Carolin Worbs und Miguel Robitzky sind zu viel im Internet. Und meistens auch zu tief: Als Autor:innen für das ZDF Magazin Royale klicken sich die beiden von einem Fakt zum nächsten und betreten im nächtlichen Recherche-Rausch neue Welten. Inspiriert von vergessenen Dokus auf YouTube, bizarren Gerüchten auf Twitter oder Instastories gealterter Schlagerstars haben sie regelmäßig einfach zu viele Tabs geöffnet. Deshalb kommen sie ab jetzt jeden Mittwoch vor dem Mikrofon zusammen, um ihre Tabs ...
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The podcast where a husband and wife duo spend all week "doing their research" then tell each other about the series of tabs that they have opened and how they got here. It's the perfect show for passing time at work, for feeling comradery while doing chores, or to play for you romantic partner during a very long road trip to meet your parents for the first time and you are trying to cut the tension.
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Each episode, hosts Kaveh Taherian and Hannah Hillam choose one of their countless open browser tabs and finally take the time to read and discuss its contents until they gain enough strength to close that tab once and for all.
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Lifelong fans of fan fiction tackle the fiction by fans: The famous and the infamous. The gloriously cringe to the heartbreakingly profound. Notorious tropes, trending topics and unsung community heroes. What's in your Open Tabs? A podcast by adults for adults, listener discretion is advised.
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Tabs Out is an all cassette podcast with a focus on experimental music and cassette culture.
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Welcome to Too Many Tabs, the podcast hosted by Ashanee and Georgia! Tune in every week as they dive into all things music-related, from discussing the latest releases and music groups to taking nostalgic trips down memory lane.
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No soft political analysis from ex-campaign staffers. No predictions. No unskewing the polls. Cross Tabs is a show to help you understand how political polls are designed and conducted so you can make your own judgments about which polls to pay attention to, how to compare them to other polls, and simply, how to understand what a poll is actually telling you … especially in what is sure to be a strange election season. Hosted by strategist and (qualitative) researcher Farrah Bostic with regu ...
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مدرستنا الطبيعة ، ملهمة بأجمل دروس الحياة اللي تضيئ ذاتنا وحياتنا بها ، هنا نتعلم منها
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We are TAB's Tavern, bringing you the quest of the month, current news, and discussions!
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So... guitars... lets talk about that
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Weekly conversations with Juan, Justin, and Johnny, respectfully. Plus, we have a segment where we talk about the current Safari Tabs we have open in our iPhones.
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Nerd talk, beer talk, talk about talk
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A place to learn from healthcare providers, who share stories and experiences while sipping on finely crafted cocktails (most of the time). Join us on a journey of knowledge and possible debauchery.
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Close Other Tabs is an ongoing investigation into passing interests. Does your partner have interests? Why? What are interests? Where do interests come from? What are they for? I know they are a threat to me, but how? Have you ever done a 9th-grade-level research project on kei truck crumple zones while standing in line at the bank? or tracked the evolutionary history of moles after seeing your neighbor post about blowing them up on Nextdoor? You may be experiencing interests. Each episode I ...
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Bite sized updates on the life of Geek Mom and Social Media Gal Tabz.
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Tabs AND Spaces is a podcast put together by three developers with over 40 years of collective experience in software development. We're here to tell you what we really think about the difficult problems that face software developers throughout their career and we promise that we won't always agree! Every month we meet new people who come on the show to share their experiences and make jokes at our expense, so what's not to like?
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❤️ These stories are collections of all kinds of emotions containing love , betrayal , friendship, hatred , relationship, breakups etc . Reading and writing allocates me the gratification... showers gratitude ; intoxicating my soul ❤ I love writing stories & through this podcast I can reach out to people who loves stories... I am gonna post one short story per episode.... give your love by sharing them.✨
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Join two internet friends as they deep dive into the random topics that have them opening up a million tabs right now... and somehow the conversation always ends up back at Mormonism. Even though neither of them have every been Mormon. Come for the gossip and research, stay for the pettiness, as Jess and Mara discuss pop culture, news, religion, history, and whatever other random topics strike their fancy. Follow Jess at Jess Owens on YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, & Instagram Follow Mara at book ...
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"Progress Notes: Keeping Tabs on the Practice of Psychology" is a podcast produced by the APA Practice Organization with practicing psychologists in mind. Episodes cover a range of topics that affect practitioners, including the financial and legal aspects of running a business. Listeners will also hear expert analysis on developments in health care policy along with stories that highlight the work of fellow psychologists
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On our season 1 finale, the ancient tournament of Kumitab continues as we pit some of our craziest subjects against one another including Ronald Reagan's sweatpants, a meth-addled WW2 solider, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon. A listener email explains the wonders of a nonstop Moby Dick reading marathon. Listener Tabs:…
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Es weihnachtet bei tmt! Caro schließt ihre Weihnachtstabs zu Sisi und Miguel taucht ein in die Welt der professionellen Weihnachtsmänner. Auch zu tief im Netz gegraben? Schickt uns eure rabbit holes und offenen Tabs an 🧩 Hier findet ihr das TMT-PUZZLE: 🧩 Und hier geht’s zum Podcast …
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27: Natalie Jackson on What We Get Wrong About Most Voters
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Most voters make election decisions based on limited information and fleeting moments of attention, not careful analysis of policies and positions - even for a presidential race with billions spent on campaigning. The disconnect between how political insiders discuss elections versus how typical voters engage with them leads to fundamental misunder…
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11. A TMT Christmas: We discuss our favourite Christmas songs, Christmas plays, this year's new Christmas releases and we play Song Association
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In this week's episode we talk about: Our favourite Christmas songs Our Christmas traditions Our thoughts on Gifting and Christmas food New Releases like Sabrina Carpenter's "A Nonsense Christmas" Netflix special And much more! Follow the podcast: On Instagram On TikTok On X Send us a text저자 Ashanee and Georgia
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Secret Santa By Andrew Shaffer | Mrs. P's Book Club | Too Many Tabs Podcast
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It's the Season 2 finale of Too Many Tabs and we are closing the year with a Mrs. P's Book Club episode of Christmas Horror with a review of Secret Santa by Andrew Shaffer. This book has it all, a german demon doll, Fabian Nightingale, bangs, and a backdrop of 1986 New York City. See Alex Live in Philly on 12/19/2024:…
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Welcome to Open Tabs! On this very special inaugural episode the crew makes sure to define the terms of some of the most common fanfiction tropes and then proceeds to judge them all. We're off to a great start! This podcast and this episode cover adult themes and discuss explicit content: listener discretion is advised.…
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Greg Davis hangs out a bit before going to work, plus tapes from Mareado, Hal McGee, Zigra, Greg Davis, Vernal Scuzz, Used Condo, The Dirty Sample, Tominsky, Peter Kris, and Lusterna저자 Mike, Dave, and Joe
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Modern political polling faces fascinating challenges beyond simple statistical accuracy - from voters who strategically misrepresent their views to express partisan loyalty, to the complex task of predicting who will actually show up to vote. Despite popular perception of a deeply divided America, research suggests voters are far more moderate on …
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This week we learn about how an offline meme of the number 47 made its way into Star Trek and how a hibernating lizard named Ol' Rip caught the attention of President Calvin Coolidge himself. A listener email shines a light on Disneyland's complex system of garbage tunnels. Episode Tabs: The 47 Society The strange tale…
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Krampus-Angst war gestern: Caro widmet sich dem Klaasohm auf Borkum. Miguel entdeckt den Nasensport Tabakschnupfen. Auch zu tief im Netz gegraben? Schickt uns eure rabbit holes und offenen Tabs an Hier geht's zur neuen Folge vom Flexikon:
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10. Spotify Wrapped: We predict our Top 5 artists for 2024 vs the results, Discuss our favourite songs and create our own festivals
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In this week's episode we talk about: Our Spotify Wrapped 2023 Our predictions for our Spotify Wrapped 2024 The actual results for 2024 And we plan our own festival Follow the podcast: On Instagram On TikTok On X Send us a text저자 Ashanee and Georgia
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Caroline Calloway: A Captioned History | Too Many Tabs Podcast
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This Week's episode is about instagram influencer and author Caroline Calloway. Mrs. Pearlmania delves deep into the Harry Potter inspired Cambridge life of this NYC socialite and the accusations against her including scams, grifts, and general mania. Yes we even cover the cut article and the eater highlight about Caroline Calloway and the Yale pla…
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This week we learn how the battle between Nikolai Vavilov and Trofim Lysenko reached its crescendo when the Nazis came for the Russian seed vault and how the Zeno Brothers claimed to have "discovered" the New World first. A listener email explains how bees love to play with balls. Episode Tabs: The Heroic Story of Nikolai Vavilov and The Saviors of…
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Caro und Miguel sind im „Wicked“-Fieber. Während Caro die wilde Press-Tour zum neuen Film Revue passieren lässt, stürzt sich Miguel tief in das Universum von Oz. Auch zu tief im Netz gegraben? Schickt uns eure rabbit holes und offenen Tabs an Und zum Podcast „SWR1 Meilensteine“ geht's hier:…
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9. Music Awards: We discuss the MTV EMAs, Billboard's 'Greatest Pop Star' of the 21st Century list and the Grammy Nominations for 2025
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In this week's episode we talk about: The MTV EMAs Billboard's 'Greatest Pop Star' of the 21st Century list The Grammy Nominations for 2025 And our predictions Follow the podcast: On Instagram On TikTok On X Send us a text저자 Ashanee and Georgia
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This week we learn about how cartographers used to just make up stuff for fun and how Nikolai Vavilov's dream of ending famine with the world's largest seed vault put him at direct odds with soviet darling Trofim Lysenko . A listener email explains what happens to a solider after accidentally taking 30 doses of meth. Throw Me in the Bog Sweatshirt …
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Miguel schließt die Tabs von Hörerin Paula zum unglaublichen Lügennetz einer „Grey's Anatomy“-Autorin. Caro erreicht ein Tab gleich mehrfach: „Roar – Die Löwen sind los“, der (lebens-)gefährlichste Film aller Zeiten. Auch zu tief im Netz gegraben? Schickt uns eure rabbit holes und offenen Tabs an Dein Match mit klassischer Musik…
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A Court of Wings and Ruin (ACOTAR Book 3) PART 2
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They promised and they delivered, here is part 2, the finale of Horny Fairy 3, A Courth of Wings and Ruin. Will Feyre be able to stop the King of Hybern? Will Alex finish the story before the babysitter leaves? Did he really invest all of that money to play this incredible theme song by Griefcat over and over again? All Answers will be revealed in …
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A Court of Wings and Ruin (ACOTAR Book 3) PART 1
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BUCKLE UP. IT IS HAPPENING. Mr. Pearlmania500 read all of Horny Fairy 3, A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas. This is part one of the spoiler filled review of the book. Sit back as Mr. P explains a novel that was a long march towards insanity. PArt 2 will be released in a few hours cause the Pearlman's are recording this RIGHT NO W as you lis…
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8. FLO: We discuss their debut album ‘Access All Areas’, Our top 5 songs, seeing FLO live and we play ‘Finish the lyric’
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In this week's episode we talk about: How we discovered FLO Our first time seeing them live Their EPs and their debut album "Access All Areas" Our Top 5 songs from the album And much more! Follow the podcast: On Instagram On TikTok On X Send us a text저자 Ashanee and Georgia
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Foodvember continues and this week Mrs. Pearlmania delves into the murky history of the food pyramid and myplate dot gov! Marvel at how long it took the USDA to come up with a way to explain balanced meals to the american public, and don't be shocked when lobbyists for entire industries crash through the wall like the kool-aid man and mess it up. S…
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This week we're all about sports as we learn how a Ten Cent Beer Night promotion led to one of the MLB's most infamous games and the curious Welsh tradition of competitive Bog Snorkeling. A listener email informs us of the Great Emu War of 1932. Episode Tabs: Remembering 10-Cent Beer Night, one of baseball’s most infamous fiascos https://www.washin…
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stick nation / affen in brandenburg – mit @giuliabeckerdasoriginal
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Autorin und Traumgast Giulia Becker nimmt die Naturfreund:innen Caro und Miguel mit auf Safari nach Brandenburg - zu sehen gibts Frau Samel und ihre zwölf Schimpansen. Trotz Drinnies-Besuch bleibt Miguel thematisch draußen und scrollt sich mit wholesome Stock-Reviews in den Schlaf. Auch zu tief im Netz gegraben? Schickt uns eure rabbit holes und of…
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7. Disney Channel Throwbacks: We discuss our favourite Disney Channel shows and movies, theme songs and blind ranking
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In this week's episode we talk about: Disney Channel shows from That's So Raven to Hannah Montana Our favourite theme songs Disney Channel original movies Blind ranking And much more! Follow the podcast: On Instagram On TikTok On X Send us a text저자 Ashanee and Georgia
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We Are NOT Food Scientists | Too Many Tabs Podcast
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Uh Oh! Mrs. Pearlmania did her research on fortified foods and GMOs for this week's episode. Are we all about to get pipelined? Is Mr. P about to get listeria from Raw Milk? How did they get through this episode without mentioning RFK Jr. once? Too Many Foods month continues it's slow march towards thanksgiving with this nuanced discussion about fo…
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Immersive simulations and war games are transforming how organizations make complex decisions and understand human behavior, with artificial intelligence now making these powerful tools more accessible than ever. By putting participants in realistic scenarios with emotional stakes, these games reveal blind spots in thinking, challenge assumptions, …
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This week we learn about the life of Milicent Patrick, a pioneering artist in Hollywood who designed the Creature From the Black Lagoon and Casa Sanchez's notorious tacos-for-tattoos deal in San Francisco. A listener email tells us about that time that the government wanted to clear away some mountains with nuclear bombs. Episode Tabs: Milicent Pat…
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Animiert von der Ampel-Trennung macht Miguel mit seinen Tabs zum historischen Break Up von Tic Tac Toe Schluss. Caro spitzt die Ohren zu einem Song, den nicht mal Shazam kennt und deckt das größte Musikrätsel des Internets auf. Auch zu tief im Netz gegraben? Schickt uns eure rabbit holes und offenen Tabs an Schon mal was von den…
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6. Concerts: We discuss attending concerts, The struggles of buying tickets, Resellers and Concert hacks
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In this week's episode we talk about: The struggles of buying concerts tickets Resellers and the rise in ticket prices Going to concerts in the past vs today Buying merch We play "Guess the song" And much more! Follow the podcast: On Instagram On TikTok On X Send us a text저자 Ashanee and Georgia
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Where do we get the term Government Cheese? What is American Cheese made of? Why did the Milk Council commision a rock opera staring a man named White Gold? Is that Ronald Reagan holding a moldy block of cheese that was created to stop the rise of socialism in Wisconsin back in the 1930s? Support the show and get your new 3-month premium wireless p…
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It's been a WEEK y'all. And The Pearlman's have taken the time to process and plan. We have good announcements, sad announcements, fun announcements and an apology to the Zac Brown Band, but NOT Zach Bryan. We are making this episode available to all our fans on their podcast feeds, but the ad free version will only be available on Patreon. You can…
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42: Notorious Victoria Woodhull and 80s Cartoon Deregulation
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On this extra patriotic election themed episode we learn about Victoria Woodhull, the first woman who ran for president in 1872 and how Ronald Reagan's decision to deregulate children's programming paved the way for adult fandom culture. A listener email explains the origins of Scabby the Rat. Episode Tabs: Notorious Victoria: The First Woman to Ru…
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Serien-Samenspender zeugen hunderte Kinder und Caro fragt sich: „Was ist los mit den Männern?“ Die US-Reality-TV-Show „The Apprentice“ hat Donald Trump groß gemacht. Miguel gräbt die deutsche Version aus: „Big Boss“ mit Reiner Calmund. Auch zu tief im Netz gegraben? Schickt uns eure rabbit holes und offenen Tabs an Absolute tmt-…
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A few weeks ago Alex started ranting about dragons during Mrs. Pearlmania's cryptid episode. So many viewers demanded more about dragons, that Mr. P immediately grabbed a torch and delved deep into the stacks to find a HORDE of information on the history of dragons. Marvel at dragon tales from across Europe, Asia and the Americas. Wonder at how Nor…
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24: Hit 'Em Where it Hurts with Rachel Bitecofer
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Despite decades of political polling and analysis, most voters know almost nothing about politics, policy, or current events - and traditional campaign strategies completely fail to account for this reality. The key to winning elections isn't policy positions or positive messaging, but rather effectively defining your opponent before they can defin…
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41: Jack O'Lantern and It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
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On this very spooky Halloween themed episode, we learn about the Irish origins of the Jack-o-Lantern and how Charles Schulz created another classic Peanuts holiday special. A listener email clues us into the Giant Atlantic Pumpkin Weigh Offs. Episode Tabs: The twisted transatlantic tale of American jack-o’-lanterns…
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Dictionary, Ryan Ebaugh, Creep Tape, Same Day, S. Ledig, Mårble, Ben Dumbauld, Megafortress, Zebras & Bulls Fight Tonight!, and Dropdead저자 Mike, Dave, and Joe
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war of the worlds hörspiel / gef, die sprechende manguste
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Wie die tmt-Tradition es will präsentieren Caro und Miguel kurz vor Halloween die gruseligsten Tabs des Jahres. Miguel sorgt mit Tabs zu einer Alieninvasion für apokalyptische Stimmung. Caro geht einem pelzigen Spuk auf den Grund. Auch zu tief im Netz gegraben? Schickt uns eure rabbit holes und offenen Tabs an Wir spielen Wahrhe…
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5. No Guidnce: How we discovered them, Our thoughts on the new single & Debrief on the 90's party
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In this week's episode we talk about: How we discovered No Guidnce Our thoughts on the new single 'Around Me' Our top 5 NG songs We debrief on the 90's party And much more! Follow the podcast: On Instagram On TikTok On X Send us a text저자 Ashanee and Georgia
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Adventure Services W/ His Name Was Dusk (PART 1)
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His Name Was Dusk returns to lead us through our annual Halloween TTRPG! This time He takes Mr and Mrs. P to the fantasy village of Plumtree, where a Buff Paladin named Carol and a Fairy Warlock named Tim have to solve a series of MURDERS!!! This is part 1 of the game, PART 2 can be found EXCLUSIVELY on The Adventure Services Podcast!!!! Go find it…
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Coming soon to earholes near you - maybe even yours! Open Tabs is the brain(rot) child of Tappy Toe Claws, Amy the Amazonian and Princess Weekes. All of whom love fanfiction too much to have waited this long to make a podcast where they scream at each other about it. This production does cover adult themes and dicsuss explicit content: listener dis…
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40: Talking Heads, Robert Liston, and Battle of Santa Monica Bay
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This week we are joined by special guests Kaveh Rastegar and Kaveh Hoda as we learn about the contributions of Chris Frantz to the Talking Heads, an infamous surgery that killed 3 people, and how Santa Monica was once a standoff point between the mob and a future Supreme Court justice. A listener email explains the explosive properties of Chlorine …
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tmt-Hörer Jonas schickt Caro mit seinen Tabs auf die Galapagos Inseln zu seltsamen deutschen Auswanderern. Miguels Tabs stellen die bisherige Entstehungsgeschichte der Animationsfilme auf den Kopf. Auch zu tief im Netz gegraben? Schickt uns eure rabbit holes und offenen Tabs an Mehr crazy Geschichten aus dem Internet gibt's hier…
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23: Only the Good Poll Young, with Anil Cacodcar of Harvard POP
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In this episode, Farrah talks to the Chair of the Harvard Public Opinion Project, Anil Cacodcar, about the origins and evolution of the Poll, which was started by students in 2000. We discuss the process the student team uses to develop survey questions, organize research topics, and partner with the Ipsos Knowledge Panel to reach young respondents…
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4. KATSEYE: Our Thoughts on the Show's Drama, Eliminations & Predictions!
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In this week's episode we talk about: All things KATSEYE Our thoughts on the show 'Pop Star Academy' The drama and eliminations We discuss our initial predictions And much more! Follow the podcast: On Instagram On TikTok On X Send us a text저자 Ashanee and Georgia
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Red Rabbit Part 1 | Mrs. P's Book CLub | Too Many Tabs
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That's right cowpokes and horsejokes, you read that right, not only is this a Mrs. Pearlmania's book club episode, but this is a fancy-dancy 2 parter! And in honor of the spooky season, autumnal activities, and Agatha All Along, we are releasing both part 1 AND part 2 of this spoiler filled retelling at the same dang time! Red Rabbit by Alex Grecia…
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Red Rabbit Part 2 | Mrs. P's Book CLub | Too Many Tabs
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GATHER ROUND LITTLE DOGGIES! Or should I say lil rabbits, cause it's already time for PART 2 of Mrs. Pearlmania's book club about Red Rabbit by Alex Grecian! We couldn't wait to finish this story, so you don't have to wait neither. Red Rabbit by Alex Grecian has it all, gruesome murders, western hero's journeys, witch craft, demon toads, complicate…
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22: The Gen Z Gender Gap and other Polling Stories, wit Professor John Sides
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Political polling and forecasting are complex and fraught with uncertainty, yet they remain crucial tools for understanding elections and voter behavior. The challenge lies in accurately modeling likely electorates, communicating probabilities to the public, and interpreting correlations between issues and voting patterns. In this episode, Farrah t…
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39: NYC Cow Tunnels and Staten Island Ferry Disaster
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This week we are in NYC for Comic Con and learn about the cow tunnels that once lied beneath the Javits Center and how Joseph Reginella was inspired to create a series of fake monuments throughout the Big Apple. A listener email explains how Nikola Jokic is the ultimate wife guy. Episode Tabs: The Lost Cow Tunnels of New York City https://gizmodo.c…
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Caro und Miguel kämpfen mit ihrem After-Tour-Glow gegen den Herbstblues an. Miguel arbeitet im Fall P. Diddy die Fakten auf, während Caro tief im Rabbit Hole auf einen Tunnel stößt. Auch zu tief im Netz gegraben? Schickt uns eure rabbit holes und offenen Tabs an Absolute tmt-Empfehlung: COSMO Iran im Herzen. Jetzt reinhören: htt…
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