Josh Tomar is Agent Conroy, a former operative on the run from a dangerous, secret organization called Redwood Bureau. The Bureau researches and captures supernatural entities usually at the cost of human lives, and Agent Conroy is here to leak their reports to the public. New episodes every other Tuesday.
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Various Old Time Radio shows hosted through Bureau 42. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Stéphan Bureau mène de longs entretiens avec des invités qui pensent, créent ou façonnent notre monde. Dans l’air du temps sans être dans l’actualité brûlante, Contact se veut une tribune plurielle pour sortir des sentiers battus du prêt-à-penser.
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A master feed for all of Bureau 42's audio podcast content.
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For more than a century, Kansas Farm Bureau has served Kansas farmers and ranchers through advocacy, education and service. This podcast provides an in-depth view of issues that impact Kansas farm and ranch families.
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Iedere werkdag van 13.30 tot 14.00 uur op NPO Radio 1 met nieuws en achtergronden uit het buitenland.
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In compliance with council directive EX10-63, the Queen City Improvement Bureau broadcasts their weekly meetings from a forgotten sub-basement office deep beneath city hall of Regina, Saskatchewan. On Twitter as @QueenCityIB. Online at Broadcasts live on real radio, Thurs 7 to 8 pm CST on 91.3 CJTR Regina's community radio station (
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*The Bureau of Lost Culture broadcast rare, countercultural stories, oral testimonies and tales from the underground. *Join host Stephen Coates and a wide range of guests including musicians, artists, writers, activists and commentators in conversation. *Listen live on London’s premier independent station Soho Radio or via all major podcast providers. The Bureau is collected at The British Library Sound Archive
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Discovering the historical backgrounds of events shaping your world.
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Louisiana Farm Bureau is constantly working protect and promote Louisiana's farmers, ranchers, and rural residents. This podcast exists to share stories of those farmers with interviews about their farms and issues important to them. Here, we will also share about the work Farm Bureau is doing on their behalf on issues related to public policy from the parish level all the way to the halls of Congress in D.C.
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The Writer's Detective Bureau is a podcast hosted by retired Police Detective Adam Richardson. Adam answers questions about criminal investigation and police work posed by crime-fiction authors and screenwriters writing crime-related stories. To submit a question, visit
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Podcast by Digging In with Missouri Farm Bureau
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Maricopa County Farm Bureau is the voice of agriculture in a community that thrives on the dichotomy of urban and rural agriculture operations. This podcast is a home for farmers, ranchers, food lovers, prospective agriculturalists, and those who are interested in where their food comes from! Learn more at
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The Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast gets to the heart of what is happening throughout Ohio agriculture. Hear about important issues impacting Ohio Farm Bureau members and their communities as Ty Higgins visits with a wide variety of experts who cover farming, farm policy and food production across the value chain.
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Elke maandag geven Frank Evenblij en Erik Dijkstra op geheel eigen wijze hun kijk op het afgelopen sportweekend, en blikken ze vooruit op de week die komen gaat. Vrijuit en ongezouten, zonder aanziens des persoons maar met veel inside information over sport en de sportwereld.
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The focus of this report is to keep local farmers, ranchers and agribusiness men and women up to date on agriculture industry issues which affect the Washington states rural economy. Bob Larson host of the program covers a broad array of topics; from farm human interest stories, to labor issues, state sponsored trade missions, crop outlook assessments, USDA risk management announcements and animal health stories are examples of the types of news topic categories covered each month.
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Wij zijn Bureau de Bedoeling. In deze podcastserie delen we hoe wij kijken naar vraagstukken. Onze adviseurs delengaan in gesprek over hun perspectieven op bijvoorbeeld leiderschap, samenwerking en kleine vaardigheden. Hiermee willen we met elkaar van betekenis zijn voor het Nederland van nu en de toekomst. We geven hierbij onze mening. Niet over wat het beste antwoord is, maar wel over hoe je bij dat antwoord komt. Want of een vraagstuk nu draait om samenwerken of om onderzoek, om ontwikkel ...
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A painstakingly researched comedy podcast about businesses’ scams, scandals, and shenanigans. Written and hosted by Christian Borkey
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Conferencias, Capacitaciones y Seminarios con alto contenido de valor para diferentes sectores empresariales.
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Chapter 5 of 2018 Government Text Book Cover art photo provided by Srikanta H. U on Unsplash:
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Collective of freelance journalists based in Amsterdam.
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Bureau Spotlight is een nieuw bureau voor onderzoeksjournalistiek in de regio Foodvalley waar onder meer de gemeenten Ede, Veenendaal, Barneveld en Wageningen onder vallen.
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Dark humor abounds as a tax agent tries to tame a post-apocalyptic hellscape in this audiobook podcast by author M.P. Fitzgerald. Music by Dust Mice.
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Podcast by Metro Bureau
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Four incompetent FBI agents vent during their weekly meeting in a secure room. Improvised by Jesse, Isabel Galbraith, Bryan Jackson, and Jamal Newman. This podcast features the song “The last sipper and a ring” by Subhashish Panigrahi, copyright 2018.
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L'été au bureau Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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De Bureau Buitenland Nacht Express doet steeds een verschillende stad aan in verschillende landen. In 12 haltes leert de luisteraar 12 steden op een nieuwe manier kennen. Presentatie: Abdou Bouzerda.
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This podcast features the Mt Pleasant CVB and all things they do. The Mt Pleasant CVB is a destination marketing and management organization for Isabella County. Specializing in outdoor rec, arts & culture, and all things tourism. Visit them at
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Fantômes, apparitions, ovnis, énigmes et monstres en tout genre : Mathias et Charles décortiquent les histoires étranges d'hier et d'aujourd'hui.
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Elke vrijdag geven Frank Evenblij en Erik Dijkstra op geheel eigen wijze hun kijk op de afgelopen sportweek. En blikken ze vooruit op het weekend dat komen gaat.
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Bureaucracy is that strangely modern form of government where lots of folks at their desk (french “bureau”) follow rules that they might not necessarily understand, and thus reinforce a system that they typically don’t like. Bureaucrats rule without really having much power–or without realizing how much power they have… A few of these bureaucrats, however, work to change their institutions so that they are more human, more perfect, and more just. This is a podcast devoted to exploring their ...
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Welcome to the Service Bureau Accelerator Podcast where we EXPOSE the secret business in the tax industry that no one wants to tell you about!!! We're bringing you the best in the tax industry, breaking the standard, and sharing revolutionary strategies — to help you start, manage, and grow your service bureau. Get proven strategies from marketing to sales; how to separate yourself from the competition all the way to building a 7 figure service bureau. So if you're ready to scale your busine ...
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The Bureau Briefing is a podcast by the Bureau of Digital, an organization dedicated to giving digital professionals the support system they never had. In each episode, we share what the Bureau community is talking about.
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The officially unofficial podcast for Yellowjackets on Showtime. Join us as we dive deep into the twisted world of Yellowjackets. Each week, Jim and A.Ron will analyze and discuss the latest episode and consider your feedback. contact: [email protected]
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In tegenstelling tot de gangbare wetten in de dramatische literatuur gaat Voskuil er van uit dat mensen niet veranderen, ze worden alleen erger dan wat ze al zijn. Tussen 2002 en 2006 maakten Krijn ter Braak en Peter te Nuyl van de 7 delen van het boek de langste doorlopende hoorspelserie uit de radiogeschiedenis, 475 afleveringen, ruim 110 uur, 192 acteurs. Dit is podcast deel 1 van 2.
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Ik neem je mee door mijn leven, hoe ik erachter kwam dat ik hoogbegaafd ben en wat het betekent.
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Penses tu possible de te libérer du temps avec tes outils bureautiques ? ... Tu trouveras ici quelques astuces agiles issues de mon expérience. Un contenu qui n'a rien à voir avec ce que tu peux trouver ailleurs sur le web, car l'idée de ce podcast c'est de partager un retour d'expérience plus approfondi qu'un simple tuto youtube... Idéal pour occuper tes éventuels "temps morts" (voiture, transport en commun, salle d'attente ...) :-)
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A journey through all things cryptocurrency from the team behind the biggest crypto channel on YouTube. The Coin Bureau is dedicated to providing education and information about cryptocurrency without the hype.
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"Growing On" is a show produced by the Georgia Farm Bureau to discuss agriculture related issues and topics to help promote and advocate for Georgia agriculture as well as educate consumers about the production of food and modern farming practices.
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What’s got you curious about Baltimore, the region, and its people? Is there a local mystery that’s always left you scratching your head? Veteran WYPR journalist Aaron Henkin is reporting to a new assignment editor: You. And together, you’ll find some answers, or at least learn something new along the way.
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What makes life better? Butter! At The Better Butter Bureau we want to share all things butter. We are on our journey to try Butter from all around the world to see which Butters are truly Better Butter! Due to lack of listeners I am no longer doing this podcast.
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Think news, gossip, drive-time radio and mates bantering at the front bar of the pub but without the fights, and you'll have the essence of TBP. Each week or so join Matt and Mel who have a combined total of almost 30 years of lived experience in Ho Chi Minh City as they chat, debate and laugh about what's new in Vietnam's biggest city and beyond. If you’re a foodie, traveller, history buff or just want to be educated and entertained about Vietnam and Southeast Asia, then The Bureau Asia Pod ...
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I'm former FBI Assistant Director Frank Figliuzzi. Join me on a journey to explore our nation's security - the forces that threaten it - and the people who preserve it. Let's talk with insiders in and around the intelligence community, law enforcement, and the military, and of course - the FBI. They'll take us deep into their stories, their mission, and their lives - as we go behind and beyond...The Bureau.
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We're focusing on thoughtful conversations that we hope will inform and provide you with a small glimpse of the work performed by Portland police officers as well as issues affecting public safety in our city.
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Komt er vrede met de PKK in Turkije & Wat heeft Brexit opgeleverd?
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23:52In Turkije klinkt steeds meer hoop op vrede met de Koerdische PKK, waarmee het land al decennialang verwikkeld is in gewapende strijd. De Turken hameren op een einde van het conflict en daar lijken de Koerden nu serieus gehoor aan te geven. Is er daadwerkelijke kans op vrede? En waarom juist nu? Daarover collega en Turkijekenner Cevahir Varan. (14:…
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« Si le client est roi, et si nous sommes tous des clients rois, il faut une armada d'esclaves pour nous servir ! » Entretien avec le sondeur Jérôme Fourquet
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1:07:16Jérôme Fourquet est une référence connue de tous en France pour comprendre les grandes mutations de la société au fil des quarante dernières années. Directeur à l’LFOP, expert en sondages, le pays n’a plus de secret pour lui : il s’intéresse aux changements de valeurs, de culture, à l’économie et aux mutations politiques. État des lieux : La France…
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Despite the many challenges for agriculture, Potatoes USA Chief Marketing Officer, Kim Brashears says things are looking good and she’s excited about 2025.
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Returning to the Digging In podcast is Roger McEowen, Professor of Agricultural Law and Taxation at Washburn University. In this episode, he covers a variety of topics, including the shortage of law professionals in rural areas and his efforts to showcase the benefits of practicing in rural communities. As well as how changes in DC may affect farme…
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In this week's Maricopa County Farm Bureau Ag Report, several key events and updates were highlighted. January was a busy month with Ag Fest, the American Farm Bureau Convention, and the Arizona FFA Foundation's Blue and Gold Gala, which raised $513,949 to support FFA students and programs. The upcoming legislative session will see significant effo…
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The weather is warming up and so is crawfish production in Louisiana! This week, Karl Wiggers visits with rice and crawfish farmer Dylan Benoit at his field in Jeff Davis Parish. They discuss the outlook on this year's crawfish season, Benoit being raised on the farm, as well as what works and what doesn't in crawfish economics. See a story from TW…
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#5 - "Ajax is een compleet andere club geworden" (S04)
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36:01Het is weer maandag, tijd om het sportweekend door te nemen. Een weekend waarin veel mensen kwaad waren. Jordan Henderson is kwaad op de media, Robin van Persie op de scheidsrechters en Lucinda Brand op Fem van Empel. Dit en meer in de nieuwste aflevering van de Bureau Sport Podcast!
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Farmers face unpredictable challenges from changing weather to fluctuating markets. Expiring tax laws may add to their uncertainty later this year. In fact, if the tax cuts expire, farmers will face more than a $9-billion tax increase between income taxes and estate taxes. On this Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast, we visit with experts from Wright and Moor…
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Original airdate: September 21, 1953 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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A beacon in the dark—calling you closer, consuming you whole. Hosted by Josh Tomar! Episode Written by Malice & The Disciple Production by The Disciple Subscribe on Spotify!…
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Teddy Boys (and Teddy Girls)emerged in Britain in the early 1950s, becoming the UK's first distinct youth subculture. Born in the aftermath of World War II, these working-class teenagers rejected post-war austerity and embraced a bold, rebellious style of dandyish suits, long drape jackets, narrow trousers, velvet collars, patterned waistcoats - an…
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S5 Ep7: KFB's Farm Weekend for the weekend of Jan. 31, 2025
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4:59Engaged Kansas and tinkering with taxes.저자 Kansas Farm Bureau's podcast
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Some great things passed at city council's first meeting of 2025 including a motion to consider giving surface parking lots their own property tax class, a pilot to explore giving high school students free transit, more. Also, Aidan hates numbers. Music by Guidewire (aka Ryan Hill). Originally broadcast on 91.3FM CJTR, Regina community radio.…
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Werving van Waarde. In deze podcast spreekt Igor Verettas met Christine van Empel en Robbin Haaijer over wat zij belangrijk vinden in het werven en selecteren van leiders in het publieke domein. Daarmee geven ze een kijken in hoe 'werving van waarde' betekenis krijgt. Welke waarden daarin leidend zijn, hoe ze dat zichtbaar maken in het handelen en …
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Send us a text In this episode of The Bureau of History, Gary and Chris, along with the Bureau's newest members DC, Charlie, and Leo, discuss the progress of political turmoil in South Korea, expanding from Episode 9. Together, the members exchange different viewpoints and talk over the political instability and the economic disaster resulting from…
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Adam talks about AI bots, the future of the Writer's Detective Bureau, and ghost guns.저자 Det. Adam Richardson
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