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Radio TRO

The Riding Obsession

The Riding Obsession is an ever developing online venue for motorcycle enthusiasts who enjoy responsibly spirited riding along routes less travelled.
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Troubled Waters is the pop culture quiz show where comedians disagree to disagree. Twice a month, Dave will stoke pointless arguments between two teams of comedians and make them compete against each other in order to settle their meaningless debates once and for all. Winner takes home the right to be right.
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The Troubles were a period of time in Northern Ireland which many people today do not know a lot about. In this podcast we will delve into each individual bombing and attack that happened during the 30-year period. This is a non-partisan podcast that focuses solely on the facts and the accounts of the individuals involved.
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Domenick Swentosky

Life on the water. Troutbitten is a deep dive into fly fishing for wild trout in wild places. Author and guide, Domenick Swentosky, shares stories, tips, tactics and conversations with friends about fly fishing through the woods and water. Explore more. Fish hard. And discover fly fishing at — an extensive resource with 1200+ articles about trout, friends, family and the river.
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Troubled Minds Radio

Troubled Minds Media

Do you ever feel like you’re being watched? Don’t trust the government? Are aliens real? Is time travel possible? Will artificial intelligence actually take over the Earth? Do ghosts actually exist? Is Bigfoot real or just media hype? Are all UFO reports falsified? These questions are only the beginning... Become a supporter of this podcast:
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Den kristne tro

Mikkel Vigilius

Teolog og bibelskolelærer Mikkel Vigilius gennemgår, hvad det er, vi tror på som kristne. Podcasten er lavet med særlig tanke på dig, der ikke kender så meget til Bibelen, men som stiller spørgsmålet: Er der mon en Gud?
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Ortodox kristen tro

Fader Mikael Fälthammar

Vad är egentligen ortodox kristendom? Ortodox betyder "rätt lära" och "rätt lovsång". Hur tar sig en sådan tro uttryck i Sverige idag? Fader Mikael, ortodox präst, går igenom olika teman och ämnen som rör den Ortodoxa Kyrkan.
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Beautiful Trouble

At TROUBLEMAKERS, we explore how to rebel in an age when a few elite have so much control. We speak with inspiring people from all walks of life across the planet on the tools they use to subvert and seize power for the transformation of our world. TROUBLEMAKERS is a place to learn from each other about how to make change. This podcast is a transcontinental operation brought to you by Beautiful Trouble, MOVE the Global Social Movement Centre, MS TCDC, and Global Platforms.
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Couleurs Tropicales, l'émission des musiques afro sur RFI depuis 20 ans. Diffusions vers toutes cibles, du lundi au vendredi à 20h10 TU, du mardi au samedi à 00h10 TU. Présentation : Claudy Siar. Réalisation : Matthieu Salabert. Coordination : Anabelle Jogama-Andy. (Heure de Paris = TU + 2).
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Troubleshooting Agile

A weekly problem-solving session for all things agile

Troubleshooting Agile is a problem-solving session for agile teams. Jeffrey Fredrick and Douglas Squirrel look at common problems agile teams face and provide practical, immediately useful advice for getting back on track.
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Global Trouble

Der medico-Podcast

GLOBAL TROUBLE. Der Podcast von medico international. Trouble heiß Not, Unruhe, Störung, auch Anstrengung und Sorge. Und es heißt Knall. Um all das geht es in dem Podcast der Hilfs- und Menschenrechtsorganisation medico international. Wir wollen reden. Über globale Ungerechtigkeit und imperiale Lebensweisen; globale Gesundheit und krankmachende Verhältnisse; globale Migration und nationale Abschottungen; globale Lieferketten und einstürzende Textilfabriken; über weltweite Krisen, transnation ...
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Not your average Christian podcast, bringing the truth of God in today’s world, without the world values. Weekly live recorded from a small church. We are also a couple that share our struggles, laughter, family and small business. Sometimes we just talk about random stuff.
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René Coman sits down with the original Troubled Man, Manny Chevrolet, over cocktails at the Ring Room, in the heart of an old-school New Orleans social haunt. Manny is an L.A. native who had been through the Hollywood wringer by his late 20s. He then moved to New Orleans to become a perennial candidate for mayor and make a feature film about it. René is a New Orleans native who's been in the music biz wringer since he was a child. They are the Troubled Men for Troubled Times.
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The Troubleshooter

Denver's Talk Station 630 KHOW

Tom's high-energy format is unlike anything you’ve ever heard on radio! Each program is packed with calls from people needing consumer help, information, referrals and advice. Tom and his team routinely investigate scams, rip-offs and consumer fraud live on the air! It is truly "Reality Radio".
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Join in as we discuss young adults and young kids considered to be troubled. We cover topics and gain insight and advice on things such as kinship care, foster care adoption and much much more. I myself has been through everything listed above and more. If you or someone you know can benefit from this and would like tips on how to properly support individuals or even entire families through shared experiences please feel free to join in.
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Jared “Pete” Gile & Carly Evans of The Troubadour Podcast host long form, deep-diving interviews with some of today’s most popular touring musicians in the Red Dirt and Texas Country Music movement. The Troubadour Podcast provides listeners with a behind the scenes look at their favorite artists in the genres. The Troubadour Podcast prides itself in also being another avenue for established artists, as well as up and comers, to get their music discovered by new fans through the unique and re ...
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show series
I denne episoden møter vi daglig leder for Tro og Medier, Jarle Haugland. Han omtaler seg selv som en person som er glad i Jesus – med et sterkt kristent medieengasjement! I sitt arbeid er han opptatt av et bredt spekter av medieutfordringer, ikke minst det å utvikle en teologisk forståelse av digitale verktøy. Hvordan påvirker teknologi egentlig v…
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GENHØR: BENT MELCHIOR - Et af de første programmer, vi udkom med i Maries Rum, var med tidligere overrabbiner Bent Melchior. Han besøgte os i kælderen under Rønnebæksholm fem måneder før sin død i 2021. Her talte han blandt om vores sansers begrænsninger i forhold til at være ydmyg for, hvad det er i tilværelsen, vi ikke kan se. - Vores evne til at…
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"Guds ära är den fullt levande människan" sa kyrkofadern Irenaeus (130-202). Tanken är att människan förhärligar Gud ju mer helt och fullt hon lever och återspeglar Gud. Detta citat är bakgrunden till titeln på Elizabeth Oldfields bok Fully Alive: Tending to the Soul in Turbulent Times där Oldfield använder de sju klassiska dödssynderna - som vrede…
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Dedicated Episode Page: Music by Otis McDonald ( Hey, squids! Ever wonder if that surgeon who used a piece of your shin to reform a tooth is crazier than you? This episode might over annunciate the answer. Ducati, Ducati, Ducati. It's a theme we won't regret exploring from a non-technical stance t…
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Michel Barnier l’a dit : Il faut faire appel aux retraités pour remplacer les profs qui_manquent dans l’Education Nationale. Où est-ce qu’on trouve des retraités ? Dans une maison de retraite ! Et donc en tant que proviseur principal chef du lycée de Martinville, Martin appelle une maison de retraite, pour leur gauler des profs !…
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Is it possible that astrology is more than we think? Could ancient civilizations have harnessed celestial energy grids now lost to time, or are the stars subtly influencing us by activating dormant genes and distorting time itself? Maybe the randomness we see is not randomness at all, but fragments of a larger, cosmic interaction we are just beginn…
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The founding bass player, vocalist, and songwriter with hard rock veterans Suplecs (with Durel Yates and Andrew Preen) has also toured internationally as the bassist with heavy music heavyweights EYEHATEGOD. As proprietor of the Portside Lounge, he operated the premier tiki bar and Mardi Gras Indian headquarters in New Orleans. Decades working in t…
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Le 16 septembre 2024, le producteur américain Sean Combs, plus connu sous le nom de P. Diddy est arrêté à New-York pour trafic sexuel. Avec Steeve de la chaîne YouTube Musicfeelings TV et spécialiste de RNB et rap américain, retour sur l’affaire et sur la chute du rappeur. Dans la deuxième partie de l'émission, honneur aux Antilles musicales de la …
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Un appel trop con d'utilité publique encore aujourd'hui : Martin va installer des cabines de téléconsultation, pour permettre à tout le monde de pouvoir faire des visios avec un médecin. Jusqu'ici tout va bien, mais c'est dans un magasin de vêtements que Martin veut s'installer, et en particulier dans les cabines d'essayage, quelle excellente idée.…
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On this week's ep, we're sorting the Eastern conference teams into tiers. Tier 1 pretty clearly belongs to one team and one team only. And then things start to get a little tricky. Does the KAT trade cement the Knicks as the clear 2 seed? Does the PG trade do the same thing for Philly? Are Dame and Giannis finally going to see some real success? Ju…
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Dan considers why many of us are resistant to a certain type of business idea even when it’s been proved time and time again. He’ll also explore that often what stands between your business and positive change is some structured thinking. Lastly, we’ll hear from a listener who’s working to take his lifestyle brand to $1M and what his plans are to g…
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If you are having a mental health crisis and need immediate help please go to and call somebody right now. Reaching out for support is a sign of strength. LIVE ON Digital Radio! or Support The Show!…
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La comédienne burkinabè Roukiata Ouedraogo conte avec dérision et autodérision son parcours, riche en péripéties, qui la mène de son école primaire en Afrique aux scènes parisiennes. Elle se produit sur la scène de la Gaîté Lyrique, ce mercredi 2 octobre 2024, à l’occasion de la première soirée du festival qui sera dédiée au rire et aux talents fra…
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Figurez-vous qu’on n'a plus le droit de picoler pour aller chasser ! Les chasseurs pris en état d'ivresse manifeste risquent une grosse amende. Cela dit, "état d'ivresse manifeste", ça peut faire nettement plus que la limite de 0,5 imposée aux conducteurs. Évidemment, Martin a tout mélangé : il est persuadé que les chasseurs peuvent faire sauter le…
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Could there truly be a force that bends reality, slipping through dimensions and taking on forms that match our deepest fears? A villain that transcends time and space, shifting from ancient myths to modern technology, all while existing just beyond the reach of understanding. Are these mere stories, or is something lurking in our perception's crac…
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I denne episoden møter vi Fjellhaugteolog og Indonesiamisjonær Ingebjørg Nandrup. Hun forteller om hverdagen som misjonær og om arbeidet og fellesskapet i Lausanne Theology Working Group (LTWG) frem mot Lausanne 4-kongressen i Seoul. LTWG ble startet av John Stott like etter den første kongressen i 1974 og har produsert en lang rekke med sentrale r…
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Your elaborate spreadsheet that prioritises features isn’t rigorous mathematical analysis and should be a conversation starter not a definitive guide. Find out how to avoid ‘Mathiness’ with Squirrel and Jeffrey in the latest from Troubleshooting Agile.Links: - Mathiness article:…
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Vegedream, fier de sa bi-culturalité, désire travailler en l’Europe et l’Afrique. Le 12 octobre 2024, il sera sur la scène du Palais de la Culture à Abidjan pour la release party de son nouvel album De l’autre côté sorti le 11 juillet. Il est accompagné de Kouriol Yao Zhaugbet, promoteur culturel, et de Stéphanie Djédjé, sa sœur également en charge…
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This week, our MaxFun pals Steven Ray Morris and Brenda Snell join Dave for some witchy trivia, bootleg zoo animals, and Mandy Moore appreciation. Steven Ray Morris would like to plug See Jurassic Right and Jordan, Jesse, Go, and recommends Video Visions at Videoteque Brenda Snell would like to plug Secret Histories of Nerd Mysteries and recommends…
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