording, where the scripture (2 Chronicles 20: 1-30) is being read aloud.…
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Josh introduces us to a new mini series about the Presence of God. Exodus 33저자 Gud Först
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Jobin concludes our series in Acts.저자 Gud Först
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This year Chris Frost spoke at our weekend away about the life of Peter. This is a recording of his preach from our Saturday meeting - part 1 of 2.저자 Gud Först
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Albin continues our new 'Kingdom Come' series. He helps us to look at prayer in the early church and encourages us to pursue and practice prayer in our day to day lives. This preach is in Swedish.저자 Gud Först
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This week Roger Bye from Kings Church Cockermouth talked to us about the gift of grace.저자 Gud Först
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We are back in the book of Acts! This week Aled talks about persecution and perseverance.저자 Gud Först
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Maria concludes our series in John as she walks us though the last I AM statement - I am the true vine. Please note - this preach is in Swedish.저자 Gud Först
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Cleyton shares with us from John 10 and helps us to understand how Jesus is 'the Good Shepherd'. We apologise for the low volume in this recording.저자 Gud Först
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Easter Sunday 2024. Beccy walks us through the next 'I Am' statement in John's gospel - I Am the Resurrection and the Life. She helps us to consider what the words death, resurrection and life mean for Lazarus, for Jesus and for us.저자 Gud Först
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Jobin continues our new series by walking us through who Jesus claims to be when He says 'I Am the Light of the World'.저자 Gud Först
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Aled introduces our new sermon series, exploring the 'I AM' statements in the gospel of John. He invites us to ask the question 'Who is Jesus?' and explore how Jesus describes who He is through these statements, beginning with 'I am the bread of life'.저자 Gud Först
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Albin concludes our series in 1 Corinthians by unpacking what the Bible says about the Resurrection. He helps us to consider what we can learn from this chapter and outlines the hope we have in the Resurrection. This preach is in Swedish.저자 Gud Först
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Joshua and Nina share some of the practical things to remember about spiritual gifts in the church. They talk about prophecy, speaking in tongues, interpretation and the importance of working in a team.저자 Gud Först
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Josh continues our series in 1 Corinthians by helping us to explore the question 'Why do we bother with Spiritual Gifts?'.저자 Gud Först
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Aled walks us through some interpretations of and perspectives of 1 Corinthians 11.저자 Gud Först
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Stories of Hope: Jesus forgives and heals a paralysed man
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29:44Josh unpacks the beginning of Mark chapter 2, where Jesus forgives and heals a paralysed man. He outlines what we can learn about Jesus through this passage and how this gives us hope today. He encourages us to 'push past the crowd' to seek and encounter God - to 'taste and see that the Lord is good' (Psalm 34:8).…
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Cleyton continues our Advent series this week as he walks us through the story of Zacchaeus the Tex Collector as he encounters Jesus.저자 Gud Först
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Beccy begins our new Advent series 'Stories of Hope' by unpacking the story of Jesus meeting the woman at the well. She reminds us of the eternal and life giving hope we have in Jesus.저자 Gud Först
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Albin unpacks 1 Corinthians 7 and discusses singleness in the church. He helps us to consider both singleness and marriage as gifts from God - both with their benefits and difficulties - and encourages to remember as a church that we are all adopted into a new family in Christ. This preach is in Swedish.…
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Jobin unpacks the next 3 chapters of 1 Corinthians and helps us to consider Paul's teaching on marriage, sexual immorality and boasting.저자 Gud Först
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Josh unpacks what it means to be an apostolic people.저자 Gud Först
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Josh continues our new series in 1 Corinthians this week and invites us to look at the cross together.저자 Gud Först
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Aled begins our new series in 1 Corinthians. He helps us to put the letter in context and consider some of the themes we may see as we read through the letter as a church.저자 Gud Först
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We conclude our series on the Lord's Prayer today. Josh shares about both the big and obvious and the small and subtle forms of spiritual warfare and encourages us to remain alert to small temptations, battling against them in prayer and in the small everyday moments.저자 Gud Först
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Jobin walks us through the next line of the Lord's Prayer. He encourages us to remember that in Christ, we have received forgiveness and from this place, we get to practice forgiveness - forgiving and ask for forgiveness from others.저자 Gud Först
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This week Josh unpacks the question in the middle of the Lord's Prayer - Give us today our daily bread. He encourages us to pray to God in our times of need. We can pray with confidence because of Jesus' victory on the cross and we can boldly approach our Father with every prayer and request.저자 Gud Först
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Aled unpacks the next line of the Lord's Prayer: Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven(Matthew 6:10)저자 Gud Först
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Aled continues to unpack the Lord's Prayer this week as we explore the Holiness of God.저자 Gud Först
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We begin our new series focusing on the Lord's Prayer by focusing on the first line - Our Father in Heaven. Josh encourages us to enjoy the presence of our loving Father, sitting with Him, resting at His feet and praising His goodness.We apologise for the loss of audio in the first section of this recording.…
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Josh walks us through the final chapters of the book of Daniel. He encourages us to look towards our future hope - through Jesus our inheritance is secured and one day we will see Him face to face.저자 Gud Först
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Aled speaks from Daniel's prayer in chapter 9. He helps us to consider: - - Why Daniel prays- What Daniel prays- How Daniel prays저자 Gud Först
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Maria speaks to us today from John chapter 6. She focuses on Peter's declaration at the end of the chapter: 68 “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”Please note that this preach was shared in Swedish.저자 Gud Först
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We continue our series in Daniel chapter 8. Josh unpacks Daniel's dream about the Ram and the Goat and encourages to consider how we can respond to suffering.저자 Gud Först
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Daniel: The Beasts, The Ancient of Days and the Son of Man
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40:57Aled unpacks some important truths from Daniel's dream in chapter 7.저자 Gud Först
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This week we hear from Roger Bye as we continue our series in Daniel. He encourages us to live faithfully in our daily walk with God, to look to Jesus in prayer and to remember the faithfulness of God, the One who has overcome.저자 Gud Först
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Josh shares from Daniel chapter 5. He outlines some important truths about God as Judge and encourages us to look to Jesus, to remember His grace and victory and to take care with how we walk.저자 Gud Först
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